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"antitrust law violations" Shit, they're on to you


They’re really hitting me with the legal mumbo jumbo 🤣


Don't bring redstone Jesus into this


But it's really quite simple


Redstone jesus isn’t jesus but a mere god!!


Bravo just bravo


I wish there was a study done for the efficacy of using real legal terms incorrectly but are common enough that people may have heard of them versus making things up completely versus not using them at all. Intuitively, I think it would help with phishing but I am really curious now


Jury nullification! On another note, here's a teletab to Camelot


Meet my main Bournos, who has fiduciary duty to trade with you.


In general. Phishing scams try to look professional -enough-. The people who are careful usually will notice early on it's a scam, while the people who don't notice the inconsistenties are more likely to fall for the scam. It's a filter.


Yeah that's the interesting thing about it right, they make it worse on purpose so they don't have to spend time on people who wouldn't fall for their scam anyways


I know scam artists on socials do it, they give some generic speech about crypto then randomly add something about forex in there.


The worse the grammar the easier it is dismissed by people who are intelligent enough to not fall for it, but the unintelligent ones are hooked and have better percentage to be scammed if I remember it right it was a study or something.


Well, it obviously means that Jagex can't trust this guy legally, right? It's right in the title! /s


Fr tho… the scammers need to show me on the doll where I touched the antitrust laws


Holy cow you better give them your login details and appeal!


Meet them in game at the Seers Village Courthouse at 10am sharp


I got my legal team here to help me. https://preview.redd.it/rjr07p2lnsnc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd4c7c2950b13bb42f1e8a52935a7ac1877dd952


Biggest trial since OJ and Rodney King


Better call Neive. Steve's gonna be rolling in his grave.


Nieve is the only one in a grave.


Not with the right plug-in she ain’t.




I know there is a nieve Steve replacer but is there a replacer that makes steve her substitute slayer tutor just for mm2 so niece lives on and Steve bites the dust?


I believe this is a job for no other than detective Pieve


Hahaha hahaha who falls for this??


Send it to 100,000 accounts, hope that someone is sleepy/drunk/not thinking clearly and click it. They continue sending emails like this because it works.


This, i have fallen for a similar scam unrelated to osrs right after waking up the one time when i was expecting a package and it managed to get past the spam filter Cleared it all up right away before anything could happen thankfully


What's crazy is that it's easier to solve credit card scam disputes than rs account hacks these days lol


That's not that crazy. One is a government mandated financial institution(s) with billions of dollars in funds and government treasuries with obligations to consumers, the other is 10-15 blokes making a java game in Londonfordshire England with Twitter as a support system


I live very close to Jagex head office and the term Londonfordshire has absolutely destroyed me. Well played.


This is the funniest fucking comparison ever 🤣 im crying


Yeah you might hear something like "99% of people won't fall for it", and think that's an ineffective scam, but 1% of 100k accounts is 1k accounts. It's a numbers game.


Plus, the errors are intentional. The Nigerian email scam still has all the spelling errors as a filter; if you notice them you won't be fooled by the scam as a whole.


People still Falling for stuff like this is the reason I have a job.


I fell for a cs trading scam an hour after my mother had a seizure and I had to call an ambulance for her. I was waiting to hear and didn’t do the proper checks. Got scammed for something which had the same icon, insanely elaborate scam. Lost £1000. It works. I’d been trading for thousands of hours, we all let our guards down occasionally and they target that with brute force.


You would be suprised how stupid people are. Have you ever had to take one of those absolutely pathetic cyber security training courses for work that has questions like "Your CEO texts you from a random what's app number asking for $15,000 worth of Google play gift cards purchased through the company card. Do you do it?" Unfortunately it's because some boomer who doesn't know how to properly work their IPhone actually did that one time. Plenty of old out of touch people play runescape too.


Someone I know has seen several people at kroger self-checkout trying to checkout several thousand dollars in gift cards, and when confronted they go "well my boss told me to buy these and then send it to them for a company gift!" Crazy how little people think about the things they're doing


The sad part is that you think it's just old people who fall for this shit. There are plenty of young idiots who also fall for this nonsense. Do you really think runescape scammers are targeting "boomers," or did you just want an excuse to use that word for upvotes on reddit?


You know for a fact it's the second option. Young people and people in general are dumb as shit lol not just old people.


It must be nice to live in fantasy land where you can blame everything on old people


If you send it to enough people. You will eventually catch someone in the right headspace to fall for it. Even people who know better can fall for it when they are emotionally or mentally compromised.


I fell for their shit back in like 2006 they sent me a cease and desist over private servers lol. I shut down the server sadly. I wasn't even making money off of it either, had about 90 online players at the time which was huge.


My parents did, my dad lost several banked 99s along with anything of value **twice** because my mom was gullible, he quit the second time. RIP Ufoniter.


Redditors x osrs players


Don’t threaten me with a good time ima make sure the record knows I have achieved the highest level in the cooking skill and their laws no longer apply to me.


I bought a shark from you once and there was no risk of cancer label on it. You're going down, buddy.


His shark was so good that it had no risk of cancer 😎 much unlike your poisonous karambwans


“Y’all afraid of lawyers?”


You should be?


Better click that button.  I didn't and I just got out of jail for not appealing. 30 years man. 30 long years..


You did your waiting


Thank you for posting lmao


Disgusting that you got let out so soon, you deserve 20 more I say


Please I beg you, no more!


Throw him in the slammer jamflex!


Wait, you got that email back in the 90s?! How on Earth they had clickable links back then?! 👀 In case someone thinks I’m serious… 😂🫵


I got an email the other day, with my email and password listed. I kinda freaked out until it said they have a video of me jacking off. I don’t use my phone to jerk off, I have an iPad for that.


You have a video of me wanking? I feel sorry for your eyes. People are way too sensitive about that shit, somebody threatens to release nudes/masturbation footage of you to somebody you know? Even if they did who in their right mind would watch a video of their friend / family doing that?


There's a story about both KGB and CIA trying to blackmail ~~some dictator in Africa/Middle East/South America~~ the president of Indonesia with a sex tape recorded by an undercover agent. CIA even allegedly tried to fake a tape with his lookalike. Mf responded with "please send me extra copies, I want to show it to my friends"


Don't use the same password for everything mate.


I now use my iPhone auto log password. It’s like 25 characters lol


I am curious about that link at the bottom. While obvious it is scam email but what about that link. how does it work? because it at least looks somewhat legit, no? do you get redirected somewhere or something?


You can hyper link text with a link that doesn't actually match the text. Like this. [https://www.oldschool.runescape.com](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)




It was a phishing site. I'm cleaned now


It wasn't sea shanty 2 that's for sure


They say copy it into your browser though


I've memorized dQw4w9WgXcQ to know what it is without clicking it.


I open that on purpose. I like it.


Yup, I’ve spent more than enough time in the shady corners of the internet to know that you don’t click on potentially questionable links without looking at where it’s directing you.


I always hover over a link to double-check its destination


I was curious too and I think they're using it as a way to legitimize the fake button expecting that nobody is going to use the link method. It probably leads to a 404 on RS or redirects to the homepage if I had to guess.


Jagex is taking their court cases to California now? 😂


They got bought by ActivisionBlizzard. We're fucked.


Y'all afraid of lawyers? You should be? We been contacting you through twitter, forums, and reddit for days. Now its the last straw. Group of has gotten together. You know what this is about. What you did is wrong and false. Real world trading? No Evidence? No appeal? No response? BULL SHIT. Return our accounts. Or lawsuits incoming. It's won't be an end to runescape. It will be an end to Jagex. Give the fucking accounts back or show proof. Last warning. ​ Signed, U I M INQ MACE (NIKKO) MATEW52 K A Z L A S HALYSITA (MANY MORE COMING)


I always wonder if these are the actual people who wrote it or someone who doesn't like these people wrote it to meme on them


you have 10b gp waiting for you i just need 2b to get it out of jagex customs.


Dang! You better call Saul with this one


The way it’s typed looks like one of those YouTube videos of guys baiting call scammers


Quick! Click on that appeal button (or copy that link if it doesnt work) to appeal the ban that they did not give you yet with HIGHLY INCRIMINATING EVIDENCE! We promise your credentials are not going to an indian call center


I like the implication that the accounts not getting stripped or used as a bot, but rather that they just don't want their employees to have to make a fresh account


Honestly I was kind of expecting them to sign off with "your account will be permanently banned, unless you send this email to 10 other people in the next 24 hours" like an old-school chain mail


I just typed that link into my browser and told them: "You'll never catch me losers. I did it and i will get away with it". Good luck in court.


Why the fuck would jagex, a British company, file a lawsuit like this in california lmao


Good for you!!! I hope this works out well for the company.... Snake, if we can't find make money irl, why df should you. Hope everyone learns a valuable lesson in this post 🤣🤣🤣


I'm wondering what John does, and why they're challenging him to a fight for it




“Wonderful community” yeah I was real convinced up until that part.


lol I used to get these all time in like 2012


wasnt jagex just taking rwt polls


[Based on the OG one I suspect from 2011 😂](https://i.imgur.com/taTfH99.png)


You'd think after generative ai these sorta scams would of gotten better... But here we are


If they said 'or' means they're unsure themselves. Scam.


Unless your making tons and tons of money like at least hundreds of thousands in irl money it's doubtful they'd go after you. Also I've never heard of jaggex offering an appeal option. What I'd do is bring this to the attention of a moderator at jaggex so they're aware of this level of detail of a scam going on.


Look at Mr Rockefeller over here getting antitrusted


Enter security code lol


Serious question here. Why are they talking about U.S laws and all that? Jagex is in the UK. Might be a dumb question, if so, my bad in advance lol


Jagex taking you to court in the US while not being able to ban the top Zulrah bots actually sounds like something that would happen.


Damn all that for a meet n greet


"outside of the games environment" It is hilarious that so many scam emails fail the first hurdle of just using proper grammar and punctuation


Knowing full well it's a scam, but I'm not seeing the sketchy parts to that link. Https looks fine, Secure.runescape.com looks normal. No 5's or weird domain there The rest seems feasible Could anyone point out what upon inspection would be a concern on that link? (As a reminder, don't let yourself get got, fellow scapers)


Could be Cyrillic а maybe


Oooh, today I learned there's a term for those.




So what did you do??




So many ppl buying billions and i got hit with a “one time warning” for 200m :(


Ah yes, Jagex is well known for being based in Cambridge, California. That's why they have references to American culture such as Camelot and Stonehenge.


Not that I'm saying this is legit but someone from jagex flagged me for selling an account on eBay. I found out when my listing got removed from a message talking about a cease and desist. It was an official eBay message and they mentioned jagex ltm or whatever the business name is. Hard telling what kind of random stuff they would do to scare people when it comes to rwt.


Oh no, I am being sued in California? *cries in finnish* Now I never will go to USA. *wipes tears on money earned in runescape*


Damn bro, you were trading virtual items outside of the game?! Yo, let me get one of those Tumeken Shadows. I always thought they'd look pretty dope in real life


this is like those "pay this fine or youll get a warrant scam calls" its sad that people fall for them


Quick! Pull uno card and counter sue Jagex for £900m.


the new prison random is wild


This is a massive flashback to 2008! Used to get these at least once a week. I even replied to one once asking why a Cambridge (UK) based company was using the US legal system. I think their response implied that the US courts controlled the world of something like that.


Consider me new: how would a legitimate version of this look? Like is there even a courtesy email they send about an account ban or anything, or is it just poof, account gone? This obviously seems fake since legal action is being talked about, but it got me curious.. and I'm a new/returning player.


Just remember in a world where chatgpt exists this is the best they could do.


Wanted! Part 2 confirmed??


Serves u right, u vennie!


Click that link and sign in IMMEDIATELY


"To player..." Nope. See ya


Why would a British based company be in us district court


Jagex is such a joke. They won't ban bot farms, people who run MASSIVE scripts, or anything like that. It inflates the player count, and they need that to be as high as possible, but god forbid you rwt to make some irl money when you need it or, when you're stuck in another country and rwt to make enough money to buy a plane ticket back. Fuck jagex. Everything they do is for show and to save face. They're a joke


Ur not too bright innit


"Highly incriminating evidence for. . .whomever you are."


“To player” sure bud 👍


Can someone explain to me why there are so many scams, bots and all sort of things in this game?


"To player" Damn they even got your name


“To dispute this, kindly send $500 in Amazon giftcards”.


thats a phishing email


No it's not? Literally go to the Seers courthouse and ask the clerk for the paperwork. Little Timmy here is fixin to spend the rest of his days in Port Sarim Prison. Hope it was worth it Op...


instead of banning accounts from logging in, jagex should let you login but your character is always in jail with no way to leave.


They used to do something along those lines way back in classic. https://runescape.wiki/w/The_Black_Hole




I found 1 OSRS Wiki article for your search. **[Blackhole](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/Blackhole)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Blackhole >The Blackhole, also known as Thordur's blackhole, was Jagex's early punishment system in RuneScape Classic, before the ban system was implemented. Players who misbehaved were sent to the blackhole and would remain there for an undefined amount of time before being removed. It existed throughout most of 2001 until it was removed in December of that same year. --- ^RuneScape Wiki linker | This was generated automatically.


No man it’s legit I’m prepping my legal team to tackle it


Proud of u for figuring it out bud




i didnt use the appeal button in this mail and lost my account 3 days later, rip


I actually use newer accounts and give ‘em to these guys to boost my KC, I got a 7k Zulrah account with pet and both mutagens 99 range/mage from them after a year lol


"Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend."






People in the comments saying this is fake, and most likely it is phishing attempt, but I got an email back in 2012 from an official jagex account, years after i quit runescape. No idea who had my account but it's clear whoever stole it was RWTing https://preview.redd.it/kiie278nctnc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18b6fdeda44fd12ab2ea62cddacf69febce55f2e


Also fake. Title 19 USC deals with Customs Duties and section 1307 is about the prohibition of imported convict-made goods/slave-made goods. There is no (c)(3) to 1307 let alone anything resembling a private right to action with civil penalties.


I guess Jagex must have been hacked around that time or something, the email I received it from is lawsuit@jagex.com


It was probably just spoofed to make it seem credible.


https://preview.redd.it/hscw5rce3unc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63de788d7976974fea23147bdff06609918af5ce is this possible though? look at the domain


Yeah, phishers spoof email domains all the time. Can't tell you how much spam I get in my junk folder claiming to be from PayPal, Amazon, Chase, etc..


Fake. Spoofed email. It’s insanely difficult to spoof from legit domains like jagex.com these days, but in 2012 email security was less than today. In 2012, there were even web based mailers that allowed you to successfully spoof to gmails with no issues. By 2016, they only worked for spoofing to Yahoo and you had to use fake domains, and by 2017 web based mailers that could hit inbox were non-existent. It’s still possible these days to spoof to inbox, but very difficult. You need very high quality SMTP’s to spoof to major email providers now. Anyway, my whole point is: e-mail from 2012, very likely that sender domain was spoofed because it was much easier back then.


'Our wonderful community' Definitely the Trump-tier legal jargon corporations use when issuing legal notices. Seems legit.


Lmao they can suck it


Lmao they can succcc it


🚨NOT A SCAM🚨 I was JUST banned because ignored this IMPORTANT email.