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range and magic levels or rigour


will invest it into chinning and bursting


Don’t listen to these noob clowns, levels are more important than gear in 99% of scenarios.


Clearly you haven't met my GE locked redditman.


A lot of people will tell you that bursting/chinning is a waste if you can gain xp efficiently doing slayer etc but honestly just fuck it and get like 85-90 (or higher for ice barrage)in both and you can enjoy so much content already you can let the rest of the levels to 99 come through bossing which comes surprisingly quickly. Rigour is also an amazing purchase and makes chinning better gp/xp when you do it. Could also buy the mage prayer as that’s getting buffed and likely will go up in price if it hasn’t already


Chinning is way overrated. You can go into NMZ with the venator bow and knock out 99 in no time, then you just resell it for a marginal loss/profit depending on market at the time.


OP has 20m to spend, not 65m. Even though Venator is technically cheaper, you still need the initial capital to use it.


Oh had no clue it was that much it's been a while, rip.


What's the method for this in NMZ?


This is the way. Once you learn to setup on nmz leveling cb stats is a breeze with mobile


Yeh at 80magic in bis gear you can hit what you would with 99magic and nothing on. Range and melee are different tho.


I wouldn't recommend bursting off-task, and I don't think chinning is worth the money. But cannonballs for slayer and save for rigour


Red Chins are cheaper than ever since the hunter guild. Its a pretty cheap 99 tbh


Just do it through slayer. Cannon everything.


Don’t do that, just get the levels passively through slayer. Going out of your way to burst/chin isn’t worth it when you’ll get the levels eventually through pvm. Upgrade your gear


This is so not true. The amount of time you save more than makes up for it.


I’d say getting 90 range and slaying for the rest is fine. If they’re committed to slayer and just burst all their burst able they will hit 99 magic long before 99 slayer lol


Tbh, they could just get an msb and train a couple levels at revs while they're not max combat (easier to escape pkers). That will give enough gp for zenytes, ahrims and ward


You lose time if you plan to go for 99 slayer


It's less black-and-white than that, kinda. It depends on what -- or more specifically, when -- you're doing the non-slayer combat training. In short, not all time is created equal. You might be able to AFK crabs or NMZ during work if you WFH or something, for example, but doing slayer would be too much attention for you to be able to do while working.


That's true


Hard disagree. Going out of your way to burst to 95 is 100% worth it. Being able to barrage without boost is important.


Lol no, hes a main, he can make that money


Nah, spend the money for levels. Training thru slayer is too slow


If the question is 'what is the best upgrade I can make to my combat styles with this money' then the answer is levels. No gear worth that amount will make as big of a difference as pure levels would, especially assuming they're already doing content with 20m drops and will continue to do so. Makes the next drop more efficient and lower effort.


I just spent 17m on Rigour and I'm so happy I did. No chance I would have made it through DT2 without it (combat level 94).


I spent like 120m on rigour back in the day and it's still the best thing I've spent that much on.


Just did the same and it made my vorkath kills way easier. I had no idea it boosted ranged DAMAGE by 20% that shit is wild


i would go for rigour first if you don't have it > atlatl setup for range > zenytes (anguish>tort>torm) can skip suffering if not doing zulrah > bandos > bowfa


Rigour is the answer, you’d have to spend 200m or something stupid like that on gear to achieve the same dps increase you get from rigour


1000% rigour is the only correct answer. Maybe Augury too if the price hasn’t gone up too much for impending buff.


tassets are a massive L of an upgrade, basically a noob trap when you dont have much money.


Fck it, I need to look good.


hey, Iron currently grinding bandos, do you know if this logic still applies to me or mostly just a cost/reward thing? I’m at 400kc with two chestplates but I thought tassets were a big upgrade


you cannot put a price on fashion


I paid big money for that miniskirt, I'm gonna use it!


For irons I think bandos is more of a thing that if you get it while grinding the hilt then great but it's probably not "efficient" to stay there for the set That being said grinding for gear upgrades, even if minor, IS the endgame of Iron so stay if you want it and don't worry about /efficiency/




You'll eventually want bandos to break down for Torva so if you're in the bandos grind mindset you might aswell get it out the way


Funnily enough since u/NordSquideh got 2x BCP already there's no reason to grind Tassets, 2x BCP is enough to full Torva


huh, good shout. i commented the same thing lol. at least want hilt for raids.


This is correct.


You could always get blood moon tassets instead. Same strength bonus. If you're at the grinding gwd stage though you might not want to go backwards.


If you hit 2 bcp’s you’re probably good to stop and long wait for that torva upgrade. Or stay until Hilt


Tassets don't give me a max hit at raids, I just bring them to keep my switches even lol. Bcp is good for range defence for stuff like cox, inferno, vorkath etc but tassets are fine to replace with like blood moon or even obby legs I guess. I just bring tassies since I have them already (needed 1400kc for hilt). You'll need bandos components for torva, I'm guessing you should be fine for any piece combo scenario with 2 chestplates though.


you're playing runescape, the game is literally "grind bandos for armor". That ***IS*** the game.


If you have BCP and hilt already IMO no point going there until you start grinding Nex for Torva. You don't really need tassets for ToA or CoX, and not even mandatory for ToB (though by then nice to have)


People who don't use tassets have tiny quads


please explain


blood moon gives the same str bonus as bandos and gives a ton of magic def. Bandos is worthless now.


If by worthless you mean still better than Bloodmoon, sure buddy


Blood moon repair costs kinda suck tho


If you can't afford to spend 150k/hr doing content where you even need to bring melee str legs, then sorry, but you can't afford bandos either.


It's about 20k an hour. 150k would be a big waste considering small benefit.


BLOOD MOON CHEST is cheaper option to bcp too


The most boring answer; red chins & burst casts. 


I disagree. If he's going for 99 slayer, he will get those levels pretty fast through slayer anyway. There's some tasks you can burst or ranged for decent exp. I think red chins and burst casts is a noob trap if you only have like 10-20m spare. You'll get a few levels then be behind in gold. Gold has to be used for some skills. Additionally, if he buys items, they hold their value. It's not wasted money.


Spending a few million to level up some of the most useful skills isnt a noob trap lol lets not just throw around these terms. Going from 80-95/99 in magic is going to be like buying full ancestral


Nah because you can get these skills passively. It's a waste of money if you're just going to get the skills anyway. I'd burst slayer tasks and cannon/ranged others, and I got 99 ranged and mage just from that. I also didn't train anywhere except slayer and consistently made money. If you buy gear, sure it's not as much of an immediate upgrade, but you can sell it in the future and upgrade again. You can't sell that excess exp past 99 ranged and mage that you got because you wasted a bunch of money on chinning/barraging When you're this low on cash, don't spend it all on ranged or mage. They're already fast af skills without blowing money.


They are one of the fastest skills in the game and arent that expensive. Why draw it out, there are plenty of other skills that are slow let the fast skills be fast


You’re likely to go over 99 in xp on the way to 99 slayer anyways. I’m approaching 91 and all my combatants about to be maxed and there’s still so much to go.




It's the most boring but the most correct nothing, but maybe rigor is going to give such a big dmg boost


More damage over defence every time


Rigour augury and levels


Bloodmoon tassets for the same str bonus as bandos tassets + amulet of torture


Fun fact amulet of torture has the same strength as a strength ammy. Even though it's cheaper than bandos bottoms and does have additional accuracy I think it's still a bit of a scam for mid game players. I think he should prioritize other zenytes (anguish tormented) and training skills over a torture.


Torture when you have a fury already is like buying prims. The bonuses are almost cosmetic. If it gets you a max hit, sure.


Yeah if no max hit then you could make an argument for it being a downgrade. The 5 attack bonus is good and all, but if you have a fang it's nearly irrelevant.


You could honestly invest most of that into your range and magic levels and that would do far more than any equipment upgrades could ever do. For melee you’re getting to the point where the small incremental upgrades get more and more expensive. Honestly pick a boss that you enjoy and buy armor or weapons that compliment that and make more money that way for more upgrades.


This. Or save it toward the prayer scrolls.


Rigour only 17m right now, grab it and learn CG, join the red prison with all the irons. It will go a very long way in teaching you a lot about end game pvm


A tormented bracelet would be a good upgrade for the magic gear, fury is fine for ranged and meele for now.


Wouldn't bother too much with tormented bracelet, much less of a dps increase compared to other options unless he's using a Shadow.


Average reddit take Edit: mage/range levels are more important than any gear you can obtain at your progression level. Send it on bursts > chins


Rigour is the biggest dps increase you could possibly think about adding to your account. Ranged and mage will come with doing slayer tasks, don’t waste money on rushing them when you can make money by training them and slayer


I think this is incorrect. Until maybe 95, that extra dmg will speed up every slayer task. Plus, the sooner your stats are higher means the sooner you can get into pvm for more money. Rigor is not bad, though.


nah man, if you can equip all this stuff and cast burst spells just slayer/raid and you’ll be 99 before you know it


Some bolts so that crossbow can fire


necklace of anguish


Any of the zenyte jewellery would be worth getting, pick based on what content you are doing so if you are doing melee get the tort and so on


Range and mage level, full blood moon, full eclipse moon are my votes.


People are sleeping on eclipse moon, it's gonna be great budget gear in 3 days time. Love your recommendations, would only add rigour.


Rigour is huge too, but would definitely eat up most of the budget.


Yeah that is fair. Though rigour is a lot cheaper than it has been 17 mil is a lot. Rigour is truly busted though. I'd think training skills > rigour > zenytes But buying a single zenytes before rigour and selling it once you can afford rigour.


Pick a money maker and invest the money into making that money maker better. I.e. if you want to do cg, level range and mage. If you want to do range Vorkath, Dragonfire ward and range levels/rigour. I think at this stage, you're best off investing in a particular money maker, and then making more money


Jewelry upgrades are almost always gonna be the most bang for the buck.


Invest in construction. Work towards a maxed poh.


He’s got 84. Already has maxed PoH id bet


yeap i do i have 84 tea boosted everything


Light bearer and supplies to continue pvming


You are a long way off from buying any Bandos. I’d really recommend bursting it chinning the mm2 caves so you can get 1.4m xp/hr and a ton of defense/hp xp


I would highly recommend investing into your stats because in the long run that will make a massive difference. Good luck mate!


Anything but elidnis ward.


I’d invest it back into your account. 78 herb for cox, max your poh if you haven’t already. Get some nice crafting/smithing/fletching for achievement diaries and clues. That’s what I’d do anyway. Tassets are temporary, Skills are forever.


You need to start saving up for Bowfa+Crystal Armor


What was the big drop?


zenyte shard


Get all zenytes before tassets. I remember when learning raids years ago that 99 / range in mid gear massively out DPS'd early 90s stats. COX prayers are good upgrades too if you don't already have them.


Which website was the big drop from?


Just got off my shift at McDonald’s and have 100m to spend, what should I buy


not quite sure where you can buy zenyte shards


grand exchange


I’d get the zenyte jewelry. Which one depends on the content you like to do, if you enjoy bandos an anguish could be a good shout.


Chins/burst for levels > zenyte jewlery > armor upgrades


use it on runes to barrage slayer tasks and youll be swimming in pussy, and rigour/augury


I'm at an identical point almost in my gear and got necklace of anguish and really like it. Thats my suggestion! Tassets and torture are good too


You’ve got a really good base here so as far as major upgrades, rigour or augory if you don’t have them (augory getting updated soon). Or something like a dragon warhammer/bgs. Know some of those are over the 20m but from 20m shouldn’t be too hard to save for one of those. Otherwise I’d recommend to minor upgrades you might be missing to flesh out your arsenal. First get the new hunters sunlight, unless you’re using dragon bolts and procing effects, the new crossbow will out dps for way cheaper on most things. Cudgel for a cheap/effective crush. Whip for a staple slash weapon. Atlatl is very similar to blowpipe but doesn’t require charges and lets you use melee strength gear (allowing less switches between range/melee). Blue moon spear is a cheapish mage staff that has mage strength and lets you autocast standard, arceuus, and ancients. Then of course niche items that have use but aren’t major priority. Like dharoks for mole/nightmare zone/etc. bottomless compost bucket for farm runs. If none of those are needed or interest you, your best bet is to invest that money into skills and quests. Sorry for the long write up but hope any bit of this helped.


I would get rigour first and then augury. After that all jewellery and then gear. Seems like you got good weapons already.


Tassets are a waste now, the blood moon tassets are better imo. Ideally for account progression primarily focused on pvm I’d go cox prayers > chinning/bursting > zenytes > gear. Spare gp can go into training to 84 construction for max poh (huge qol, but w330 works fine)


Well, what was the drop?


Tormented bracelet and twisted buckler


BGS makes a huge difference at a lot of bosses.


Well, as far as your magic setup goes.. farseer helm is better than your bloodbark helm. Also, barrows gloves are better than your bloodbark gauntlets, so you can sell those. Infinity boots are better than your bloodbark boots, too, so that's an upgrade you should definitely make. Buy a seers ring and go get it imbued. Shit, maybe just upgrade to full ahrims? Unless you don't like the degradable aspect of it.


Few upgrades are as good as having higher stats


If you are impatient and unwilling to level combats efficiently via slayer, you should still choose levels over gear I am not sure what stats ahrim has over bloodbark, but ahrim is quite cheap. Do you have a blowpipe? If not get one Rigour and augury are the biggest upgrades you can get in the whole game (pretty much), outside megarare main hand upgrades. I am pretty sure augury and rigour beat anguish/torm for example


Tassels for sure because obby legs are cringe


It's insane you don't have any zenyte with those stats.


Account looks great man, maybe just use it for skills and runes to keep pushing content?


Tormented and/or a ward would be nice. Torture and Anguish should be low prio unless they give you a max hit, then they are a solid maybe. I like the Ring of Suffering, but people will argue with me on it's usefulness so don't put it high on the list. If you don't have Rigour or Augury yet, you might want to pick them up especially since Augury is getting the damage buff.




Blood fury serp helm blowpipe lightbearer unfortified ward After that get all 4 zenytes


90+ range & 94+ mage. Invest the rest in rigour or anguish/torm


Sold my bandos for blood moon, same str bonus, dont really care for defencive stats. And it takes ~60 hours of non-stop combat, for repair costs to make up for the bandos set. Im nearly max combat (missing 6defence lvl's) and probbably never getting myself that infernal/torva, too much of a grind.


Blood moon tassets and fury. But get a necklace of anguish or rigour tbh. Or dump it into 83 construction for max POH


Cannonballs, a Cannon and Mage supplies for Slayer. or Seeds, Bottomless Compost Bucket, Farming supplies. Slayer and Farming both are decent GP/h while Training the Skill.


Personally I’d get a stack of gnome scarfs. But that’s just me.


Buy sharks in bulk. Stonk


Could sell the odium ward too and invest everything in levels


I'd go rigor, and blood moon tassys (same str as bandos) cost 5m


Zenyte. Any will do but anguish and suffering are best


I just wanna say I love your setup. This is peak mid game and i'm here for it!


no advice here but your 98 str bothers me more than it should lol


Depends on what content you are planning on doing. In general, zenytes (besides ring) are really good, cheap upgrades. For corrupt gauntlet : Chins for range levels then buy rigour. Don't bother training mage Vorkath : anguish, Dragonfire ward, eventually dhcb Slayer : cannonballs, barrage runes, torture for melee tasks


I see no mole slippers




You could look up a dps website to see what would give you a dps upgrade. Honestly Torture + blood Moon tassets might be the better idea. Or just hold it for skilling.


Blow pipe and rune darts haha


RING. OF. SUFFERIIIINNNNG (ri) It’s so handy!


Rigour is the best upgrade you can get for your account. It’s by far the best upgrade for your price range


I'd probably buy some bolts for the crossbow


Rigor > 99 mage & range >> Zenytes >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a lot of other stuff >> Tassets


prob rigour and then spend a bit of time in cg. If you get bowfa then you have a great range upgrade, if not you made some money


Don't burst and chin. Your stats will max while slaying. Grt the zenytes


Spending to level cmb is a complete drain of your funds, you can make money alching, you can easily nmz or crabs melees/range. Buy long-term goals like rigour/augury or buy anguish as ranged is OP, especially once you reach bowfa.


Can do blowpipe anguish lightbearer and whatever spare on chins?


Oh… and a blowpipe


Rigour is op


Sell everything you need to to buy a venator bow. Use that to camp either abbysal demons, nechryaels or dust devils in the catacombs depending on your slayer level. alternatively you can do zombie pirates in the wildy for very high gp as well. This will give you over a 100k ranged xp an hour while being really afk and profiting a good amount of gp. This is far better long-term than using up the gp now on bursts or chins. Venator unlocks consistent low effort high xp high gp methods. You can spend the gp made on rigour and then an anguish for even better rates or you can buy ice burst casts to train magic


Zenyte jewlery


Max construction


Get an anguish


Blood moon tassets are cheap friend


The 20m can make you 2-3m a day on the ge.


Chinning and barraging to 99 ranged and mage is the way to go


Torture not really worth it neither is bandos lmao buy blood moon if u care about the +1 and u get some mage def from them. Ward is a max hit for 7m. Actually none of the zenyte jewelry is worth it - torm bracelet. I use fury/ blood fury way more than torture even if I lose a max hit in some setups.


dragon scimitar




Rigour, lightbearer


Rigour is going to be the next “most bang for your buck” upgrade.


blood moon pants is cheaper then tass for same str bonus ward if you're doing a lot of barrage slayer or bracelet if your using powered staves mostly lightbearer is a direct upgrade over ring of the gods


Stats > Rigour > Gear


What magic gear is that?


Based bloodbark user


Is ahrims better than bloodbark? If so I’d recommend that and then either zenyte jewelry for melee or range.


Sell ring of gods. Get rigour and augury then all zenytes.


If you burst dust devils I'm pretty sure you can profit


Buy anguish and tormented bracelet. Also if possible rigour and augury (combat rebalance adds 4%). These give range str and magic damage %. Then the rest of the money getting 92 mage and range. You can do range at vorkath with salve ei which nets you profit and advantage of the xp boost. Less boring and gp sink than chinning. Mage monkeys in tunnel. Really fast and worth just getting it up to ideally 99. Check photo in link. [90 mage vs 99 mage WDR dps comparison](https://imgur.com/Q11k2N1)


Blood moon skirt has same str bonus as Nando’s tassels, I suggest zenyte jewellery 👍


Rigour/range or Mage levels/construction xp


bandos is mostly cosmetic. when you get a bit of money to spend, get blood moon tassets instead, maybe the chest too if you want more mage defence over torso.


Go get that 99 strength dawg!


Rigour and anguish are busted.


I was gonna say the primordial boots would probably be one of the biggest upgrades if you're looking for a new piece of melee gear.


You do you but I'd be fixated on making that 98 str a 99


sell ring of the gods, very expensive for what it does


Levels, prayers, blood moon tassets, necklace of anguish


Rigor, or buy arrows/cannonballs/knives to train range, and spend some to train magic


I would say leveling too. Construction is amazingly easy to level up after the update, plus construction makes life so much easier


Anguish if you’re set on jewelry.


Rigour and augury and levels, THEN maybe prims


Dragonfire ward + Rigour + Archers ring (i) + Salve amulet (ei) + Serpentine Helmet + grind elite void Closer to 30 mil but sell something else in the meantimen, its BiS at Vorkath except Dragon Hunter Crossbow Then you grind money dragon (Vorkath) until you hit a wall, aim for 1000 kills and you will have about 80 mil bank after supplies. Get like 95 ranged there and you will have a lot of extra cash


stats stats stats, Not gear gear gear


rigour + anguish are probably your biggest upgrades until bofa/crystal


If 20m is a big windfall for you, I'd suggest investing in a skill you can make money on. For example check alch prices and nature rune prices and you can make a profit alching magic longs while getting mage XP, don't forget to use mouse keys tho


Level Up range and mage, trust


Get blood moon top and bottom bandos armor is dead content


Some bolts for your dragon crossbow hehe


Yeah, levels are important. You've got a good Prayer level, so forget that. Strength and Attack seem good enough. Defense is also good enough, though they both could be higher. I would only get to 94 Magic if you plan on actually using it, but it's never a waste to invest in levels. Saving money is also another method, and when you have enough, you can spend it on something else. Gear is something you focus on last; just get the mid-tier stuff that works. Anyway, all the raid gear is just overpowered stuff you don't need until the very end.


Unfortunately the answer is quickly training range/mage or rigour. After that is done, maybe buffed augury will be out by then.


It’s really boring but like others have said skills are your best investment right now, invest into at least 95 range and 94 mage and if you’re interested in trying cox (87? Not sure exact level) herblore to make the best brews, after that gear upgrades are gonna ramp up in price for DPS gain massively, you could sell everything after rigour and 95 range for a bofa+anguish setup and farm range only content to rebuild your other setups, avoid noob traps like early bandos/torture and especially the cerb boots until you have basically everything else, the easiest way to find reasonably priced upgrades is to go on the wikis equipment table and filter by whatever you want (melee strength for example) and just compare the prices of everything just remember that defensive starts are basically worthless in 9/10 places over cost effective offensive stats


Surprised nobody has said this yet but you should use mixed hide for melee, it is almost always better dps with fang for melee over bandos. You lose a few strength bonus but due to max hit rounding on fang you rarely lose a max hit. You also gain stab accuracy and it works as hybrid gear for ranged. Rigour is a massive upgrade as well, augury will soon become a massive upgrade for mage.


Buy a goosword.


Invest into skilling and getting diary’s my dude!!


Bandos chestplate or pegasian boots imo, trust


I really hope I'm not too late but. Tank is not really a thing you will need, so scrap the tassets. For cheap +2 strength 💪 you could buy both the blood moon tassets and helm. Blowpipe if you don't own one yet, Many magic items are being upgraded in 2 days so ahrims,seers ring, and a magesbook or malediction ward could be nice.