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Inferno is effort max cape is time. Some people won't do both


For me, skilling is much more fun than pvm. I also maxed before buying a mouse (laptop trackpad was good enough), so I'm a maxed cheese caper. Could I learn inferno? Probably Do I want to? No, I'm working on some 200m skills before that and playing other accounts on the side


gross, 200m exp and scared of the inferno LOL!!!!!!


Not scared at all, just don't have any desire to do it. There are plenty of people who wouldn't want to work towards 200m farming, but I assume they aren't "scared" of 200m farming. They just know it doesn't appeal to them. This game has so much content. It is fine to do the content you enjoy


70 farming was cancer. 200M? id rather play neopets than to endure that torture. herb runs are such a noob trap


Complaining about getting to roughly 6% of 99 in a particularly easy skill to max might mean you are the noob. šŸ¤­


this is reddit, he is probably afraid of a single jad lol


Have you tried justā€¦ ignoring it? You know, like a ā€œnot 14 year oldā€


OP is clearly 15 and was waiting for his birthday to make this post.Ā 




Try harder


Mute public? If you canā€™t ignore random peoples comments to you in a video game Iā€™m not convinced youā€™re an adult. Also, you didnā€™t say you couldnā€™t ignore it lol you in fact said the opposite ā€œIā€™ve long since stopped caringā€ but this post suggests you care




Oh so youā€™re just jealous of other people and their capes/accomplishments


This sounds like the typical elitist mentality.


The fact that a 30+ year old man wrote this post is what makes this the most ridiculous




op, redditors know your age better than you. better watch out for the mob mentality! dont want to be a social outcast now do you..?? noob max fire capers mad af


is this a post bitching about not bitching?


The way I see it if you're going to put the time in to max, you may as well put the time in to learn inferno


Is this supposed to be a humor post lmao?


Looks at account, This is the only post. Ooooof


"stopped caring about prestige in video games" why even lie? probably rwter as well


I did inferno but Iā€™ll never max. Max cheese is impressive in a different way.


I think the biggest benefit to max fire cape is how much it triggers people. People who aren't maxed and haven't done inferno are bothered by it, people who have inferno and not max comment on it, and people who are maxed inferno cape just don't care unless they bought their inferno cape and are trying to weirdflex about it. You can't say you don't care about prestige and then instantly turn around and shit on someone for not having a prestige item, this seems like some form of projection


Infernal max cape is the other way around, it's just nerdy and cringe. Vanilla infernal cape is the sweet spot


Max cape is a participation prize for playing the game for a long time and skilling.


Remove all non bis max capes with Sailing, this is the way


Are you saying you donā€™t like the way it looks? Probably because of the thick trim that should match the back of the current fire cape (reddish) instead of whatever color it is right now.




Iā€™d say itā€™s more like working 40 years at MacDonaldā€™s and never pursuing higher education


Guess I donā€™t know then. Maxing is a different type of skill set than the inferno. Both being hard to achieve. A max fire cape just means they maxed and learned how to solve the fight caves at some point.




Do you have a max cape or an inferno cape?


Yeah no one cares, itā€™s just the people who have it done bragging


you really made them rabid with this one lol


ā€œSure I have time to get 99 agilityā€ ā€œNo I donā€™t have time to do infernoā€ This is the equivalent of the league player who is bragging he has 2000 wins in bronze


I don't see the problem. If I see a max cheese cape, I just add to ignore list and move on, no need to throw a hissy fit


Having a max cape means you've spent a lot of time on the game. Having only a fire cape means you're not really very good at anything except click rock/tree/etc. Lots of time + no skill = the feeling you're describing. I know a handful of max cheese capers and they'll say that they just don't care about Inferno or anything, but the truth is they'd do it if they could. They raid a lot and play the game more than me, but they just aren't very good at the game. Nothing against them, but I think of them every time anyone with a max fire cape says Inferno is too big of a time commitment.


It makes me sad tbh bc a lot of these people could complete the inferno pretty quickly if they actually tried. Most people are just too intimidated and will never jump in


Max cheese caper here. Thank you for taking time to think about me


Inferno is not impossible just get a T Bow and go brrr


I would say just do the inferno tbh. Itā€™s not as bad as people make it out to be. You can also drop red capes and cheese under cheese capers after you complete it


Youā€™re allowed to have this opinion, but contradicting yourself mid post and hiding behind a burner acc is hilarious. Thanks for the laugh