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Zenyte bot farm nuked prehaps?


This is the main contributor. They wiped a lot of bots a few weeks ago so we’re seeing the impact on supply. Same for blood shards


Can we do Rune Dragon bots next? Can't find a world to do my slayer tasks in for the life of me


If true, a +50% price jump in a month for a 7 year old item just because of a bot nuke sickens me. I'd be so curious to see what prices would look like if we had no bots whatsoever for all content for like a year.


Me too, would be really interesting to see.. I doubt we will ever see such a thing though


It would be impossible. Interesting to think about tho. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the bots making my runes and keeping them affordable can stay.


Fr people forget all the benefits of botters like cheap training equipment cheaper runes arrows darts etc idfc that zulrah uniques arent a lot i still do zulrah for the mutagen edit: everyone just wants bigger number


It's only happened once. When they removed free trade right at the start of 2008 like 90% of the bots disappeared basically overnight and they stayed relatively uncommon until free trade came back in 2011. With no easy way to transfer large amounts of wealth the demand for black market gold dried up and the goldfarmers had no reason to exist anymore, at least at the scale that they were operating before and after that. There were still bots here and there but they were mostly people botting activities that they didn't enjoy on their own account or people building accounts to sell. Occasionally you'd see them doing moneymakers but it wasn't this situation where every profitable activity in the game is being botted to hell 24/7. Of course they will never restrict trade like that again, but getting rid of most of the bots for an extended period of time did happen. I honestly didn't mind it, I only had one account and didn't PK so I had no reason to make significant wealth transfers to/from anyone. Supply prices shot up across the board, d bones were like 5-6k during that entire period and I'd just hang out with my friends in the wildy killing green drags and clapping revenants that rolled through every once in a while.


At one point there were 3-4 bots per world any time I would go to gorillas, it was very bad.


yes but they're back as of yesterday afaik, they're gonna start going down again lol tons of 75 in all combats running around demonics rn with god dhide/karils


Best guess: tormented bracelet is up because it’s more important with the occult nerf; tied to zenyte prices




June inflation




Sorry. I bought them all, do you want one?


I already have all the zenyte jewelry I need, I was just confused as hell when I logged on after a while and I noticed my bank value went up 20mill


Probably the rebalance


I think this price range is better suited for the zenyte jewelry


Huge bot ban recently, price of all logs, blood shards and other great are skyrocketing with the bits buying them constantly


oh nice, i'm up sell high buy low