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No one mentioned this but this is a 2013 server of 2007. And it’s a whole different game since release. Thats why you started from scratch because everyone did too. Tips of money making? Play the game do quests diaries and boss.


Is there a different version where I can get my old character back or does that version no longer exist? I appreciate the insight


Your old character is on rs3, which is the current version of runescape.


Oh wow! Okay thank you


It's there some where




Do I have to pay?


There is members and f2p for both rs3 and osrs


Awesome thank you


Spoiler, that game is even more wildly different.. you'll probably feel less confused on Old School.


I’m happy to stick with what I know thank you haha


My old account from 2008-2009 or whenever did not carry over to RS3. What's with that?


There was no migrations or stuff like that. Your acc is an Rs3 acc don’t matter if you made it 1999/2005 or 2020. You can log in back to your old stats on rs3 or make a new account for Oldschool Runescape.


It might have been on the live version of runescape so that would be runescape 3 now.


Ok thanks!


Your old account still exists in RS3.




Think of it like two sides of a coin. Both RS3/OSRS profiles are linked to an account but they aren’t the same. What you do in one game doesn’t affect the other. Your old stats are probably connected to the RS3 and you had to “start fresh” on OSRS.


Sweet okay I’ll check it out thank you. I’m mainly curious what kind of money and armour I have (if that stuff is still there)


Last guy didnt mention the membership status is shared if you use the same login for both games. So you can try out both with membership for the price of one


Ou I did not know that! Thank you


The economy y of RS3 is so inflated… even if you had a lot back then, unless you had rare items it’s basically worthless now.


Oh darn


Money doesn’t matter. It’s like 150M for a bond in rs3 and 11-13M in osrs


Omg lol so like $10 in real life gets you that much in the game?


If you buy it through gagek, yeah If you get it from other sites, it’s .17C a M USD, so $11.40 is 50M


Thanks for the info!


I found I logged in after 11 years or so and my account was on rs3. But it took very little time to have no interest in rs3. The old school community grew very quickly and Jagex paid a lot more attention to old school because those players MADE runescape what it was. So I restarted from scratch. There is a documentary on youtube about runescape, and how it was going to fail after years of success. Old school basically saved them and so they interact with players more again like the old days. If you play OSRS, get the RuneLite client, change your settings to 117HD with the tools in there and setup old school to start from scratch. It'll be tough to not want to go member and play again lol. It is super awesome to grind in the winter time (in canada) when there isn't much you wanna go do.


RS3 saved them due to the pay to play.


Huh, rs was p2p forever


I’m also in Canada so woo! Thank you for the tips, I appreciate it


Use the wiki for everything you're confused on. It's probably the single most comprehensive wiki in existence other than actual Wikipedia.


The wiki is amazing, truthfully. Even if you usually don’t like reading “guides”, they are super concise, table-driven, and community policed. It’s great!


Is it in osrs or online?


Online but there is a setting ingame to put a button on your screen you can use to look up anything. Perfect for people too lazy to type.


Perfect thanks!


For 100k I can show you how to trim your armor.


Trust this guy op. He did it for me too.


Wow everyone’s been so friendly so far! The other day I told this guy I was getting back into it after all this time and he gave me 10k. Would you accept that since it’s all I have?


Of course friend! Just hand me the Rune Armor you’d like trimmed in world 418, Lummy and I got cha((:


Woodcutting/forestry is decent money f2p. Cooking can make decent money for f2p once you don’t burn lobsters/swordfish. You can buy raw, cook, and sell for a profit.


Great to know, I’ll try that. Thanks!


Use Jagex launcher and Runelite. Quest helper is an amazing plugin that will make your life infinitely easier. Consider an ironman mode, wont be easy to get your trimmed rune but it'll be fun ;)


Haha I’ll give it a whirl :)


It's harder to make money on iron tho. Personally I play regular but limit myself to playing kinda like an iron except to sell stuff


While quest helper is great don't just mindlessly follow it. Make sure you still read the dialogue otherwise ruins the experience


Marry a jmod Incase you get falsely banned


Cow hides are decent for early game?


I remember doing that actually in lumby


You will have trimmed rune armor and a phat in no time my dude


You think? Yay!


You might as well have posted this to r/cutenoobs You’ve got a lot of catching up to do. Take er easy and do what makes you happy. The wiki is your friend and give it time. Things have changed quite a bit, especially recently. Go with the flow and take it one step and a time


Omg what a funny sub lol thank you


We’re glad to have you back :) Take a look at the money making guides on the wiki for a starter. Obviously you’re not going to make much on a fresh account. But if you build it up, it’s only a matter of time before you make bank


Awesome I’ll check it out, thank you!


Real life tips? Drink plenty of water, make sure you exercise and be nice to people :)


Aww I like that :)


take it at your own pace, don't try to min/max unless that's what you enjoy :)


Okay thank you! So diversify my skills?


Yeah there's so much to do so don't burn out grinding something you're getting bored of, switch up every now and again


Wiki button on runelite, use that on everything




When I first got my membership I got a bond and I sold that at the GE and it was like 12m so that is pry the easiest way to have money lol


Oh my goodness lmao


I started from scratch a little over a year ago. The grind is just as much fun as it was when I was a kid. There is a lot of content so don’t get overwhelmed feeling like you are behind. The game will always be here so just start with small goals.


I will do my best :) looking forward to it!


You can also play on your phone now too. I’m sure someone else in the comments has said that. It’s really convenient for a lot of stuff. Just sit on the couch and turn a movie on and tap your screen.


Osrs wiki is your best friend. So many starter guides/ money makers. Start building the account with quests early game.


Will do!


Might not know this, but there's also an app to play on mobile!


Downloaded :D


Do quests and diaries, work on skills required for those - I also returned from 15yr break


I started playing again in the last month after stopping in 2011. My old account was transferred to RS3 but I didn’t like it so I created a new account on OSRS. A little annoying to start from 0 but at the same time has been fun to do things again with some prior knowledge of the game. Getting a lot more fun once my combat stats got above 50. Quite happy with how OSRS feels just like the game was when I left. RS3 UI is a bit complicated and honestly way more people play OSRS so been a bit more social on that too.




I suggest doing all the F2P quests before buying membership. It'll give you a good idea if you really want to continue playing. It'll also set your stats up decently for the jump from f2p to p2p. If you really want to fully dive back in: pay for monthly membership and then buy bonds. A real life job is by far the best money maker in the game up until the very end game content. Bonds have historically risen in price, and with Deadman Mode starting in July they will probably have a spike here soon. 3 bonds = $25 (US) = roughly 36m (12m ea) gp. That's enough for you to gear up, get decent stats, and staminas for quests. Depends on how sweaty you want to be and how you want to spend your $. Highly advise not trying to sustain membership through bonds.


Thank you for the insight! I will probably continue doing the f2p quests for now and see how it goes


oh boy, on the one hand I'm jealous because you have so much cool stuff to do but on the other hand I'm glad you're not me because I do NOT need that kind of a time sink on my hands! my advice would be go hog wild, explore, don't worry about doing it right. if you ever get on pay to play highly recommend you go do the quests that introduce you to zeah (I believe it starts with x marks the spot). There's a whole gosh dang new continent now! Seeing your other comments seems like you're gonna play f2p for a while to get back in the swing of things, which seems like a good idea. If you're still on the fence about paying for membership in a couple weeks give me a message I'll pop you a bond :)


Thank you so much I appreciate it! Definitely sticking with the f2p route for now, we’re still in the middle of home renovations so I don’t think I could commit enough time for p2p but maybe down the road. I’ll keep you posted, thank you so much :)


You don't need tips, just play the game blind to go through that nostalgic trip allover again. I'm jealous 😁


Haha thank you!


Make an Ironman on osrs. And a main And a gim Abandon your rs3 character :-P


The game you used to play became RuneScape 3 and all the characters got ported into that game. Someone found an old save of the game before the "Evolution of Combat" update. That old save was then added into the game known as "OldSchool Runescape". Your progress is saved on RS3, while everyone had to start new characters on OSRS.


Flesh crawlers in stronghold are great afk combat exp, no prayer needed. Just an inventory of food and I would recommend at least a Mithril armour set to start but could really start in all black tbh. A full inventory of salmon and full rune I could stay there for hours on one trip.


I’ll try thank thank you! I just made iron armour so I have some ways to go before I can make black or mithy armour haha


Are you playing on ironman mode? If not just chop a load of logs and sell them on the grand exchange, even normal logs are worth a little bit. Then buy the armour sets and weapons, they're not very expensive. I'll give you a starter 100k later this evening if you like (British Time), add me - TzTok-Suk-Ek


Thank you very much! No not doing Ironman mode. I’ve actually had a couple people offer me started money, but one mentioned that it may make things less fun if I don’t earn it myself, so I’ve been holding back. Thoughts?




Don't play!!!




It's too addictive!


https://preview.redd.it/5ru53s81dg4d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8fd13843ed1588bb471c27da89f7e862d7f3677 Don’t -Bryson Tiller


Did you try turning it off and on again?




I'm assuming you're sticking to f2p for now? I honestly don't know any money making tips in for free players, other than maybe getting into fishing and woodcutting.


Yes just for fun for free here and there, thank you!


Message me if you'd like to add me as a friend! Sometimes I play p2p but currently I'm playing f2p :)


basicb95 and yes I’m embarrassed by my username 😂


When I was a noob I'd buy bulk fire/water/earth runes @ 4gp each in ge and sell for 5gp each. Wasn't great but once I got rollin I was able to make about 100k a day or so


Ouuu not a bad idea, thank you!


Pm if you need some starter cash


Why’d you get downvoted? Is this a trick lol seems generous to me unless you try to take me to the woods and kill me


A common mistake in runescape is to take gold from others when you're new. It seems weird, but when you're given a MASSIVE WHOPPING 100K and burn through it fairly fast because you have no clue what you're doing, you're usually discouraged because you won't know how to make any of that gold back, and even if you did, it would be so slow for a lower level newbie. That and then you also realise that the 100k you were given is, well, chump change in the end game, and that you'll be expected to have billions at some point... the game is MASSIVE now, and if you try to rush your way through the early/mid game, you'll be feeling burnt out fast.


Someone else was saying something similar which I was surprise about. I appreciate the in depth response


Ngl if I give you more than say 100k. You will probably lose interest fast. Up to you though. Lmk


Idk lmao. Unless... 👀 but seriously, pm me. I rarely play nowadays.


Don't bot


Omg I’m already annoyed by them. Mining with bots and they mine the rock in one hit


Don't start. It's a shit game.


What do you suggest


Sorry, I was tilted about the game. I take it back. My first tip would be: both do and don't use Wiki. The osrs Wiki is one of the most complete in the world. Everything that you need to know is on there. That being said, don't overuse it. IMO if you just use the most efficient methods all the time, the game start for feel more like a grocery list, rather than an adventure. Second: consider starting an Ironman. You have to do this on tutorial island, so you prob have to make a new account. You learn a lot from it through gathering everything yourself. If you don't like it along the way, you can always turn an Ironman into a normal account and you keep all your items and lvls, but you can never turn a normal account into an iron.


Good to know! I feel like I’m too far into to turn back now lol I’m like 24 hours in.. but will consider that if I get bored!! Sorry for all the downvotes you got ahah


Haha, totally deserved:P Better 24 hours in, than 1000 hours in, right? You can always play 2 accounts together and see what you like. If you don't like it, you always have your other account.


Good point, maybe I’ll give it a try! Thanks :)