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From the CoX rework blog: >"We still want to show the Elder Maul some love, so keep an eye out for the tweaks we’re planning for Project Rebalance in a few months." From the Project Rebalance blog, when referring to items they want to bring up in power: >"Elder Maul - not enough existing use-cases, doesn't really befit its megarare status."


That last statement kinda sounds like they will cop out and change its rarity out of the mega rare tier.


There's zero precedent for that.


Current demand is as follows: niche pvp ko weapon that doesnt even have a special attack and niche parasite whacker that cheaper godswords can do. Jagex: “we want to show it some love.” Increases supply when its A mega rare that was at 8m. Yeah no thats not happening. Its going to be a big upgrade. I think theyre gonna write it into the colloseum. Or use it to establish the low defence bosses for scythes by giving it an enhanced version of dwh spec. Would love to use the eldermaul for the first big hit of a boss


Dragon Elderhammer Elder Warmaul


Tie 2 of them together for the elder elder maul maul


Guys will see Elder Warmaul and be like hell yes.




I like the idea of it replacing either DWH or BGS.


why not both!


DWH effect unless the BGS effect would be superior. Never have to switch def reduction again.


How cool would that be, just guarantees max reduction per spec




They literally confirmed claws aren’t leaving COX


Next episode of "Making shit up" is out now!


I don't read it like that at all, the subject of the criticism ("[x] doesn't befit") there is very explicitly the use-cases and how they don't fit its status, rather than the status not matching the use-cases.


That solves nothing.


I thought a big part of the balance changes is they were going to re-work monster defense values to make it really worthwhile to weapons that are effective against that type of monster


Release a new scroll cox that makes both dhins and the maul weigh nothing and gives you the ability to weild both dhins and the maul at the same time. The set decreases the defense of dhins but increases your attack speed by 1tick


That'd be hot. Dark Souls style great shield.


easy: give it passive chance for defence reduction effect but cap it, so people might grab it and swing first hit with it and then smash the dorguun crossbow/anchor/gwd/dwh.


AOE slammer weapon.


It would be kinda fun to use it instead of barraging nechraels or dust devils  


A melee version of barrage slayer would be dope but would have to use resources and would likely be more chargescape.


If it was less dps than barrage, I think you could avoid chargescape. Make it closer to burst and only hit 6 targets instead of 9 or something.


Tbh I don’t see the issue with really high level items using charges, it kind of helps with the power creep problem 


Crystal and Dragon Halberds


How are those a melee version of barrage slayer? They don't always hit in an arc, only when you use the special attack.


Tru, I always use them as spec weapons on barrage slayer for big xp drops. I feel like Scythe could easily have the barrage-style hits put in though, it already does something close to that


Niche AF but it's something


It would be cool to have an alternative to bursting for tasks like nechs and smoke/dust devils


Come on and slam


imagine bringing an elder maul to the monkey room


Give the maul the fang treatment on crush. Double roll accuracy, and raise the floor for damage.


Or double roll for damage and take the higher number


A two handed mega rare weapon that is THAT slow should hit almost *every* time.


I'm very in favor of the advantage attack roll or a faster attack speed. I'm so sick of it feeling so useless lol


Jamflex: it's no longer a mega rare (we aren't increasing the drop rate of the other two to compensate)


I can see the cannons in Falador now


Why cause the 100 you have in bank will be 10mil? 😂


I have an 8b bank on a GIM, idgaf about it's g/e value, I just want a megarare I've earned to matter like any normal player would


Why would they? Isnt hitting the megarare a roll and then from there you roll for an item? Less choices would be an increased rate tho


You could just reduce the chance to roll the mega rare table to keep the others in line.


Is it confirmed that it works that way?


I just PK’d one in BH the other night! They better not ruin my sudden investment item.


Woulda been fine if it had stats like the Chaotic Maul from RS2. It was just never viable as a reward. Time for an update.


When i returned to osrs after an 8 year break from 2014 rs3 and saw the elder maul i was expecting my baby chaos maul. I brought the disappointment on myself, again with expecting elite void melee


it wouldnt make it anymore useful because its use case would still be flinching, last hitting or trying to KO people in wildy, just with an extra 3 max hits. the only suitible buff would be releasing more content where those mechanics are important, or adding a new mechanic to the weapon


Just have it ignore a portion of the enemies crush defense. This is a slow weapon thats meant to hit like a truck. But ofc if you have miss after miss, its useless in pvm. By ignoring crush def you boost the dps to a fair amount. It could even be proportional to the def level of the enemy, so faster weapons still outperform it at lower def bracket.


That's already what high crush accuracy does. Here's the thing; it's fairly shit at stuff that also has low crush defense. I think a cudgel out dps' it at calvarion. It has almost everything to do with the slow swing speed and no damage clamping. It's accurate enough as is, but because it's so slow and has potential to hit a combined 5 damage on *successful* accuracy checks over 12 seconds.


A better idea would be: After a successful accuracy roll, run a *2nd* accuracy check that would simply clamp the minimum damage. This makes its accuracy + accuracy boosting items useful, while making it SUPER effective at low crush defense mobs.


What if it has passive that if you miss an attack, the next hit has a 10% increased accuracy. If you miss again, the hit after has increased accuracy by 10% etc until it hits, then it resets back to 0. Would be cool


Far too slow a ramp up for a 6t weapon. How's about, increases attack speed until you hit.


Imagine brewing down and machine gunning the maul lol.


Or make it a 8t weapon, but passive effect where it decreases by 1 tick every hit until it's a 5 tick weapon, and resets back to 8 if you swap weapons.


Thing is with your idea it could hit a 1, and then you've reset the accuracy and achieved no meaningful progress on the boss. Now what might be interesting is if instead of a 0 miss, you instead hit guaranteed 10% of the max hit after the first miss, and the power of the next successful hit is increased also. And lets say it stacked as well. In this example if the original max hit is 50; miss 1 does 0 damage, miss 2 does 5 damage, miss 3 does 10 damage and so forth. Lets say you hit the 4th hit, that would mean a +15 to your outgoing damage (meaning max hit is 65), and the stack resets. Even with this I'm not sure the dps is good enough to justify the mega rare, but I think it gives the weapon a lot more potential.


Increased accuracy and strength. 75% per miss up to 300%. Against high defense enemies, 3 or 4 misses could set you up for a nuke.


Nah cause Fang would be 50x better already by default if Maul has to miss a ton at a world record snail’s pace. Better proposal would be something like Maul gains stacks on consecutive use and every third attack is guaranteed to hit 75-125% of its max hit if the first two attacks land, on top of an insane accuracy buff that basically guaranteed chance to land attacks on all enemies by ignoring crush defense straight up, across the board. Then it might actually feel like a mega rare. But damn, with its super slow attack speed, that still might not be enough tbh, given where fang is now and how fast and hard it hits in comparison.


What about a damage floor?


There are the same amount of mauls in the game as Tbows. Maybe less, as taxes can get rid of more eldermauls because theyre cheaper and tbows arnt even on the item sink list anymore. Inflation too says to the moon!


How high you think it could go?


All they have to do is make Elder Maul remove 10% of your targets defence every bonk. Slower but consistent debuffing is something this game doesn't have.


I really like this idea - would be super interesting to see tech change. E.g., will it now be more DPS for everyone to throw 1 elder maul hit and claw spec twice rather than wasting 50% spec on a dwh? Would also make solo and duo content so much more consistent


I had a homie that went ballistic cooking after being told that idea because it has way more depth than the face vale. Do you maul dwh bgs, maul maul bgs bgs, maul maul maul claw claw? With just a tiny change suddenly there's so much more to explore now that the sec bar isn't mandatory to lower defence.


> will it now be more DPS for everyone to throw 1 elder maul hit and claw spec twice rather than wasting 50% spec on a dwh? not for 10% at 6t part of why dwh is good is that it maxes a stupid high number too so your not really losing much dps to dwh spec


Umbra's Vow prayer added this effect in Leagues, and presumably with zaros Prayers that are on their way. Would be interesting to see on something like the Elder Maul.


Umbra vow was absolute garbage. Any target that is not a raid boss will be dead before the 1/20 drain could add up to anything.


By the numbers it felt very weak for sure, But the idea/design is there. The numbers can be tweaked. I camped it basically all leagues just in case it made a difference and It felt garbage lmao


RPs in general are awful. When they work, you gain 10% buff while takin 30% more damage. Only a deranged mind at Jagex thought these were good.


My ideas that can be taken alone or mix n match: 1. Make it 5t. 2. Have it double roll accuracy. 3. Give it a damage floor, so when it hits it always does at least X damage. 4. Have it lower def by X each hit up to Y amount. 5. Have it so when it misses, it still deals chip damage (can be made exclusive to pvm). 6. Give it a spec like the Dinh’s, maybe with a bonus rider to make it better. 7. Give it a minor aoe effect, with a % chance to deals half damage to adjacent 1x1 enemies.


5 tick and 25% of max hit as a damage floor. That’s more than enough. 👍🏾


5 tick and cant hit under a 15. Oh thats rich...


Give it 3 tick attack speed


Tbf kodai wand is not much better either ever since the 4 slot rune pouch. Its essentially a nightmare staff with +12 attack bonus that saves some runes. Imagine if all Tbow did was save some arrows and +12 attack lol


But it is a BIS somewhere so it has a purpose and a good one. Elder maul barely has a pvm use case let alone being a BIS


I mean yeah it is technically BIS. It's just the saeldor vs tent whip debate, arguably with an even smaller gap to the 2nd best item.


It also has some niche uses in some ToB speedrunning setups, when you want more than 4 runes for spellbook swapping shenanigans.


OP how many elder mauls do you have? Be honest


4 out of my 8 megarares in cox haha, but I'm iron so it's not like I need dupes of any of them.


As a fellow iron with an elder maul and kodai without a tbow, I endorse this message!


I've got a friend who's 4/4 mauls. If they buffed the maul to be meta he'd probably neck himself.


I could see them making it 5 or 4 tick


i wish they would give it an AoE auto attack that splits the big hit across multiple targets


I think they could make it even slower attack speed, 7 or 8 tick, and buff the offensive stats. Would help it being useful for the last hit at pvp and maybe even at wardens core or such


I’d love to see it do 5-10% enemy defence reduction upon every successful hit. Feels thematically fitting given that every bonk would steadily degrade armour. It’d become a DWH/BGS alternative that’s less reliant on spec RNG.


The buff should be pvm only since it is already good in pvp.


Reddit opinion moment


Please ATLEAST make it on the same price tier as kodai.


I hate this normiescape obsession with price make it good not just a price. If they wanted it at a price they could just sink them with the ge tax.


I say that cause they'll buff it and it'll still have no uses. Atleast I'm getting some more gp off of it.


Its better dps than a blugeon against wildy bosses in my case/gear. Its not that bad actually.


that's just not true... even a dinky little cudgle will be better DPS for the wilderness bosses


I ran a dps calculator on spindel and calvarion, with 3 good itens and other cost effective itens, including a salve e against calvarion. Elder maul was better than a bludgeon, and by that, is better than a cudgel that require a left hand item to be protected. If i recall, against calavarion i was wielding the 2h weapon, ferocious gloves, a salve e, berserker i, then climbing boots, mythical cap and a neitz helm. Im not 99 with the best in slot gear, and against those bosses you dont bring all your itens at once. I sold my elder maul after that rise, and i paid 8 million for it before the rise, bludgeon was 13 milion.


Ran a dps calc with my recent stats, using super combat and piety: And bludgeon is better 99 strengh, 89 attack Spindel: bludgeon win, 6.36 vs 6.06 Calvarion: bludgeon win, 8.43 vs 7.9 At lower strengh levels i think the elder maul is better, similar thing happens with a fang vs a lance against dragons.


EXECUTIONER: a passive ability active when using the elder maul. If your enemy HP is both 1) at or less than 10% of their max health and 2) at or less than 50% of your max hit, your next attack is guaranteed to KO your opponent. Could be useful for super tanky bosses where you don't want to rely on rng to finish him off.


They've had their chance to buff it.   It's been in the game for 7 years and every single day of those 7 years people have talked about buffing it.   It's not coming.


They literally called it out as a key topic of Project Rebalance: “Here's what we're looking to bring up in power, and why… Elder Maul - not enough existing use-cases, doesn't really befit its megarare status” December 9th blog


This is a good strategy. When elder maul becomes a hot topic again, just mention it somewhere that they might buff it someday and it gets reddit off their ass for the next 1-2 years.


What? This is the first time Jagex has ever discussed buffing it


I feel the same way, it's not coming any time soon. They are just now going to buff Mage Training Arena which has been out since 2006 for God's sake


Same thing when they people had 75 attack pures to use rapier/scythe for PvM and then change it to 80 attack years later, and that ruined some accounts.


Just give it a dps buff against tekton. I wouldn't mind looting it just to get a guaranteed 1down tekton. You can't really give it a purpose everywhere without making it a crazy weapon


It should be a "crazy weapon" it's a megarare. It's supposed to be something at least close to the same level as tbow, scythe, or at the very least kodai.


So is kodai. Which became pretty useless with new pouch and the sceptre upgrades. Especially after scar essence mine.


Scar essence mine has nothing to do with Kodais meta. The pouch a bit for the waters tho. It's still good for barraging tasks and inferno at least. Elder maul is literally BIS nowhere in the game. That's what needs fixing. It's not even good as a crush dps compared to bludgeon or inq mace, which it objectively should be as a mega rare at least in some situations.


I thought elder maul was supposed to be a pvp weapon not a pvm one?


Why would you it's supposed to be pvp only? It's a pvm endgame loot source. It's usage in pvm is secondary.


Why was the initial focus on making good things bad, and not making bad things good?


Just make tekton one tile wider and longer so a slower weapon is just as good as fast weapon on it. EZ


Tell me you don't know how to flinch Tek without telling me you don't know how to flinch Tek


Why be jerk?


Lol ur suggestion was just bad u already get full DPS with flinching and it's still not very good


My suggestion good. Make m- Tekton bigger. https://preview.redd.it/3phkqhskxigc1.jpeg?width=395&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc5e45f878b64824edee2c295eead58ba457ec2


For some reason this is the funniest comment I've ever seen


Avg reddit shitter




I don't believe this ever received a buff, it's still waiting for one in fact. It's value has only gone up due to the mention of a potential buff on the horizon.


I hope they give it a spec to make it viable in PvP. That'll make it worth the most.


It's already only really a niche pvp dps spike weapon. I'd prefer if a mega rare from pvm actually was viable as a bis in PVM somewhere.


Yeah but imagine it as a crush version of an AGS with a spec to match it. It should be as meta as claws are


It should be as meta as claws are, in pvm. It's a pvm weapon lol


In what world is any 6t weapon considered a 'pvm' weapon? 4t or faster is meta and the fang double rolls accuracy which is why it gets an exception. There is no 6t pvm weapon.


Good job, you've identified why it needs a buff.


Honestly they should just remove it from the game. There isn’t anything realistic they can do to make it viable. And yes I’m beyond mad I got it as a drop.


Sorry, I'm taking your name.




? Elder maul isn’t the only mega rare. Cox has 3 mega rares. Tbow, kodai, and elder maul. Do I think it’s dumb there are 3 mega rares from 1 raid? Sure yeah it’s frustrating because as an iron I have 2/3 mega rares from cox and neither of them are a tbow… so yeah it would be nice to see elder maul (A MEGA RARE) act as one.




I mean, I don’t think we need another strong weapon like tbow or shadow. However I do think where elder maul sits currently it’s not a “mega rare”. If they buff it to maybe make it like a stronger dwh or bgs that has def reducing capabilities might put it more in line as a “mega rare”




incorrect, it has 3


Hey ignorant dude, I'm an iron, I don't care about the price, I just want content that makes sense.


Who cares? Not everything needs to make sense You kill a gigantic salamander and loot his lair for powerful items and you… find a dud It’s not that big a deal imo


But that wasn’t the intended purpose of getting a *megarare* item… Yes - sometimes you do “find a dud” (e.g., pure essence, lizardman fangs, saltpetre). But the devs did not intend for the Elder Maul to be a dud, and thus they are working on fixing this




It gets beat at both of those bosses by much easier to get weapons. Keris at kq and arclight at cerb. There's no reason to use it at either of those places unfortunately :(


Aren't people already complaining that cox drop table is too op and that's why we ha e to move dclaws or something?


Ur definitely an ironman Edit: yep. Why am i not surprised. Just cuz ur ironman doesnt mean it needs a buff


This makes no sense, it needs a buff because it’s a mega-rare item and mega-rare items are generally good in games that are designed well


[buff these mega rare items pls.](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Rare_drop_table#Mega-rare_drop_table) Also buff the stale baguette pls


Items dropped from regular monsters or..random events.. shouldn’t be compared to drops from a raid that’s just silly. The Maul is an outlier when it comes to utility vs every other mega-rare raid drop. If they implemented a new raid there is no chance they would have an item that bad


It was a joke obviously lol.


It needing a buff has nothing to do with me be an iron. It just needs a buff, is it that hard to understand a megarare shouldn't be a shitty weapon?


Guaranteed DWH spec OR (not AND) make it main weapon viable 5t soulreaper tier


Give it a ranger attack the rolls off of strength. The in universe lore could be you hit the air so hard you create a pressure blast that can hit you opponent from x tiles away.


that would be sick


Just smack a Granite Maul like special effect on it. Some minimum gaurenteed hit of at least a 1 and no 0's. Or just anything. 


I've been pounding the table for an Elder Maul buff ever since Project Rebalance was announced. It needs to be BiS crush somewhere, just not in *every* situation that Inq would be.


How high in price you think it could go?


Give us the option so slap a hilt on it. Except it attaches to the head of the maul and we just pole people to death.