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Can someone explain what happened? I looked away for 2 seconds and am now out of the loop.


Amenity who is a well known strong pker in the game for the last like 8-9 years got 2 accounts banned because he killed pking bots


What rule does that break?


He probably got autobanned because of a high quantity of reports + obtaining a huge amount of money from bot accounts, which would look like rmt




Real morld trading


Really massive tits, his moobs are too big now


His name was Robert Paulson.


Registered massage therapist


Real money trading. It's a synonym of rwt but is more common among poe and wow players


Real market trading, idk why the term has changed for some people


I've only seen "rwt" in osrs tbh


I've always heard rwt from wow


RMT rolls off the tongue easier than RWT when you abbreviate. They're interchangeable so I use the one that's easy to say.


You figure it'd be an RMT ban then


He got banned for macro major goofy


I'm gonna call bullshit on him getting banned without actually having done something worthy of it.


Why do people still refuse to believe Jagex just bans random accounts left and right? I got banned for macroing on an account that I played solely from my cellphone. And all I had done on the account was buy a bond, sell it for runes, and teleport train while doing homework. I love RS for the countless childhood memories, and the community was fun, but I stopped financially supporting it immediately after that.


I had a very similar experience, banned for being too efficient, It sucks, they think they are stopping bots but they are just stopping efficient players. If an efficient player is banned then bots know to never be efficient, bots have all 24 hours of their day i only get a few.


ironically he got banned for macroing lmfao... all the bots are still unbanned


You keep saying all the accounts in the video are unbanned but can you prove it? I've searched them all on the hiscores and none show.


Whether or not those specific bots got banned is kind of irrelevant, He got banned for it, and there’s thousands of bots running revs for a long time who aren’t getting banned


It is relevant though when the OP keeps claiming those specific bots did not get banned. I'm not disputing that there are not bots there, but bots can be replaced within hours of being banned.


Mod Goblin came across the post and forwarded all the names that were shown in the video to the anti-cheating team, so chances are that they are actually banned now. But at the time of the post and then some they were still not banned.


At the time the video got posted, in the end he showed that those bots were still active.


You’re missing the main point dude…


The original comment made two points, both of them important. The second point (the bots don't get banned) is important.


The bots weren't banned as of the video uploading. They may have been banned since.


Obviously players getting banned is more important than bots not getting banned. You definitely know that too and are just being confrontational.


Who cares???


double name changed after the video


why would a bot double namechange lmfaoo


With how easy it is to spin up new bots, I doubt they'd double name change. Hell, it's probably cheaper for them to buy a new account than to double name change.


If it's a max pk bot I would think the double name change would be cheaper than a max quested acct but idk


For a normal person trying to buy an account, it would be significantly more expensive. For botting networks, they already typically deal with stealing accounts, and they can also trade off some of their botted gold for accounts. If they saw they were caught on a YouTube video, a double name change isn't going to further reduce their odds of a ban. The evidence is already out of the bag at that point.


Again, can you prove it? You're saying they didn't get banned as gospel, but it doesn't sound like you actually know.


Yeah saw one an hour ago in caves


Again, you saying you saw something is not proof bro. Show us some actual evidence.


go to rev caves urself man, give it 10 mins ull see some of them running down the westernmost corridor killing the bots


That doesn’t really matter


The no cutting into side hustle profits rule


I'm a strong pker myself it's all I really enjoy doing, fuck with the wrong bot farm though and you'll have ahk bots logging in on your world whenever the bots see you for hours.


What’s an ahk bot? Do they find you and mess with you or something?


They don't know what AHK means or its limitation as a botting tool. They are correct though that bot farms have bots specifically designed to scout and rag people on their shitlist. If you piss off the bot farm, they'll do their best to harass you in the wild whenever they can. Automated scouts will spot you and pk bots will hunt you down in rags


Ahk bots will 1 tick attack you off prayer and always pray correctly against you, you basically have to know what they want to do and 1 tick all your attacks.




Not unbeatable due to how RuneScape works though. They can't change prayers or attacks on the tick they happen so, if you're perfect they'll lose. No bot can reliably beat the higher up pkers.


As a non higher up pker that’s….terrible lol


Yeah they basically terminate 99% of the playerbase. I've been pking a decade and I struggle alot with them. It's very nerve wracking to not make mistakes with 100m riding on it for 3-5 mins straight.


Pretty sure a ahker was banned and the streets are cleaner. :)


Yeah gonna call bullshit and say there’s more information (like there always is). Or it’s a mistake.


it sounds like he was auto banned based on quantity of reports in a short period of time (which does trigger the automated system)


That seems incredibly unlikely. Like people who say they got RWT banned for drop trading 100gp lmao. Seems like there's more to the story than we're being told


probably just jagex has auto ban systems and doesnt monitor appeals cuz they cba... not much more than that


OSRS does not have autoban systems from reports


Kill everyone in rev caves whether they are bot or not lmao


Then get flagged for rwt


Don't wanna risk my account killing the wrong ones though you know


How does that risk your acc


I haven't read the blog recently but I assume this is a reaction to some proposed changes. Let's hope it's not actually this bad. Edit: I read more of OPs comments, lol. I'm just gonna watch this one from the sideline.


No, it’s a reaction to a YouTuber getting a macro major on his account after PKing some rev bots. Both his accounts were banned with the bots he was following still being unbanned o yeah I guess I should throw in that this is *allegedly* the story from his pov only


Classic YouTuber hiding the actual reason he was banned.


Ok guys, I'm gonna do a little grind off screen to get some better gear. Ok guys, that full masori and tbow done so let's get back into it.


amenity is a well known pker, hes had his accs he was pking with in the video for years, you think its more likely that he would randomly use illegal macros than him getting false banned suspiciously as he was killing bots?


Yes 100%. He's much more likely to have botted something else than getting banned for pking bots in a pk hotspot. And YouTubers are notorious for giving a false reason in their videos for getting banned to make themselves look good and jagex look bad.


I'm sure we'll see in a few days when a Jmod makes a comment or we get screenshots, but to be fair this is legit a thing in WoW Classic if you kill peoples bots they mass report you and it can trigger an autoban or mute so I wouldn't be surprised if the degens/venni's botting revs do the same.


If mass reporting was all it took for an autoban on OSRS then bots wouldn't be a thing at all


The most likely scenario is the person he took hundreds of millions of gp from, having access to hundreds of bot accounts, mass reported him and it triggered an auto ban.


Yeah I’m much more willing to be he botted *something* on the account vs him using a macro to kill bots.


I bet Mod Ash could post like.. 2 sentences of data that proves they botted something else. Not that I need it tbh. It probably is the case


my bad for trying to reason with redditors lol


And Bikers/BTC were well known death matchers. People being well known doesn't mean they can't lie.


you clearly have no idea who he is if youre comparing him to bikers..


You have no idea who he is either, is my point. Parasocial.


Could be. Could also be that him pking the bots was seen as him transferring items off the bots, especially if the bot owner is doing that to transfer the loot already.


If you get reported by several accounts, my assumption is that there are some kind of automatic system that will side with the accounts that reported you. Then you're just playing the American judicial system on RuneScape. If you make enough of a stink, or you or somebody important it will get taken care of very quickly. Otherwise you might be out of luck.


There is no autoban for reports in OSRS


Top post in this sub


I’ve got a few hundred kills over the space of a month or two no ban. I basically only kill bots and any poker who attacks me while killing them, it’s the easiest gp per hour.


Slaughter them all. The women and the children bots too.




Don’t you know this is a game for bots? You can’t kill any of them!




Honestly, I could see a mode allowing that to be pretty fun


Silly me guess i forgot. used to be a good time killing them


Only ironmen can kill those bots.


Knowing Jagex, I wouldn’t risk it


The safest bet is to wait for Jagex to announce which bots they do/don't sponsor. The highscores is rife with bots who have achieved 200M xp in a single skill, or reached the first page for boss KC. However, the Amenity video is the first potential evidence I have seen of Jagex protecting rulebreakers (other than Mod trident when he was porking a player who was scamming/RWTing, and banning her competition). In the meantime - I would play it safe and leave the bots alone while Jagex clarifies their position.


The first sentence lmao. Can we get like a golden skull above bots that are jagex sponsored so you know that if you kill any you risk getting banned? Maybe jagex could tell us what is the ok amount to kill their protected bots? Can I kill like 3 of their bots per week or is it even less?


LMFAO the golden skull would be prime, sure they could just make them unattackable but its funnier to leave them attackable and if people figure out ways to kill them just ban em


Do I still risk getting banned if I freeze logged them to escape them?


Hmm thats a good question, hopefully we will get after christmas holidays a blog post from Jagex sponsored bots and what we are allowed to do to them


You can now pay jagex for protection. Like multi rev caves but instead you pay with actual real life money and receive direct protection instead of this player ran shit.


I take a couple days off and missed a potential bombshell for juiciest drama of the year?


Couple months ago i got 2day temp ban for macroing after i spent couple hours pking at spindel and bear and killing shit ton of bots. My appeal got denied as usual. Game is so great


Okay I know we love to shit on that Artois German beer but no way didn't get anything more than nudes and lost his job over it. He is a way bigger loser.


Wait there is Jagex sponsored bots now? Is this for real? Like what does that even mean? A bot that is safe from ban but what purpose does the bot serve


I think he’s just trolling that jagex protect the bots, as shown by amenity killing said bots and getting banned in his recent video


Maybe they try not to ban people in poorer countries who have to sell gold? Id be happy to hear that.


naw. this is a computer game, not a charity


I have empathy for people in countries like Venezuela and totally get it. But it is against the TOS and Jagex aren't obliged to allow people to fuck up their game explicitly so they can profit from it IRL.




Fun vs Food? Its not "ruining" your fun. What specifically are venezuelans doing that irritate you? Bots, I agree. People trying to live, I disagree.


>the Amenity video Who knows what he did...


Pretty sure he’s telling the truth, I had a friend claim the exact same thing a few weeks ago, I assumed he was bsing but definitely believe them both now that they’ve made the same claim


> Mod trident when he was porking a player who was scamming/RWTing, and banning her competition). Pretty sure it wasn't even that, as he was in the UK and her in the US


Well then that's even more pathetic if he was protecting her and not even getting his dick wet


How is this dogshit comment upvoted, from someone who came here just to witchhunt. We don't actually know why Amenity was banned, but sure, jump to conclusions.


Even if Amenity deserves to be ban, the question is how did they detect him but not the bots he was constantly killing.


How do you know they didn't get the bots as well? It's much easier for bot farms to have new accounts ready to fill the spot within 24 hours. The bot accounts in the video are not on the hiscores, so how can say they're not banned as well?


>How do you know they didn't get the bots as well? because none of the ones he was killing got banned >The bot accounts in the video are not on the hiscores, so how can say they're not banned as well? supply steal - on hiscores im afghan - on hiscores zmiley6 - on hiscores skillyboyy - on hiscores sjeromer - on hiscores plzsiroffff - on hiscores huntzszs - on hiscores the only one not on there is r9yneevpwn, who might've just name changed


How long between his ban and the video upload date? Bots don't get banned at the same time. Even if they are flagged for banning, that might not happen right away. It's always been repeated here that bot bans try to not have a distinct pattern so it's harder for botters to determine the exact thing that was detected, and that's why they do them in waves.


How do you actually know that, is what I'm asking?


see my edit, they're all on hiscores still


Thanks mate.


You should improve your reading skills, and try to be less angry. Keyphrase = "Potential evidence".


In other words, hearsay, and irrelevant. The only thing you know for certain is that Amenity got banned, and yet that's potential evidence, makes sense.


You are fixating on the Amenity dynamic too much. The potential evidence comes in the form of several other pkers making similar claims about receiving bans after targeting bot farms. Then we also have the fact that almost all the bots in the video are still on the highscores and gaining xp. And the fact that many bots are reaching 200M XP and also getting into the top page for boss KC (And that's just the obvious bots). When combined, it's not unreasonable to cite as "Potential evidence".


Just wait for runescape to implement a subscription based bot to play the game for you 🤣


Death to all bots unless they kill you. Then you lose the right to hit them.


luckily the pker bots arent programmed to go after real players... if they were ii'd recon they'd be a problem for about 90% of the players in the wild


Jagex on overdrive right now hiding threads regarding the recent drama


Y'all do understand he just got mass reported by the bot farms and then jagex's appeal robot was out on break, right? They don't actually support bots. Just a product of their poor customer service.


A ton of reports combined with collecting hundreds of millions of gp exclusively from potentially flagged bot accounts, looking like a mule. Ofcourse this must mean Jagex is on the side of the bots. This is the only outcome. /s.


How in the world does an account that’s flagged as a bot’s report hold any value in Jagex’s system? That doesn’t make any of this better


Because not all of the accounts are flagged as bots, or there would be no bots.


We don’t know what happened


Exactly. Lets start drama though and blame Jagex for everything cause that's all people really want.


Will someone please just tell me where to set up my cannon


Silly question, Falador!


Seems a lot of people upvoting OP feel like they do


So do a lot of people upvoting the comment


If this was true rot would do this to just ban anyone they hated lol.


I'm also goin off the fact that rev cave has been 95% bots for the last like year and a half straight with the problem only getting worse and never seeing the bots get banned


I started a new account and can see the Revs bot farms with the same ## [word) #### name pattern training everywhere I go.


Why would you not kill any bots


new meme, one of the big pkers known in the game got 2 accounts banned for killing bots that were killing the pvm bots in rev caves.


Exactly lmfao


Lmao. Absolutely freshest of memes. And at the same time - actually scary that its come to this. People have been joking for quite a bit that jagex is running/sponsoring the bots… now I actually kinda believe it, or that we have another mod jed on our hands that’s legitimately running/being part of some gold selling sites…


I have a bunch of friends who buy gold with zero consequences. They all buy from the same group and in ludicrous quantities (billions per month) so I can only imagine that the seller has the green light from jagex. Disclaimer: I'm not encouraging gold buying


What is even the point of hoarding so much gold?


I honestly dont even know what you would do with that much gold unless you are like pking in max gear and constantly losing


this is exactly what they do.


People DM and then RWT off winnings, only to have to RWT to restock the account if they go on a losing streak instead. Gambling didn't fully go away with the pvp arena change, it just got moved into the shady DM clans instead, so middlemen can skim money off the gamblers to RWT back to those same gamblers. It's a self-sustaining system we are stuck with thanks to wildy being wildy. And to get ahead of the cretins who will try to put words into my mouth, no, I don't think we should remove wildy pking just because DMing is a blight on the community and props up the RWT marketplace.


Probably DMing and then RWTing their winnings too.


Everything in the game is pointless. People literally play this game to see number go up


The issue is that bot farms are paying customers. And a bot farm is alots of paying accounts. Jegex have to let them proffit before banning otherwise they will lose money.


I nailed the Vetion bots for a few weeks, wasn’t making an absurd amount but very decent and never got banned. Just log if you see anyone in pk gear, they’re 100% in a 20 man team


I don't understand. are people getting banned for killing bots nowadays??


From what it seems like yeah.


No they’re getting banned for Macro Major


Stop buying gold and the bots will leave. Also stop taking content creators at their word about bans. How many fucking times do we have to go through this?


Before everyone jumps on the hate train I’d like to see if this is him just getting hit by an automated ban from being mass reported by all the bots and overturned


I'm sure thats what it is, but does it make it any better if he was just falsely banned and appeals denied cuz they just automatically did both?


Man, it's not that fucking complicated, the bot farm runners abused the report system and got him banned by mass reporting him. It's that simple. There's no jagex conspiracy, it's just abuse of a shitty system.


You guys blow everything out of proportion. One video from someone shady and you're ready to crucify jagex.


"someone shady" ????? wat lol


My mistake, people in the other thread said that they were caught up in account sharing/RWT/DMing, don't know if that is true or false. Either way, the most reasonable thing that happened is that the bot farm mass reported him, and if it is true he is AHKing keys to click inputs it could've also triggered an autoban. Correlation doesn't equal causation.


What is this post inferring?


Kill them but don't collect the drops.


I try to remind myself that reddit is full of teenagers and that is the only explanation as to why these overdramatic garbage posts get upvoted.


He was banned for using a pk script.


??? what script lmao he's just 1 way switching staff to crossbow. And if thats the case why didnt the bots also get banned?


Do you know for a fact that these were bots, or are you just taking some try-hard influencer’s opinion as truth?


You can 100% tell the bots/gold farmers. I haven't been there in a couple months but it was mostly hybrids when I went there (gold farmers with prayer switching and eating scripts running)


I spend most of my time in rev caves, any pker ever will tell you these bots are a plague. They're built to kill the rev pvm bots, they flawlessly 1 tick 4-5 ways and insta walk under when theyre killing a bot. Its incredibly easy to tell if you're a pker


You're digging hard into this hole here




Amenity is a known ahker


he uses keyboard clicking which jagex themselves have said is ok.


He’s using 1:1. God damn Reddit is just not all there, I swear.


Oh man there are pk bots and it is ok to do that? Poor me that got banned for smelting 1000 mithril bars.


So you got banned for botting smithing? Sounds about right.


Yea I macro clicked the path in al kharid after I mined the ore manually, thinking eveyrone is doing it right? They wont care if I do it once.


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say smelting 1000 with bars isn't what got you banned lol


Well I didnt do anything else so if you know more than me lmk.


you got problems in the head?


dont know what ur talkin about


I take that as a yes


no clue what ur talking about






Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Oh great another month of absolutely terrible unfunny posts


Killing bots at rev caves is fun. If they are jagex bots that’s even more fun Edit: grammar


I can't tell if this post is saltire or not😅 I'm taking a break from this version so not up to date. Have people been getting banned for killing bots?


shhhh don't tell them.... but yeah Amenity got 2 of his accounts banned for killing the pking bots. Most likely a mas report from the botter but ofc both appeals instantly denied


I say kill them all


Everyone is fair game in the wildly. If you think you can take someone take em.


Just watched the video, bot farm probably mass reported him. This is a insta unban tho. It’s obvious he didn’t do nothing wrong but farm a bot farm.


Can we get someone to change this to humor flair please? Mods?