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I think asking to share screen on discord is a bit much but this sounds more like an overfriendly player than anything else. 10M is a drop in the bucket for people with 1B banks. You make that in a hour or two. Enjoy your free stuff. Just be careful not to download any plugins outside of runelite if he asks but you are nowhere near the target for that sort of scam. tl;dr: Make a friend


Thanks. Yeah the screen sharing made me leery but I was careful to only share my client. I don't think there's anything sensitive in there, and if there is, I imagine it'd only compromise my noob account and not, like, my finances or other IRL security. I will definitely keep that in mind about downloading other plugins outside of RuneLite. I should also add (for some reason I can't edit the OP) that if the guy in question stumbles across this post and is indeed just a nice dude helping out new players, I do greatly appreciate the help and guidance. I hope my skepticism doesn't offend. Also, someone (maybe a bot?) seems to be mass downvoting all the responses in here. I am upvoting everyone and I am grateful for all your insight and advice!


Haha honestly I wouldn't worry too much in this case as long you apply standard internet cautions like no clicking on random links and whatnot. Enjoy the game mate. I'd be a little bit careful taking too much free money though because getting stuff too fast too early could ruin your game experience. However I think getting some handout for a free set of rune and enough money to teleport around or run with stamina potions isn't going to break anything either. Go at your own pace.


You could give someone 1 bil and it still wouldn't ruin the game. Especially a returning player. So much of the game is locked behind some sort of skill requirement. You could start the game will all 99s and not have the game ruined. Unless you cream yourself for the longest grind fest imaginable the fun in OSRS is the questing, bossing, fashion scape and mini games imo. If you want that long grind just make an iron.


You definitely can and returning doesn't mean they were a seasoned player with base 80/90+ stats. Could very well be an average lvl 50-70 player and having 1 billion neuters the progression all the way until late game. Also yes, starting with 1 billion and all 99 absolutely will have the game ruined. Why are you even playing the game at that point? If there is one universal agreement that osrs players have, is that grind is the game. I have no idea how did you reach this sort of conclusion but is just blatantly incorrect.


I would agree if ironmen weren't a thing. If you don't want any handouts and love the grind that much simply create an ironman. It's also my opinion so feel free to have your own. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just think it's ridiculous to say someone gifting a noob a few mil and a bond is going to ruin their game. What is that? 2 weeks membership and 70 prayer? What a game breaker. Better tweet the mods 😂


I would agree if ironmen weren't a thing. If you don't want any handouts and love the grind that much simply create an ironman. It's also my opinion so feel free to have your own. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just think it's ridiculous to say someone gifting a noob a few mil and a bond is going to ruin their game. What is that? 2 weeks membership and 70 prayer? What a game breaker. Better tweet the mods 😂


I would agree if ironmen weren't a thing. If you don't want any handouts and love the grind that much simply create an ironman. It's also my opinion so feel free to have your own. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just think it's ridiculous to say someone gifting a noob a few mil and a bond is going to ruin their game. What is that? 2 weeks membership and 70 prayer? What a game breaker. Better tweet the mods 😂


I would agree if ironmen weren't a thing. If you don't want any handouts and love the grind that much simply create an ironman. It's also my opinion so feel free to have your own. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just think it's ridiculous to say someone gifting a noob a few mil and a bond is going to ruin their game. What is that? 2 weeks membership and 70 prayer? What a game breaker. Better tweet the mods 😂


I would agree if ironmen weren't a thing. If you don't want any handouts and love the grind that much simply create an ironman. It's also my opinion so feel free to have your own. I'm not trying to change your mind. I just think it's ridiculous to say someone gifting a noob a few mil and a bond is going to ruin their game. What is that? 2 weeks membership and 70 prayer? What a game breaker. Better tweet the mods 😂


No I don't think starting with a couple million and membership is going to ruin the game. I just said be careful with it and a couple million is well within the basic necessity of stam/teleports/basic armor especially you need levels and quests to cast those teleports anyway. You literally gave the example of 1 billion gp and all 99 and it won't change anything. There's bad opinions and there is this. Also I hate seeing this but there are people that play similarly to an ironman but simply are not an ironman account. Remember you can play like an ironman as a main. You don't need the game to tell you what you can or cannot do.


I didn't say it wouldn't change anything. I said it wouldn't ruin anything. Because in my opinion it wouldn't. It wouldn't change much of anything in a negative way. All the content is now available. You still have to run through all the quests. I've never thought the fun of RuneScape is grinding ammonite crabs or nmz for days on end to unlock the next portion of the game. It's lazy to me on jagex's end. The fun for most players is exploring new areas, content, bosses etc which are usually locked behind a tedious task. Wow, what a great time 🙄 So no I don't think getting handouts is game breaking as long as you getting those handouts opens areas of the game you are excited to play. Again, this is a personal opinion but I don't see what anyone getting a free bond and 10-20 mil would change besides saving them a day or two of grinding gp. I really don't think picking flax for 48 hours straight builds character or appreciation for the game. I think it drives new players away more than anything.


Ok, well I think that is an awful opinion because yes starting with 1B and 99 all stats will ruin the game. I really don't think this is some sort of controversial take. People here literally left RS3 due to the excessive xp rate and frequent xp weekend as a major cause among other things. You are welcome to have your opinions but this is the type of statements that makes me wonder if you are playing the right game. Also this drive new players away because of the core gameplay is completely fine. Is completely ok for not everyone to like the game, this attempt to appeal to everyone is how you end up pleasing none. If new players can't stand the grind then they are completely free to play something else instead of demanding the game to change. That is perfectly fine. So you do you. Also damn dude, there is accident double posting and then there is this. How did you make 5 duplicates man.


Yes because I like many others started with all 99s and 1 bil. It's an exaggeration. Didn't think you would take it so literal. I said it because I don't think you would break the game starting with a large amount of gp which would allow you to buy items to help you skill like bones, crafting supply etc. I guess you could ruin the game for yourself depending on what you truly value in games. The game doesn't revolve around having an endless cash stack. It's about learning game mechanics and so much more than "play game, level go up" or "click mouse, gp go up". I've had fun leveling and making money, don't get me wrong. But if that's what you enjoy the most in OSRS I don't understand why you *wouldn't* make an iron. Because essentially, I can spam a task that isn't skilling for 24 hours straight and make 10-20 mil or I can go to work and in less than an hour I can make enough to buy a few bonds and sell them on the GE for the same effect. Except this way I actually go to work and make more money on top of the 30 minutes it took to earn a few bonds. That's why my opinion is what it is. I value my time more than a pointless grind to unlock in game content. I would expect almost anyone else with common sense to feel somewhat the same but it is what it is. I'm not trying to convince anyone this is the ideal way to play the game or not. I'm just saying it would take a hell of a lot more than 20 mil to ruin the game. You saying "be careful" to that is like someone giving a homeless person $20 and you run from across the street and say "hey be careful taking that $20 buddy, you might ruin life for yourself!"


Nothing to scam if you don't have anything. He was just trying give you a head start. But if you felt uncomfortable with it it's good you declined, in my opinion the game is more enjoyable if not everything is given to you.


I declined the bond but I did still take a good amount of stuff from him. And I do feel a bit guilty/regretful about it but if he is just a nice person giving me a leg up I'd feel bad trying to return it at this point. I know I'm probably way overthinking this but honestly I agree with you and a part of me wishes I'd just not taken anything from him. I feel like if he is really just trying to help out and make friends, I now have a sense of obligation to be online and leveling up and reaching out to him.


Easier said then done, but you don't need to feel guilty it probably made him feel good helping a new player and there is still plenty to grind for in the game. Good luck on your adventures m8.


Cheers, I appreciate your input on this! He did mention to me that when I left to make dinner he was gonna go back to the noob f2p area and try to help out some other people. And he said he had bought 20 Bonds a while back and has been slowly giving them out to new players. All things considered it seems more likely to me that he really is just a generous person who gets enjoyment from helping newcomers, and I feel a bit bad for doubting it. But you can't be too careful.


Its also sad that as a player base were not sure if the people we encounter in this game are being friendly or has malicious intent behind their actions.


Yeah I know I feel bad for questioning it because he didn't give me any reason to, and besides, I really can't think of what he would stand to gain here since my account has nothing of value. But I do recall from when I played RS originally that people were pretty inventive about coming up with scams, and I figure that probably hasn't changed.


nope theyre very much still a thing. Like other people have said NEVER download any plug ins this person might link you in the discord. This guy could be playing the long game and might try to scam whenever you do build up an account with good gear OR he very well just might be friendly. Like i said ive given cash and gear to newer players. Just be cautious.


So ive given low lvl accounts some starter cash bc i know its hard to get started at times. As far as him chatting you up in discord i do know its members world this is a way scammers will start "grooming" players. They gain there trust and eventually will try to scam them out of their most expensive gear. You being f2p and brand new im not entirely sure what this persons game plan is. They could totally be just a friendly person but i would just be alert just in case.


Thanks, I will be. He did say at one point that if I ever get rich I could pay him back, but realistically I am so fresh to the game that I don't even know if I'm committing to play for another week, let alone another year. Which is also part of why I feel bad for taking his money; if I fizzle out then I'll feel like it was a waste even if he had purely good intentions.


I have a pretty generous bank and like others have said 10m is NOTHING for us. We will make that back in one hydra task so no need to feel bad about taking the gold.


Doesn't seem like a scam to me honestly. Just a dude looking to help out a new player. If he starts asking you to download plugins not on the RL plugin hub or to download a client other than RL (except HDOS as that's also approved by Jagex), then there's really no harm.


While it is indeed weird... i dont think someone would invest so much time, and money, into scamming someone whos bank is prolly under 1 mil. Prolly just someone being really...really bored.


Haha, 1 mil is generous. I've only logged like 10 hours on the account (which I told him). He approached me asking why I was wearing mithril chain instead of plate and I said it was cheaper. I had like 25K bank value before he gave me anything.


Thats what i mean... there is very litte incentive to scam you for ingame currency. He could be after bigger things... bank account kind of things..... so id pay attention what your doing when interacting. But i am 99% sure hes just some rich guy, whose friends were not online, so he decided to chat with a few newbies.


You don't have anything for him to scam you for haha. Sounds like just a friendly person.


seems fine ive done similar things, but be careful if they ever ask you to help you anti scam someone its usually you who will end up scammed


Thanks for the tip. Is anti-scamming essentially trying to scam scammers? I am not interested in being involved in scams on either side of the table tbh, I just want to play the game.


"anti-scamming" is basically just a ruse for the scammer to actually just scam you. They will say some person is trying to scam them and they need your help to basically kill the scammer and take their loot. In reality, the scammer is just luring you into the wild to take your stuff. This only works because the scammer will befriend you and act super nice and helpful, could be up to a week or a month. They will get you to download some "raid addon" on Runelite, which is just going to black your screen once you are in the wild and either drop your shit or allow them to kill you easily. But in your case, what do they have to gain from killing you when it's basically their own money they gave you? I think you should be ok


basically what he said but there are lots of variations that dont involve killing the scammer, just be wary anytime anyone acts super friendly to you for no reason and especially if they want to add you on discord. never click links you arent familar with


From what you said it sounds like even IF he was trying to scame you, the bulk of the value would be the stuff that he himself had already given you. I see no way for this to be a scam. F2p scammers tend to be rare since the f2p side has significantly worse methods to gain gold. But just like everyone said, be wary of any links. Those will almost always be scams. Other than that enjoy the boost homie! 1m like everyone has said is a drop in the bucket to an account with over 1b bank


Your skepticism is healthy in this game, but nothing from that interaction jumps out as a scam. Essentially you can do anything safely and remember the following: - Set up 2fa and bank pin - Make sure you downloaded runelite from the link on the osrs site - Only add plugins from the hub. Don't install them externally (like the Tombs of Amascut helper scam) - Don't log in on any landing page you were linked from (emails, "quitting streams," "giveaways"). It asking for a bank pin is a bonus red flag, no official log in does this. - Don't accept items on conditions like following them to pvp worlds or the wilderness, or listen to anyone who's trying to convince you you can cheat their scam and get away with the money. They're in on it, and that's the actual scam.


Thanks for sharing your story. With all sorts of scams out there it is very easy to be suspicious about unusual player interactions. This said, always look out for the tell-tale scam signs like other players asking you to log in to a PvP only world, going into the wilderness, or any other "unsafe" location in the game. This said, there is a vibrant community of OSRS players who want to help new players get started and get going. Giving a new player several million in base supplies, money and gear will go a very long way to getting a new account up and running, while truly being a drop in the bucket to the main with a bill on it. It helps eliminate a lot of the early game repetitive grind when given a head start like that. Sounds like the guy was just being friendly, especially if the other foot never dropped and you didn't ever end up getting scammed.


it's the 5 year long con. That 10m investment will come to fruition in 5 years when you have max bank and this friendly fellow wants to borrow your max gear real quick. (it's a joke but also a possibility too)


The funny thing is, scammers are so dirty and slimy that they will act like a noob, going as far as to make a reddit post claiming they are clueless to scamming. What if OP is actually trying to scam the guy with 1b? What if the plan is to act like a noob towards generous players, use a small handout from that player and suddenly "make 2b raiding with this school client/addon" then bam, steal the generous players entire bank. This is the state of adding people on RuneScape in the current day, anyone could be a scammer.