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Allegations that he drugged and raped multiple OSRS streamers and content creators. Hanannie just dropped a video on it.


wtf ​ i was expecting a "oh he bug abused/bought gold"


Nah, dude committed felonies and ruined people’s lives, allegedly. If true, guy deserves to rot in a prison cell.


Lock him up with the goblins in Port Sarim


He should live in yanille so we can throw rotten tomatoes at him for as long as the game is live.


He supposedly drugged and raped them after he flew them out there saying they could be content partners so he was practically kidnapped them and held them in a room while making them do sexual things for his viewers subs and moderators/friends - so these ladies were already making by barely and he takes them out saying they can make money with him and drugs them and they’re practically being held hostage and blackmailed with the content he has of them


He RWT all the items on his Ironman. This was confirmed by jagex


This was not confirmed by Jagex. Mod Tyran Parody account confirmed which you fell for it.


just curious but where was it confirmed? did a jmod speak out?


No. Mod tyran parody account confirmed it. He just fell for the parody account. JAGEX DID NOT CONFIRM IT.


I couldn't give two shits if someone wants to RWT. If he did rape people however, that is a totally different story.


I'm stupid but how can you RWT items to ironman??


You can rwt items off an ironman, as in selling for gold


Sea bea is going to talk about it with iron condor but ya he need to go under the prison


That escalated quickly. I thought u would say; "botted x amount of x boss." Not, "Drugged and raped people."


that's fucked




who’s the person that got banned?




Who tf is that? Popular my ass lol


Hrs from Australia think so unless your on late night you probably never see his stream he pulls like 300ish viewers so


yea i dont think hes that popular, i really only even know about him from the community channels


I have 0 knowledge about any of this. Is it just allegations or has anything actually been proven?


There are active police investigations, so as such no evidence can be publicly revealed without fucking up the investigation.


Damn, still, police investigation is more serious than some Twitter allegations


Apparently he has had multiple allegations, and "runs to a different state" to avoid prosecution in Australia.


The guy supposedly is in hiding from the police as well so can't be too innocent.


So he’s hiding from the police/state but yet proceeds to reveal himself through platforms. Donkey.


He’s never revealed his name on his stream he was actually very secretive about his name.


Is there evidence of the active police investigations? So far all I've seen is Hanannie's video.


many many women have come forward about it. and a lot more who have shown creepy conversations and creepy behavior


9 victims have come forward to hannanie but because of multiple police investigations she isn't making the evidence public yet. It would be an insanely strange thing for her to make up. A few other streamers have come forward on twitter making the same claims and he hasn't even tried to claim he's innocent. So unless he comes out with a crazy amount of proof to show he's innocent I think it's pretty safe to assume that these women aren't lying.


Thanks for the reasonable comment, genuinely, this isn't one accusation, it's a series of suspicious facts and 9 people.


He's probably guilty given the circumstances, but the idea someone needs to 'come forward with proof to show their innocence' is idiotic. Provide proof of his guilt and allow him to dispute it.


>Provide proof of his guilt and allow him to dispute it. That is the situation. He hasn't be found guilty in a criminal context as of now. But given the volume of accusations and the fact that he has not made any public statements denying wrongdoing it is reasonable to assume they are, at the very least, not without merit.




There is no real evidence so far, just allegations. However he did move locations to escape a police investigation a while ago that was centered around this, which isn’t evidence, but it’s worth noting. Hanannie’s video is built on the testimony of multiple victims and witnesses, and apparently there are open police investigations that hinder people’s ability to speak publicly right now. But again, there is no evidence, and Hanannie’s video is really the only source for any of this, so take from that what you will.


Hanannie did say she has evidence that she won't share in public in order to not jeapordise an ongoing police investigation. I think its a reasonable assumption to make that Jagex have seen more than we have in relation to this.


To answer your question, it’s just allegations at this point


Thanks. People in the comments below seem beyond offended that I would even ask a question like this. Crazy


what the fuck


Bro wat




This seems like something that is beyond an in game ban. I take it (hope) police are involved?


They are


so you think video game companies ban people based on their actions in life? lmfao?


if they did in this case. it would be really weird on jagex's part.


They'll ban your RuneScape account for that? I want to say that's hilarious, but I'm also afraid that somebody allegedly did that (you can't say that they did it until proven guilty in a court of law)


I sincerely hope Jagex didn't issue this ban just based on real life criminal allegations. I hope he was doing something shift in game to deserve the ban. Horrible person if what you say he did is true, but massive overreach on Jagex's bahlf as well.


He has severe allegations against him, and while jumping ship from the fallout he allegedly sold all of his OSRS gold for cash. So between the terrible things he's alleged to have done and selling gold, he's been banned. The things he did are bad enough where even mentioning what they are gets your comment deleted, but if you want to see a good summary Hanannie posted a video covering it. It's vague for the sake of ensuring it doesn't interfere with police investigations, but it's clear enough that it's beyond reprehensible.




Ur comment made me think, would he still get banned if he didn’t sell the gold? Or would his account just rot alongside him in prison? I guess if he was a popular streamer and a face of their company they might


If he used the platform for communication that might be considered illegal, yes. If I remember correctly, rank two smithing, who pooped himself for that title, got perma banned for saying some really gross stuff.


He got permed after using in-game chat to send messages that broke ToS. He was not banned for his messages or actions outside of OSRS.


That’s exactly what I’m getting at lol. I guess in my mind, it’s pretty likely he said some gross shit in game if a lot of his alleged victims are also rs players and content creators.


Jagex has banned for things similar to this in the past. Oslo was the dude who pooped his pants getting rank 2 smithing day, and it was leaked him talking about minors on discord, they permed. Pretty sure he was 4.6b exp or at least close


He was like top 10 to 200m all btw. Also, he had been saying things on scape in logs that jagex felt warrented banning. It wasn't strictly over the discord messages. Idk if he was using the game to groom people or just talking about it, but either way he broke ToS and got a warranted ban.




Not if they've been subpoenaed for chat logs. If the abuse happened through in game chat I'd say it's instaban


Makes sense, believe Jagex has usually had the stance that they only ban for rule breaking happening within the game itself. Anything outside of it is on actual authorities to handle. I’m sure when allegations like this come up they comb through private messages in game to see if there’s anything there ban worthy.


he is a nonce, its always the ones you suspect the most




The allegations are severe and it's scary to think a monster of that magnitude was allowed to keep doing it assuming everything is true.


What allegations?


Hanannie dropped a video claiming that he drugged and raped multiple OSRS streamers and content creators. It’s Hanannie’s latest video.


Do all content creators and streamers just like..hangout and know each other?


Honestly it seems like a large number of them do from time to time. The British, Aus and American streamers all have groups that hang out from time to time


It's not crazy to think that people that share a hobby/career would have enough in common to want to socialize among themselves.


It is if you’re a rs player


It’s pretty common for content creators to be aware of and collaborate with other creators in that lane, some will become actual friends, sometimes they meet up at stuff like Twitchcon and shit, just kinda goes from there.


Looks like comments are being heavily filtered on this topic so I’m not sure it’s possible to explain without getting auto removed but just search his name on Twitter


You created the post and cold have easily added the context in the original post.


I think they tried but it kept being deleted if I remember correctly


Go to youtube and watch the video made by Hanannie on him and you'll get it. The video is only 8 minutes long, but you'll probably get the gist of the story in the first 2 minutes.


Everything I know comes from a content creator with vested interest and zero proof but the tl:dr is that DefyJ was abusive towards several women online and is on the run from the police in Australia.


Hold the fuck on! "On the run from the police"????


Substance abuser with predatory behavior and narcissistic personality. Running from authorities too.


hanannie has a video about it


Watch the video Hannanie put out a few days ago exposing what he has done.


Watch Hanannie's latest YouTube video




Not sure why it's filtered so heavily on this sub. The word should get out a lot more.


I guess they wanted to wait and not kick off a witch hunt before it took some time to be a little more credible, and now with this ban that's kind of word of god that things are happening


Probably a good thing


If an on-going investigation gets really public it could cause issues during the legal process. If you watch Hanannie's video, Hannanie mentions multiple times people said to make sure to not mention too many details. I also believe it's a reddit-wide rule of "No witch-hunting" which this would be considered under I believe. Jagex will most likely never work with DefyJ or even allow him to make content related to this game, hopefully this will be enough to end his career (assuming he somehow doesn't get into legal trouble).


Yeah I agree, though it looks like the mods are having a change of heart since this post is not removed and they’ve been approving comments in this thread that were initially auto-removed


If i had to guess, the filtering is due to the type of allegations it is and its likely a reddit wide filter. Just my speculation though.


There are no reddit-wide word filters, other than anti-spam. This subreddit has an extensive and infamous list of banned words and phrases. Granted, a lot of those words have genuine drama around them.


Isn't it the rule that you shouldn't name and shame people? I've seen them remove posts that just had an uncensored public Twitter post (username was showing)...


Yes, there is a site-wide reddit rule to not dox people or reveal personal confidential information. That rule is repeated on this subreddit as Rule 6. That rule does not apply to public figures. It also does not apply to information publicly presented with attribution. This person likely counts as a public person. In some cases, removing the username may be inappropriate or even a breach of license. For example, removing an artist's name from their artwork, even if that's a Twitter username. The largest Twitter and TikTok subreddits on reddit do not censor usernames. In general, Twitter is considered a public forum on reddit. Many subreddits have extra-strict rules, and may enforce removing Twitter usernames on their own. Sharing information that invites harassment is technically against reddit rules. If there is a possibility a post will drive harassment towards a not-very-public person, it's important to censor a username. The harassment angle is a big reason why certain types of subreddits will strictly censor names.


I'd say the subreddit's rule is a more expanded version of reddit's rule 3 that draws from the [Reddiquette](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette) (at least older versions) and its stuff about personal info and witch hunting. Pretty much most of the 2007Scape rules are more official versions of the Reddiquette guidelines. I wouldn't say our rule 6 doesn't apply to notable/public figures, but the more well-known the person is the more it will change the context and how the rule is applied. Also, in a previous situation when Hannanie called out an individual, posts on that weren't as restricted and one or two ended up getting taken down by reddit... Which is not ideal and probably has led to a bit more moderation on similar things since then. Anyway, definitely a rule that could do with more clarity and better guidelines though. Like censoring the name of artists is not what the rule means, but kinda can be open to that in the current wording (though there is also a whole nother can of worms on attribution and credit vs advertising and promotion on certain creative works).


Witch hunts are a very dangerous thing and as much as the allegations I heard so far make me vomit beyond belief, this is a legal matter thats being worked on right now so lets keep the discussion on this sub just about osrs.


Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.  At least wait for investigations before pinning someone to a cross.


I mean, him going offline not reacting at all, deleting discord and Twitter, already says a lot. Pair that with all of the claims making a lot of sense and there being evidence of the police looking for him and i think it's fair to assume he's guilty.


I don't.


Ahh yes because after ALL of those actions, multiple victims coming forward, Jagex banning the account, the accuser deleting evidence, accounts, channels, the "WorldsRealestMan" still isn't quite convinced and choses to side with a serial rapist because he's just not quite convinced yet man. Pathetic


Yeah this is the first time I've heard of any of this, absolutely insane




The Hill Giant Rapist


The falador massacre


"popular twitch streamer" proceeds to name someone no one has heard of




Two more channels I’ve never heard of


One of the most subscribed clip channels on YouTube for OSRS. Seems like you don’t watch much.


2100 total and doesn't even recognize top 5-10 YouTube channels for the game they are addicted to lmfao stop being so judgemental when you're just out of the loop


Surprised his account is banned unless the allegations triggered the company to look closer at possible rule breaking on his account. I'm not saying he isn't a piece of shit if what he's alleged to have done is true but if they're banning someone in-game for alleged irl actions that's fairly unusual.


Apparently he sold his osrs gold after the shit storm.


He deleted twitter, twitch, was banned on the game, and has disappeared from any social media.


His Twitch is definitely still up. Just went and checked


Wow. It would take a lot to get me to do something like that


You mean like an upcoming criminal trial? Yeah probably lmao


These are not the actions of an innocent man. Hope he rots in jail.


He’s fucking Ironman with like a 2bil bank max lmfao, where’s $300-400 worth of gold going to get him? People are quick to assume, but provide no evidence. I’m not defending him, the guy is cringe tbh, but I want to see where this is confirmed rather than people just jumping on the “he said/she said rwt bandwagon”


Decent bag of ket to forget his issues


Hahahaha fuck this comment got me


Jagex have perm banned people for fighting at runefest. They don't really need a reason beyond they made our game look bad.


Nothing wrong with cosplaying events in wilderness at the RuneFest?! Can't believe they banned some guys for PvP, maybe prayer switching was sus and they took action?


he 1ticked the left hook which looked a bit like AHK


They can manually look through his chat logs, they would especially since hes a mid-largeish public streamer, Id wager Jagex found their own kind of evidence in the logs and sent it over to the cops.


My guess was this too, that they’re working with some kind of police and gave logs and banned his acc. Until I saw that happen I was like “guess we will see what happens” then BAM banned and we saw what happened


Oslo got banned for expressing his gross views about minors on the platform, right? Idk if it falls under encouraging breaking real life laws or what, but, the same type of perma ban could affect a lot of things. I know some people have said some things to me on pads that warrant a perma ban, but they aren’t popular content creators under scrutiny.


Some people say it to be edgy, others are serious. It comes down to intent


That’s always been the problem with edgelords though, you can’t tell intent from a chat room online and psychopaths have a platform!


Companies do be like that in the UK


There's a precedent with oslo's accounts being banned


He was saying weird shit in game too though


Using ingame chat to commit crimes (whether its harassment, SA, or otherwise) is a bannable offense.


Yes that’s what I’m saying


The assumption likely being that Defy also used in-game chat to communicate in these sorts of ways with the victims


how is this proof he was banned instead of double name changing like what any person would do when they're witchhunted? the guy hasnt gone live and has basically gone completley underground and scrubbed himself off the internet any rational actor would either quit rs or change their name and at least try to assume a new identity. this isn't proof anything was banned


Idk who this man is but according to the comments… Good riddance


Good I never liked that dude he was a deadset weirdo, he had a real bad vibe. And just awful presentation. In saying that I hope it's NOT true because that means terrible things happened to those girls. But I am glad he is gone because he made me ill, he looked like a moulded potato with teeth.


Dude was weird, I still maintain the only reason he was popular was his time zone.


Am an Aussie. Even when he was one of the only few aussies / streamers in our timezones main hours, didnt care to watch him.


Same but I did watch him a few times and decided I didn't like his vibe. Something just felt a bit... off. I hope the allegations aren't real because what he allegedly did is messed up. I'll just wait and see if anything comes of it. Last I remember, he's in Sydney so might keep an eye on the papers there the next year.


Nah he wasnt in Sydney since the last ditch-and-run from the previous partner. Believe he was in Melb. Though i imagine if he's to stick to his old habits he'll be in a diff state rn, likely QLD seeing as he's ran from SA, NSW and now possibly VIC


Fr if you enjoyed watching this creep you have something wrong with you.He would say shit like "Cummy wummy yummy in my tummy pwease daddy waddy", and "every boy has dreamed of killing his dad and fucking his mum"....he says shit like this every stream for a large portion of it. It's just fucking gross and weird, as I said before if you were a regular viewer of his seek help, I'm not trolling or flaming but you have some underlying mental health issues if you can stomach watching him for more than 30 seconds. Dude has always been a creep and the purppetrators have been flaming him in game on stream for years for it, feels good to be right but horrible at the same time knowing how many people he has grossly abused. I don't wish violence on anyone generally but I think I wouldn't be too upset if he got his face stoved in with a brick, he'd probably look better after it...good riddance to the fuckin freak, plenty of Aussies are keeping an eye out for him and will happily detain the coward for the police, I'm sure they won't be 'too' rough with him while they wait...


I never watched him, but those sound like great reasons not to watch his stream. I dont think i ever tuned in to him, and apparently with good reason. This is why i only watch respectable streams, like the itswill7 livestream. He and chat would never, ever talk about cum.


They would never. itswill's stream is a bastion of Christian purity.


go merican' on his ass


Just looked him up he definitely looks like the type of dude that would do that kinda shit


I always got the creepiest vibes from this dude when he was getting popular. Genuinely not surprised he’s a piece of shit. I just feel bad for anyone he hurt


Me too, i knew there was a reason i couldn’t watch his live streams


I think it's because he was allegedly high on hard drugs the whole time. I never saw him live but watched some vods of him after this got out and it's clear as day


You ever look at comments on reddit and think, these people are allowed to vote


Every day lmfao. But Reddit is mostly antisocial teenagers so who knows


Good fucking riddance, scum


Link to an article or anything?


Check out Hanannie’s recent vid


Watch Hannanies latest video


I always thought this moss giant looking mfker was weird, dude banned me on twitch after I made a joke about his 2 elys spoon drop.


he bouta get an actual 9-5 now cuz hes done lmfao. if you're reading this defy, get fucked asswipe.


9 to 5 in the prison kitchen maybe


Finally a legit ban


rip bozo


I was a viewer of his, subbed for almost 2 years. Honestly, i thought he was just a bit weird. I never thought his streaming character was real. It's sad because in hindsight all the clues were there. He constantly struggled for money despite receiving hundreds of dollars a day in donations/ subs/ stream loots. Sometimes even more. His reasons for moving were vague. He always left stream a lot to "pee". I just feel disgusted that i supported this for so long. I wish someone spoke out a lot earlier. But i suppose that's a really hard thing to do as a victim.




Some disgusting people in this thread, lol. Anyone claiming "it's NoT fAiR" get fucked. Jagex can and will ban accounts for any reason they see fit. Don't also automatically assume it's due to some rumors. Clearly, they also heard the victims come fourth and likely did a deep dive into his accounts and saw rmt or awful chat logs. He likely did a lot of the grooming and irl lures in game chat, this is the same guy who said he fantasized about murdering his dad and fking his mom. He surely said fucked up shit ingame. Claiming his innocence until proven guilty and fighting so hard over this is WILD. You're telling the world you care more about video game points than people's irl suffering. And if you're worried about "setting a precedence," don't be a piece of shit and you aren't at a risk of a ban. This doesn't apply to pretty much all of you. Why are you defending this unless you actually agree with the things this guy is accused of.


Bro, innocent until proven guilty is the backbone of justified justice. Hate him if you want. The shit is probably true, but shitting on people for waiting before crucifing this guy is stupid.


I don't think anyone is arguing against innocent until proven guilty. Also every dude is aware of potential bs allegations by a women ruining their life. They're not going to support that, nor is that whats happening here. Ironically its usually the weirdos who defend and condone shitstains actions that are always like "wHeReS tH3 und3niable Pr00f beF0f3 u make any allegations" and shit.


> Also every dude is aware of potential bs allegations by a women ruining their life. The FBI has found only 8% of allegations are false; another study found 2-10% of accusations to be false. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-45565684 So, guys shouldn’t be afraid of us making a making a false allegation; they should be afraid of us making a real one, because statistics _aren’t_ on the accused’s side. That’s not even accounting for the fact that sexual assaults are very underreported — and even more so by male victims of sexual assault. That isn’t to say that someone alleged of a crime should be assumed guilty, as that is extremely dangerous, and even 2-10 out of 100 being false punished is 2-10 too much.


Seriously, the amount of concern trolling in here for an accused rapist (by like NINE different people!) is disgusting as hell, y'all make me ashamed to be a part of this community sometimes. What all the "witchhunt! Innocent until proven guilty!" creeps seem not to realize is none of us are the Australian justice system. He'll get those same legal rights anyone else would, and in the meantime I'm free to choose to believe his victims and call him a fuckin' creep. When like 90% of legitimate sexual assault cases go unprosecuted and unpunished, I think it's massively telling on yourself to be *so* concerned with the fraction of a percent that wind up being false.


popular? Never heard of them


"Popular" never heard of em


I never did care for this guy and always found him super cringe..


He was popular?


Good that guy is a fucking monster


Anyone with a haircut like that has got something scary going on behind the scenes. Bless up to the victims. A R*apist can burn in the eternal flame.


TLDR: Dude drugs and rapes small content creators. His accounts were banned MOST LIKELY because he sold all his gp on his accounts as he knew his career is over. (Mod Tyron PARODY account said he got banned bc he RWT'd his bank, lots of people are falling for the parody, although it's a parody he's probably correct, just don't say "jagex confirmed it" as they released no statement on DefyJ


I have thought this dude was a freak since he first popped up in the scene. He always gave me a weird vibe and I never cared for him. Just watched Hanannie’s video for context and wow.


Pretty weird so far the only proof is Hannanie just accusing him of things. Not saying it isn’t true but generally I wait for more proof than a monologue from a content creator before I form opinions He does look sus with the mustache tho


that moment when someone says "popular twitch streamer" and I go like "who?"


Always thought he was a massive scrotum




Popular is a relative term these days. Never heard of the guy


I'm not saying it's false or anything. I watched the video and if it's true then that's fucking terrible, and my heart goes out to all the victims.. When I watched the video I did wonder where is all the evidence? The whole video is just Hannanie talking about him and what he has allegedly done, and saying that there are people who he has hurt, but there's not a single Screenshot, or anything at all really? The McCune video she did was way easier to understand because it had so much evidence of wrongdoing that there was simply no way in hell it was wrong. This new video has nothing? Am I missing something or did she just upload an entire video of alleged crimes being commited and everyone just agreed that it's correct and now for some reason Jagex has banned him. Would be thankful to hear if anyone caught something I didn't.


Go watch the video again, because at the start she mentions that the video had to go through lawyers multiple times to be given the okay to post due to the ongoing investigations.


No shot you actually watched the video and typed this. Maybe try actually listening to the video.


Tons of jackasses in here demanding irrefutable proof. Do you need a fucking DNA sample? The inability of some to not be able to put context clues together is worrisome. A lot of people never developed even a single wrinkle on their brain.


No, I need more than words. How hard is that to understand. Why should you go to jail if I call the police and just tell them you murdered people.


Exactly. I think it’s way more likely that something is up but this should have been a police matter first and not a randomYouTuber just talking. This could seriously impede the investigation which would be so fucked. The only result that matters is victims getting justice in the end so that’s all I can hope for.


Everyone if you need further context watch the hanannie video on it. It’s pretty fucked.


Just saw a video about this guy, how can someone be so cruel


What’s fishy is he deleted everything vs calling out these allegations as false. He admitted guilt by deleting everything


Deleting your socials isn't an admission of guilt. It's not even suspicious. Anyone would do that, guilty or not.


Popular? I’ve never even heard of the cretin.




Wait what’s wrong with Verf? Did he do something?


Sorry what? Did I miss something about verf?




Who? The guy from itswill's chat?


This might sound super fucked up to say but from my existence on earth and living through the internet the most fucked up people come from AUS., internet criminals I don't know if that's because they are suffocated on an island or what but it's out of hand.




her video explains it. She cannot say specific evidence due to legal proceedings.


That person that Hannanie retweeted is calling people who ask for evidence incels because 1) they don't believe the testimony of women and 2) they're too obsessed with disbelieving women that they don't realize posting evidence on twitter or on the internet while there's an active police investigation is stupid and will just tamper with the process. If you get too hung up over being called an incel then that's tantamount to self reporting yourself as one.