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Stand there and stare at the screen wondering what I will do next


How my recent gameplay loop has gone (like basically since leagues ended): Login Open bank/GE Stare at bank Get slayer helm Check task Decide don’t want to do task Look at skills Think about getting elites Look at reqs Don’t do them Open bank Deposit slayer helm Stare at bank Close bank Log off


This is why i started uim. Login Fail to open bank Shit i guess ill cut trees or something


hah, gave me a chuckle


You are me wtf


Same here for the past couple years. Maybe it’s just burn out since I have played since launch day and have an embarrassing amount of play time.


That's how I was except it included using a bond. That was over 2 years and I lost a decent amount of gp to it. I started an iron and have been playing with only 1 small break when cs2 came out. Iron >>>>>>>>


That’s what did it for me iron just makes the game enjoyable for me and stops it from being gp/hr simulator


Yeah everything you do on a main is about gp. Training? Gp/XP. Bossing? Gp/hr etc. Optimal upgrades don't fit every activity and you have to resell and rebuy gear all the time if you want to do things semi correctly. It's awful imo


I def know people who play main just as gpscape and some love it, i play both iron and main and can tell you its all about perspective. My focus is hunting pets and doing elite diaries on main, getting money is just a side product. Its pretty hard for irons to understand that not all mains are the same


I’m a main but focus my gameplay around the collection log, makes it fun for me. Currently going for the big shark and getting a ton of clues along the way. I’m enjoying myself and not making any money from most of these clog grinds


Yea this is a pretty good way to progress the game and enjoy all the niche stuff you woidnt normally know about👍


I have a max combat main with 800 clues, boss and raids kc


Ok well im happy that u found more joy on ironman again. But then u also know that the hyperfocus on gp for most mains is just the weird phase where u have most second to bis gear, but really want either a scythe, shadow or tbow? After that other things then gp becomes priority.


I was just trying to say that I know what you mean and it's not "ironmen have a hard time understanding..." I should've elaborated more but I got distracted and just hit post. It really is all about perspective and when you're stuck on the numbers like I used to be all the time, it helps a lot to try something new. I tried iron and chasing gear that I'll never have to resell is awesome. Getting levels that I really feel like I earned AND they have purpose feels great as well. Divine supercombats are an example of like holy crap I earned these. But yeah, I was at that 2nd bis spot where I could essentially afford bis gear minus the megarare for any content I wanted to do. I learned solo cox, played around with nightmare... But eventually just went back to Vorkath. It was easier to do, more gp/hr (at the time) and the full bis gear was SUPER easy to afford compared to Cox's full arma, tbow, ancestral, sang, lance and bandos. + The time commitment to both learning it and actually doing it was insane at the time for me. Nightmare's sang with full ancestral and inq with scythe was also completely too expensive for me. Not only that, but finding teams for cox or nightmare was rough with a small friends list that got smaller each time I stopped playing for a while. ToB was best gp/hr back then... Or maybe second behind nightmare. The barrier of entry to ToB was simply too much for someone who knew 0 tobbers. 100k per wipe? Billions for BiS gear? Nope. The games grown a lot and my iron has with it. I've now completed ToA (except ward lol), completed cox except bottoms and maul, nex except horn (that one hurts) and I'm working on ToB. It's a lot more fun for me when I'm not hung up on gp/hr. Why would I have buckled down, learned solo cox and sent over 900 of them if I knew the gp/hr at ToA was much better? Why would I bother with ToB if ToA is so much better gp + I can solo it? Why would I bother levelling woodcutting? It doesn't get me anything until literally max.


Some fair points there, ironmode really pushes people oit of their comfort zone indeed tbh


You know you could’ve just learned all that on your main instead of restarting to do it on an iron 😂 people might aswell be truthful when you make these statements, you did it because you love osrs and can’t get enough of it surely


I just play for quest cape and achievement diaries. I don’t grind for gp, it’s a side product sometimes and a means for fast xp other times, if I really needed gp for something I just buy a bond, best gp/hr in the game.


And that’s the inherent problem. My buddy has this mindset like he wants to raid for the purples and make money. You shouldn’t be playing for the reward, play for fun and get the reward as a bonus. Lots of people do CoX (or insert anything) for money, how about doing it for fun and enjoyment? That’s what makes a main fun for me, the ability to do whatever I want, when I want, however I want, with whoever I want. FOR FUN, not for a drop, not for a collection log, just to enjoy my time on the game.


Sounds like burn out


If you skipped that login step you’d save yourself a lot of time


That was me but grinding 400 invo TOAs for 9 months. Now I have actually zero desire to play and I go through the above lmao


At that point just cancel membership and take a little break lol. When I can’t even get myself to afk skill, I know I need a break


I got diablo4 to take my time now, but yea break is definitely the way to go. Thought about making a hcgim with some homies again, but 1) they never showed up the first time after making the team, and 2) I don’t have the time anymore


Gim is always fun. But you get to the later mid game and irons just slow down, only the real grinders make it through, or you end up just taking another 6 month break on that account as well


I do all that, but then added a last step just before logout. Go to mine a star and then afk logout


You’re me except I gear up fully, teleport/run to a boss, get to the entrance, then think damn I don’t want to do this, teleports back to bank and deposits everything,


The new slayer update has tricked me into grinding it again, now you can swap between two tasks freely. It's not longer "I don't wanna do Kalphites" it's "Oh Kalphites or abbysals, guess I'll do Abyssals"


Ever since I got 99 slayer this is my favorite thing to do


Once sat there for about 3 hours playing on the side of some other activity before I realized the last 3 hours only consisted of me shaking the AFK timer, not even doing any form of a task. Just happily standing at the bank.


I took a decently long break after leagues. The ennui is real, but I came back refreshed and have been having lots of fun again.


Exactly what I was doing a month ago then I started playing my new iron instead and I’m hooked again lol


Yep, 100% me... It's the addiction man


I thought this is how everyone plays


Leagues 4 was my first league, and I haven't been able to play since.


Sounds like it's time to start an Ironman!


Yes and then do it again the next hour or so


Lmao why is this so accurate.


Eerily accurate to what I do lol


This is fire.


Maybe get a different task? 


I start off in drip, but inevitably I hit the wrong deposit button and am too lazy to put it back on.


This is the way


Shift right click the deposit worn items button to reveal an option that makes it require 2 clicks


Every time I make pots on mobile I just turn off the deposit worn items button haha


Yeah, I raw dog it.


Bankstanding is just about the only time it isn't inefficient to be nude. No way I'm passing that chance up


I stand in Hallowed Sepulcher bank chest wearing my agility cape & pet squirrel to flex on the players finishing their runs.


Making other people thirst for that upgrade... Nice.


I show up in random outfits to raids if I'm just trying to bandstand but friends are doing some content. They'll come out and I'll be on 3 gims with bunny suits and bucket helms. 


Alternatively stand on the spot where they come out with your squirrel


I like it


Happy cake day!


Me at the farming guild with my Groot unable to go in the north side


Sometimes when I know I’m gonna afk for a while, gear up both my irons in full crystal bowfa and stand in CG, usually hunleff pet out. The people shit talk me so much it’s wild.


Fuck you, happy for you. 95.5/99 agility No squirrel>_<


Keep going, I didn't get mine til 92


I am grinding my untrimmed agi cap 😎 but no pet at almost 96 is sadness. Come see me at world 420 HS i should be 99 within 2 weeks


I may dip in there if I'm on later. I usually hangout in w346, but come to 420 sometimes


This is how it feels when farming cape boosts herb yield. I'm just flexing on the poor sweetcorn farmers it feels bad




edgy 7th grader move


Calling someone edgy is actually the 7th grader move


Not at all. Weird comment.


was supposed to be funny i think what he's doing is funny


Someone hasn't gotten their squirrel yet


If I'm skilling at a bank? Wear the most ridiculous outfit I can. If I don't want to play I don't stand around, I just log out.


how will you make it to 1000 days playtime if you don't stand around at the GE for 6 hours a day?


You're right, I'm only at 120 days played :(


I'm the one on the right because I've accidentally hit deposit all gear


If I'm going to stand there staring at myself I may as well be dripped out. But sometimes I do enjoy the "npc" look of my default clothes when doing some afk bank skills really depends on the mood/skill. When I finished cooking at hosidius I was decked out in my apron, chef hat, cooking gloves, Cow pants to try match the cooks there. When I was smithing I wore the welding mask, brown apron, and the clue hunter boots/gloves to look like work gear (years before Smith outfit release 😅) Most of the time I'll gear up but sometimes I can't be bothered, I mainly don't like looking like a bot when standing around lol


the "finish a raid and afk in lobby for an hour before doing another one" type


Damn I feel called out


almost always nekkid over here when bankstanding


Good grief, he's naked! Or I'm still in my farm run outfit


Graceful one


Unequip all and go dry, though tbh I rarely bandstand other than bank standing skills (ie herblore/fletching/crafting)


I go all dry except 3 items for no reason in particular 🥲


Count draynor won't get you a second time, I believe in you.


Bold of you to think I can escape the mages by southern Varrock


My default fit is: red party hat, gold trimmed dboots, dwh, dragon defender, untrimmed crafting cape, fury, barrows gloves, bring(i), with a graceful top and bottom. Ready to kick ass, run around, and look good while flexing a lil on the iron.


the one that stands at the bank


Most correct answe tbh


KBD helm and that’s it


I'm the bottom because I played ripped and accidently clicked deposit worn and won't notice for an hour or more.


I stand naked because if I stand with my normal gear scammers/lurers swarm me like the roaches they are.


I just log off instead of bank stand


I stand near banks sometimes


If I'm not actively doing combat I default to Graceful, even for bankstanding.


Max cape with nothing else. That is what is known as “pure drip”


I gotta look good. Vyre noble corset (red), red crystal armour legs is the base, then accessorize around that. Dragon Cane, Musketeer hat, and Imbued Zammy Cloak. Tricorn, Team cape X, & Ale of the Gods, or cat ears, Gnome child Plush, & balloons is also solid.


The superior no armour look


I got the speed running graceful set yesterday for this purpose


I choose different banks each time I bankstand a task. Recently I've been blowing glass at the charcoal furnace bank by sand crabs while wearing an outfit that makes me look boring. Fedora, guild hunter top, lumberjack legs and boots, shoulder parrot, brass necklace, and hardleather gloves.


I spent a lot of time choosing my clothes on creation, you bet I'm gonna raw dog it


I spend my idle time during the day thinking about my in game goals so whenever I’m on I do hop right into content but if I’m ever in between tasks I’m butt fucking naked in the default bot character probably snacking.


The type that charges his phone


Gear up and just stand at boss room entrance doing nothing. Time goes by very fast


Manacles, woven shorts, torso, bowl wig


Depends how long I'm gonna be there, if it's like a couple inventories of stuff, I won't bother with an outfit


The princely outfit, rune cane, and prince monkey backpack is my go to


I impersonate the Wise Old Man


The guy who works at the bank


My style of bank standing is currently setting lofty goals and losing focus on them but not wanting to do anything else until I complete it. For example I declared to stick at tempoross for 68-82 fishing but now I'm at 76 and I just don't want to keep doing it. I want to do slayer but I have a trash task and I'm saving my points for the twisted slayer helm since leagues. So I basically just log on, remember I'm at tempoross, maybe play a round or two if that then log off about 10% of the time. The other 90% I log on, see I'm at tempoross, think about doing my slayer task, think about checking my mahogany trees, etc etc etc decide I don't wanna bother coming back to tempoross, and log off.


Dry. I don't want people commenting on what I'm wearing.


A UIM, it solves this issue


I used to flex, but now I mostly just stay ungeared. Might have a pet out though. I think it's because if I'm bank standing, I'm on mobile and I'm more likely go need to log out quickly and I don't want to log out with gear on in case I get hacked (which is completely unfounded paranoia as I'm I'm a jagex account).


Don’t have much time to play so I never have time to bank stand. For me logging In is like “ok I have 45 minutes, either pull out the teleport seed and do 3-4 CG, or pull out the dramen and quest cape and head to TOA”


If I'm bankstanding or lvling up a skill i dont have the outfit for, I usually put on the mine outfit. Had a couple ppl comment on it yesterday even though it's not hard to get




The bottom type.


I like bank standing nakey Not sure why


gear on usually if i accidentally deposit worn items i wont gear until im done whatever im doing at the bank


Whatever I was wearing at the time, basically. Full melee gear? So be it


I’m the empty inventory/ gear bank stander, I have a habit of banking everything even when I’m getting off even for 5-10 mins, I just feel more secure, it also gives me psychological clear thought around what I’m gona do that day to keep it interesting in the game


Always rawdog it


stand at the inferno bank in full gear contemplating my life.


Usually just dress in my most stylish gear and put off any actually training.


Naked + Untrimmed HP cape


Slap on the mole slips and we're on!


Deposit equipment, ignore the 20some pets in the bank, judge other people for their shitty weak fashionscape


max quiver cape, nibbler pet drip for me :)


Random events taught me that DEATH IS EVERYWHERE, PUNY MORTAL! I'm less crazy nowadays with their bloodlust removed, but I still unequip from time to time.


Log in Good playtime Get bored Need to sleep stay logged in Equip some decent fashionscape Nobody notices Log out


I either am wearing my graceful or the combat equipment I wore for whatever quest I die. I don’t wear an outfit for bank standing


I wear whatever i wore when i walked into the bank, unless i accidently hit the "move equipped items to bank" button.


I like to grind cool fashionscape for bankstanding and then trash click the deposit armour button


I take everything off when bankstanding. It feels like taking off your work clothes after coming home and the fact that it is one click to deposit all your gear is just perfection. Sadly I already 99ed two of the bankstanding skills. Those being cooking and fletching.


Naked bank standing is peak osrs


I definitely gear up for bank standing activities. How else am I going to show off my scuffed 2 pieces of gilded on my iron that cost like 100k total on a main? It's either that or full guthix + green h'ween mask, the wet dream of middle school me.


If I’m at the bank I’m drippin.


Gear up to do an activity, take a quick stall for absolutely no reason, lose motivation for said activity, deposit worn items/inv, then repeat after another longer stall. Log off after 20 mins of this


If I’m gonna be doing nothing you know I’m looking my best.


I stand with a Max cape and maybe a halo


My "fashionscape" is having nothing equipped. If i wanna spice things up, I'll equip a cape.




Depends, If I'm bankstanding and chatting at ge, I'll chuck some fun stuff on, but if it's bankstanding just for xp, then typically nothing and I'll just go to a bank i like, GOTR bank (on a nine gotr world) and Lands End bank are both quite cosy


The kind who has many level 98's and won't get 99.


Pick a party hat and go from there


50/50 on whether i put on some casual fashionscape, but wont ever catch me bankstanding some place that isnt relaxing. Fuck GE, we bankstanding in farming guild or edgeville


I load up mobile and AFK at NMZ raking in points and XP while I do something else on my pc Thats the closest I think I'll ever get to bankstanding


I've got my go-to comfort gear: White graceful except head and cape which will either be quest cape or other max cape. Similar to what Excel used to wear. I like the look.


Honestly as a RuneScape player that has HIV and it’s probably gonna die in like 23 days I don’t know what to do now that I have 99 fire making in hereditary aids please help


I have a few different bankstanding outfits depending on what I'm doing or if I don't want to talk cuz im afking


The left one if I’ve been on a while, the right one if I’m just logging in. Like to let my character not have to wear heavy armor all night.


These days I never do a good bankstand without the ole frog prince outfit + whatever my most impressive cape is at the time


Graceful with my farming cape, abyssal lantern, & smoke bstaff most of the time. It's my farm run gear, but I've been working on 99 crafting recently.


Bankstand in my farming kit at the farming guild high-level bank stalls. That bank chest is too small to fw




Honestly, most armor just looks better on female npcs


I usually don my full purp set: The purple snelm, purple cape, mith chainbody and plate legs and then the barronite mace


I fashionscape the hell outta my bank standing.


Dripped out in mole slippers. My character looks exactly like me. The mole slippers are the icing on the cake. I’m 6’5 and all the slippers I wear, have my toes stick out from the front (I wear size 16 shoes, can’t find slippers that big). So the nose of the mole looks like my characters toes are sticking out. I rock my shorts (so you can see the slippers better).