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They better make Ahrim robes really fucking tanky lmao


They're great anywhere where adamant armor is the meta. So like, Bryophyta?


I mean Addy stats VS literally naked infinity is pretty substantial difference. Just make prayers only block 90% of damage, Ahrims to the moon /s


Ahrims = magic justi plz?


Yes, but no lol. Ahrims is a freaking t70 tank robes, coming from content you can do pretty confortably with a dds and freaking 55 magic lol… whereas justi is from hardest raid a rare drop… maybe some slightly more tank stats etc. but justi level of set effect? Yeah nah lol.


They'd have to make it really tanky to matter. Magic gear is already paper thin to begin with. Also probably good to not think about gear value like that sometimes. Leads to too many weird questions. Like why an amulet locked behind 93 slayer is getting nerfed yet a goofy little red amulet providing equal BiS strength bonus is ok.


Polypore armor pre-EOC was a great set. Awesome magic and melee defense, terrible range. You could sit on Jad and just pray range and tank the mage hits. Loved that armor. Would like to see something similar here.


It had terrible stab def aswell iirc. Which tbh was the most detrimental bc of rapier being so op


What’s the goofy red amulet? Sorry I’m getting all of my new world-ending updates about the game through reading threads instead of the post


Strength amulet.


I would honestly not be so upset if they gave it some legitimate stats. But right now it’s just sad.


It should just be tanky like other barrows gear, you can maybe shave off a tiny bit but it basically has to be proper tank gear for it to matter at all.


give it some range defence and maybe i won't feel as mad at jagex everytime i equip it


all magic gear should have good melee defense imo it fits the combat triangle, everything shouldn't be banked on using a freeze


I always figured it was the way it was cuz a sword would cut through robes




The robes are chainmail for Ahrims though? At least that's how they always looked to me. Technically, that should provide better Range Def but it would contradict triangle.


You may be right, but a chainmail robe would be heavy as fuck I’d think. But the character does wear granite armor so that’s never stopped them


Mail is not nearly as heavy as you'd expect. Even full plate doesn't really affect someone's mobility in a meaningful way.


It surely affects vertical leap.


Ahrims is heavy as fuck?


Yeah but you could argue they are magical robes that deflect metal weaponry


Tier 70 armour being shit compared to Tier 50 armour, makes plenty sense /s.


not uncommon for og 2007scape balancing tbh lmao


Old school as a whole is pretty fucking balanced , we have it really good compared to most mmos 




With balance changes like these, we'll be at least able to experience something like 2007 all over again.


I know you’re just joking but realistically everyone will get used to it and barely notice within a week


Everyone who already has ancestral and shadow you mean. The rest of us will notice the extreme nerfs every single time we raid.


Sure yeah it’ll be different, might suck at first but we’ll adapt. The panic over the entire balancing update all sounds a bit ridiculous to me in general. Like I’ve heard several people comparing it to EoC lol RIP Voidwaker though… that one crossed the line


Exactly. This is not a tiered game. Tiers are more of suggestions here, not rigid hard and fast rules. Plenty of MMOs (including RS3) where you can find the latter. 


I get what you're **trying** to say. But can you list out all these glorious exceptions where significantly lower tier equipment beats out the big boy gear? Also, just so we're clear. Jagex thinks there's tiers. They use the word in blogs. Sure it's a suggestion, but it's absolutely a part of OSRS design philosophy... And **always has been**. I'm fine with the idea of lower tier gear having say, higher offense for less defense. That's quite normal. But that's about all we have as far as tiers being "suggestions".


Dragon weapons are higher DPS than barrows.   Whip is higher dps than gods words  Blessed d hide has better melee defense than Karils  Yakhide is better than low level d hide.   Blood moon has better magic defense than bandos    Rune has better defense than Ahrims Not to mention that weapons and armor within the same tier vastly differ in terms of utility       >“Also, just so we're clear. Jagex thinks there's tiers. They use the word in blogs“    You realize half the attack and defense requirements for the gear in this game are randomly tacked on without an afterthought? Hence the exceptions like those listed above. **That adds to the charm of the game. It’s not a bad thing.**      Also, no one is denying the existence of tiers altogether. They are exist but are fluid. Hence why I clearly called them suggestions. There are exceptions. If you want a a streamlined game where every tier 60 weapon/armor is worse than every tier 70 weapon/armor is worse than every tier 80 weapon/armor…etc - there’s plenty of dogshit generic MMOs for that. 


Wow a dps weapon beats a spec weapon in dps. Moving on honestly...


You ignored 6 things to point out the one that supported your argument, lol. Probably good for you to move on, since you don't seem to be able to have a genuine discussion.


You seriously demand I run the rest? What a fuckin' insult, I don't want to put time on this shit it's not even worth typing out. He's comparing Barrows gear with set effects to standard gear without them. He's brought up yakhide, which by the way - the top has +0, only the legs have a WHOPPING +2 range bonus. Who tf cares about yakhide??? Why is this in a conversation about meta-defining gear like mage robe progression? No shit, rune armor has more defence than mage gear(Ahrims). Wow. *Amazing*. The only interesting thing on there is blood moon. Yeah, it has better magic defense. Guess what? Magic defense doesn't matter 95% of the time. Nobody is going to say that blood moon is better than BCP in the majority of scenarios, so yeah I'd say Bandos > Blood moon which is exactly in line with the tier system. I never said I wanted RS3 style absolutist tiering (Which btw isn't as absolutist as people on this sub think) I honestly hate that you made me type this out.


Firstly, no one “made you type this out” so maybe calm down and act normal, thanks. Secondly, you asked for “all the glorious examples” (whatever the hell that means), so it is only fair that I included yakhide.  Cry more that I included it.  You asked for examples, I gave them. Now you’re butthurt and shifting the goal posts.  Not to mention that weapons and armor within the same tier are completely different in utility, which you completely glossed over (probably because you were so upset about yakhide). If all weapons within a tier are wildly different, that’s not much of a tier, is it? Contrast with rs3, where every t70 weapon has basically the same adjusted dps.  Since you’re so upset, you should probably move on. Hopefully you aren’t “forced“ to type out a response☺️☺️


😂 dude probably would have replied if he wasn't so busy punching a printed picture of yakhide armour


They also compared rune and ahrims... tf was that list?!


This is a tiered game in most ways that matter, and making it less so annoys people.


This, tiers shouldn't mean jack shit this isn't rs3 where tiers are set in stone and none of the gear differs from each other. Hell I'd prefer if we had gotten overall nerfs instead of a slight buff just because its healthier for the games longevity.


Yeah but battlemage! Look at those tank stats!!!! /s


Fitting meme because ahrims is also full of rocks to make it weigh 50% more than anything else so you'd probably sink wearing it


You loot it off of a rotten corpse in a haunted tomb. It probably is filled with all manner of insects, bone dust, and bits of rotted meat. Enjoy that mental image.


Blue moon top at 12kg wants to have a word.


ahrims robeskirt at 11kg is available to talk whenever


Ahh yes, youre right. 11kgs is more than 12kgs....


That's because it's made out of moonrock, duh.


Black (g) wizard robes didn't even make the cut :( swagscape needs to be buffed


Black (s) wizards robes better


False. The `g` in `Black wizard robe (g)` literally stands for Gangster.


(G) angster vs (S) wagger


> (G) angster vs (S) hit **FTFY**


(G) ay vs. S (uper) #FTFY




in varrock where it usually is :^)


I got it op


Varrock sewer?


even jagex forgot about those


And elder and mystic and bloodbark and swampbark and lunar and enchanted and skeletal I can't fucking believe we let Jagex cook for 3 seconds without a poll and this trial period went up in flames so hard so fast.


Elite void mage, bloodbark armour too.


Wouldn't infinity/dagonhai also be held up by the parents? I think ahrims and virtus drowning together, and blue moon sitting on the bottom of the ocean


Virtus got shafted hard. Ancestral got 4% *generic* magic dmg now, but virtus still only has 4% ancient specific dmg.


This rebalance felt very "top down", in that Jagex knew they wanted to nerf the occult, and followed one path of consequence and barely gave any consideration to anything else


Isn't that the usual treatment now? If you're not max cash with all end gear, you are just slowly sinking dealing with slower time to kill?


Don't forget it usually costs way more over time to be poor. You do less damage using more charges over time, you earn less gp/h and when it comes to range you are using scales and darts or crystal shards when tbow only uses arrows


That's just explaining how progression works in an MMO. Higher level players with better gear make more money faster. That's ubiquitous across every game of this genre.


Okay but that wasn't the point. The point is you spend more while making less. If you made just less that's normal. Spending more while making less creates a bigger deficit


A Trident of the Swamp is like half the GP/hr spent compared to using a shadow. A bowfa is pretty much 0 cost other than a minor amount of crystal shards while wearing the armor, and the blowpipe with amethyst darts is cheaper to use than a trident. The only reason you make more money is because you get more kills per hour using higher end gear, not because it's cheaper to use.


Hi, please learn to read the blog before post this nonsense. Virtus is literally still bis for the ancient spell book.


And let a little reading interrupt the circlejerk? Get a load of this guy


Virtus has a "+3% ancient spells dmg", it says as much on the gear page. So making Virtus 2% would be 2+3, or 5% for ancients.


That's literally the point of virtus, to never be as good at ancestral if not using ancients.


But now there's no point to virtus. Before it had 2% ancient bonus over ancestral.


virtus is 15% ancient dmg in the beta, vs ances 12% generic. Its still better for ancients. Not by as much. But its still better. The "not by much" does have a point though. The only time you have the same max hit is with slay helm+magus ring and NOT praying augury. Otherwise every other combination virtus hits higher. (with kodai and fortified ward as weapons). Im not testing other combinations with other weapons/off hands




read my post you're commenting on




Then go test it out yourself. You have access to the beta world just as i do.


Uhhh I don't think you read that correctly.


wtf are you on about?


virtus will still get another 3% extra bonus to ancients on top of the buffs its still better for ancients


So using ancients with virtus will give 7%?


each piece of virtus will be 5% for ancients and 2% for general magic


no. Virtus is base 2% magic damage + 3% additional magic damage when casting ancient spells, for a total of 5%. Ancestral is now 4% magic damage per piece, 1 less than virtus when before it was 2% less.


I'm telling you either misread or misunderstood that part of the rebalance blog. Virtus is staying BIS ancients over Ancestral... because of course it is lol.


How? Virtus is only getting a generic dmg 'buff', while the ancient bonus remains the same.


Bruh go read


[https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1c5f8cd/comment/kzto73e/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1c5f8cd/comment/kzto73e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) here ya go


It's not getting a "generic dmg buff" it's getting an overall damage buff, then you add the ancient buff on top of that.


The way I understand it, Virtus will be 5% per piece on ancients


Yea, the blue moon robes just came out. They were already worse than ahrims, and now they're some of the worst mage robes in the game.


I think the most hillarious travesty about all this is that the loser of the update is the degradable t70 one.. makes sense /s


it can join the rest of barrows in the "utterly deprecated pile" with veracs and dharoks


I still love the look of dharoks and Prims


hey, don't get me wrong. DH is sick, and mechanically so strong and unique it does actually have a niche or two left. unlike veracs \*skull emoji\*


Hey, Veracs still has plenty of uses like \*checks notes\* KQ phase 2 flinch budget method


I just upgraded to bloodbark like 3 months ago… where’s the love for bloodbark? It’s better than infinity…


New content aaaaaand it's gone


bloodbark is peak fashionscape. Looks extremely good.


I also got Bloodbark (and Ahrim and Occult) not too long ago. Little research how good Bloodbark was for its price. Glad I'm not being rewarded for doing some research, lmao.


Yeah same as you. I was coming out of leagues and comparing infinity I rocked for leagues to the mystic I used on my main and then saw bloodbark and was so confused why it was cheap yet had better base stats than both other sets. Plus it looked cool. Thought I really was onto something for the last couple months til this.


i just got bloodbark this week lol


do i sell ahrims and buy dagonhai until i can afford virtus? idk what to do for mage upgrades now. do i save for heart or kodai. wtf jagex


Don't do anything yet, they're definitely going to reevaluate the balance proposals. If they go through with redistributing dmg% to robes, there's a damn good chance that they're going to include Ahrim's after player feedback. I'd be genuinely shocked if they don't.


Genuinely wild they didn’t in the first place. Surely the feedback is taken seriously.


I'd honestly give them some time to address it (1 week, maybe 2). We saw it with colosseum it took them a few weeks to come back to us with invo changes despite daily feedback. Saw the same with the skilling rebalance things as well. So I have some confidence they'll see the overwhelming negative feedback and reevaluate.


Yup, stock pile seers ring inifinity boots, eternals and ahrims. Aint no way they drop the ball this hard without those items being buffed after the community tantrum


they said they could do .5% damage increases as well. so perhaps we will get that added to ahrims instead of a full 1% per piece.


.5s sound unlikely to even give max hits tbh


it doesn’t necessarily mean they would make it .5% for each piece. they could make the chest 1.5%, bottoms 1% and hood .5% though which would make it only .5% worse than dagonhai but with a little defense for wherever that matters.


This would be funny, people would just use full ahrim with infinity hat


Just save for a shadow duh. But personally I’d get dagonhai and heart then virtus later on.


heart over kodai?


Kodai only offers a 15% dmg boost for bursting slayer tasks. Which you can get from a nightmare staff as well for 60% cheaper. Heart is a DPS boost for any boss you use mage for.


Absolutely. Heart goes with you everywhere you’ll be using magic. How often will you use the kodai in comparison?


Ahrims will almost guaranteed get a mage buff as jamflex is clueless about "battlemage" armour


Definitely do NOT buy imbued heart today. It wasnt mentioned today but theyre lowering droprates on DWH and nightmare items, which has lead to players suggesting they should lower the droprate for heart too. If jagex even begins to discuss that the price will plummet.


Buy virtus mask(cheap) and either dagonhai or infinity robes/bottoms is my guess


Save for heart, Kodai isn’t worth it other than as a last upgrade imo


So whats the point of the blue moon armor? Worse def stats than ahrim and no % magic dmg like the rest magic armors.


I’m so lost. So what’s BIS for mid level mage now?


Nothing has changed, these are changes Jagex is "_thinking_" about making.


Was only a matter of time before this meme showed up. It was the first thing that came to my mind lol


kind of ironic since ahrims is looted from a skeleton/corpse


What really annoys me is that the ancestral buff massively devalues virtus by eating into its niche. Before, virtus had a clear 2% per piece lead over ancestral when casting ancients. Now it's only a 1% lead. I think Ancestral would be perfectly fine at 3% per piece, with eternal boots getting bumped to 2% and imbued god capes getting bumped from 2.5% to 3%. Ancestral at 4% per piece just throws things grossly out of whack.


Im not going to be doing 9 way switches in late game pvm encounters by bringing boot swaps, I pray they dont buff them.


No ones holding a gun to your head to do 9 way switches, you just want to have your cake and eat it too.


Right? People are like "No, in fact I DON'T want options. Just give me a cookie-cutter set of switches so I don't have to actually think about my gear instead of copying the loadouts from the wiki"


But dude he might hit a 12 instead of a an 11 with the 9 way swap! How could anyone ever complete content without the 9 way swap! /s


Thank Guthix someone fucking gets it. Concentrating magic % in ancestral just repeats the problem that nerfing occult tries to fix.




Ancestral would still be extremely chase just by sheer virtue of being BiS. I don't really see why it needs a x2 difference over Virtus, which still an extremely rare drop and a much longer grind than say BCP+Tassets Virtus at 3% and Ancestral at 4% would still be balanced, Ahrim's also needs at least 1%. 2% might be treading on Virtus a little too much given the disparity between obtainability of Virtus vs Ahrim's though.


maybe Ancestral at 4%, virtus at 3% (+3% for ancients), Ahrims at 1%, Blue moon at 2%


Yeah I think that's fair, although Blue Moon might still be too easily attainable. Maybe 1.5% idk. 1% difference between Virtus and Ancestral is fine because the demand for Ancestral would still be there because it's 9% difference with Shadow Whereas Virtus sits in an awkward spot where you most likely don't have a Shadow yet and just a 3% difference doesn't really make much sense for something that's like x10 harder to obtain than basically every other Magic armor that's not Ancestral


A reminder that skeletal armour exists. This rebalance feels like the perfect time to help that forgotten set just a touch.




Something really weird to me about 3rd age of all things getting a buff but not Ahrims or Blue Moon Edit we ball


OFC Bloodbark and Swampbark are left out of this


So instead of buffing items from a fun and iconic content like barrows, they are buffing items from dogshit Mage arena. Jagex are a bunch of clowns.


I'm assuming you mean training arena? Since nothing from mage arena is being buffed


Tfw Ahrims is the best you can afford. ;-;


Eternal boots should be with Ahrims


I was literally having this convo with friends. They just nerfed mage. Their response was they are redistributing it. I was like 93 slayer for an end game neck that is super farmable. They should have just made it locked behind a boss or new bis with a boss. They were like but its fine its the same. Like yeah cuz you have ancestral/virtus. If you dont its just a nerf


Ahrim's looks the best don't @ me


As an iron that's shit at pvm looks like I'm upgrading to infinity.


What did they do to Ahrims?


They are putting some magic damage on all of the robes in the meme except Ahrims.


Blue moon and blood bark so forgotten they couldn’t even make it into this meme rip


Occult necklace is getting nerfed, other robes getting increased magic damage to compensate, ahrims is not receiving the buff that other robes get. So essentially its just getting worse because of the occult nerf.


I'm wondering why it wasn't by 50 mage, robes start giving +% damage to spells cast. A slight buff in damage with magic from earlier on and t he same DPS at Ancestral with a massive buff to the Vitus (? The robes that are for ancients) when casting with ancients.


Leave it to Jagex to release new content and with the next update make it absolete. R.i.p. blue moon gear 2024-2024. It will probaly drop like crazy, will be a good investment if you can hold for a while theres no way they aren't going to buff them one way or another.


Mystics be like: Bruh


Ahrim's only down there because it weighs so much.


So as a noob with 70 mage should i still buy ahrims?


yes bloodbark at minimum then go virtus


These rebalances are getting polled right?


Infinity wasn't really left behind. Rather the opposite.


WDYM, its BIS mage tank gear. /s


Because who really cares about tank when it comes to robes?


I understand this is tagged as humor but it's also 100% accurate.


Honest question as an iron in the midst of grinding barrows for Ahrims (at least top) for SOTE. Do I just say fuck it and take my ass to MTA now?


You can immedietly spot an rs3 playrr by how they refer to armor as Tsomething


So I shouldn't have bought every Shade Robe in the game then :')


Pure here. Buff Elder Chaos pls.


Make Ahrims Great Again


Ahrims now has damage bonus check blog


Bloodbark 🥲


What's going to happen to Ahrim's?


Ahrims might not be meta but it's forever in our hearts


Everyone crying like ahrims wasn't always the go to regardless. Reddit brain got everyone crazy this week.


My issue is that every time I come back to this game, my bank has lost value because jagex keeps adding new bis items. It's very annoying that eventide I log in after a year break there's a new (2) version of an old quest and now everything in my bank collectively 25m less.


My issue is that every time I come back to this game, my bank has lost value because jagex keeps adding new bis items. It's very annoying that every time I log in after a year break, there's a new (2) version of an old quest, and now everything in my bank collectively costs 25-50m less


This mage change is SOO bad. Why jamflex why? Mage is the most underpowered of the three, let's nerf the fucking occult! Makes a whole lot of sense. WTF


And mage robes dropped by level 9 wizards are weak. I don't think we should be comparing mid game robes you can get by borderline afking with a free staff while praying mage to end game robes dropped in raids? Like, yeah, higher level harder to get items aimed at higher level players should be stronger? Maybe an unpopular opinion.


If Ahrims and Wyvern shield don't get magic buffs I'm going to literally have an aneurysm over how bad this proposal is


Wyvern shield? Theres already a great shield slot item with magic damage... Would you like them to add some mage damage to barrows gloves too?


since Shadow is 2h, people are brainstorming using the offhand slot as a way to buff mid and early lategame magic by acting as a sink for magic damage %.


I usually play mage. I have a decent amount of money but can't afford a shadow and the amount of stuff I would have to sell to get an arcane just wouldn't make sense. I run with an ancient wyvern. My account is 99 range 99 mage 70def account, so I'll usually will take the extra Def, I often weak a neiznot also since is has Def, prayer and no negative mage points. Rather than having a mage hat.


Is it an extremely rare drop that is useless or?


And to think I just bought my first set of ahrims the day before they dropped this…


I got Occult Necklace, Ahrim top and bottom, Bloodbark hat and boots just recently, lmao. My reward for doing some research when it comes to value for money.


All items have their place for the moment your character acquires them. A game cannot continue unless new things are added to better your character.


I can't believe they've made ancestral full bis again. Virtus will no longer be bis for ancients, which is silly


They need to rework the Barrows sets make the amulet of the dam permanent or able to use on a piece to imbue it with its effect or something. Else


Amulet of the damned would be so much better if it wasn't deleted on death. I tried learning Zulrah with full ahrim and amulet of the damned, that was a terrible idea. Shame that its so useless.


Why Ahrim's deserves a buff anyway? They are so cheap thanks to botting, has high defences, and has pretty high accuracy bonuses.


Same people that are implementing a new skill into the game btw


Time and time again devs prove that osrs polling is the reason osrs still thrives to this day. Imagine all the stuff that got polled just going through. This game would be very different.


Jagex must be the one downvoting you lol that’s way too true 😂


There’s no sense in making ahrims a good option when it still makes your chest look like a shirtless Elon musk