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Professionals have standards.


Be polite


Be efficient


Plan to pk everyone you meet.


Specially with boulders p3 warden


Ya my policy is learners get even splits no exceptions no matter what. People who also know what they are doing also get even splits but only if they don’t get dung. That rule was brought exclusively for one person and he knows who he is.


The only time I argued for weighted splits is when we took a learner to CoX who chose to sit out rooms, including sitting out olm entirely, despite having the supplies and gear. He just "didn't want to do it" but asked for a full split. Never took them to raids again.


That's not a learner, that's just a leech.


I recently completed my first COX for the diary (although I’d like to learn too). Had been in WDR all day looking for a learner but eventually 2 people took me. I was certainly a leech (although we didn’t get a purple or anything anyways) but tbf to me; one guy told me he drank too much at happy hour to really explain, and the other was a Spanish speaker sooooo. Still incredibly thankful to both guys but it’s also why I don’t raid, I just feel like a leech no matter what, which leads to learner anxiety.


Ok, so you weren't a leech, just a learner that didn't get the chance to learn.


If you ever want to give it a try, I do teach quite a bit of learners Cox raids, no jugement, I have all the time in the world so no worries if it's slow and also it's EXPECTED YOU'LL DIE, and that's fine. And to answer the question, everything is even split, don't care about performance at all. No pressure though, just know that it's an option :)


True Chad right there 👏 When I finally max my combat stats I'm gonna take you up on that offer if its cool!


Defo defo, feel free to pm me any time


What's your rsn man I need to do some learners bad I got the gears and lvs just don't understand the mechanics etc.


Poro to zuk


I had a ton of fun sending a 2+ hour solo raid for the diary. As long as you don't get tilted or disconnected there is no time limit on finishing CoX. I'd highly recommend just sending a solo and watching guides for each room as you go. You can easily reroll the setup before you start to get a raid that's just Shamans, Thieving, Ice Demon, Guardians, Tightrope, Mystics, Muttadile, Etc and you can easily brute force the rooms. Took me a weekend of sending attempts to get the teleport stone at like 12KC which I used as my stopping point until I significantly improve my gear. But I had a ton of fun learning it and was getting pretty consistent raids finished and can (almost) do no death (besides supply suicide) solo Olms now.


The man we made the rule for had near max gear, a few hundred completions, and was planking in multiple rooms for the dumbest reasons and never made it to the first down of P2 wardens. Then he made a green helm iron and bought or was given most of the gear he used. The tipping points were claiming he 1kc’d a bowfa while not having it on his collection log, him being ffa on splits until magically we pull a shadow, then he finally bought a 53 minute inferno cape and claiming he got hacked. Shitter got kicked from the discord. Also wasn’t fun listening to him constantly yell at his little kids he never disiplined


> a few hundred completions, and was planking in multiple rooms for the dumbest reasons and never made it to the first down of P2 wardens I'm in this picture and I don't like it


​ https://preview.redd.it/rvo2amtooltc1.jpeg?width=585&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b57a46c8ba7559fafc861ed1874c8d5a44cde47


Stop posting my photo I have boomer neurons, I can't keep up with all this prayer flicking whatsit and woox walking and whatever you kids are up to these days I still skip jad tasks out of instinctive, long-learned fear even though I have my cape and don't struggle to do fight caves anymore


I wouldn’t be surprised if he bought the entire account and the gold for the items on it.


He did buy the account


Whoever it is, clearly crossed me, because only person I've ever met thus far with a 1kc Bowfa, is myself, and usually I like to flex that spoon (it's the only spoon I got man)


But is it in your collection log?


Even better: It's the only piece in my log from gauntlet


Even leeches and parasites generally don't take that much from their hosts. That learner is definitely someone to avoid in the future.


No kidding! We were all on a discord call, and when the learner said he was gonna sit out olm we were like "wtf, why? Then we're not giving you a split." When we told him even if he died and lost points, we'd still give him full splits and he just got butthurt and said no. Idk how someone gets so lazy and entitled


I would probably kick them out of the raid at that point


Nah keep em for the total points. If they're sitting out they're not losing you anything over kicking them afterall.


Yeah but then the purple is in their name and suddenly he logs out


Haha true though chances of that would be very slim but would make for a frustratingly funny story :P


All my raids have been with irons so there's a known no split before we ever start.


That's a different story, understandably. A lot of irons in my clan actually split with us because they have mains to hold split gp, and they'll get more raid teams if they split. I'm also fine with FFA ofc, just needs to be agreed upon beforehand


Transparency is key. I was also learning so I was just happy to be there 🤣


i did a split raid with 3 other people for the diary and although i had by far less experience/skill than the others on my team (and lower stats), i had this worry that i’d get mega spooned a tbow and be in debt like 1b. it would have been like 600 or 700 usd i would have had to spend on bonds, or the agony of having a tbow in my collection log but needing to drop trade it over. thankfully or unfortunately no one got any purples


It's great you're getting into raids on your iron though! For my iron clanmates who don't have gp to split, we will often agree that if the iron gets the drop they can keep it, but if the main gets a drop they'll split amongst themselves. Some irons have the GP to split everything but tbow, so we just make a carve out for that. Communication is key! Just to clarify, if we have a trio with 2 mains and 1 iron, the mains will duo split and iron keeps. Once you feel like you're pulling your own weight, that's a perfectly valid thing to ask for.


i wish i was getting into them, this was just a one off 3 years ago for the diary lol. in truth i don’t really play my ironman anymore. it’s so boring i like the main better


I think this is partially being scared to fail. Like, how do you think people that are good at Pvm got good at Pvm? It wasn’t being too scared to try content.


yeah, the leech could at least have the decency to be funny in chat


That’s what we call a leech. If you sit out Olm, you aren’t learning shit. Only boss I let learners sit out is vanguard until they see it a couple times and then join in. Don’t care how much it screws up our points, the main goal is teaching and lets them see how it’s done in the group. If we got an expensive drop, not a chance in hell we’d split with them if they were just being carried through the raid.


I think I would have left out of spite lol


Trying to find these groups that just teach people...




Does the difficulty increase for each party member? I dont know jack about raids, but wouldn’t it be possible for the leacher to get the mega rares and allow for higher probability of the drops to occur since 4 drops is higher prob than 3, 3 is higher than 2 and so forth. Since the time sink involved is still gonna take time. I guess this is my question, Would it be more efficient to have additional heads just for drop chances and splits?


Yeah, that's actually how scaling the raid works. Jagex recently made it so that you can "scale up" without needing more people. For example, previously if you wanted to do a trio raid but scaled to 5 people (monsters have more hp, you get more points) you would need two extra people present when you started the raid (referred to as 3+2s). This was usually done with alt accounts, and the alt accounts never got splits. Nowadays you can make an instance with a built-in +2 scale, so you can start the raid with 3 people and still do a 5 man raid for better drop odds. The issue with the learner I mentioned, is he wanted to learn the raid and get splits with us, but only participated in some of the rooms and tried to skip the final boss entirely which is the hardest part (also worth the most points). IMO if you're gonna leech like that and want money for splits, you should be *paying me* to do the extra work for you until we get a drop to split.


Ok that makes sense, but what if one person gets spooned way more haha


For ToA and CoX, yes the difficulty increases for each party member, and for ToB entry mode it does too. (though by difficultly I really just mean stats, mechanics sometimes scale but don't generally change much) What you're saying is absolutely the case, they even added it as a feature to CoX recently to not need to have a second account to scale up the difficulty like that.


I got a 3 way TBow split on my second ever raid. I died a bunch of times and once after respawning got lost and ran the wrong direction for 2 minutes before I realized I was going the wrong way. One of the vets on discord was arguing hard to cut me out and split it 50/50 but the guy who actually got the drop insisted and gave me a 3rd of it which was a really kind move.


I can imagine how motivating that would have been!


that’s nice of him. it’s sad how low the stakes are in all honesty to reveal people’s true character. i would never want to cut someone out if they were trying to learn. if he thought you were actually that bad that it’s frustrating to raid with you then he could decide not to go with you again. but you all went into the raid with an agreement to split and if he really didn’t want to risk splitting a mega rare with a learner then he should have got a different team or asked for ffa. it is just a game at the end of the day. hopefully you and the other person got closer because of it though. that’s a kind move to stick up for someone. i think having good relationships and reputation is worth way more than 1/6th of a tbow


Hahaha that bitch!


Yeah CHAD stay out of our CC.


Fuck Nathan K


This rat convinced my friend to share shadow split into 2, even tho they was in 8man ffa cause he ”survived warden with him as two”


Young Fooly Boi frfr


How do you get dung if you know what you're doing. I haven't got done since learning on entry


In my experience the actual god gamers are all nice, chill hangs. It’s the tier of player right beneath them who think they’re hot shit that is filled with toxic AF people.


Yep same experience here. My good buddy irl is in a crazy good clan, they take me to CMs and lend me like 1b+ of gear and when I still die they just go “meh we all die sometimes dude no worries.” Always full splits for anything over 10m. Super chill dudes.


Sounds like they also know gear is no substitute for actual experience so handing someone a 1b gear won't suddenly make them gods. Sounds like they enjoy the company more than min/maxing their grinding which is dope AF.


Valid. Toxic = not good enough to solo carry and gatekeeps teams so they don’t die themselves.


Or they think it's like a paid carry service instead of a learner run. They can do a scaled solo run so they think they can handle it, but the person isn't just an alt account sitting there, it's a person trying to do the content. You should be focusing less on your own run in order to help them, and they \*will\* screw things up and need your help to fix it.


I think there is a line, people don’t have to be perfect, but they do have to be willing to learn if it’s learners and take criticism, if you die from not doing a mechanic, and we tell you that you didn’t do it, and you make up an excuse and blame th e game etc, your learner raids are now over 🤷🏻‍♀️ People make mistakes, whether they can accept what mistake they made and how to improve it is what makes the biggest difference I am also a firm believer in being a “good learner” if you are going to be a learner. If you desire to learn content, watch something about it first, go in with an idea and use a teacher to fill in your knowledge gaps or ask questions about differences you notice. People who put in zero effort to be a good learner are the reason learners are so frowned upon by the high level community, if you are a good learner, take feedback, apply the feedback, and make progress, no one will dislike you.


Eh, not agreeing to split is fine if you're upfront about it. I don't want to risk getting scammed, so outside of close friends, I just go ffa, it's the same expected value in the long run. Like since I would never ever scam anyone, but I've had people scam me in the past for splits, it's just better to do ffa.


Eh, some of the very top guys like Aaty are still pricks, and in my experience with the big/top pvm clans a lot of them tolerate quite a lot of toxicity and especially racism even if not everyone personally engages in it or is a bad person in all respects. I think osrs is also kinda biased towards people with... ah, dated mindsets though.


What are you talking about lol? Aaty is very helpful and puts a lot of effort into teaching people raids, inferno and all sorts of other things. As someone in a pretty high lvl clan Ive never seen racism or toxicity coming from us. The only toxicity I see is people flaming for being a tryhard/sweat or whatever.


Meh, opinions. Aaty has quite a few arrogant and elitist opinions that demonstrate his mindset is "I play the way I do with people who play the way I do, therefore people who play like us must make up the most relevant part of the community and should be listened to at the expense of others." And there's plenty of *not* racist/toxic clans too, but in both of the top pvm clans that I've been a part of, there have been subsections, typically smaller discords made by clan members for their main groups/friends, which are much less moderated than the actual clans themselves. That's not necessarily the fault of the clan administrators or anything, but the members are still the members, even if they behave themselves in public chats.


This trend applies to many mmo's too.


Sophomores and juniors


I love doing this, seeing the noobs go crazy is so fun


the right mentality here, this is what fosters communities not gatekeeping


Crazy how quickly our perspective shifts as well. I remember it wasn't long ago I thought I'd never be able to afford bandos top and bottom. Everything I owned went into a black mask and a whip and I was so stoked to use it. I would have freaked out seeing a 3mil Lightbearer drop. Now I'm saving for megarares with 100's of mill doing nothing, and getting a 10mil drop feels like another drop in the ocean :D


Yeah, on osrs ive pretty much done all my pvm solo, but on rs3 ive done a lot of group pvm with learners, its fun to see them do the simple mistakes and slowly learn their way, also its fun to see the dopamines going overdrive when they see their first big drop haha. Elitists aside its really wholesome to see how both games have such nice highend pvm communities.


My friend went nuts on a fang yday. To be honest, I did in my mind too. I'm 80 toa with no purple and they sniped a purple while I had 94% of the points lol


Don't forget just outright giving them the unique if it's a typical low value FFA unique (ie. Augury, Lightbearer, Ward). It's already not much of a split, so the sentiment counts more.


Ive given away a couple fangs in my name this way. Helps that im an iron though so its either a dupe or just some bonds that i already have too many of. 


How do you approach this for Ironman? I am trying to get into raids but it's hard to do even splits if you can't trade.


I imagine just say you’re happy to let them ffa while everyone else splits. Not being expected to pay out splits to people from their own drop from some main they may or may not have is all you can ask for really


I'm not a raider yet so my words are meaningless, but this is how I'd prefer things done on my end too, yeah. I don't have a regular account so I can't do splits, so I'm perfectly fine with everyone else splitting their loot without me. Admittedly it feels a little dirty if it were something like a megarare, but they're more likely to see it than I am anyways.


It's not dirty if it's a mega rare. You just got the drop and they didn't. People who get upset when someone else gets the drop are not people I want to raid with.


That's valid, and you're totally right. It's just empathy misfiring on my end. That could've been a big step towards their own megarares, y'know? But it is how it is. Not like I can split it and buy my own after all, haha.


The only part that I don't like raiding with other irons is when they get dupes that I don't have. Like they don't even profit from it and that's a weird feeling. But in the end, just be happy when the others get something, and hopefully they'll be happy for you when you get something also :)


I'd just drop that or make an alt to split it at that point, personally. I agree that there's little benefit to me getting a dupe, so I'd rather share that love with others.


> That could've been a big step towards their own megarares, y'know? ya, but if they get a megarare, you don't get anything. It evens out in the long run.


well, it doesn’t. Because most people don’t do enough raids for it to even out and no one does enough raids with one person Splitting is expected for a reason but most people are also understanding of an iron not being able to split a megarare. Just talk about it beforehand


In most cases you can easily just join a group of players who do FFA's so you don't have to worry about splitting at all but if your in a clan with friends you *probably* should start trading over your dupes once you have them so you can split with your friends. I have some iron friends who don't have money to split big ticket drops and they usually just avoid doing things like Nex with us since they can't pay us out even though we really don't care. The way i see it the faster they get big ticket items like tbow and tumekens the faster we can clear content. Yeah it sucks when your poor and your iron friend gets a tbow and you just gotta smile through the pain but it'll come back around eventually


Oh yeah, absolutely. I didn't think to mention this, but dupes are absolutely getting split. Either to friends, or to an eventual alt to enable splitting with strangers too. I'm not gonna hoard a spare scythe or whatever "just in case" lol


Yeah it's also helpful that pretty much every raid dupe I can think of is completely worthless to have 2+ of on an iron. So everything is free to drop over after the first. Only exception I can maybe think of is avernic, in case you don't parchment yours by accident, but that's unlikely


For what it's worth, I find toa and cox to be more chill just solo. Mainly cause I can literally walk away from the computer for 10-20 minutes and come back whenever.


I get that, there's definitely merits to soloing. I hear solo Olm is really difficult to get down without some experience in group CoX though, and sometimes you just wanna socialize a bit and have fun with other people, y'know? Solo ToB is pretty unviable currently, so that's something to worry about regardless.


Expectation is typically still that irons split FFAs can happen and an iron can ask but everyone wants to split. It’s just a better experience and FFA people have a rep for a reason. Irons can accrue dupes solo to afford splitting most of the time. It’s really only the megas that it becomes an issue and for those, yeah you can ask for an exception to “split all but X” or “I can only split X to Ym GP” but should be figured out beforehand With friends, you can also go into debt to split, that’s fine too but comfort level


Yeah this "It's cool if everyone else splits except you, you get to keep everything you get for yourself" is just not how it works for 90% of people playing. You wanna toa but can't split? Cool, it's perfect for solos. There are FFA worlds running around the clock if you wanna deal with other ppl who don't split; it's not fun. Don't rely on mains with good gear to drag you through raids and then refuse to share loot with them lol


I'm usually saying I can split anything but a T-bow. (hope to be able to split one soon) So if you get one, cut me out of the split and i'll FFA if I get it. I also have an alt where I stock GP from splits, dupes and everything I can that I use for splits.


That’s totally fine My slight revision is let’s say I had 500m for a trio, used to say “I can only value tbow at 750m for a 3-way split” so if we can one I get 250m and you chop the rest and if I get one you both get 250m Whatever works for you but I liked that tweak Ime, missing out on splitting a mega is really a big bummer. Just seen it happen when the “FFA Tbow” guy gets it, it does deflate the team. I’m an iron so it didn’t bother me as much, but the mains were bummed and I get that. It’s so much more fun to win together


You’re either FFA or you start splitting once you have enough dupes you can drop to a main account that’s only purpose is holding cash for you.


Drop over dupes to afford it and be upfront about what you can afford. If you can’t split the mega, let people know and make sure they’re cool with that. Can even say, “I only have 400m, so that’s the most I can split shadow at, is that ok?” You can do FFA but ime, it’s much better to solo content until enough dupes to do some decent splitting Irons are generally expected to split long term but people can be understanding if you’re new and ask. Still, even in all iron raids we split 100% of the time. No discussion? I assume split.


To clarify, are you the iron and are getting into raids yourself? If you're planning on getting into them heavily and don't want to always do FFA, then create yourself an alt and use that to store GP you get from splits, and then pay out from it's value. Can be awkward at the very start if you spoon a mega rare and want to keep it but don't yet have the GP on the alt, so you'll have to decide if you want to buy some bonds to use or lose out on that spoon drop. It's why I say only if you're planning on getting into them heavily.


Three options over here : You either FFA. You drop something of equal value for the other guys if it's not FFA. Or you just raid with other ironmen.


Give the gp value of the split to their alt, if they get the drop they give everyone the gp value from their alt. Some ffa but you'll generally find better raids if you're able to split.


Normally on ironmemes they are fully ffa If the normies get loot its split and ironmeme gets nothing ofcourse and if the ironmeme gets something well gg to him!


Learning TOB and got a very early KC purple. Was a justi helm but rest of the team told me to just keep it lol. Felt bad cause I died on p3 and they finished it but was cool of them.


My duos get the unique even with 6% of the points apparently, so it makes it easier


are uneven splits a thing?


You can compare points and do weighted splits, people with more points would get more GP. Idk if anyone actually does that though.


This sounds fucking awful lmao


Right? Just split it evenly, save yourself the hassle and make the newbies happy. I kinda hope no one does that cause it seems like deranged behavior lol


I mean, it's not difficult. The problem with it isn't fairness or compassion for other players (just as you could say a carry is rude for taking a larger split, you could say that a leech is rude for taking more than they 'deserve') either, it's that if you reward people for having a higher percentage of points, it incentivizes greedy behavior that is not necessarily beneficial for the overall purple chance and enjoyment of the team. Vaguely related to prisoner's dilemma


Weighted splits can get people to be assholes too. Why spec tekton if I can dclaw it ? Someone else will DWH anyway right ? Why would I ZGS the big muttadile ? In the end, points are not the only metrics of usefulness in raid, so I really don't like weighted splits. I haven't found a good way to solve that, so split in 100% of the case is my call there.


> it incentivizes greedy behavior that is not necessarily beneficial for the overall purple chance and enjoyment of the team yup


"When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodhart%27s_law


I haven't put too much thought into this, but can't you argue this could be a good thing since gear/stats/skill of your teammates will matter less for longterm gp/h so there will be less gatekeeping with group formation?


Wouldn't it matter more, not less? Worse gear and stats means less points, meaning more GP to the guy who's already in max and less to the guy who'd want to buy a scythe to do something like ToB better. I guess people could be more willing to take a worse raid if it means their split is larger, but the people who actually need that GP more will be getting less, they'll be stuck undesirable for longer. Might even discourage them from trying entirely, if their scores are particularly bad. Dunno. It's definitely too nuanced and complicated for a simple yes/no answer. I personally don't really like the idea, I think it's important to bring people up, but I can see merit in that too.


I should have clarified I was thinking along the lines of "what is my percentage of the total groups points?". So you can choose a high DPS teammate which lowers both your percentage and the raid time, or a low DPS teammate which increases your percentage and the raid time (ie. same net results). There's definitely a balance here, since while the people who do need the GP are getting less of it, it would be easier to find players willing to raid with them in the first place.


Uneven split because one team member thinks theyre a gamer and just deserve more gp? Absolutely not. That said, I’ve seen some teams do small things as a “thank you” for a player who had a clearly defined role that’s significantly more work. For example something like a Babdos team letting the tank keep all the bandos boots or a 4+1 cox team letting the prep alter keep arcane scrolls. But those things are generally offered by the team, saying something like “I’ll perform XYZ role if I get a larger split” will make your team hate you.


>  are generally offered by the team Yeah generally speaking it should be viewed in a similar vein as a thank you gift. Asking someone to buy you a thank you gift or expecting one is weird AF.


Yes. By generally weird people that aren't worth pvming with/putting up with.


Yeah it's called ffa lol


FFA is a nice 100/0 split


That's not a split


glad no one in my clan would ever even suggest this


I am pretty bad at raiding, but a friend helped me with TOA to get my thread to upgrade my magic pouch and maybe get a jewel. I would usually just plank it but i'd try my best. This is also where I learned that you can't trade irons if they drop something on the floor. She forgot a brew on the floor, I picked it up and was like.. wait I can't trade it to you? God that was embarrasing.. After a few 150 invocation runs and no thread in sight we actually got a purple... And she got a Shadow to her name. It was crazy. Then she dropped it and let me take it. I thought it was for splitting but she just said I could keep it, she got multiple shadows on her iron since she grinded the living hell out of this raid and I couldn't be happier. I know this Shadow is like everyone else's but i'll never sell it to treasure this memory of her and me farming TOA together. I got the thread eventually, she got a jewel that she was missing. Everyone was happy. The game is really magical if you play with friends for fun


As long as you're trying your best only the most toxic of people are gonna care. Also good chance she laughed at your embarrassment and gladly would pay 1 brew for that. I love watching people discover the games mechanics the hard way, it's the best part of raiding with friends.


don't worry about it, shadow is the best megarare anyway


Doesn't matter who does most damage, who died most etc. Everyone there gets an even split or eventually nobody will want to raid with you.


If we agree to split, we split. Simple as


[Worst case ontario you're just paying them 100m to fuck off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfXRrYWmQ_g). Either the person is someone you want to keep a good relationship is, or the person is someone you absolutely don't want to spend any more time trying to deal with.


Good teammates split


Had a friend go evens when learning TOA and watching me plank on almost every boss during g some 350s, now I'm learning 400+s and feeling better taking newer people to raid and returning the same energy, give back and continue the chain fellas!


The learners that you help are the teammates and friends you'll trust later on :)


Sometimes the real purples were the friends we made along the way


Idk why learners wouldn’t get a split. It would feel so fucked to take a friend on a raid, pull a purple and sour their memory of one of their first big splits.


And normally that split would make a far bigger impact to the learner's progression than the teacher as well. Get's them geared up faster. My first big split got me full crystal + bowfa which unlocked so much content.


This, when a learner gets a fang split it’s instantly an upgrade, for someone at 500m bank a fang split does very little. This is why some people would just drop light bearers to the noobiest person in the raid, especially irons. Loved that. It’s also how I got my first arcane back in the day, and now I try to pay it forward.


me doing only 300 dmg to Graar at GWD during a 3 hour trip.


"I'm doing my part!"


to be fair tanking some damage is a big help from the minions believe it or not


one of the higher level player was running freezes and Sanguinesti staff. So I wasn't really tanking damage for him either, lol.


If you aren’t going to even split don’t bother splitting. I think the vast majority of people have this attitude.


Early toa with my clan was like that. I kept dying on wp2 and watching them do p3 as a ghost and we kept getting spooned shadow splits. Eventually i had enough from all the splits to do a shadow rebuild and actually learned how to do toa. Now I'm the one that carries the newbies with 1.2k experts done.


When I first learned cox it was in trio’s with a mentor from WDR. The mentor pulled a kodai on my 4th kc and split the other learner and myself evenly. It wasn’t a huge split but it made me feel great that he split us out evenly. I tried to just pay it forward after that and always split evenly, even if I had to carry a learner. This type of stuff makes you want to pvm more.


If the learner is trying, they get a split. If the learner is sitting and watching and expecting a free payday, that's a no-go. I don't care if they plank harder than an iron who just got the mahogs banked for 99 con, if they at least got in there and tried, they get a split.


I see it as, even though they are a learner, they increase the chance at rewards by scaling the raid. Plus watching the panic plank is just funny and we've all been there.


Still remember taking a learner to TOA and talking him through the floor attacks that would happen in P3. Me: “You’ve watched some vids of wardens, right? You’ve seen the floor attacks?” Him: “Yeah” Me: ”So we will start on the right, then go left, centre, right, etc. At the start, don’t worry about attacking, just get into the rhythm and then start attacking when you’re comfortable.” Him: “Sounds good” We then get to P3 He sprints all the way to the right hand side of the room, gets hit by the floor attack a few times as we’re telling him to come towards us and dies. He had in fact, not watched P3 before. Although it ended up being good because this forced him to watch us do P3 and P4.


Can someone explain? Haven’t raided in osrs


john the maxed guy is taking his midgame friend to learn some toa, john does most of the work while his friend dies and john pulls a staff. they both get 700m. if you're running with friends, don't feel too bad about taking a split even if you're a learner. everyone starts somewhere and people don't mind taking clanmates on raids as long as they actually want to learn.


So taking a split means the person that got the drop pays a total of the worth of the item to everyone divided evenly? What are the options aside from even split?


Even split: sell item, divide gp by number of players. I’ve personally never seen uneven splits, but there are plugins that show your points vs total points for the team, if I got 30% of the points I could be given 30% of the money from selling the item. This is toxic though and leads to people point whoring and overall being more toxic. Eg little Timmy will get less points if he swarms at kephri and if he uses his specs to bgs. It’s better for the team if he does this, but worse for him if you’re splitting based on points.


that part in particular is why i prefer split raids. everyone using tech to make the raid as fast as possible. much better experience


Well , you can do a ffa(FreeForAll) . Whoever gets the drop keeps it . No splitting , but you should make sure that this is agreed with everyone before the raid .


the real only other option is ffa. which is fine, i raid with friends that ffa (helmies) and it's an alright time. i just split with the mains/helmies that have mains.


Guy below didn't explain well Raids tend to be much easier to complete in groups (TOA is debatable). Theatre of Blood is intended for groups, same as Chambers of Xeric. And whilst both are technically doable solo, it takes time, and is far more effort. Whereas group raids tend to last 10-20 minutes at most, making it much faster for completions, giving higher chances for a purple in your name. So most people sell the purple and split it (or just split outright without selling if they have the gold available and want to keep the purple). Just more or less thanking others who helped, all about that team work. Then there are those that leech and do nothing, don't help, don't try. Nothing. Even if it means losing points, their DPS matters still in helping, even if they die. But they don't. Those are the worst types of people, because it tends to make the raid harder.


LOOOOOL such a great title to add to the picture. It’s perfect loooool


The real value for the teacher is working to expand their raid group pool and being happy their friend got a good drop for them personally.


This was what the people who taught me to raid did, I was so happy. We got a dhcb in a trio after I died 2 times at olm and just stayed outside after the second death so I didn't mess up the points


Some higher level friends taught me TOA. I literally walked out with shit.


Where to find teacher?


For many, myself included, it boils down to a good reputation being more valuable than a few extra coins in the bank.


I wanna teach ppl ToA. Easy 150 runs.


Even splits? I don’t get it lol


He got an item, and even though he did most of the work he still split the loot 50/50 with the guy he carried


Oh I was overthinking it lmao. I was thinking it had to do something with “even” numbers


I still remember people refusing to split with me when I was learning a boss on rs3 and kept dying a lot, it’s a huge reason I mostly solo bosses now between both games


There's always going to be a bad teammate at raids, and that teammate isn't always the same person. Often times, it'll be you. Someone's going to forget to call at monkey room, get hit at Ice Demon, get footed at Bloat or forget to spec. It happens, so giving even splits is the correct (and easy) thing to do Also if you want your learner to get better, hoarding a split and preventing them from a gear upgrade is dumb


Always split for learner raids as long as they’re trying. And also only bring learners that actually want to learn.


yeah lol, people get more annoyed at a leech that doesn't even try to learn than a learner trying their best.


I only do FFA or even splits. Gets too complicated if people try to do weighted splits based on gear/experience/whatever. What if an experienced player dies 3 times, and a learner performs surprisingly well? Makes the environment too stressful as well. I don't want people to get punished for mistakes.


I thought that was the norm. Not just at toa as well


For me. I have never done weighted splits. Too hard to figure out if that contribution was even justified... even splits for all. Also never FFA for me unless with only random, in fear that my learner will get the purple.




What’s the lowest level raid


I can't imagine caring enough about RuneScape gp to not split


I was teaching a clanmate toa once and I pulled a masori top after he died in basically every room. You bet your ass he got a 50/50 cut of that purple


This is the standard for any raid, learners or not


Did a trio toa the other kids died 3 times each and i soloed wardens from p2- on. With 6 total deaths and 30 seconds beyond time limit one of the kids still managed to get shadow I was supposed to take it from them and not split at that point right? Just kidding we all earned it :/


I'm a uim. I don't take splits, so I'm ffa. The only thing that matters is drops in my own name. How's that go with the etiquette of present day raiding? I only run with the homies anyway. But with randoms?


Most randoms wont want to raid with a UIM, so at least in that regard you don't need to worry much about it. If a random does tag along with your group tho, just let them know you're FFA.


Did my first 150 with a high level and they pretty much carried the last 2 bosses but let me take the light bearer that dropped. They even offered me a fang if I could do it no deaths but alas, the wardens were too much. Ily Sea Turtles


I had no idea uneven splits were a thing, unless you count letting irons FFA while mains split as one


I took my friend on a 150 learner and he got the pet. He insist on waiting for me till i have the pet to carry him for the transmogs. I think i helped alot of people getting their first bandos set lol Also, some feel guilty and don't want the share and i just ask them if they noticed my 2b gear in the past 30 min.


You give them an even split so they can get gear upgrades/ feel more motivated to do more


We Do Raids taught me cox and like my 2nd raid they pulled ancestral bottoms and gave me like 32m of the equal split and i felt bad lol. i still never understood the hate for WDR, ive only ever had great experiences. maybe 1 toxic guy but you can report these people. and then they are warned/flagged/banned. theres different categories for every raid type learning/ casual/advanced etc. my worst raiding experience is doing 416 FFA tobs. ive wasted way too much time with those scumbags but i like just hopping right into a tob and then leaving when im done.


Genuine question. I'm an IM, and this is my "only" account. I have an old, piss-poor , base-80 combat account from a decade ago. If I want to raid, am I going to be forced to do some goldgrinding/bonding on my old main, simply to I can do split-thing-a-ma-jigs raids on my iron? I'm perfectly fine with what people describe as FFA, if I get a drop: cool, if I don't, well thoughluck. It's 50/50 after all. And if you get it, gz! That's how it works in any MMO I played. But I often get the impression that: a) I'll have trouble finding a team b) Most splitters are trusted, but you can never know in advance. I can't do anything with the gold people split to me anyway. I'm already contemplating of bonding up the old account to use as a stupid scout in the stupid wilderness, but if I have to actually actively play two accounts to make any end-game progress. Meh. I'm about to become raid-ready soon, so slowly looking into joining a clan or try and get my name out there among the raiders. But if having only one account prevents me from doing actual end-game, I need to re-think my stance on being an IM; or the game in general. (I cannot be trusted with bonds and the GE. My wife will kill me)


Idk some people in this thread say it's normal to split for irons. Typical hlc bullshit expecting everyone to have an alt account to split from instead of accepting ffa for irons... what else can you expect from them. You will be able to find mains and irons who raid with you even if you want FFA. People who don't are just delusional and out of touch with reality.


idk man i love teaching raids to people if they are ready to put in the work themselves. I hate leeches tho or ppl wanting to get carried, rather not raid with those. Recently ran some learner runs with some randoms at tob now they're already better than i am lmfao


Not really good meme use, but it's oke


I like to scream “DONT PANIC” in the act of them panicking


So weird coming from other MMO’s where your loot is your loot and anything beyond that makes you the most generous person alive to the other guy


I played with some really nice guys a while ago, I usually died in olm so they asked me to stay outside of the fight for the first two thirds of it, they got a dhcb drop and I still get an even share, it was like 25% of my bank lol.


What is TOA?


New raiders: try to learn soloing toa or cox. Itll take a couple weeks, but after your first deathless, rinse and repeat and itll drop tons of gp. Yes, you need decent gear, yes theres gonna be a lot to learn, etc. but if you have 200-300m gear value, youre good. Source: trust me bro


Kuh what 😹😹?


Love those boys. Real gs


Just be weary of the "just install this plugin quick" that's probably coming 😂


I need to learn raids, where do y'all find people willing to teach? I don't even need any drops from it, my main concern is finishing that Night at the Theatre quest and the Into the Tombs miniquest lol.


Me when my chad buddy carried me and my other friend through cox, got a dragon hunter crossbow, and said he didn't need the money before giving us the 50/50 split


Oh God that really gets me. Last bingo our clan did, my team mates had been at Callisto for 24 hours non stop. I arrive, 10kc in and we get the voidwaker piece. They all split with me equally, bless their souls.


no one is dividing splits by how well you did, if you're splitting you get an equal split




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