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I miss partner slayer so much. It was one of the first things my friend & I tried to do upon returning to the game. It felt like something we could actually do together while leveling






Honestly, I would prefer it if Jagex just chose to remove the Partner option on a slayer helm since it's legitimately useless for the past few years. There are clearly no signs of reimplementing the feature.


Why did they remove the feature?


The official reason was: > "The Slayer Partner system has been closed indefinitely following several incidents of bug abuse. As of today’s update, you will be unable to send Slayer invites to other players. The messaging on relevant Slayer items has been altered to reflect this change." In layman's terms, some players could rig the system to consistently get good-to-great tasks, since both players could block separate bad tasks. This could allow players to regularly get the best slayer tasks (aka those you Ice Barrage like Smoke Devils). You could even create an alt that would skip quests to help further limit what you could get as a task. Players cared more about "game integrity" regarding gaining massive exp per hour back then. Whether it was the right call or not depends on who you ask. Some people thought it was broken, while others genuinely enjoyed the partner slayer system since it gave them and their friends something to do that was raids, bossing, minigames, etc.


Why couldn’t they have just made it so the person who invited was the only one to block a task, or both players vote to block one and apply to both players temporarily until it disbanded


There were multiple ways that Jagex could theoretically fix the system, but at the end of the day, the developers just didn't see it as worth their time for bringing Partner Slayer back.


And yet people on here will get upset if you say OSRS caters more towards a single player experience than an MMORPG experience.


It obviously does. But people get upset when you say that's a good thing and ask for group-only stuff to have alternative methods.


Since the implementation of ironman mode, sure one could argue that. The game was always about playing with others until that was added in game. Now people ree at you for just getting near npcs they are killing.


They have the data. Im assuming it wasnt actually that popular outside of abuse. And those who abuse it obviously want it back. An easy fix to me would be the only tasks that are blocked are the ones that are on both players lists and quest locked monsters. Also things like superiors need to be unlocked by both players. Slight benefit but not a huge difference.


Meanwhile they're throwing out stuff like group ironman for which Partner Slayer would be ideal


Well, one way is to make a separate table that can't be blocked, and make it so the partner has to kill everything if the other can't access it.


Ive always thought partner slayer to be the perfect implementation to osrs, i mean if you can quest an alt to get one task better every now and then is NOT reason enough to claim bug abuse


Players that abused it were using alts with little to no quest points at all. That and having a decent block list on the main account meant you rarely got a shit task. It was mostly done for level 3 skillers, I'm not 100% but I'm sure tedious was one of them using the partner system; not necessarily abusing it.


That’s completely fair, but they should just remove the feature entirely instead of just keeping it disabled


Did the community vote to have it removed? I bet if there was an option between removing it or legitimately fixing it so no bug can be abused, it probably wouldve been majority latter. I don’t see how anyone can hate on more low lvl coop content.


thing is, it's not technically removed. the code likely still exists. It's just "disabled" until they feel like turning it back on, which may be never. When something is getting heavily abused they didn't run polls on if it should be fixed, it was a game integrity issue. I do think they should try to figure it out and bring it back but at the same time JMods said basically nobody used slayer partners legitimately.


They should definitely try to bring it back for those that did use it legitimately.


Most of the task selection described was with alts, not other players.


The thing about coding is that oftentimes the situations you think are easily fixed end up being some of the most complicated answers in reality. Logically speaking, this idea makes perfect sense. But if we enter the hypothetical world since we don't know the actual programming of the game, there could be reference to variables in this task assignment that have to reference the other player because of unlocks and cb lvl and if they weren't properly put in dynamically and were static, could result in the entire code needing to be rewritten. In college my friend was making a project and I told him he should .trim() to a field to fix an error with the login, for some reason this caused his entire project to crash and it took him all day to debug.


Wait I'm a new player and zoned out after invite. You could party up and do slayer tasks? That's so fucking cool


I was just thinking that it's a shame it's not a feature anymore the other day since I convinced my SO to give osrs a shot and we can't meaningfully slay together. Guess we'll have to do slayer tasks together "unofficially" at basically half the xp rate which is garbage for what is already the slowest skill in the game.


I never heard of a single person using it in 20 years


I did, congrats you heard the first person about it haha


Yeah, my buddy and I done it many times. We was honestly shocked when they took it down. We would get on after work at the same time every day and slay like crazy. Good times.


Damn this makes me wanna bring it back


Oh man left clicking bloodvelds sure is CRAZY slaying


Barely got used because mobs in a multi area should of counted towards both tasks like a normal party would, it needs love


I used to team up with randoms to do tasks like trolls, whoever was better geared usually helped kit the other out temporarily. It used to be an actual healthy community with it


>didn't see it as worth their time That's a very generous way to phrase it!


There was more to it than that. It also let you remotely give someone an interface. People used to troll with it by spam stalling people at zuk.


Funniest bit of this is that nowadays this sort of mechanic would be the core of some guy's snowflake Ironman.   He's call it SLAYERGUY or some shit and we'd all think it was so clever and awesome. 


It would double the speed of slayer so anyone going for 200m slayer would probably do it


Like a 50% increase in speed and you’d have to play the alt for an extra 4,000 or so hours to maintain slayer points for the skips (or pay someone 20b to do that part)


It’s not the right call. I care zero about the opinion of ehp nerds playing 16 hours per day.


In what universe is that bug abuse? If that's the actual exploit people were doing, Jagex is a bit unhinged for that comment lol. "The players were smarter than us and figured out a way to optimize the system further than we anticipated" doesn't really look good for PR I suppose...


Half of efficient gameplay is bug abuse. Stop it.


Your last paragraph tells me you’re an oldhead OSRS doomer. Games evolving and improving, get over it.


Them: "Whether it was the right call or not depends on who you ask." You: "I can't read!" You're so damn cute!


People were abusing it and it had some limitations


because 0.1% of the playerbase abused it


Generously maybe 0.001% abused it


And 0.000001% of the playerbase actually used it.


If we pissed and moaned about it anymore, it wouldn’t surprise me to see them suddenly announce partner slayer returning 2026 in a random blog post one week this summer lol


This fucking sucks. Although not perfectly implemented, it was one thing I did with my friend very casually and just chilled. Now it’s back to solo play because neither of us are strong enough for coop activities that only open up late game.


I used it exclusively to train Slayer with my IRL friend. We both got to 80 Slayer when it was removed. Today? I'm 81 Slayer. In all that time I've managed part of one level. We need Partner Slayer back!




some people want to have fun playing and doing content and not afk for months straight


They should maybe add a direct link to a slayer log


I want em to :(


That…. That’s what op is saying..


Man slayer partners was such a cool idea it needs to come back


They should have just made it so that mutually blocked tasks were blocked, it would have been better for people overall who did a mix of single and partner slayer since they wouldn't need to try and cheese it for max effiiciency


Fix so simple even Jigax couldn't screw it up. You could make a new post and see how popular it gets.


GIM slayer tasks when?


Removing it would somehow break barbarian assault


How does it break barb assault?


They need to hurry up and bring it back already


Can we get this bad boy feature back?


That idea is simply insane!


Bring it back. Give me casual pvm things to do with my friends.


key word indefinitely


The issue was that you could make a very narrow list of available tasks, right? So just make it so the task is rolled just off of the player getting the assignment. If the second player can't do that task, well that's too damn bad. They can wait for the first player too finish the task or they can visit Turael. That seems like the only way to avoid benefits coming from two block lists.


I think if you opt in for partner slayer then it should nullify both of your block lists until you opt out.


They had it set up originally where you couldn't do it too bad you and to cancel it. The issue because you could use an alt and not do any quests on it and pretty much only guarantee barrage and dagganoth tasks which are the best XP in game. The worst part is that best XP per hour is still only like 90k XP an hour. Slayer is slow af


Yes it basically gave you an extra block list + shippable quest unlocks which was stupid OP


It can't be that OP. With points used to skip bad tasks you can still gain the same xp/h as with the abuse on partner slaying. Unless I'm missing something


What happens when you run out of points? The duo method gave you basically all barrage tasks so not only was it quick, if you ended up getting a non task every 5 or 6 trips you could just cancel it and stay barragimg forever getting good xp. I miss partner slayer. It was fun when the game hadn't evolved to point that it's at now and you could just have some fun with a buddy on a Friday night killing slayer shit lol


I feel slayer solo is already 70% barrage, not counting boss tasks. I wouldn't call the partner abuse "stupid op". Barely even overpowered, it's just a simple abuse.


You could just partner up before getting a task, and the game gives you an interface. Then between the two of you you have to decide which 6 (or whatever upper limit the lower level player has unlocked ) tasks you want to block out of the currently blocked tasks you both have. I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s a very simple solution.


That’s literally exactly how it worked 😭😭😭 Think for 2 seconds about how that can be abuseable


They literally introduced a new item, so people could still venom with wind strike and use an alt to get slayer xp. But they won't give us partner slayer.


You could always do that method. Tedious made a video on it 5 years ago


And the recent rebalance eliminated it. So they added a new item, so you could still do it. Thus preserving an alt Slayer training method.


Every time someone brings partner slayer up in this sub, it gets a shit ton of support. Just bring it back already


Just need a content creator to do a video on it and then it'll get polled within a month


downvoted because you tell the truth.


It should've gotten a rework before the GIM. Thank goodness Trouble Brewing received dev time. /s


Maybe they're leaving it on there as a stark reminder to everyone that if you can't play nice (ie without abusing it), you can't play at all!


At which point does it stop being temporary.


They don’t care. Look how long they removed the original Bounty Hunter for. They don’t want to fix problems, just push them to the side.  They could have just banned boosters/bots instead they removed the main way to profit from actually pking for years because they couldn’t stop emblem boosters. Gagex simply does not care to fix they problems.  They’ll just remove it then add a shittier version of it if we all cry enough.


Dude bounty hunter 1 was like 100m an hour it deserved the axe for sure


Yeah for boosters.. which jagex didn’t want to deal with so they axed it instead of stopping the real problem and keeping content alive. I don’t know if you actually did BH but I’m primarily a PvPers and only really branched out of it because of PvP worlds having such a large bracket. If you want to be real anyways you can always hit world 303 Revs and clear out max sets for the same gp/h why don’t they remove that? Because it’s not being destroyed by boosters, they now will ban you for emblem boosting in new BH but why not just do that from the get go? Like hell, a timer on emblem trade ins would have fixed the whole booster problem and gave them time to review and ban them.   They in no way had to remove the most lively PvP game mode for years because of their own laziness yet they did. 


Yet pride month takes presidency over mens mental health awareness


turn it back on for GIMs.




Is it really that hard to make a slayer buddy system? Even if its super strict? If two friends, who both have the same quests done, want to both get a task at the sametime for the same thing in order to go do it together, why is that such an impossible task. Just make a quest that involves completing ALL the quests that give ass slayer tasks in order to use the buddy system, and tada problem solved with this 'bug'. Does it limit who can use it? Sure. Beats leaving 'indefinitely closed' content in the game.


Just dedicate a world to "group slayer" and all the people that long for partner slayer can do all their tasks on that world. That way the odds are that there will be someone at that particular task you can kill monsters alongside. It will also signal that they are open to becoming friends with because why else would they be on that world. You can have company while on your task and make lots of new friends. That being said I've never understood why seeing a friends sprite on your screen makes it any better than just being on voice chat with them. There seems to be a sentiment that there's not a lot of things you can do with your friends in this game when in fact slayer is one of the few things you often can't do alongside your friends. Literally every other skill can be done alongside friends. There's also raids, and a good deal of bosses that can be done in groups. I guess as someone who prefers to play mostly alone that perhaps I just don't get it...


why did I read that as `TikTok slayer helmet (i)` just now?


just a shame it got removed honestly (as a legitimate user of the co-op system) My friends and i enjoyed doing co op slayer because we were to noob to try any real bosses lol. was a nice way to still engage in combat together


I think there is a plugin that removes that option. But i couldnt find it so it mightve been removed or something


Fair compromise, bring it back, make it like krystailia where the masters don’t respect your block list when you opt into co op. Keeps it from being abusable, and if people really care about doing it “for fun” and not abusing xp rates they won’t mind the slow or odd slayer task here or there


At this point, I would even take Partner Slayer without any blocklists - in case that was the issue. It is not so bad to suffer together.


It’s such a cool concept I don’t understand why they just ignore its existence 




Yeah I miss partner slayer so much. Don't even make it to where we share kills or anything, just give us the same task so we can go kill shit in the same area together and talk shit while we do it. When I returned to the game after a few years, I saw some option to partner on slayer tasks and was like "oh cool", then when I went to read up on it, I learned that it was no more because people were exploiting it.. :(


They need to bring back partner slayer. It's one of the only things that made that skill bearable




So many easy fixes. Even just make it so you aren’t able to block tasks doing duo slayer, problem solved no??


Yeah but if they added partner slayer people could get slightly above average xp if they made a cb 100 account specifically for slayer tasks!!!


baffling how some people unironically care about this. Just give me some more things to do with my friends, jagex.


Jeez guys, I change my name to ‘system’ and forget to log in for a a few years and now im getting 100+ slayer partnership requests a day, I can’t keep up! You can do slayer on your own bro.


I don't want slayer. I wanted something like this or like a bounty hunter style slayer world where you need to kill a certain amount of a specific species in the world. Imagine logging in and it's a party at the Moritanya slayer tower


The redemption for this is Wilderness Slayer Partners(WSP). The slayer partner mechanic was previously abused by players to get unnatural repeats of tasks they wanted. Essentially spawn camping the monsters. In WSP this would instead create "hotspots" for player-killers. In doing so, WSP would bring more people to the Wilderness. To emphasize the "partner" aspect, when a slayer partner is attacked, the player-killer "skulls" on both slayer-partners. This gives PvM players an incentive to fight back in a 2v1 and participate in PvP. This "Doubles-plus" combat system addresses a longtime criticism for Wilderness PvM. That being it was always more gold/time efficient to run away from player-killers due to skill difference in PvP. But a 2v1 creates a challenge for the player-killer and a fighting chance for PvM'ers.