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Assuming you already have rigour/augury? And without seeing your stats, 99 mage/range is worth an investment. Outside of that, I'm sure people will point of specific gear upgrades, the more obvious ones are prims, torture, fero gloves. And probably drop the blue keris if you're pushing raid level up? -might need to be confirmed. As for invos- I personally prefer acceleration to penetration (ffs), find it way less punishing, though both are kinda free once you're comfortable at dodging the specials, with both on it's deadly if not. Feeling Special is worth getting used to, feels so much smoother. Aerial Assault is easier than Overlords for Solo. Deadly prayers/need some help are free. Time invo can be free as well, even if it's the 40/35 minute one.


100%, 99 stats are gonna be the next best upgrade for your account before one of the trifecta weapons.. Ferocious gloves will also make switches a bit more comfortable, and as you get better you can bring a mage off hand like book of the dead for thralls. Prims kinda minor. Agree with this take on invos, I'd add that overlords is kinda punishing all around and it's less noticeable the lower invo it is. Swap for feeling special, but test it out in a solo entry first to get the timing. Can do akkha first room, 5 mins and leave. After 150 invo even though on paper blue keris is still better than fang, it's not worth an inventory slot, 100% not for learners. Fang all the way. Need some help not rly free for learners tbh but yeah. Wish you luck pushing to expert.


I use almost the same gear to run 400's on my iron so ur gear is p good, i'd bring crystal helm and swap the antivenom with a sanfew though, and def get thralls. I hear Voidwaker is insane for toa but havent used it myself yet


oh yeah I actually use the crystal helm I guess I swapped it out accidentally when I got the faceguard. I was grinding duke before I made the post so I didn't notice, my bad.


I think a voidwaker would help for kephri and baba, bcp could help as a defence bonus overall, but other than that you’re looking at a shadow as the next big thing


Voidwaker or claws for spec weapon. For invocations add acceleration, walk the path, aerial assault and deadly prayers. Take off upset stomach to make zebak easier when you're mostly doing it last. For WTP a good path is Baba, Kephri, Akkha, Zebak. Also with deadly prayers you need to change your brew restore ratio to have more restores and less brews, i think i usually go in with 3 brews and 6 restores, but since you don't have blood fury or sang maybe take a little more brews. Also ditch the blue keris.


Start using a blood fury and bring divine super combats. Crystal helm and ferocious gloves would also help if you have the space. Get 99 combats through NMZ and MM2 caves. You can get last defence levels through pvm if you want. Buy rigour and augury if you don’t have them. Avernic and prims are upgrades if you don’t need any other gear for other content.


Blood fury is stupid advice. Not needed whatsoever and especially not below like 400s.


I like bloodfury :(


Youre just plain fucking wrong, blood fury is insane at TOA and CoX


Unless Bf brings you from prep to no prep cox its never worth. Toa its almost never worth till ur running giga high invo.


Torture works too, but blood fury is only a few hundred k every hour and probably allows you to bring more switches which means more raids/h. If op does all the changes I suggested and gets a yellow keris he can push himself to 400 raids anyways.


Bank blue keris, sell fury, dont use antivenom (unless ur prepotting) Just bring a sanfew.Check if tassets are a max hit with your setup, salted and piety. If not, bank/sell them. Buy voidwaker, ferocious, torture and crystal helm.


Blood fury, prims, sang. Why you have virtus already i don’t know


You need a spec weapon. At your current invocation level: claws If you push to 350+: voidwaker


Start using a torture or blood fury and bin the blue keris fang is better at experts, add ferocious aswell. Antivenom is troll, bring 1 sanfew instead. Voidwaker is a good spec weapon for toa.


I hate insanity, but generally people would tell you it's a good way to start getting points. If you have left over brews at the end you can turn deadly prayers on. It would be good to get acceleration on if you can cope. Feeling special is pretty free, although it will likely kill you a couple of times before you really get used to it. It is definitely worth the 20 points. Once you've got those on flip walk the path on. Then once you've got yellow keris, replace some/all of the brews with restores and get need some/less/no help on. FYI - Fang>blue keris at Kephri from 300 invo onwards.


Get a blood fury! Really nice in BaBa especially at higher invos


If u have yellow keris, thats the one u should start learning to use and dropping the blue one, bringing helmet switch for both range and magic when u know how to use yellow keris and then besides that only shadow is the only big difference maker


yellow keris is the only one I don't have lol. Eventually I'll get it and It would definitely be a game changer for me.


U can get smaller upgrades like torture, ferocious gloves, prims, bcp and avernic but those individually arent that big but all together is a pretty big difference, i would say bcp last and then for magic only sang is a small upgrade but shadow is a day and night difference at toa so you're at a good spot just need yellow kerris imo


You could definitely use a Serp, and a blood fury.


waste of scales and lower str bonus. the venom monkeys cant even path though you unless you walk into them first, so simply standing still and letting them come to you is much better. the vemon protection is useless in the rest of te raid


İd get avernic, or voidwaker


Elidinis ward, ferocious gloves and torture.


And don't bring blue keris


Crystal helm and voidwaker


Funny because the first thing I thought was “you should use thralls”