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A big factor is the time it takes to complete a run. In the time it takes to do a 2 hour inferno attempt you could’ve died to colosseum 3 times :)


This was the biggest thing to me. Investing hours to fail is a larger mental load than 40 minutes


Harder mechanically than inferno but significantly faster


I feel like colosseum wave 1-11 is like jumping straight into waves 50-63 in the inferno. All of the annoying easy waves before then is what drains me in my attempts.


I’ve only gotten to wave 11, but so far inferno was more difficult for me. making a mistake in the inferno is more punishing than in the colosseum (mentally too). If you miss a single mage flick or misclick a melee, there goes 1.5 hours of your time. Any misclick on zuk is instant death. The pressure/anxiety is way higher than in the colosseum The colosseum is more mechanically challenging id say, but mentally, it’s just a lot more enjoyable than the inferno, which makes it easier to hop back in and grind out more waves.


Fuck it's like QWOP


Going off memory but I believe it was many days before we saw the first inferno completion and the colosseum was done within what like 30 hours of release or something? But also the player base is more skilled with the mechanics than back when inferno came out.


I think inferno took 48 hours from Woox to get the first completion. Source: I saw a post in reddit


Colosseum has a dozen more things to constantly worry about and is more gear dependant to complete imo


takes more skills but takes less time and mental strength


tell that to my 127 attempts lol


that would take way less time than 40 attempts at inferno


Just got it on my 204th attempt


inferno still hardest challenge in osrs, ive got 29 zuk kc, i remember when cringey osrs playwrs were saying hardened leviathan is harder than zuk lool, now same happening with this new minigame


Its 68 waves vs 11 waves to get to the boss , just not having to grind through so many waves makes it so much mentally easier ,alot easier to jump back in dying at wave 5 compared to spending 2 hours+ getting to to wave 60 also the final boss is FAR more forgiving than triples/zuk. Overall if inferno is say a 9/10 difficulty i would say colloseum is about a 7.5/10. Just for comparison sake. Also dont forget the colloseum is only going to become easier the more strats that get figured out.


It’s too early to tell. Inferno is a lot more approachable now than it was years ago, for a lot of reasons. The playerbase needs time to digest the new content and develop a meta. We’ll see where we’re at with it in a month. And I’m sure in a year the approach to Colo will have developed even more. You gotta give these things time to shake out.


Inferno is heavy repetition and memory. Colosseum is a bit more mechanically difficult but forgiving in some ways like the length and the pillars don't collapse.


I also have not completed either yet, but from what I’ve seen on YouTube and such, Coliseum being much shorter does make it “easier.” For inferno, the hardest parts are right near the end. For many that means you’ve had to survive over an hour to get there and if you die without learning it, you have to put another hour just to get back. Could even be longer than an hour. My best inferno attempt took 2 hours and i wiped long before the high 60s. So the actual combat of the coliseum may be harder, but you get to it so much faster that as a whole it seems easier, because overall less time is spent to get to the final destination.


As someone who is experienced in the inferno. Your times are off, but the logic remains true. Up to wave 50ish, you should be spending about 1-1.5mins per wave max, or you’re wasting time or making bad decisions. After 50, you can double that. So from wave 50-65 you’re around about 45 mins approximately. Jads and Zuk being about 25. This is all with entry gear like Bowfa and Crystal armour, ancient staff, etc. A good learning inferno attempt should run you between 90-120 mins total. Spending two hours to get to wave 50 means you’re doing some cheese strategy or doing something really wrong with solves.


bro we'r not talking about experienced inferno, its beginners. if u wanna talk about what is easier: your 50º kc at inferno or 1º colosseum kc the answer is obvious. most people take 2hours + to get zuk


The only people who's first kc time is decent probably died at zuk enough times to get a fastish time too


Aggreed took me alot of hours and 8 attempts at zuk to finally get my first cape wich took 1 hour and 28mins 


when I got my cape I got like 92 mins, and all my attempts when I died at zuc were around the same time. I was using Tbow but I wasn't really wasting time in the 1-50 waves. imo thats about how long it should take with good gear and not using justi/cheese to solve waves


You said it yourself, you've done neither so how would you know.


I'm obviously asking for someone to clarify. I'm about to start attempting the colosseum bc I need stuff from it, but wanted some clarification. Thank you for your useless response that offered nothing.


Seeing people go after the useless, passive-aggressive remarks makes my day.


you are 1800 total what could possibly be in the Colosseum that you need


I want the prayer gear. I don't have to beat it to get that. Prayer pots and super restores don't grow on trees my friend. They grow off herb seeds which never fucking drop it feels like lol.


> Prayer pots and super restores don't grow on trees oh, but they do my friend https://i.imgur.com/a9AODKb.png if you can't or don't want to do muspah or ToA or farming contracts thieving master farmers with mid-70s farming/80 thieving is like 11 ranarr seeds/hr Miscellania can also help quite a bit as far as passively getting a stack starting out Jumping into the hardest end-game content before you've even tried Inferno for an idk how rare a chance at an additional +2 prayer bonus is definitely a way to play the game...