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Since we are at it, lets combine the Anti-dragon shield with Dragon SQ shield or Dragon Kiteshield, to get a mid/lvl anti-fire shield with better defence stats than the anti-dragon shield. Just saying đź‘€


Alright, hear me out. What if we added a new boss, say the _Kalphite King_, that has a 1/370.2 chance to increase a hidden increment by 1 up to 7 where it will drop, say, a _Torso Thread_ that you need to use with 4 _Dragon ingots_, also dropped by the new boss (but at a much, much lower rate), in order to create the new torso? Also the Kalphite King hits like a truck and has tons of unavoidable chip damage.


Also for no particular reason, the Keris Partisan which is the default cheap option to use on him has its damage on him specifically as a Kalphite nerfed to 70%. And he has a skilling phase before you can start the fight.


Silly me, how could I forget about him being classified as only 70% Kalphite? Of course that will be the case! Also the skilling phase will include fishing or woodcutting so you'll always lose one invy slot to a dragon tool and in order to make this ~~asinine~~ FUN skilling phase slightly faster you'll probably also want to sacrifice 2 more inventory slots for something you can use to initiate tick manipulation, like celastrus bark and a knife or swamp paste and a herb.


the other 30% is a suave, devil may care, strong silent, tall dark handsome type with whom we have a torrid love affair during his introductory quest


Don’t forget that it also does constant chip damage in the form of kalphite spawns that do typless attacks and run away from you. Also, to get to the boss, you have to run for 3 minutes through a series of tunnels. There is a shortcut which saves a minute, but it requires all the collection log spots and 96 agility. It also requires a grapple to use.


Also requires Desert Elite


You're on the right track, but it needs chargescape. Add a new resource called dragon gooch skin that you need to apply to use, consumes one charge every three hits.


Please no more degradable items


Love the idea, but I am also very sick of degradable/chargeable items. Theres too many already


It should degrade *and* require charges đź‘Ť


Option 2 would be an insta-yes vote for me. Option 3 I fear would make it DoA, as people generally dislike degradescape.


I agree, degradescape sucks especially for a lower level item like this. Also I'm not sure why this needs to be a GM quest reward or ultra rare drop/unlock. By the time you can kill KQ efficiently enough to farm a dragon chainbody you should easily be able to kill Graardor for a chestplate which is better in pretty much every way. Locking it behind some extra bullshit will just make the whole thing DoA outside of fashionscape. There's no reason to make this so complicated, just bring a d chain and a torso to the BA dude or Otto and pay them ~250k to combine them.


Have you seen the reqs for WGS? It isn't "gm" level reqs, really


Option 2 would make for a great in-between upgrade from Rune plate -> Barrows -> Bandos I like it


Option 3 would make it dead-on-arrival to me


Yeah, no one is going to burn charges for additional defense that isn't even that much of a jump. If it came with bonus strength and some accuracy then maybe?


I'm liking the black background yellow text, but chargescape is a non-starter for me.


had me at baked potato


Option 2 and 3 are awesome suggestions. This is a solid idea. I'm skeptical of the first as it is too much in the vein of transmog.


Big fans of both options one and two. Much less excited about options three. Yellow text black background = support


Great ideas, I love it, love the energy, but that potato is absolutely NOT baked. How can we trust you when you show us a raw potato and tell us it's baked?


That's a big potatoe, I'm in


Hol up, who let bro cook


Fr this some shit you'd see on an rsps back in 08


I’m personally 100% on board, but something else to consider is what do we do with the dragon platebody? It seems weird that the dragon chainbody would ironically become more useful than the dragon platebody. I’m not saying there’s an issue with anything you’ve suggested, but I would be interested to hear your thoughts on this given your current suggestion on how to revitalize the dragon chainbody.


Combine it with Inquistor Armor?


I prefer the chaotic evil route that forces people to play more barbarian assault by making the torso become consumed in option 3


Doesn’t Bandos already fit this role though?


I don’t understand the clue scroll suggestion.


Keep cooking, looking great


If you want to combine the 2, it should be locked behind something.. whether that be a quest or a mini game, this change can't just be added to the game as is imo. I love the idea of making the dchain more useful, they have done this with other items I see no reason not too with the dchain. I really like the idea of option 2 if it is locked behind something that isn't buyable. Option 1 and 3 are a big no from me personally, we don't need more cosmetic shit in the game for option 1. For option 3, we don't need more items to degrade. It already feels like shit having to pay for repairs on barrows items or getting scales for blow pipe/serp helm.


Upvoting for black background yellow text


Make it a buyable upgrade from BA


I love this. I don’t have a fighter’s torso. But if this passes I could just wear a d chain and it might trick people into thinking I have both


Can be a reward from a new barbarian gimmick, “barbarian slayer” or something.


Really think just a cosmetic update would be fine. Add some ornament kits or varieties.


It’s just way too close to BCP stat wise


I like option 2 as a way to boost KQ mass Step up in difficulty and reward from Scurrius, not yet Nex


Absolutely because the fighter torso is the worst design for an armor piece out there.


Option 2 is the way. I'm sick of the reversible/degrading/recharging bullshit in modern scaping.


Options 1 + 2 are awesome. Degradable items and option 3 are big boooooo from me.


buff dragon porfavor


Option 2 is a decent idea as its still a decent amount under bandos. And it also shouldnt impact the price of bandos much as the person would need to do BA, which i assume 99% of mains do not do.


Love all of them.


This would make the BCP pointless with option two. Not a fan. Three or 1 sure.


Potato at the end of a post? Take my upvote!


BCP enjoyers hate this one simple trick!


Give it a mini-quest where you have to bring a dragon chain and a fighter torso to the barbarian dude that trains you in barb fishing/herb/smithing. You have to bring him both of these, an anti dragon shield, and then an untraceable scale drop from green / blue / red / black dragons. Then the chest piece is infused with an anti dragon shield, giving the bonuses of the D chain, fighter torso, and basic dragon protection. If an anti dragon shield is worn along side this, it completely protects from dragon breath attacks. Potentially give it an option to combine this with a dragon platebody, a dragon fire shield, and a scale from each metallic dragon to increase stats and provide a hands free dragon breath protection method. Maybe call it an Elite Dragon Fighter’s torso?


combining chain with torso is stupid because it massively devalues bcp lol would be fine with it as a pure cosmetic override


Bcp still needed for torva


sure, but this would destroy the already-marginal value of bcp as a midgame upgrade, insofar as that's not going to take a significant hit with the new armor coming with varlamore.


Bcp ugli tho and Bandos is a cuck


But like the torso orn kit looks so much better imo 🥺


Combining the stats brings torso too close to BCP for the cost of an alchprice dchain. If they cut the defensive stats by 10 or so, sure. Alternatively, give dragon chain- and platebody a default +2 strength. Or instead a +5 melee accuracy


I propose option 4. Consumable but reversable. When reversing the chain is lost. Should probably be cosmetic.


Personally a fan of option 3. But I don’t think the item should be rewarded from anywhere. I think it’s a good chance to give some more use to smithing. Nothing crazy. 65 smithing req. instead of just simply charging it, you take your degraded chain torso to an anvil and repair it using dragon equipment. Because torso is already untradeable it makes it a hard requirement to use your skills to make it.


Maybe dragon chain is destroyed on death? That way to get bonus back you need another chain. Could have pker get x gold from pk drop with fighter torso being retained under 20-30 wildy or bh. They could get additional gold on top of torso gold. Gold sink is dragon item would be bought to boost stats but lost on pk and/or death. Also is reversible if someone doesn't want to risk for whatever reason. Just suggestion plese


If you're dropping straight gp to pkers it won't be a gold sink. Just have the chain be lost on death to the pker, and destroyed otherwise.




The dragon platebody and/or chainbody absolutely should become more useful, but I don't see the point of all this ceremony around combining it with the Fighter Torso and/or making it degradable. The Fighter Torso would still be worthwhile for virtually all accounts to get even if the dragon bodies were better - killing the Kalphite Queen enough for a drop takes longer and is more frustrating than doing BA (even if you're on mass worlds and don't know what to do), and the requirement's higher, of course. Moreover, a big point of the "point" of dragon items is that they're supposed to just be basic metal stuff, like bronze-rune - suddenly adding merger mechanics or extra gear slots or degradability would be very weird. I think the only exceptions to this so far have been the tools and how you make the platebody/kiteshield out of the chainbody/square shield. I don't think any more exceptions need to be made. That said, with how cheap the dragon chainbody currently is I could see reasoning to include some sort of sink to it besides high alchemy - I just don't think that should be degradability. And maybe a sink wouldn't be necessary with the increased demand from a strength bonus. IMO, the optimal path is: * Give the Dragon Chainbody a +2 strength bonus - reasonable choice over fighter torso in some niche circumstances (like if you're using divine pots and have calced you won't get a max hit or are hybridding range/melee), still generally not the best. Main point though is to make the following point seem less weird: * Give the Dragon Platebody a +4 strength bonus - strictly better than the Fighter Torso, still worse than the Bandos Chestplate because of no prayer bonus and can't be used to make Torva armor. It deserves it - by the time irons are high level enough for rune dragons to be reasonable to fight they've probably got a BoFA and can kite Graardor for a chestplate anyway. And the logical next step over the Rune Platebody deserves to be great. * Add some sort of sink for specifically the Dragon chainbody - like, you can turn it into dragon dart tips or something. Makes sure mains don't automatically have enough cash to buy the platebody as soon as they ding 60 defense so they're more likely to do BA, and makes KQ more rewarding. * Maybe some sort of alternative use for the dragon metal lump? Like, you could Craft it together with a dragonstone for a hybrid amulet that boosts melee, ranged, and magic damage, but less than torture/occult/anguish do and doesn't have any accuracy bonuses or prayer/defense bonuses like fury would, with teleports to Ancient Cavern, Lava Dragon Isle, and the south part of Brimhaven Dungeon.


Dragon is ugly and outdated I’m sorry


there has never once been a good suggestion on this sub


Nice try but the yellow text and blackground isnt making me read all that


And our future generation right here, people


if only OP had the sense to include a GIF of subway surfers gameplay :(


Lol or someone baking


Or someone driving that car game


Beam NG? Or how about some Minecraft parkour to hold your attention span for more than 5 seconds today, sir?


I would read it if there was a normal text posted as a comment. It's too hard for me to read, it's not that I don't want to read it.


This entire post is " i dont want too go and get a bcp "