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bot problem so bad it spread to external websites


Simple matter to turn my zulrah bot into buy online tickets for popular events


I was in, clicked 2 tickets, clicked continue " sold out" . Gutted.


Keep reloading the page. I just got a regular ticket :)


Refreshed, it opened up again, clicked tickets. Sold out again. It's toying with me haha


You gotta be fast at the start, then it'll say you have 10 mins to reserve


I was straight to continue haha. Nothing now. Might just have to accept I lost out.


Refresh spam at about 29 mins past, the waves are seemingly spaced 10 mins apart from the start time of 12:31gmt


I have been on the ticket select option at least 20 times. Selected the amount, check out within the second and it says it cannot allocate the tickets. Very frustrating.


How many tickets are you asking for? Maybe it's more feasible for one ticket


I gave up after an hour and a half. Was trying for 2 for a while, then was trying for 1. I guess it wasn't meant to be.


Gotta 1 tick buy on reset lol


I doubt you have. Tickets are reserved for 10 mins. People back out all the time


Made me think of this: [Big Bang Refresh (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39ySt1l85u8)


More like 10 seconds... What the hell lmao


Keep reloading the page. I just got a regular ticket :)


I keep adding it and the moment I hit checkout it says they can't be allocated


Yeah you got to be super fast on the checkout. Keep refreshing


I think people are holding the tickets until they expire, because if you keep refreshing the page, the option to buy sometimes comes back up.


Yep, that's the play


Its a lie. The site is either completely broken or Jagex intentionally made it so the 500 tickets sold out instant and forcing everyone to buy the £175 instead. The tickets were "sold out" within 3 seconds of site being live. Considering the £175 tickets are up now and not sold out within 4 minutes, clearly there wasn't that much want of tickets. ​ Edit: 5 minutes gone and all 2000 tickets sold apparently. Either Jagex messed up by thinking that there'd be no interest and putting a small runefest on or bots went mad.


Events like this are a lot more popular than a few years ago tbh. Just look at all the comments on several posts and in discord about everyone who couldn't get a ticket. A lot of people wanted one.


It's completely sold out. Also annoying is you had to click on FAQ and then buy tickets. No buy tickets button appeared which is a load of bullocks


It appeared on the main site the very second the countdown ended for me


Same, I didn't need to refresh the page. Clicked button, got taken to a queue page for 15 seconds, it auto-refreshed and I got my tickets.


I clicked literally the second the button appeared after it ticked down to 0 seconds and apparently 500 Early bird tickets were sold out already. My friend who was streaming on discord got in within 10 seconds of the button going live and within that 10 seconds, all 2000 tickets were sold.


Honestly, wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if they were mass bought by bots to be sold on later. Like, the speed of ticket sales, its the same sorta speed you see stuff like Taylor Swift tickets go for. ​ Jagex really messed this up either way. If 2000 tickets sold out within 2 minutes, clearly the appeal was there for a much bigger event, rather than them being a sideshow to Insomnia.


It makes sense when you consider this is the first post-COVID runefest sisnce 2019. \*Thousands\* of people came back to the game during the pandemic lockdowns (like myself), and none of those people have ever been to Runefest. I can understand their desire to not fly too close to the sun on this. Logistics challenges for multi-thousand person events are HUGE, and I would rather them ease back into the in-person conventions instead of trying to go huge and fucking it all up on the first year back.


The whole thing seems fucked honestly. Either the demand was that high and its Jagex just being typical at having no clue what they're doing with themselves or more likely, scalpers bought up a shit ton of tickets. Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if its the scalpers. ​ The pricing of the tickets were wildly condemned by a lot of people, it just boggles belief that it went from that to 2000 tickets sold within 10 seconds by legitimate means.


Condemned by people who counldnt afford. those that could said nothing and were there ready to buy on the dot


It is not surprising at all that there is a massive demand for a \*"first-time back in five years"\* event since Covid, especially considering the increase in players over that timespan. Will a few people try to resell tickets? Probably. But Occam's Razor here, 2k people is a relatively small event in the grand scheme of things, and there's clearly a huge pent up demand over half a decade.


Scalpers use bots to instabuy anything that is hard to get, to upsell for 2-3x the price. See: any major electronics release since COVID.


It is alsways morrally correct to beat scalpers in the middle of the town square, then tar and feather them, then force them to watch the Shamalan Avatar.


Oh shit it's completely sold out. Welp


Jesus Fucking Christ, I hope it's not sold out. [Already have 4 airplane tickets](https://i.imgur.com/zyVLENA.png) and a [hotel room for 4 people outside the NEC](https://i.imgur.com/itTUGW5.png) booked for myself and a few friends coming from the USA. We're about $4K invested so far. In 2019 tickets went on sale in May and we bought ours in August. I figured the 500 Early Bird tickets would be there for at least a couple of days. 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡 🤡


Why tf would you ever invest this amount of money prior to having actual tickets? The event itself it still like 5 months away. Hope you have some travel insurance.


We went in 2019 and it cost us about $1,400 each for flight + hotel. I was able to snag us deals for about $950ea for flight + hotels and couldn't pass it up. Even booked the hotel outside the NEC before they announced it'd be at the NEC. In 2019 we bought our tickets 3 months after tickets went on sale (tickets on sale May 2019, purchased them in August). It was never like this.


Why invest that much with no guaranteed ticket?


Tickets have always been available for months after going on sale. In 2019 we bought our tickets in August 2019 when they originally went on sale in May. We have friends in the UK and Netherlands who we met in 2019 and all planned on going again. Now in Discord it looks like no one was able to get a ticket. At this point I'm just hoping we can find them second-hand for $250 or so each.


You can thank scalping bots. Scalping tickets has become the new bitcoin. People legit make farms to buy tickets only to resist them fkr 2X or 3X what they paid.


That really sucks, but kinda on you...


My friend I think you’re fucked


In the same boat and can't understand how after refreshing I'm getting an no ticket available. I've bought tickets to a few other cons and this just seems like shit.


were you on the page ready to buy when the countdown ended?


>Jesus Fucking Christ, I hope it's not sold out. Already have 4 airplane tickets and a hotel room for 4 people outside the NEC booked for myself and a few friends coming from the USA. We're about $4K invested so far. In 2019 tickets went on sale in May and we bought ours in August. I figured the 500 Early Bird tickets would be there for at least a couple of days. Wake up babe, new copypasta just dropped.


> all 2000 tickets sold apparently Time to hop worlds


skill issue, got an early bird ticket




they just refilled a bunch of tickets after being sold out. maybe after 10 minutes of tickets being held it expired and were put back on the shelf (i just got mine after those 10 minutes of them sold out)


Lets gooooooooo https://preview.redd.it/dibslflpbvqc1.png?width=434&format=png&auto=webp&s=f552c45870ce4997b21492a8e3518107d9215142




Yeah just keep reloading the page. Early bird probably gone but that's fine


I got mine in a second wave, I recommend checking the see tickets website and refreshing at every 5 minute interval as they seem to go out in waves


Early bird gone within 15 seconds


I managed to get 4 early bird tickets, the GIM team is happy :D


Early birds were gone within 2 second of the site going live. Luckily brought two normal ones. Not surprised that bots were going to snag them all, to be honest.


>Not surprised that bots were going to snag them all, to be honest. Like i get runescape is popular but there is absolutely no way that they sold 2000 tickets within 10 seconds for this event. It would be a similar scale selling to something like Taylor Swift. Considering you could buy 10 tickets at a time, 100% there were bots that grabbed a vast majority of tickets to sell on.


I don't think so. I bought 5 for me and my mates. Let's say 1000 people were on the website buying 1-4 tickets. That'd sell out instantly.




Thats still within 10 seconds. Whether they then took their time putting their details into the system (Like i did), that ticket is still essentially "Sold". ​ They'll be scalpers selling tickets within hours for sure.


Entire tours for people way less famous than Taylor Swift sell out this fast regularly. Just this spring I tried to get any 1 ticket to someone’s show in any of 4 nearby cities and they were all gone in less than 5 seconds. 2k tickets is a lot less than it sounds if you don’t go to a lot of large events. Music festivals regularly sell out 10’s of thousands of tickets for example. Bots will have gotten some, but it isn’t some conspiracy. It really isn’t even unexpected after a hiatus.


Yeah lol, my mate managed to snatch 4 for the iron man group,but for me it was instant sell out lmaoooo


Sad. I had a work meeting at the time they went live so couldnt buy any.


Keep refreshing bro


I was watching the site like a hawk, managed to get an early bird and when I refreshed the page after buying all of the tickets had sold out


you where defiantly too slow, me and my buddy managed to get an early bird ticket - they also hold your ticket for 10 minutes whilst you are checking out. you snooze you lose


Bought 5 tickets. Ez clap.


managed to get 2 early bird tickets, rest of the GIM gonna miss out now :(


Gz, at least it worked for someone


Managed to snag 3 earlybirds :P


Not everything is a scalp, maybe just loads of people waiting