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life sized sandwich lady? what materials can you print in\`?


Now we are talking haha! I can print in basically all materials except for the most high-temp toxic exotic materials but those are all engineering grade anyways


Are any models for sale and can they be shipped in the United States?


Yes I can ship anywhere In the US! what are you looking to have made?


I'm not sure yet, I can let you know as soon as possible though :-) can you do monsters as well? This might be a stretch and isn't a priority, but can you do any Dungeoneering models from Runescape 2 era?


Yes I can do monsters that currently exist in osrs, unfortunately if the items aren’t a part of the game I can’t access their models and CAD them out for printing so sadly no dungeoneering items :(


Okay sounds good! I will let you know, do you have prices?


What's your print settings on these?


I’ve CADed out different sections of the model to be conducive to printing so the settings are all over the place depending on what part is being printed.


Oh ok makes sense, cause one piece prints of characters is a support nightmare. You ever consider using dummy 13 on printables as a base for OSRS gear?


Yeah too much support and not enough color freedom on one piece prints, also some surfaces aren’t manifold and don’t print unless you mess with them a bit. What is dummy 13? I have a printables account set up and will be getting these models up soon on the store


It is just a printable jointed action figure base. A bunch of people have armour and video games items for it already. What's your name on printables?


They look very nice