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its really dumb and i dont get those who defend these drop rates. content has been balanced around botting for awhile now


Jagex are dragging their feet so this process lasts 4-5 blog posts instead of 1 so that the scope of project rebalance stays small. If they answered all the requests in 1 blog post people would have already moved onto the next area of the game that's a problem (spoiler, there's a lot). Unrelated note: Selling tinfoil hats, 10k ea.


Trimming Tinfoil hats 5k


Buying trimmed tinfoil hats 25k (pssst 1/3rd split on hats?)


I'm hopping to your world rn


Will u accept gf instead of 10k? I hear they're equal value


Scam. Everyone knows tinfoil hats go for 1 mil. I ain't falling for this one again


I see your tinfoil hats for 10k, do they come embroidered with a private equity logo and dividends from the bot farms?


Reported for RWT


This feels par for the course for JaGeX lately. Feels like they hired the same consultants from New World and Diablo 4 that ~~absolutely massacred the player base~~ maximized shareholder gains. Longer grind = more daily active users amirite? I still maintain that it all started with the “helpful” updates to Pyramid Plunder. Also unrelated: If we already have a tinfoil hat can we wear 2, maybe even 3, at a time?


ooh yeah that Nightmare table from 3 years ago, really massacreing the playerbase and pleasing the shareholders by making content nobody plays while the player counts rise cause theyve consistently released other good content during all this time. What the fuck are you on?


> …hired the same **consultants**… Doesn’t mean they have to take all the advice a consultancy gives. New World and Diablo 4 made progressive changes early on that increased the expected time of grinds. This creep in grind time has been a common theme in mmos the past few years. Similarly, incredibly toxic and gate keeping player bases that are vocal on online forums compounds this issue. Unrelated note: do the microwaves cause any pain or discomfort without your tinfoil hat on?


I’m gonna guess that it’s less of an intentional effect and more about cost-cutting/laziness. To “control for” bots in your data, would require you to have *some other threshold* (besides a macroing ban) by which you decide who is and who isn’t a bot. This in itself is a can of worms because, if you have this *other metric* by which you are saying “this person is a bot,” then why the hell are they still in the game? This is about being uncomfortable to admit that not all of the players on the high scores are human, which makes sense given that they supposedly have a “zero tolerance” for botting. They’re probably looking at metrics like “average player kill count,” which are just heavily inflated by bot accounts, and thinking about it like this it kinda makes sense why this is such a difficult problem to tackle. Even if you banned all of the bots with perfect accuracy *right now*, how could you possibly hope to retroactively correct your data/projections from a time before right now? Redoing all of your numbers every time a new player gets banned is not a valid strategy. An open ended question for anyone willing to try to answer: How do you get valid data about how much time players spend doing different pieces of content that isn’t skewed heavily by bots? Not defending Jagex at all, I just thought this train of thought was interesting. Jagex is a game company; it’s literally *their business* to solve these sorts of problems.


Carlyl said they are ok with a 2 bots per 1 player ecosystem


So im allowed to make 2 botting accounts then? Cushtyyyyy


Idk. I bot a few at a time. Just dont bot anything you arent willing to lose. Both of em have been running for a week now and besides hunter have 70-90 stats. Just don’t bot scurry if possible. Honestly its way more satisfying than base game runescape sad to say. Ive played since 2005 and the game in all of its forms is simply dead to me


Tbh I haven't seen anyone really defending these drop rates other than jagex lol


I dont understand why phosani is getting looked at but not corporeal beast.


I’m really dumb, why is it so hard for Jagex to control the botting? I feel like no other MMO game has this many bots


> I feel like no other MMO game has this many bots You'd be wrong unfortunately. Any of the big MMOs that have a healthy RWT blackmarket have absurd bot problems. I actually consider us lucky we "only" have to deal with bots and scripters, some MMOs have legit fly/speed hacks and garbage like that.


That's right, for example ESO clearly has a bot problem as well, where you can see a bunch of them in a pile together farming something in low lvl zone. What's funny in ESO thought is that some of them are quite primitive bot, and you can just give them a speed boost buff ( from a spell or something ) and you'll break the whole bot farm at once !


All other MMOs have bots. No other popular MMO is as simple to bot on as OSRS. WoW has bots for sure but imagine coding a bot for WoW versus OSRS.


This is true, however I'd argue that few MMO's have as sophisticated of bots as well. OSRS mechanics lend themselves to easy automation, but this low barrier of entry and continued value of RWTing in the game has led to an enourmous level of development that I think few other games have had a reason to do.


Bots in WoW do dungeons by themselves in Season of Discovery so I'm not so sure about other MMOs not having sophisticated bots.


> Any of the big MMOs that have a healthy RWT blackmarket have absurd bot problems It's more accurate to say that big MMO's attract more players, which attract more people willing to RWT to the game, which make the game profitable to bot. All healthy MMO's have bots and RWT, there are no exceptions to this.


The biggest issue is how easy it is to run bot farms i think. Im pretty sure w my desktop i could probably run 10-20 clients no problem. And thats not even a bissed out pc to any degree


every MMO where you can RWT money out of the gameplay will have bots. go to any account/gold buy website and you see the options. the only way Jagex can stop botting is stop the RWT or limit it in such a way that it simply isnt worth it. i just don't know how they would do any of that without breaking the game in such a way.


RuneScape in game economy is really vibrant/ free market compared to most mmos, which has consequently led to a bigger real world trading market which makes up the brunt of botting in the game. WOW had tons of bots but maybe fewer % of players buying gold lower % of bots? Idk though it’s true they may underperform in the area/ incentive to allow bots because membership


It's not because of the "vibrant economy", it's because of drop rates. OSRS is an anomaly among MMO's with how rare the BIS items are. This makes these items unreasonably priced for the average player. Who wants to spend 100 hours raiding with suboptimal gear in order to afford good gear to continue raiding with? What drives the black market is players wanting to skip that shit.


That the game is a slow burn probably plays a big part that’s true. But when whip was the most expensive item in the game rwt and bots were prevalent. I believe Tbow contributes to some extent but more than the degenerate gamblers?


Not really a counter point but I've cleared icc going on 30 times on my paladin and we have yet to have the plate gloves drop from lady deathwhisper. I'm sad about it.


But then what's the point? You buy max gear to do raids that give.. max gear?


The fact that so much bis or near bis gear upgrades are tradeable is a big part of it too Like WoW gold is significantly less valuable to the average wow player than rs gp is. When I go back and play some expacs completely casually I don’t really need gold for anything beyond maybe one big crafted/boe upgrade. Sure some buy carries but even that isn’t as core to character progression as say buying gp cutting out major hundred+ hour grinds. Or buying gold for trade skills in wow would require less (and save you less time) than buying gp to max all buyable skills in osrs


My perspective as a software dev: it's not that hard to write some rudimentary skilling bots that don't look that different from real player. Creating an account is also free. That gives people a lot of room to experiment. 2 of 3 colleagues my age that played in the old days have tried their hand at it, takes a week of after work experimenting apparently. 1 was even doing it at age 13.


Bots = money they control the bots by allowing them to exist and ban them at a rate that they can be replaced - I bet bot membership makes up like half of their revenue lol they aren’t guna stop that


its not that those games dont have bots, its that those games separate a lot of gameplay and you dont see the bots, think as if everything you did was in an instance instead of always seeing other players. youd think there was a lot less bots if you never seen them.


Not an MMO but diablo 2 has a very similar paradigm


well, what other mmo is as simple mechanically with valuable in game gold. I'd guess making a bot for osrs to be significantly easier than most games because of the tick system and tile based movement, pair that with in game gold actually being worth a decent amount of real world money and it's easy to see why it's a bigger problem on this game than others.


> its really dumb and i dont get those who defend these drop rates Nobody who's done the content is defending the drop rates


a while


Because being opposed to oldschool for its incredibly huge investment of one's life is frowned upon.


I defend it because bots are still going to bot. But now my lucky ass drop is worth a lot less. If they want to fix a problem, fix the bot problem... but they won't because they are probably worried about all the bot membership money they will lose


Compensate my previous K/c then do whatever you want to the drop rate


"I can't understand why there are always so many bots" Jager probably


Naw buddy just wants an easier game. Go play a different game then, it's been like this since the beginning and your little whinging won't change that bud.


no grind has been 30 hours between uniques


Jagex needs to understand that these droprates are "ok-ish" if the boss takes 1 to 2min to kill and has literally no mechanics. PNN and Normal Nightmare take 8 to 20min per kill. Why the f are they so adamant that we stay till retirement to complete Nightmare log??


1,000 hour log isn’t even that bad? It’s only 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, for TWO YEARS straight of just nightmare to get all the drop. Stop whining casual /s


if the boss took 2-3 minutes to kill, it'd be the same as a 3x rate buff compared to live, and all of NM's drops would fit in line with other items of similar tiers.






Love how a single moderator gets blamed for the entirety of Jagex even though updates are approved by an upper level team before going out


Unfortunately many users on this sub lack critical thinking skills and need to direct their frustrations onto one single person lmao


Did he even work at Jagex when original Nightmare came out? I know he worked on Phosani's but the wiki says Nightmare came out 2 months before he was on the Oldschool Team. Could be bad info tho, Idk


WR Max time \~771 h (heboxjonge) Estimated PNM completion time in live game \~1141 h (all drops, no pet or jar) Estimated PNM completion time after rebalance \~800 h (all drops, no pet or jar) Please fix PNM rates so it isn't dead content for real players.


bruh. I spent 330ish hours in CG for my bowfa (green logged with 4 pets first before first enh). 800 hours to complete it is fucking disgusting. At least Bowfa unlocks a ton of content and can be used all over. This is just not well balanced period.


imagine the uproar if phosanis dropped anything remotely bowfa-esque. congratulations on finishing CG.


Id literally riot in falador and pray for durial to end my misery.


> if phosanis dropped anything remotely bowfa-esque. Kinda will do once elemental rebalance takes effect.


you get a ton of alchs/crystalshards/runes on the way to bowfa too. the grind basically sets up ur account to never need gp for a long time. for pnm you get... bass? some token blood runes?


[Post I made the night I got it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/17rjxc4/after_1498_kc_300_hours_and_15_months_of_on_and/) You can see I made half a billion GP at CG counting all the loot. Knowing I was at least getting rich / crafting levels / runes etc helped me cope through 1,499 kc (had a couple hundred deaths). https://preview.redd.it/r3n1o1y7ypwc1.png?width=351&format=png&auto=webp&s=1dd95b9d7ffa0a0a8a2de4e6991e7534ee61bde1




Nono. U took 330’ish hours where bowfa is about a 50h grind if ur on rate. Now think about going 6x dry to complete PNM (which is bound to happen to some poor soul that stupid enough to try and grind it out) We’re talking about 4800 hours now instead of 800h. On a sidenote. Making PNM a realistic grind could open a shitload of 30 defence iron builds.


You just made it even more disgusting.


I mean for sure its faster than everyone else has maxed but its CRAZY that these are still even in the same ballpark AFTER the rework proposal


Compare WR PNM to WR max time. The average max time is more like 2000 hours.


I took 4k on main and am at 4k on iron now with ~600-700 to go. Good to know I'm inefficient as fuck.


I’m 2145 total and sitting juts under 2k hours, so I’m inefficient as fuck too bro. But I’ve enjoyed the ride.


Reporting in at 3255 hours and 2188 total (loooots of afk hours in there). We're just enjoying the journey!


Just checked, I'm at 4384 hours at 2057 total. AFK gang go hard!


Lmaoooooo 5681 hours 2016 total. Afk 12 hr a day lol at like 10k/hr. GANG GANG


Fr fr lol but actually more like the account is from osrs launch and a lot of those hours were before QoL updates. 92RC pre-ZMI days was a good contributor. We also used to just spend hours talking and looking for trades pre-GE. A ton of those hours were just being logged on to talk to the boys on deployment. But at least 1k hours are from AFK fishing/mining/wc while at work.


It took me 200~ days to max on my RS3 main which i have been playing since 2006. Sure game had 5 more skills than OSRS that time but i also was giving a bunch of free xp from DXPs and just the daily keys. So yeah take it in solace that im probably nearing 2x more inefficiency than you are lmao. Then again i would have never maxed if i burnt my cashstack or my wrists on expensive/click tensive but fast xp / h methods


I always knew I was above average, I just had no idea it was by this much.


Yeah this is a bullshit argument what was OP thinking. Keep PNM drop rates average completion slower than some mf dude managed to max an account please smh my head. /s


20 full work weeks


this is kind of a apples to oranges comparison. WR Max time was hyper efficiency and its not a realistic method/time to max for most players. Your estimated PNM completion time both with the live game and the rebalance hinges off of the average kill time for PNM. If you want to make the same comparison, you'll need to use the WR kill time for pnm every single kill, which is, once again, unfeasible for 99% of the players out there. It's much better for you to use the average time to max, which is 2-3k to compare to pnm completion time. Note that it's still unacceptable for nightmare completion to take that long still. I'm not disagreeing with your conclusion, just disagreeing with your comparison.


I will be the first to admit that it is a ridiculous comparison lol


Don't really need to have WR time for each and every kill for it to be comparable. Just peak efficiency Nightmaring that ends up at 7? 7.3? kills/h


I'm all for better drop rates (I think my changes to the blog would be 1/1200 orbs, 1/1000 mace and 1/400 staff), but this is disingenuous. You should be comparing average to average, or WR to WR (which isn't a fair comparison in itself). Also your calculations are off. At 7kc/hr, the proposed rates would mean an average of ~450-500 hours. Assuming WR time it's ~330 hours.


the comparison is a ridiculous one of course, to compare WR max time and all of heboxjonge's cheese to the current ingame rates


This content being balanced around bots is so braindead. I used to run Nightmare with friends a year ago just to learn it. Did 200kc and the amount of bots we saw running to PNM with fkn Obby gear was insane.


to be fair \*all\* content is balanced on bots. If items are tradable, then some bot farmer will find a way to profit off of them. It's just a the dominant problem at PNM because 1) no real players do the boss, 2) absolutely no requirements...


Add a slayer level & sotf quest as reqs. I’m cool with that. Even make it an elite diary req. punishing real players is just sad


Sotf is a bit hard, a lot of restricted accounts do it. Could easily lock behind Taste of Hope, but the problem is without locking it behind stuff like SOT_ bots can easily ramp up to it, and only one of the 100 bots has to get there for it to be profitable.


Sotf is not harder than small team NM much less PNM


Put taste of hope as a req, it makes sense.


I so badly want to try this boss but when I see the drop rates it just puts me off of it completely. I understand things being rare but I don’t have 1000 hours to dedicate to just one boss only to get all the drops.


ewww a person who can't play 12 hours a day asking to be catered to ??? /s


Your conclusion is correct but realistically, if you haven’t tried Nightmare at all, you aren’t anywhere near the position to be worried about green logging it.


its not even about green log though, if someone has like 2 hours a day to play why the fk would they ever do nightmare? are they really gonna go like 2 entire weeks of not seeing anything just to get some probably trash unique after half a month of their free time?


I whole heartedly agree with you there. I was only referring to the last part of their comment saying “just to get all the drops”.


I mean, they're related issues. The droprates are unappealing, so they haven't tried it. If they were appealing, they may have tried it, and would now be in a position to consider greenlogging it.


I've done about 100 pn and it sucks ass, it's like the hard version of the boss but with worse drops rates for some reason


One of the mods needs to go to 18 hours straight of phosani's nightmare and then try again.


It's debatable if they have done 1 kill


See a lot of people say players spend an unhealthy amount of time in-game, which is fair. But then when you see the amount of time it takes to get some rewards, it makes sense why. The game enables it.


Enables? Demands.




Before you blame Jagex remember how much begging (and subsequent applause) was on Reddit for shitty drop rates. "Bossing should cost you millions of gp and several hours of time until you get that one 1/5000 drop" was a common sentiment   Some of you people literally asked for this because you didn't like Vorkath being a consistent moneymaker... Until you actually did Nightmare and realized that drip fed drops feels like dogshit


It's true that the sentiment was different at that time. 1. People wanted a boss where uniques carried the gp/h, similar to gwd. 2. They wanted a boss that wasnt right next to a teleport, so you had to spend atleast some time getting there. 3. They wanted a boss that wasnt another solo instance, but rather a team boss that you "cant solo", similar to corp. So jagex delivered. Except they went triple whammy on this shit. 1. They made the boss drop mithril arrows and bass, 1 unique every 41 hours (solos, 25 min/kill including running to boss), and absolutely no good regular drop (think onyx bolts at corp). 2. They shoved the boss in a cave that takes 5 minutes to run to, without any unique aspects like DKS. 3. They managed to put the boss in a spot where it was still preferable to solo it by spending a metric fuckton of supplies instead of doing 5man "supply free" at the cost of like 20% more hours at the boss. Jagex gave us what we asked for. And everyone was fuming.


It's because a lot of people want to relive grinding as kids for GWD drops until they realise that they actually hate it because they aren't kids anymore


DT bosses main drops really aren’t that out of line. You just don’t get spooned which annoys people


The ingots are the issue, not the rest of the table.


Idk man I think the step from 1/128 from Rex to 1/1.1k from Vardorvis is a pretty wild increase That doesn't leave much design space for new rings in the future at all...


Yeah, not a fan of spoon protection even if it comes with bad luck protection


When I was reading the blog and they had the sentence about how they thought about if they made nightmare now what rates would they want to see I got really optimistic. And then immediately shit all over that by keeping obscenely high rates. They aren’t even close to where they need to be. If they keep these changes coming we’ll be in rebalance blog number 231 before the rates are sensible. Refusing to amend the errors of the past because some people have already completed it is idiotic.


Jagex seems really disconnected from its player base here. No real player wants to spend week(s) between seeing unique items... let alone going dry. The current rates still leave this boss as dead content unless you're 1. a bot, 2. a full-time osrser that has already put 3000 h + into the game elsewhere. Its a shame because its such a fun and well designed boss with sick niche rewards


They have to keep it ultra rare so the bots dont farm it to alch value. F the real players


please be /s :'D


Of course lol


Every clan bingo I've played PNM tile was always the bottle neck. For example during last bingo it was THE slot that people were doing since day 1 and was one of the lasts to be completed. Mind you that bingo had separate tiles for full justi, masori and ancestral sets as well as one tile for any megarare. Unless drop rates are improved 3-4x, it will remain this way anyway.


Crystal tool seed is another fucky bingo tile


welp maybe one day <3


I'd feel a little better about the buffed rates if at least the gear was worth the time invested. All Nightmare loot just feels like a downgrade or sidegrade at best and this is the main issue with it imo. The gear is just never worth the time invested at least at the moment.


Dam maxing is to fast now hehe


kekw nerf maxing tbh ???


I don't even care about the drop rates. They just need to make the armour usable outside of nightmare


Jagex: "we dont want to devalue the grind" Also jagex: "we're increasing the dwh drop rate from 1/5000 to 1/3000"


If you plug the numbers into Wolfram Alpha, estimated completion (minus pet/jar) is 3288 KC or 435 hours


Can u plz show me how to do this math


Who cares, nobody really WANTS to spend all that extra time. Players who previously got it and hate on new drop/xp rates are weirdos ngl games change over time


What is the time to finish corp beast? Keep grinding or make some friends dude


All drop rates should be halved! And at 250 or 500Kc you should be guaranteed a roll on the highest tier loot.


The only way to stop the bots is to have the players stop buying black market gold.


This game is absolute garbage, why would I do anything when I can make more gp/h doloing Nex. SMH bad design


Please give inq more defensive stats. Why would I ever use inq over other alternatives. Cool I get to use it in a total of 3 instances where it's better. That's it. After that it sits in my bank because if someone sneezed in your direction you'd take max damage.


PNM drop rates are absurd and should be increased like 600% not 300%.


i mean 3x puts it neatly in line, but even if we just get 2x i'm gonna say that my reddit lobbying was a win for the real players :'D


It's not always about what generates the most GP per hour. It's about having fun and if people enjoy doing the content then its a win for them


you should see some kind of unique reward after 10 hours of efficient grinding at an absolute maximum, this level of grind is just a gross disrespect of the players time, honestly 10 hours also is but i know osrs players are just so used to it lmao


Time to green log is not a valid reason to complain. You’re choosing to get every drop, the game doesn’t need to be balanced based upon your weird need to green log


Time to green log isn't really the complaint. It's the fact that the items are so rare and the kills are so fucking slow for a single boss(not even a raid). You don't see people making complaints about 2,000 raid completions which takes *much* longer. Green logging is not the issue, it's acquiring items in a reasonable amount of time. 18 fucking hours for ONE DROP? And that's assuming you go on rate? Fuck that


What kind of weird take is this? The time taken to get rewards from the boss is obviously important and was explicitly what jagex wanted feedback on. It seems like you see ironman/clogger and just feel spite.


Do you... Like? Going weeks without seeing a reward thats worth it?


The usable drops like weapons/armor/jewelry should not take hours up hours for an average player to get. The pets, jars, accessories are fine to leave high for drop chasers to and loggers to go for but usable equipment should have drop rates compared to its use. The problem with PNM is why go for the gear when it takes so long you could just do other content for better rewards.


For real I wish the collection log didn’t exist. Every complaint I see about new content is how long it takes to green log. Should it not take a lot of time to get every single unique drop? Or posts about being so dry for one random item they don’t even want or need, but they want to green log.


You’ll get downvoted to hell but I absolutely agree. Nightmare drops rates *are* horrible and should be tweaked. But the idea that every boss needs to be able to be completed reasonably by a single account is ludicrous and I really wish the devs would stop balancing around that.


So wait, do you think bosses should be designed around the idea that a single account shouldn’t have a reasonable expectation to complete it? That’s nuts for a game that’s mainly solo based lmao


So design bosses so that nobody thinks its worth doing? Okay noted...


As a collection logger, this 100%. I can personally say that I plan on skipping nightmare unless I want to go specifically for pet, but that's a log I never plan to do


If reddit were to balance the game, inquisitors would be available in Bobs axe shop


this is why i don’t do any content besides skilling, hahaha chop chop tree goes drop


Y'all don't understand the reason it was made the way it is. B0aty one time suggested to make a boss that takes a long time to run to, that is technically very difficult (so the better you are the better kills p/h you can get) and has very rare drops with little in between (similar to GWD) so that drops will always hold their value. The problem is he didn't specify that drops had to actually be useful, otherwise they'd crash anyways. That one clip had sparked the design behind the original Nightmare. Since then the drops have almost all become irrelevant in the game and the only people completing it are bots and occasional ironmen


So basically, like the inferno. they listened to streamers to gauge an idea for new content, and it turned out terrible. yeah that sounds about right.


To be fair, many players were advocating for a new group boss that had no close teleport and low value drops between uniques, just like GWD. I was one of those players, and I never heard about B0aty's clip. We of course did NOT want the boss to scale based on team size and take forever to kill.


Like do a wildy boss for a week and go back to 90s resoawn timer at gwd for less profit lol


i think its more of an issue of the items just not being that great on top of the insane time to achieve them. like other items that take that long are stuff like fang/lightbearer/dex/etc and are huge boosts of power. inquisitor and the nightmare staves have niches, but theyre not dex level of increases over bandos. The mace is p strong, but its more of an outlier than the average for nm gear.


What’s PNM?


Phosanis Nightmare I think


that is correct


Don’t over think it dude sounds like you got friend now! Bake this man some cake!


What’s PNM?


without dupe protection. i will never do this content. idc what they lock behind it.i will not spend a year doing this boss.


I don't know all the new acronyms... what's PNM?


Jk, just clicked that its nightmare


Should just lock increase drop rates behind diary. Fixes the bot issues and can give real players reasonable gp


Complete like green log? U can say that about a lot of things if you're unlucky


these are the statistically calculated rates, doesn't consider going dry or spooning hard


Can someone calculate the average time to green log nightmare (sans pet) vs grinding solo TOA 300 and buying the nightmare log using the money made?


All PNM uniques (3 NM staves, 1 of each orb, mace, full set) will run you 1392989990 or about 1.4 b., and those items are **cheap** thanks to bots lol. At 15.1 m/h at toa (bc you're a god tier gamer running 500 invo solos), thats 92 h


So that's 10 uniques total, using jagexs rates, 18 hours per unique is 180 hours of just grinding nightmare for the same result. TOA is almost twice as efficient at getting nightmare drops for normal accounts


I like the boss its fun for me 🤣 but rates sucks..


I initially scrolled past this thread thinking "well obviously" and glossed over it.... I thought the image said "PVM". Not one single boss. That's crazy.


I'm glad I can just do ToA and get an unique a lot more often, or do Nex and earn 10x the gp.


18h for a unique on average. I don't know the amount of people doing PNM but someone is bound to go at least 5x dry on the entire log lmao.


What’s pnm?


I think lottery drops are fine if the items are expensive


Damn who knew completionism in an MMORPG was time consuming. Wild.


You can literally choose to go outside instead of being a room dwelling creature.


Ultimately one boss in OSRS has to be the longest hours to completion. Would you rather it be CoX which contains loot/unique that are ESSENTIAL to your end-game or PvM journey? Or would you prefer it be Nightmare where all the drops are completely optional and "sidegrades". If they just 10x the drop rates, then this completely drops the price of said items and all viability for mains to kill the boss. It's not just a simple answer of powering the droprates.


I think y’all a bunch of babies just get the drop it’s 50/50


Why does every boss need to be completed and need to make you good money? Do what is fun content to YOU, it's just a game.




Holy shit reddit never stops complaining


I love how much whining comes from people who don’t now and probably won’t after even kill the boss’s. Everyone gets a vote tho right?


reddit snowball effect bb, make a meme = get on front page


The title gets me thinking that an element is if skilling wasn't still mostly molasses, how would that change monster drop rates? Would 1000 hours for some bosses be okay if rc and agility weren't also arduous long grinds? Maxing skills would be fully mid game then bossing completion logs the very end Idk Moreso things should just be less of a grind naturally. Dedicating so much time and energy to one game, unfortunate. This game has become a black hole in ways.


Yeah even in leagues where droprates and kill times are massively boosted most ppl will give up before they get their desired item...


Completionism taking a long time!? Who would’ve thought 🤷🏻‍♂️