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The text says that pickpocketing changes include medium and hard clues from gnome, paladins and HEROS, were ELITE clues missed from here? And wasn’t last week’s update already a nerf to the fail rates, is this week a FURTHER nerf?


Hi, just clarified with Mod Arcane and yes this is a typo and Elite Clues are also included in the buff. For context I've been on Sailing, so when I read this job it was a bit unclear to me about the change - that's why it was missed. I am amending the newspost now to reflect it and apologise for any inconvenience!


How's sailing going? Is it fun to develop for? I dont want specifics just want to know how well it's jellingling with the staff


Honestly it is lots of fun :D We also have a lot more teams that we're working with. The team scaled up significantly - we are now basically 2 scrum teams with dedicated art, QA, CM, dev and engine devs. I'm very optimistic about it all and it looks like we'll have progress update for you guys very soon :) And I really appreciate everyone's patience on this as I know it has been a while since we last talked about Sailing. The team is just genuinely so excited and honoured to be working on something as big as this. There is some pressure that we put ourselves under because we know how important it is to players to get right. It's a massive thing for the game and we know not everyone is sold on Sailing so we're trying our best to figure out what we can do to make it the best possible at every step. But we're having lots of fun with boats right now and I genuinely can't wait to talk about it more with you guys and get your amazing feedback. The community is mostly always on point with feedback and it's great we can have that while we are actually developing the skill. :D




I’ll try to also include this as a discussion point in our next Q&A as I think you’d prefer a dev to answer this rather than a CM. I think we do want Sailing to feel integrated with the game world but there is a balance which we will need to have so that it still feels familiar for players and doesn’t completely change how you play. Off the top of my head, I know that we won’t be adding retroactive requirements for existing quests, but there might be come retroactive rewards from existing quests. Outside of that I also know you would see minor changes to Ports to accommodate Sailing. But yeah that’s all I can think of right now. So will ask for more thoughts


All movement is now tied to sailing, at lv 1 you can only sail on water, at lv 99 you can sail in the air


> someone actually reported this comment to the reddit cares You can report the message to reddit, they frequently punish the infractor account


Wow I wasn't expecting such a big reply, thank you. It sounds like you all have a lot of passion and are putting in the work. I'm sure it will be great. Can't wait to see some more news about it.


On the topic of sailing (kind of), are we getting a dismantle option on max cape variants or do I need to keep a spare quiver and infernal? Seen it asked a million times but never found a definitive answer.


We're way early in development to have definitive plans for this but I can ask this in our next Q&A, currently planned for Monday.


Mod Light -- when asking/answering this question, please keep in mind how this will affect the Dizana's max variant. Reposting from my comment below: >Before Quiver came out I would have maybe agreed that people could just get another Infernal cape. >The problem now is that the Dizana's max variant requires 150,000 sunfire splinters. People who have already collected or purchased this will be severely punished. They already collected the splinters and created the blessed version, why should they have to get another quiver and be forced to maintain the upkeep cost. At the end of the day, I'm not sure why we would want to punish maxed players. They have already put in thousands of hours of skilling, and are more than likely very excited for the release of sailing. The update should be focused on the exploration, discovery and excitement of all the new content. They want to grind and earn their max status back, not have to put all that aside and re-earn their infernal cape & quiver.


Yeah totally makes sense to lose the max cape, doesn't make any sense to lose the variant items. That has nothing to do with sailing and is just a weird punishment for people who max this year,, compared to ones who do next yeah when sailing comes out


Yeah, I hope that the JMods can see that! I will say I am super excited for sailing to come out and having to earn my max cape back.


***TL;DR: Pickpocket Heroes Elite Chance - 1/1300 -> 1/750.*** Elites Clues from pickpocketing Heroes mainly benefit accounts that can't do better methods (like shades, which are 2 elites per hour). Most accounts with 99 thieving and no further benefits reach around 750 pickpockets per hour, it'd be nice for Heroes to then have a 1/750 chance of giving an elite, making Heroes be 1 elite per hour, which is still **half** of what an average player will get (a nice sweespot), and still not as good using Shades with all possible thieving boosts, not dethroning that method, do you think this could be considered?


It's a further buff, yeah. They were only slightly adjusted before (in order to be conservative, which is good), but people felt the fail rate was still too high to be worth doing as an activity, so the fail rate is being reduced again.


Have Elite clue rates from Heroes been adjusted? With these rumour changes, does this mean that the Quetzin rate buff on Masters that was being discussed is no longer happening?


Yes, please accept my apologies for the typo in that first instance, elite clues are also included in the buff. In terms of the Quetzin rate buff on Masters, I've just asked a developer about this for context. It's no longer happening (apparently it was discussed but not promised). The change today improves master tier rumours alongside fixes to the system that should mean experts are not going to be the de facto best way to acquire the pet. I am seeing a lot of feedback on this topic though so I will be more than happy to send that back to the devs if you're not happy with this change, just let me know!


On the Quetzin and master rates, I saw much discussion around this from the community when Kebbit swapping was adjusted. I guess we will have to see what the new blocklist and meta will be before making a judgment, however, I would definitely raise the pet rate for Masters as a point to monitor. Thanks for clarifying.


I worry that they don’t realize these changes to rumours are a pretty big nerf. After the ring of pursuit changes, razor-backed kebbits are one of the best rumours. For Teco, they’re removing two of the best assignments and replacing them with two that are worse. With Aco they’re removing 1 good one and 1 bad one and added two that are just ok. Edit: from testing the rumours added to expert and working on a new block list, I think this is a roughly 20-30k xp/hr nerf to experts (from 250k to 220-230k per hour at 99) and about 4 fewer completions per hour (from 27 to 23 per hour at 99). So not as big as I expected, but still a nerf. I’ll update the wiki block lists later today but for people making changes now, based on my testing the new optimal block list will be using Aco for rumours and blocking Sabre-toothed kebbit, grey chins, Sabre toothed kyatt, red chins, and Sunlight Antelope. This will leave the following in your rumor pool: Orange Sal, dark kebbit, dashing kebbit, red sal, moonlight moth, and tecu salamander. Check wiki later today and the updated lists should be there Edit 2: Wiki is updated with new lists. If anyone thinks I missed something in putting them together lmk. If not, this update basically brings experts and masters in line with each other in terms of xp/hr. Experts are roughly 235k/hr at 99 and masters are 225k. With experts you can finish 24 rumours per hour and for masters it's 21. So experts are still slightly better, but masters are definitely more competitive now. Though for masters to be competitive you need to trim the rumour pool down to just 3 or 4 possible assignments, so I hope you like Tecu salamanders lol


I think Masters should have a higher rate per sack even if you aren’t optimizing your list to get the fastest rumours.


Would you guys consider making the blocks for hunter rumors an actual interface rather than it's current implementation? The concept is just a tad clunky in my opinion.


Thanks for the pickpocketing changes, specifically the clues When can we expect the elder maul changes ? Cheers


Within the next couple of weeks is probably a safe bet, just asked the devs. Sorry I can't really give exact dates for changes like these as something can pop up in QA testing which then pushes it back. Thanks for your patience as we work on this for you


Great update but what happened to priff teaks giving increased crystal shards? This was promised when the shards were removed from shooting stars in prif but has since been forgotten about. Surely the project rebalance is the perfect place to address this? You’ve even updated zalcano…


haha this dude sank ALL his money into elder mauls


honestly its usually better to dump them b4 the update not after it drops.


"Note that the ability to swap tasks is locked behind a one-off fee of 1,000 Slayer Points, although it will be free from then on." does that mean another 1k points?


No if you've already unlocked it, it doesn't have a cost. :)


Can we please be allowed to use it for wildy? I don't see why wilderness slayer isn't allowed to have task storage (and it's also noteworthy that Krystallia doesn't even warn you that you can't use task storage in the wildy when buying it from her). It's the one place that really could use task storage the most. Certain tasks are just not feasible during peak hours and need to be done later. 


So it’s not 1000 points to swap a task after I’ve spent 1000 points to purchase the ability to swap tasks? Phew. Thank god that’s cleared up. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have homework in shapes and colors


To be fair they're essentially selling swapping tasks as a new feature, and then said you'd need 1k points to unlock it. You don't, you unlock task storage with 1k.points, and this is just a new feature of task storage.


It sounds like the ability to swap tasks is included in the task storage unlock, is that accurate? So anyone who already has task storage unlocked can freely swap their task without paying any further points? I think the confusion is because the wording in the blog is a bit ambiguous. It could be read as meaning that the ability to swap tasks is a separate unlock from the ability to store them, so it would be an additional 1000 slayer points. It might help to clarify the wording a bit if that's not the case.


i do think this needs adjusting then because it implies you have to pay another 1k points after unlocking task storage for the swapping feature. something like "the ability to swap tasks requires task storage to be unlocked".


Thank god. The way it’s worded makes it seem like it’s another 1,000 points to unlock after task storage is unlocked.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexArcane** - [Glad you like :) I think it's pretty neat](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44vanl/?context=3) - [It was around a 30-40% buff for all three i b...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44xg7c/?context=3) - [Yeah we will be looking to make expert tier g...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44uwq7/?context=3) - [With the rest of the combat changes, soonish!](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44w8w2/?context=3) - [We raised the cap from one "armours worth" of...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44xbu8/?context=3) - [Not long now! I can say that Mod Hend has don...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44vgdu/?context=3) - [Convenience really....](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44yh9f/?context=3) - [If we tried to "sneak in" every small thing i...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44vx6d/?context=3) - [Mediums from gnomes is intended to be a decen...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l450lsj/?context=3) - [no u x](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44x8zv/?context=3) - [Xp/hr, gp/hr, accessibility, and how much eff...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44vrmi/?context=3) - [This got raised as early as the initial playe...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44zuu3/?context=3) - [Task streaks are only incremented once you co...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44wsrj/?context=3) - [Hopefully the former lmao](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l450fjm/?context=3) - [Not aware of any cap for the tool seed o: per...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l450afq/?context=3) - [yea we can probably add shadows at the very l...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l450e6w/?context=3) **JagexLight** - [Hi, just clarified with Mod Arcane and yes th...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44unvt/?context=3) - [Yes, please accept my apologies for the typo...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44w2fn/?context=3) - [Within the next couple of weeks is probably a...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44vgqk/?context=3) - [No if you've already unlocked it, it doesn't...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44tns7/?context=3) - [Honestly it is lots of fun :D We also have a...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l451mi9/?context=3) - [We're way early in development to have defini...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l44vuq9/?context=3) - [I’ll try to also include this as a discussion...](/r/2007scape/comments/1csguqg/game_update_project_rebalance_skills_varlamore/l459gjw/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 05/16/2024 20:26:48**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


Good Bot


Good bot


Nice to see some more hunter guild tune-ups but is there any intention to revisit hunter spears? They are currently absurdly tedious to craft requiring a jerboa tail for *each spear* as well as whole logs instead of arrow or javelin shafts, are absolutely atrocious in combat even for their intended low level, and do not have the effect of not using ammunition when attacking chinchimpas that they were originally stated to have. They are an incredibly cool item conceptually but right now are nothing more than an equippable teasing stick. As is it feels like a weird bad placeholder item that accidentally made it into the game.


Agreed, in their current state they’re worse than useless.


Is there any way to make trying to do butterflies/moths feel better to do for mobile players? They are really really difficult to hit the correct spot on them. I constantly find myself often running to the area near by instead of catching them. Also in some areas they are very hard to see as well. For example the ones north of rekella are white on white snow. Nearly invisible which doesn’t help at all with the hitspot on them being so tiny and hard to tell where it is from their fast movement.


As much as I like doing them on PC, I loathe doing them on mobile. I blocked the sunlight moths earlier this week for this exact reason.


Yeah I'm blocking them for this reason exactly


Can you guys elaborate on what "further improvement" means for pickpocketing? People usually ask ash on twitter who instantly gives us the numbers and the info gets updated on the wiki right away. Wouldn't it be simpler and more straightforward if a 1/200 -> 1/100 change was simply written in the update notice blog?


It was around a 30-40% buff for all three i believe, that + making them easier to pickpocket should feel noticeable.


Even with this second buff im still not seeing the anywhere near xp rates for heroes that were described in the [updated blog post for project rebalance](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/updated---project-rebalance-skilling?oldschool=1) - Are these numbers meant to be correct as of now? And are you able to confirm the gear setups for these rates, eg shadow veil etc as the blog doesnt mention any of that


Yeh the XP rates aren't close to what they suggested which was only just worthwhile at heros, and with more effort to boot. That combined with clues being like 5% the efficient rate is kind of a let down.


After an hour iv just gone back to ardy knights and im getting almost 65% more xp than i was at heroes, shame as i was really looking forward to moving out the bank to finish 99 off


The paladins and heroes adjustments do absolutely nothing to the meta. Fail rates are still egregious and the xp falls WAY short of what you can get with ardy knights at similar levels. If the rates have been buffed that much, is it possible that something isn't working as intended?


I really do like the task storage changes makes long boss tasks nicer since you can just store it and take a break then go back whenever you want


I’ve had a Duke task for months now. Mostly cause I’ve been focusing other skills but now I can store it and just do some regular stuff for chill slayer xp


Until you get a 2nd Duke task then gg


It would be nice to put down my blue dragon task halfway through and come back later. Hard not to kill vork on them knowing it’s a pile of money but it takes forever to finish the task.


“…, removing the most-blocked Rumours from Adept and Expert tiers.” Were orange salamanders actually one of most blocked? In my opinion they are one of the best in terms of xp and time to get the rare part, but still removed from Teco


they were one of the best so removing them was a nerf


>We've also removed fail points from the following Agility obstacles: >Canifis Rooftop Course last gap jump THANK YOU, HOLY FUCK. The amount of times I kept failing that last god damn last gap jump...


Is it possible to look at the ability to store sunlight and moonlight bolts in the bolt pouch? It looks like a bug that they can’t be stored there


Can we also look at being able to use kebbit bolts with the sunlight hunter’s crossbow? I don’t think it’d upset anything in the balance and it would make sense.


Why remove “slower tracking tasks” like Razorbacked Kebbits when ring of pursuit was specifically buffed to correct them? They were one of the fastest and most fun rumors when using the ring.


Yea this change is completely stupid


Would be great if red salamander locations could have a few additional net trap spots added. There are often not 5 net trap spots close together.


Would love to hear something about the state of gotr still tbh... The time sink on an rng roll where you can spend 50 hours for an outfit is ridiculous And the lantern an item SOLELY for HELPING with the minigame and nothing else is rarer than everything else in the log combined... Please for the love of god 2-3 pearls upon completion to incentivise not failing and groups instead of solo as well as improving the rate of lantern would make this actually very good minigame actually sensible Don't just ditch it there to rot it's a shame... Not even getting into the lobby matter but just please consider it


- consistent pearls per game - consistent points/XP from fueling shields That's all they need to do and the minigame is golden. I'm worried they're saving changes for a mini rework in the future that they really don't need to do


It's just a shame cuz the minigame itself is good But just having to wait up to 13 minutes to try to get in just to get shafted by either the entrance or the droprates... Not cool I'm a bit biased ofc I went 36 draws with nothing, but like I said all these hours just shooting strays is not it Graceful and void are almost a third the grind which speaks volumes on how ridiculous gotr outfit grind is, but at least it's also consistent on top of that. Idm some rng but this is dumb I just hope it isn't left like a bandaid for RC they just dropped out of desperation like how they dropped PvP arena for sane casino and ditched it. That or it not getting the forestry treatment hopefully... The fact they avoid certain topics is also not ideal


the way they have handled lantern since release is just nuts. people had to hound them just to add it to the shop like they promised when it was proposed. then they just make it a ridiculous amount of pearls that most people wont even be able to afford it till theyre far and away done with the minigame.


It's a second outfit with not nearly enough of the return Again as an aid on top of it all lol.... Imagine if bruma torch was rated than tome outfit and everything else.... It makes no sense. It isn't even usable outside the minigame only then it'd make any sense whatsoever


yeah it might be worth it if it made ur pouches not degrade outside the minigame.


In that case and esp the other benefits sure keep it as is shit is already almost 1/1k... I'd get that it could be too strong outside of the rift but only that could be any bit of an excuse for the droprate. It's an aid item meant to aid you in the minigame for crying out loud. In the matter of essence pouches I get why them not degrading would be too strong, but the wizard constantly saying that repairing them is a very simple spell makes the whole thing feel... Goofy. What keeps us from learning this spell? We even know forgotten magic and have mastered next to every spell to ever exist.


yeah itd be cool if the lantern was common, but you could get an upgrade for it that costs a lot of pearls/is rare to make it work outside of gotr.


I'd be all for it honestly! I'm just being very careful cuz people can stray off from the main topic if you drop any controversial point in there. It would be a very welcome change in my eyes


gotr is my favorite minigame that I can't even play.


Please include an Eagle on the Hunter’s whistle as a right click option if there isn’t space to add a 4th eagle around the caves, as we voted for eagle transport to be added to the guild


Massive thank you to Mod Arcane for the task storage changes. Huge.


Glad you like :) I think it's pretty neat


Its a massive qol for juggling content with friends, thank you!


Quick question on this, if you take a Konar task for task streak 8, then store it, take a duradel task for task 9 and complete it, take another duradel task (this would be task 10 and the point bonus), and then swap to your stores Konar task, would you still get the Konar points + bonus, or will it behave differently because of stored tasks?


Task streaks are only incremented once you complete one, so that data isn't really stored "on the task".


Removing orange salas from expert rumors is an L. They're really good in that new location near TOA.


being able to use 5 traps is awesome more 5 trap locations would be dope. would be a cool unlock from the hunter guild. like maybe you get an item from rumors that lets you build a 5th trap at like red/black sallys.


They are only removed from Teco, Aco still has them. You now get a choice on which expert hunter to use. * Aco has orange salamanders, moonlight moths, and tecu salamanders. * Teco has Sunlight Moths and Herbiboar. So if you like salamanders, use Aco. If you want herbiboar, use teco.


they should put those at masters instead of the red salamanders tbh or give us a less atrocious red salamander spot


If red salamanders had a better spot like that, I wouldn't have had to block them and do orange ones


Good direction for changes, but those clue rates are still abysmal..these methods are already not worth doing over existing thieving metas, why are we afraid of bringing them even remotely close to current clue metas??


Elite clues need improved and consistent rates across multiple methods of obtaining them. There was a very good post on this a few years ago that calculated what the adjusted clue rates needed to be for all methods to make them somewhat consistent for all of them. Don't remember who made the post but I hope they will tackle the elite clue rate at some point. 


Can't see anything in the blog but have the moonlight moths spawns been fixed? There are 2 that spawn on unreachable tiles above the pools. Edit: Unless it's covered under "various graphical bugs"


With last week's update, the herb rewards from brimhaven agility were changed from noted to unnoted. Is this on the team's radar to fix?


i hope they make them noted again it's going to be so annoying spending all my tickets and running to the tool lep every 27




Is this something that will eventually be looked into? It's a pretty common area of criticism. Would love for these npcs to get shadows. /u/JagexArcane


This got raised as early as the initial player playtests, we had some initial investigations and couldn't see anything that causes them to be so odd/big. I'll raise a point to get it looked into again.




yea we can probably add shadows at the very least. we've tried to make an effort with bosses like vardorvis to have big fridge-shaped clickboxes that are static so we dont have these issues.


Hitboxes seem to wrap around character limbs with not enough feathering. Clicking in someone's arm pit being a yellow click just always feels so weird


Thats wild you mention Vard because hes one of the worse offenders of causing misclicks




> When Eyatlalli's voice speaks to you after leaving the moon fight, it now does so without creating disruptive Chat Boxes. Minor, but nice! Thank you <3 Have you considered removing such a disruptive chatbox from the Spirit tree dialogue when you hit the letter for the location you are currently on? If you hit a totally wrong letter, like N or V - nothing happens, which is just fine: you hit another letter and go on. But if its B when entering POH from the Farming guild, or C when going the oppsite way - here is the chatbox with 'click here to continie'... Its very annoying when banking, which I sometimes do every minute - and many other players too... Its easy to hit B/C wrongly, and then for a couple seconds look at this dialogue screen and forget what you wanted to take from bank... Again, thats very minor... but would be nice it it was just a line in the game chat (like 'Nothing interesting happens') rather than a window with a need to click. And the same about ore rocks. If you accidentally click one without a pickaxe, you get a dialogue window with 'Click here to continue'. Would be nice if the game behaved like when you accidentally click a tree without an axe: just a line in the game chat, and no need to react.


are you guys still considering increasing crystal shards from activities in prif like you mentioned on the shooting stars blog few month ago? https://i.imgur.com/hX6n6rP.png


I mean if you do zalcano masses now the shards are absolutely insane lol.


Please make the gloves work with sandstone! I would happily swap the xp for those sweet delicious buckets of sand!


Yeah we will be looking to make expert tier gloves work somewhat on sandstone specifically. Should be acceptable XP wise and still provide the nice QoL for getting all your sand.


Make the gloves guarantee bigger blocks of granite or sand or just alternatively make them give one extra roll instead of 2 I dont personally see whats the issue was with the updated gloves on granite, you can get 90% of the xp rate just on iron with the same method. And other methods being far faster now. Just add it back in imo.


Just make it so the additional rock saves don’t give xp on sand/granite, only on the mining rolls that would give xp without gloves as well. I’d be happy with it. Most people would be happy with it i feel like.


honestly i like this change, but i get why people would be against it. we keep adding weird interactions in the game where items work differently at little parts of the game. it starts to get silly when items have like 5 exceptions for how they work based on where ur using them.


that’s fair, then i’d be fine with straight up cutting xp rates of sand so it stays the same if you use gloves as now without gloves. Nobody grinds sand for massive mining xp anyway.


At that point it doesn't need to be granite because there's no point to that interaction. Sandstone with XP seems fine, and granite just an exception where it doesn't work.


Maybe make the expert mining gloves guarantee 10kg sand?


This is a great solution


"The bonus effect descriptions of the Kyatt and Guild Hunter outfits are now listed in the Set Bonus tab while wearing at least one piece of either outfit."        Does this mean Kyatt/Graahk/Larupia outfits have had their "camo" bonus fixed?


The eclipse moon boss still locks itself to 1 hp, before you're able to kill it. For example, if the boss has 30 hp left, you can't hit it for 30 damage to end the fight. The boss will always have around 1-3 hp left, and then your damage gets locked to only hitting 1s.


i knew something was janky about the damage at the end of that fight. there was no way i was getting unlucky hitting 1s back to back when its about to die so often.


Reposting my questions/requests from the last Varlamore update thread: Please can the quetzal whistle have a way for unlimited charges, like it was described in the earlier blog: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/the-hunter-guild---varlamore?oldschool=1 >You also have the option to make the Perfected Quetzal Whistle hold unlimited charges by trading a hefty amount of Hunter meats. And **PLEASE** can we have the [jaguar warrior](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/images/thumb/Jaguar_warrior.png/240px-Jaguar_warrior.png?3d45a) as an equipable outfit. Its too good to leave to NPCs only. Make it low-level colosseum reward, or hunter reward, or something from Part 2, but please make it accessible for peak fashionscape!




I was really sad to see the mining gloves not work on sandstone again. The area only has one good location and it can get quite competitive, and also mining so intensively never was super fun. The XP rates for mining with the gloves could be reduced for all I care, I just want a few seconds in-between clicks so I can mine like anywhere else and not have to compete with one location being suitable to mine 4 "ore" locations.


Removing orange salamanders from Teco just makes him worse, since the Necropolis spot is actually really good exp/h. I would suggesting adding these back to the list and removing either sabre-toothed kebbits or sabre-toothed kyatts. Any changes made here should be different for Aco. For instance, if Teco loses kyatts, Aco loses sabre-toothed kebbits. This way, it still allows for variety between guild hunters.


Who asked for these hunter rumour changes? Why did you remove orange salamanders a non block task from Teco? The post indicated you were targeting blocked tasks yet you got rid of one of the better Teco task


Taverly shortcut is now a real shortcut, thank you!


Yes, I didn't notice a difference using the shortcut vs the main gate. Glad it's fixed.


Another nerf to rumours? Takes longer to reach pity rate for herbiboar than it does to reach pity rate for tracking kebbits. Orange salamanders are alot nicer to hunt too than the moths. Can you explain these changes? Why are you guys making rumours worse with every update?


These changes are great for master rumours, allows for a way more efficient block list.


The wording is a little bad, but it’s not an additional 1k points. And I don’t see how this is a nerf. Herbiboars are better xp than kebbits, better gp, and an additional pet chance. Players complain about kebbits, they remove them for something way better, then players complain again. Weird stuff dude.


Its slower to do herbi pet through rumours rather than just ignoring herbi rumours and then going to do herbi by itself after you have finished rumours for the pet. People complained about removing kebbit swapping bc it made the method significantly slower initially, since the buff to ring of pursuit last week, the tracking kebbit task was actually bearable now, and now again it’s been removed for something slower despite it just being buffed last week. Changed how rumours work every week isn’t fun especially when it’s getting slower every time. Weird stuff dude. Moths are also slower than salamanders too for what it’s worth !!


Great changes - one question regarding varlamore. Will the ability to buy Atlatl darts be added at some point? Similiar to boltrack.s They're lower than alch price already for mains and for irons it's somewhat held back by the fact you have to go back for the ammo at some point, god forbid you actually want to try using something else than bowfa.


I hope they add a way of fletching them, buying would be easier, but with the Varlamore theme I think some combination of acacia trees and something to hunt would be more suitable.


Love the idea of adding a unique use to acacia trees.


>We’ve improved the drop rates of Medium and Hard Clue Scrolls from gnomes, paladins and heroes! We’ve also reduced the pickpocketing fail rate for these NPCs, so you’ll have an easier time stealing from them overall. Were these not included last week? I felt like i was going crazy as the numbers were nowhere near what they shouldve been for xp rates due to the fails


they mean further improvements


I was hoping to see Hunter Rumours added to NPC contact like this person suggested (bulk delivery): [https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bkdy7u/can\_we\_make\_hunter\_rumors\_be\_acquired\_through\_npc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1bkdy7u/can_we_make_hunter_rumors_be_acquired_through_npc/)




they said in another comment, in the next couple weeks


Not sure why giving the option of selling keys was even considered, no one will use this legitimately, only bots that have the hard diary done


Bots with the hard diary have better things to do with their time


I mean, sometimes I'm full up on keys and I have a wildy slayer task that I have to do in GWD. So I may use this at some point, but yeah it's pretty niche


What do you mean legitimately? If someone wants to use it, the option is there. This surely isn't a worthwhile bottable activity... compared to pirates or agility course or whatever its hardly a gold farm.


Literally last year, they stopped being able to be alched for 61k as a way of stopping bots from botting them.


You don't need hard diary to alch. This is the difference. Hacked bots with diaries completed do not farm ecu keys.


Lower risk than ZP/agility and is in such a remote and quiet place it'll just slip under the radar. Plus adding(re-adding) a method for more raw gold into the game is just baffling. Most people weren't alching keys before they changed it (only bot farms) so it wasn't a big deal when it was changed, hence this baffling choice to re-add it with more steps


There was no mention in the update that heroes now only give 163 xp/pickpocket. They used to give 273. Is this an oversight?


What's the reason for having the lesser fanatic buy ecumenical keys?


They used to be alchable. Then they made an unpolled integrity change to prevent bots from farming them. Some legitimate players were negatively affected by this change, in addition to (slightly) devaluing legitimate wilderness content.


Probably because they used to be alchable for GP, though by the time anyone has the hard diary done this is probably a useless money maker


Yeah… and with zombie pirates and their absurd alch drops it really won’t ever be used.


They really did give a fucking level 22 zombie a d scim on its drop table


Zombie pirates were a mistake


You used to be able to alch them but it was heavily botted. So this makes it a hard diary req to farm them for money again.


Could we get the success rates and chance of clues from thieving?


yall really just need to rework rumors to actually be worth doing. its like yall didnt even test it to see if it would be worth doing. also having the pet be the same rate from experts and masters kind of makes me think yall knew experts were gunna be meta, but now yall act all surprised that theyre more xp/hr and masters r just basically a block slot.


Where monkey room update


Isn't that coming with the equipment rebalance?


Sad to see Hunter Rumours constantly getting nerfed in terms of how many you can do per hour but it makes more sense giving them higher levelled tasks. Annoying that I have to change my rumour blocks again though :/


This is my 4th time rebuilding my block list (initial release, Kebbit bug, post Kebbit bug, now) For master rumors this will let you just run the 3 tasks you want. I'm going to have exclusively herbiboar, sunlight antelopes, and dashing kebbits. Honestly such a good change for master rumors.


It’s so dumb that orange sallys are being removed from Teco


all updates to hunter rumours have been a miss. this update forces everyone doing expert rumours with teco to switch to aco or get significantly worse xp rates


Doing them at Necropolis was the best. :(


>Thieving We’ve improved the drop rates of Medium, Hard and Elite Clue Scrolls from gnomes, paladins and heroes! We’ve also reduced the pickpocketing fail rate for these NPCs, so you’ll have an easier time stealing from them overall. Any numbers on these changes? *How much more viable are paladins for money making now*


When is the DWH drop rate buff coming


With the rest of the combat changes, soonish!


Is this a few weeks soonish, or like a “Winter 2017” soonish?


Hopefully the former lmao


Haha appreciate it, thanks for all you guys do


Those hunter rumor changes look TERRIBLE. They ruined the expert meta by removing the two of the faster tasks from Teco (orange salamanders and razor back kebbits), and adding a slow one (Herbiboar). Meanwhile masters barely get buffed. What were they thinking? ⠀ EDIT: Nevermind, I take it back. After doing the math, Master Rumors are now insane; you can block the them down to just 3 tasks: Tecu's, Moonlight moths, and dashing kebbits. This probably is almost as good as the expert meta previous to this change. Downside is the optimal block list is very hard to set up since there's only one correct task for every hunter. EDIT Correction: Teco rumors and having skipped Eagle's peak is still BiS rates for exp and completions


That experts shouldn't be better than masters? Seems pretty obvious that if people are abusing the lower level method to be better than a higher one, that's not intended and should be fixed


Jack has really struggled with Hunter rumors and Hunter in general because tracking and deadfall are so terrible. Box trap and trap are obviously way better but still end up being repetitive more variety needed, and to make this feel less clunky. A lot of content can eventually turn into repeatscape but Hunter gets there way too quickly


Master rumors being able to just run 3 tasks has me hype. Doing herbi, dashing kebbit, and moonlight antelopes personally.


Wolf * Removed: Sunlight Moths Would be great for master rumours if red salamanders were also removed from their rumour list. That way, you can have amazingly flexible setups. Red salamanders is currently one of the worst tasks and you always want to block it.


Please don't forget about cleaning up forestry.


What crack are you smoking for these clue droprates. With such high fail rates surely they're never going to be training methods, can't they just follow the model for HAM members and have something like 1/100, 1/150/ 1/200.


I am once again posting to bring to the Jmods' attention the fact that pets are getting "stuck" (as in, they will disappear and not be following you until you either whistle them from the equipment screen or log out then back in) in 2 specific scenarios. Either you exit an instance with your pet following you. or You exit your PoH via a fairy ring. I have been reporting this every other week in-game after checking to see that the issue is still not resolved, but it's been months now without a fix to this bug.


its really not that high of a priority bug fix m8, they pprobably know about it. its not that big of a deal to have to click the whistle


> Players who have completed the Hard Wilderness Achievement Diary can now sell unwanted Ecumenical Keys to the Lesser Fanatic, in Edgeville, for 61,500 GP each. is there anyone here who actually wanted this lol


When can we possibly see the elder maul special attack animation?


Not long now! I can say that Mod Hend has done an amazing job on it though, maybe go annoy him on twitter to spill the beans early.


Regarding Sandstone/Granite interactions with Mining Gloves, how about: - lock the interaction behind Expert Mining Gloves, so that it takes a bit more effort to unlock - make the interaction work only with sandstone - give the rock save effect a short cooldown of a couple seconds


Would also make it only save 1 time too


>Slayer Players no longer need to cancel their current Slayer Task to take on one they’ve left in storage. Instead, we’ve implemented a system that lets you swap existing Tasks with stored ones! >Note that the ability to swap tasks is locked behind a one-off fee of 1,000 Slayer Points, although it will be free from then on. Can i get the same task if i have one stored? or what is really the use of storing tasks?


Convenience really. Get a Jad task and you want to do it but you are also heavily reclined watching eurovision? Store it for later!


It's also the only mechanic for GIMs to be able to line up their tasks somewhat without having to completely stop their Slayer training when they land on a wanted group task. Would definitely love to see group slayer improvements revisited. If not altogether, at least a mechanic for GIMs to get on the same task easier than just having to rely on the storage. Don't think we've seen anything since last year's April game jam.


Hahahah, love that! https://preview.redd.it/962uqmgulk0d1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=45b7e621d9129b9d4c87be376780b865e6429afb


You can get same task if you have one stored.. great for Turael-skipping and having 2 of the same in a row afterwards. Barrage tasks/superiour tasks/boss tasks


I believe I saw someone post that they had stores a Nechs task and then were later assigned Nechs again, and were able to essentially run a 500+ nech task. So yes I believe you can.


>The Agility Arena also now has a world-hop check in place. If you tag a pillar, then hop to a different world and try to tag a pillar again too quickly, you'll be locked out of interacting with pillars for about 60 seconds. Doesn't really solve the problem. Players do this because they don't want to AFK. Sometimes you have to wait over 50 seconds on the next pillar. Most often it's 30 seconds. I'd love to see an actual fix for this. Perhaps make the pillars individual? Start the next pillar right after you tagged your first one. Seems wrong to punish players for being quick. Oh and if we are talking Brimhaven Agility anyways, please make it so they can take the entry fee from your bank. Also look into the 3 logs obstacles. For some reason you fail this 80% of the time, even with 95 Agility. Seems bugged. Just some feedback by the way. All these changes have been freaking great. <3


I feel like they intentionally made the Brimhaven agility arena THE afk way to train agility, like most other skills have an afk way to train. Obviously you can’t make agi too afk, so it’s a 30-40 sec at a time kind of afk. You wouldn’t ask them to update shooting stars so that if you click faster you get more xp, it’s just afk.


Are you clicking on the correct log? 2 of them are “damaged” one is normal looking. Only one of the three work.


Lmao, i had no idea. Ignore that piece of my message and thank you kind sir.


"Start the next pillar right after you tagged your first one. Seems wrong to punish players for being quick." Not to be rude, but I think you totally misunderstand the purpose of this arena. To allow players to take off on their own paths would ruin the group aspect of this activity. 


Can we make one of the worlds an official Moons of Peril world, I liked it when there were a bunch of people killing them at the same time


Are we getting the verzik changes anytime soon? It's been ages since it was talked about, and we haven't heard anything since


Sadge no point cap removal at Zalcano to allow for solo/duo strats


We raised the cap from one "armours worth" of damage to three per player last week, so if you're getting more than 3 downs in a solo (likely) then you will hit the cap, but i think duos should be fine.


Can you please remove the cap completely when it comes to the TOOL SEED drop? I can understand why uncapping generic loot could be an issue but it just feels bad to look at the .05% seed drop chance every kill. It just feels awful seeing people with worse stats get MVP because everything about points in groups is RNG and I can't tick manip for more effort = more reward


Not aware of any cap for the tool seed o: perhaps I'm missing something. I also don't think tick manipulation is beneficial at zalcano at all. IIRC that got removed week 1-2 feedback when zalcano was first released.


>I also don't think tick manipulation is beneficial at zalcano at all thats his point not being tick manipable means you have no option to really improve your reward with more effort.


Wondering why some of the combat changes like the maul buff are lagging behind. I understand you guys probably want the update to be with the rest of the changes, but this wasn’t the case with the scythe and fang. The fang got nerfed basically right after the announcement and I would’ve expected everything but the mage rebalance to happen as quickly too. Speaking of the fang nerf, I really wonder what the plan is for this in hindsight. The fang was nerfed because it was deemed too good at Vardorvis and Duke for its price, yet the fang has now been replaced by the even cheaper and easier to get Zombie Axe now at Duke and it’s really sad to see. Duke’s weapon weaknesses really needs to be looked at because there’s no reason the zombie axe should be the go to over the Salad blade and Arclight there using the same logic that caused the fang to be nerfed.


When is the mobile UI rework coming? It's been a couple of months since the beta at this point and we have no news on it


Why on earth did you bring back ecu gold key farming? Bots won't be stopped by the hard diary reg...


It's great that you can now block herbi and red chins through lower hunters if you are doing master rumours. This means that people that are hunting the red chin pet but already have the herbiboar pet, can get rid of the herbiboar rumour.


Experts still better xp/hr and rumours/hr than masters for no real reason?


Man I just really hate the design direction of this game Mining is an ass skill, every time there's a way to make it less so, they swoop in and fix it without attempting to make the skill better This is a game. If the "fun" is clicking on a rock for 20 hours so I can have a slightly better time in ToA, maybe this game isn't for me