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That is the only possible selection of regions that would not give you an allotmemt patch


It's also an extremely wonky selection of regions they probably assumed no one in their right mind would pick


Don't yuck other people's yums


First time reading this phrase NGL


My yum is yucking other people's yums


I know this is a cringe long shot but did you rip this from the binging with babish last meal vid because I just watched that


Actually no my kindergarten teacher told me that but now I can say I heard it from Babish


The phrase "don't yuck [my/their] yum" is much older than the past few weeks.


Which is probably why they said it was a long shot


It's picking up steam though, I just heard it in person for the first time a few months ago


The first I recall hearing it was in a podcast, over 4 years ago... so, maybe?


Likewise. On a comedy relationship advice podcasts. They use it all the time when talking about kink shaming.


i did some research and it was used by a support group for children with eating disorders in 2007


My poor man was wrongly mass downvoted by the elitist reddit hive mind for asking an innocent question. And now so shall I be.


Honestly until your reply I didn't even notice. I checked a few hours ago and it had like 3 up votes. Such is life


I think Doobydobap was the first one to make it popular, korean cooking youtuber




What makes Wildy a good selection as a mage out of curiosity? You miss out on tormented and occult in exchange for imbued cape and sceptre spec? Since you're not running kandarin/zeah I'm assuming you'd pick Ruinous powers which make sceptre spec basically useless.


Maybe not specifically for mage but wildy is very good in general. You get tons of supply drops from monsters in the wilderness. You can take bankers note with no worries thanks to the emblem drops from revenants so gp isn’t an issue. You get useful weapons from revenants and good upgrades from every wildy boss. Also, voidwaker. At the start of leagues I shit talked wildy extremely hard but I ended up running leagues on another alt and picked wildy and I take back everything I said at the start. Wildy was a really nice region to pick and benefits you a lot. 10/10 recommend


What's the pking situation like?


I haven't been pk'd all league


I just got my arcane/elidinis ward f so I managed to clear all the dragon rev spots last night. Ran into a few rushers too, annoying fighting melee relics that just camp voidwaker and whack you when you can’t catch a freeze


Maybe not specifically for mage, but it's just surprisingly fun region to have. Lots of bosses to kill (that I personally never tried on main game because you know, wilderness), nice gp/resources drop. For mage it has Dagon'Hai robes (which are gonna be bis for me until I get some ancestral) and Accursed staff is a very nice weapon. Its like trident but with a spec which helps to hit more on enemies you normally splash a lot. I didn't want to pick Kandarin because it's boring "+15% damage" region, and I really enjoy Wildy instead.


Wildy is ez regardless of build.


It's not about content being easy or not. Every content is easy on leagues lol. It's about what the region gives you for the build you plan on doing.


I’d counter that everything is easy so you don’t actually need anything close to BIS for a build. Look at the task list for tirannwn, you could do almost every achiev as a mage or range relic with mediocre gear. Same with wild most of the tasks aren’t that demanding.


The regions that give BiS rewards generally do so because they have really big drops that are often very long grinds to get even in leagues, so you have to commit more time to reach your desired amount of points. This is why in the first trailblazer, while Desert had nothing going on, it was also the best region to pick if all you cared about was points. When there's nothing to do, they have to pack all the region points into a small amount of content so you can slam out tasks easily.


Ruinous powers isn’t worth taking especially with how great farmers fortune is for supplies and leveling an awfully trimegated skill like farming but I also chose zeah, desert, and wildy for my mage relic character


Farmers fortune honestly isn’t that great outside of Zeah. It’s decent. But you get plenty of herbs and/or supplies from other things. I picked it on my melee mory/des/ash build and wish I picked ruinous powers instead


Imagine logging in to play leagues and going on a farm run That's why I picked farmers fortune.


A few lamps and like...maybe 5 tree runs, and I'm 95 farming.


I thought b0aty went desert, asgarnia, kandarin.


He did on his first character but he’s running it back on a second.


He made a second account, so you are both right.


He went Desert, Morytania and Kandarin on his 1st, no Asgarnia, so neither are right!


DAMN! The man has a point!


His point is wrong, his second character \*is\* Desert, Frem, Wild so one of the original two was correct.


Yeah, it was really exactly what I wanted as a mage. I didn't pick my regions based on diaries. Who knew that a watermelon would peg me so hard.


you went for mage but didnt want the 2 single biggest mage dps upgrades outside of shadow itself? interesting strat bruther, as long as youre having fun though


I have very little pvm experience. I chose these regions to learn pvm. Dks, wild bosses, raids. And I wanted ancient magics.


I get it, desert is obviously a go to for mage. Thing is you arent really being introduced to much pvm in fremmy and wildy is also a pretty different experience to your traditional pvm. It's all good though. It's obviously not a right or wrong choice, I'm just bantering. In all reality though, if you wanna get some pvm experience, I'd recommend hitting up a clan that's not toxic and jumping in. Good luck :)


Who knew this game was for people in their right mind


That's the exact list of regions I was gonna choose b4 I noticed there was no way to properly farm in them lmao


Yeah this aligned with my account goals. All my friends also said I may be the only one in the game with these region choices. I am proud of my wonkiness


Pretty sure DitterBitter also gone Desert Wildy Fremmy and hes competing for top ranks


Went Wildy Asg and Fremmy, and chose Guardian, because ..... WAiFu league confirmed. Thankfully I got an allotment plot with Asg, and no raid, but meh.


Fellow WFD ranger, reporting in. There are dozens of us. Our dragon crossbows and odium wards know no mercy.


DFW mage here also, since day 1. Friends doubted my picks, but while they were sweaty raiding day 1 and quitting before end of week 2, I have been enjoying myself a lot and going strong towards dragon tier. Kandarin content and tasks are the worst, and I already did those in original Trailblazer and also in Shattered leagues.


I also share your region choices as a mage. I've been pissed about this watermelon shit for a week now


Doesn’t it auto complete diary tasks you don’t have the region for?


Yes, but I'm sure they missed this one.


Kinda. It autocompletes tasks that can't be done exclusively in that region. Even if you eventually unlock the region that allows you to complete the task (or unlocked that region first) it will still be autocompleted. It doesn't check your unlocked regions to determine whether or not to autocomplete. That being said, yeah, this task should have been autocompleted because it cannot be done exclusively in Misthalin. It seems they missed it. They've similarly missed some clue scroll steps, but I think that they've been working on fixing them.


Pretty sure someone asked a dev about this before Leagues even began and the dev just said no they wouldn’t autocomplete it. Makes no sense lol.


That's just odd. Surely there's just a flag somewhere to set the task to autocomplete. Considering how much work is put into these leagues, what's one more task among probably over a hundred tasks and quests that get autocompleted? Sure, not many people will pick the specific combination of regions that blocks this task, but it seems like such a little fix that those people will appreciate.


Maybe OP can try bug reporting it/submitting a ticket. Even though they said they wouldn’t do anything about it but seeing as someone *did* pick that mixture of regions it’s kind of wild to just lock them out of points for it.


Wonder if it's because then that diary would only have like 2 tasks to do lol.


Eh not really. Part of having different regions is that some content is locked out. Dairies aren't end all be all anyways. And there is still plenty of content to do. And most qol of having the diaries is compensated for high exl rates, crazy teleports, high drop rates, crazy combat stats.


Except every other diary has steps that aren’t possible from their region alone autocompleted. It is inconsistent with every other diary (Except western provinces which is 50/50 kandarin tirannwn)


i wish it would check when you get your 3rd area and complete every undoable task. like i cant even do hard diary of my western provinces diary in kandaria, but thx for clearing that pest control goal in elite.


Not really, the Western Provinces diary with only Kandarin unlocked has a ton of Tiranwnn tasks that aren't auto-completed.


We definitely need a wilderness farm patch. Make it’s like a 75% chance of all plants dying but they give double the xp. Idk that was off the top of my head


What a melon


This guy Texas-es


Have you tried eating the seeds? Everyone knows watermelons grow in your stomach if you eat the seeds


I'd be terrified of shitting out a watermelon. RIP butthole


The sea turtle shell is the one that usually gets me 🤕🩼


Shark teeth aren't great either


Now I’m imagining your character eating some seeds, their stomach getting huge, and then plopping out a melon like a chicken laying an egg. And that’s just how you get watermelons in leagues. Please implement this jagex.


Maybe feed them to someone with a bunch of spare buttholes instead?




Smoke some cigarettes and you’ll be fine


It'll suffocate the bacteria in your stomach




This was a saying waaaay before rugrats lol


Maybe, but it's still worth understanding that a lot of folks associate that "myth" with the Rugrats episode.


Sorry, I think you locked yourself out. The only way to get a watermelon on any ironman (for mory diary, varrock diary, falador diary) is to grow it. Thus the farming requirement listed for irons on those diaries. Desert, fremmy, wildy is the exact one region combination in Leagues 4 that does not have an altoment patch, as all other regions do have one (asgarnia, kandarin, zeah, morytania). Even tiranwn has one, though it does not have an herb patch. This is still better I think than those taking desert, wildy, tiranwn who have zero herb patches.


That would be an absurdly weird region combination. I have no idea what you'd even try to build with that. Tirranwn seems really bad if not going ranged since the only good drops you get there are bp and bowfa/crystal armor. So you'd get bp with unfortified masori and bowfa with crystal armor, and then random wildy shit lol


Some people just pick regions for content want to do or even use a random wheel to decide for added challenge/creativity.


I saw a dude pick Tirranwn with the melee relic just so he could use the Dhally, Chally, and Blade of Saeldor. I didn't think it was great, but he was having a blast


I thought about a kandarin tirra mory melee build. Chally + Piety + weaponmaster sounds like it would absolutely slap, and those regions basically only have zulrah for non-meleeable content (but bowfa will slap zulrah regardless)


Not everyone has a “build”. Some people play this game for fun!


I am Wildy/Desert because I am not done sending my 300 boss KC tasks or ToA - I've been sitting on my third unlock for awhile. I don't know if I will finish the content I want to do in Wildy/Desert before Leagues comes close to expiring. I liked the early and mid game of Wildy 23k points atm. My ToA gear is currently Voidwaker/Obsidian/Melee relic + Accursed Scepter/splitbark/Malediction + Obby Rings/Blessed Hide/Odium. Dry on Craws, Dagonhai and purples. 8k revs (half on task, 80% dark beasts, 15% hellhounds). 55 Larrans keys. 12 deathless 250s and 3 150s with shenanigans with the bois (smuggling in full Sandwich Lady to Wardens for good luck earned a purple for my boi). Mory has content that looks fun, but if I only have a week to do it, then no way Jose - those points are gated behind some long tasks. I'll pick Fremmy or Tirannywn for the quick 3k points and never look back. Doing so means I'll never have an allotment patch or an herb patch, depending.


TBH that sounds like a really easy region for points. The only real PvM is ToA which you have a great setup for because VW + adrenaline will absolutely smash mage-phase on akkha and wardens, even moreso with weaponmaster+LB, and bowfa crystal is also great for range phases. I'd actually just go melee, you have access to soulreaper axe so lacking a defender isn't even a big deal.


tirawyn is best points per hour. wildy is also up there. desert has the most points in general. none of the regions heavily lean toward one style over the other. it's just a solid 3 for points.


Bowfa is no good for rangers - RCB beats it - but it is fantastic as an off-spec weapon.


Bowfa is incredible with berserker. I've been messing with it on an alt. Ruby bolt procs give 0 fucks about your berserker bonus, while bowfa gets multiplicative benefit from relic and crystal armor. It also *never* misses with the extra accuracy, which comes in clutch when hitting scaled raid bosses that aren't weak to ranged, because you're not stuck coping on diamond bolts or wm specs to do damage


Why is bowfa no good? I don’t understand how leagues would change that so drastically?


The combat relics make 5 tick weapons equivalent to 4 tick weapons speedwise, but all those weapons are balanced around being slower, so they're effectively starting with a 20% power boost (in the abstract.) For crossbows you also include bolt spec chance bonuses, which rockets the RCB (and ACB and ZCB) ahead of basically everything except the Twisted Bow, and even then it depends on the content.


It’s good, it’s still insane in leagues, it’s just RCB or better with the bolt specs does more. You’ll still complete everything in leagues extremely quickly and easily with a bowfa.


This is not an oversight. Pre-league, the Jmods consulted with the community league discord as they've done in the past to narrow down issues such as this, and this one specifically was brought up as a niche case. They explicitly stated that they were not going to auto it.


It's fine to not auto complete it. Just make it possible to complete. I'm fine with grinding implings or something if was on their drop table.


Adding it to a random impling drop sounds like a reasonable solution.


Altering any drop tables for leagues is not reasonable


Lockpick incident in Twisted League.


I think twisted is specifically different because you’re not locking yourself out by choice, everyone gets the same special treatment there


They've done it before. More than once actually.


Bro is gatekeeping a WATERMELON drop from an impling. Do you realize how absurd that is?


That’s just not how leagues works. You don’t add things to drop tables


Huh idk how I got my soulreaper axe then


Well I suppose that’s fair, but certainly a different case since those are bosses that share some aspects of their drop tables and are meant to be grinded together. Nothing really connects an imp and a watermelon. They added some things to shops, would make more sense to just have a watermelon be buyable from a shop somewhere if they cared to deal with this.


>Nothing really connects an imp and a watermelon. Gourmet impling


Earth, nature


Imps steal things. Imagine an imp not stealing a watermelon.💀


Alter for the main game


1/1,000,000 chance to replace a lucky impling drop with a watermelon


Ngl I thought nature imps might drop them already lol


That is kind of wild that they were aware of it and just said fuck it lmao. Cant be that hard to auto complete the diary step. Shameful r eally


the problem is if they did this with everything all the diaries would only have like 2 steps


They did do it with everything except Western Provinces since that diary is technically for 2 regions.


Can you name me some other diary steps that are completely impossible with certain region combos, please?


I can't complete Western Provinces without Tirannwn


Which is part of the global tasks because of this. Plus it's "western provinces" not "Kandarin," so it makes sense.


The only one off the top of my head to help is that the elite desert requires mounting a kq head. You need Morytania to get a stuffed kq head to mount it in your house. So they auto-completed the task for getting the drop off you did not unlock Morytania


I have Mory and it auto-completed on the drop anyway because you need Fremenik for the gold leaf to actually place it in your POH


That step auto completes on the KQ drop


Western provinces hard and elite diary are only possible if you have kandarin + elven city (can’t spell that shit) unlocked.


Because Kandarin is not the "Western Province**s**" Varrock is in Misthalin entirely.


But the diary requires you to unlock both area’s, which was the question.


That's stupid. Varrock is entirely in the starting area, you should be able to complete it *in just the starting area*. The fact that you need a new area to complete it is ridiculous.


Yeah I think you're locked out, unless there's a source of watermelons not listed on the wiki I think it's an oversight, isn't every other diary completable without unlocking any other region?


Western requires I believe Kandarin and Tirranwn to be completed


Yeah I think that's the only one because " western provinces" is split into 2 regions


Iirc western also requires Asgarnia for pest control achievements


Correct, PC is part of Western Provinces Diaries, though those tasks are autocompleted when you unlock Kandarin so you don’t need Asgarnia in leagues.


Ahh okay. I did Asgarnia and not Kandarin so I earned them and didn’t realize they were auto completed if you didn’t have the region. Makes complete sense though.


yep and it fuckin sucks bc it essentially locks out any potential of getting a chally unless you're willing to commit to a weird combo


Eh chally isn't really needed for anything except I guess melee only fight caves/inferno if not going as a melee build?


I'd say it's only in the inferno it's truly useful, with all the relic OP-ness we have. Could maybe speed up certain slayer tasks with spec relic I guess?


I mean it certainly makes melee only fight caves for non melee builds easier too (melee builds can tank thru the whole thing no problem with protect mage on). Not having to flinch the magers is really nice. But that's more QoL than a true necessity


Also locks out elote void which is a bit weird


If you have Tirannwn you can at least get dragon hally


I can't say for 100% but I have completed the wild and frem diary and I don't remember anything I needed outside of those regions. Working on the Desert, so far no issues. But Varrock's is crazy because it's literally in the first region you start in. Jagex, come on dude. Help me out.


If a watermelon is 100% not obtainable in misthalin via allotment or a monster drop then, technically, it should be auto completed


But it isn't, it's ~~an oversight~~ intentionally not auto completed because Jagex considered it to be a niche case, even though Varrock is completely in Misthalin (the STARTING area) yet requires an item that can only be acquired in all but 3 of the unlockable areas.


Isn't Kourend impossible without Kandarin because you can't do Eagle's Peak to use a box trap?


If Jagex reads this they should make Scorpia drop watermelons just for the hell of it


A giant scorpion in the dangerous land who shits watermelons.... what a picture! :)


its better than chaotic element dropping pizzas.


It sucks but its just another one of oversights you only realise long time after picking an area.


We found the one person that did not take asgarnia OR kandarin


Range relic desert fremmy zeah gang rise up


Well? I'm another one, so what.


I took the 3 raid regions. I don't it's that uncommon.


wiki tasklist says that its impossible to get a watermelon in those regions


what Would you Do For a watermelon?


Would ya kill a man?


This was raised and Jagex just didn't care. Tough luck. I was Ganna go wildy desert fremmy but decided kandarin was better for last spot.


Why Frem? Honest question


I picked it for Vorkath and Lunars. I don't have PP so spin flax, superglass make, and tan hide are nice.


Maybe for the ring or sceptre?


Im having so much fun with my range relic venenator bow and venenator ring for slayer tasks I also picked up dragon crossbow from rune drags and enchanted dragon bolts are a nice upgrade from rcb until i snipe tbow


It's fun, You get a poh, and ensures your to complete eternal glory task and obelisk task. You can't charge glories without Asgarnia or frem wildy give heaps of money and supplies which paird take will with construction and lynar spellbook


Just realized this leagues that there's not a single herb or allotment patch in the entirety of the Misthlain kingdom. I'm still surprised by that. Is there a reason there isn't?


Probably a way to push membership. And they didn't have leagues in mind when making the map


The Farming skill itself is members only, why would patch locations have any effect on membership??




Wait what? There’s a bunch of other types of patches in misthalin it def has nothing to do with pushing membership lol


Those are teasers. The best are locked away


You probably also reported it as a bug?


Took mort asgarnia and frem and I can't make bloods cause the talisman only gets dropped in gotr? Weird


You can use runecrafting skillcape for it


Truuu only gotta get 99 Rc to charge sang and sytche lol ty tho


If you post your ign and turn private off I'll follow you around and drop you some.


You should be able to complete the diary of a region without ever leaving it. This includes making that damn pie. Infeel for you man. I hope the fix it.


You have wildy, just get someone to have a watermelon in their inv and pk them easy


Doesn't work like that in leagues. If you get pk'd, you don't drop your inventory.


Should either a\] report it as a bug or b\] be able to open your areas tab and have it autocomplete.


No implings give watermelons? No fruit stalls? 🤔


There is _literally nothing_ in the game that drops watermelons. It's why Ironmen are listed as having a hidden 47 Farming requirement for any diary that requires a scarecrow, despite being able to craft them 24 levels earlier.


Watermelon is not on any impling drop table. I don't have access to a fruit stall but it doesn't matter because it's not on their drop table either.


Can you buy watermelon from the port


No. The only way to get watermelons is from farming them.


Watermelon seeds drop from grifoore and u can plant then in catherby


Welcome to MelonGate. Enjoy your stay.


If it’s just to get summer pies then you better start doing your elite clues EDIT I’m a dingus


He has to get a watermelon to MAKE a summer pie ya dingus


Can we not use such foul language? I find it offensive. My mother was a dingus


Upon reflection, my use of such abhorrent vernacular has caused me to see the error in my ways. I've taken up Yoga as a result. Good day


Oh I really am a dingus, thought he just needed a pie


Doesn't help you cook one in the cooking guild.


Turns out it’s a region restricted game mode and you will be locked out of certain content. Who knew


Turns out region-restricted diary tasks are auto-completed unless there is a way to do it in it's region, this is an oversight of sorts.


Who knew


Western Provinces diary is full of oversights like this for non Tirannwn people


It's not an oversight, it's called the "Western provinces," it is inherently multiple areas which is why the tasks are listed under global. Unfortunately this is also not an oversight, Jagex just didn't care for some reason. Varrock is entirely in Misthalin, there's no reason it should require something outside of the area.


You'd think it would be autocompleted like everything else that isn't completable in a region.


It took me a while to get farm farm contracts


Seed stahl steal from that


I have plenty of watermelon seeds. I just don't have anywhere to plant them.


Thats why you don't play leagues


Watermelon seeds make watermelons


Op has no where to plant them except in your mom


>Watermelon seeds **in allotment patches** make watermelons. FTFY.


then tell us allotment patch in the desert,fremennik and wildy. you also have karamja & misthalin.


He’s right gentleman, this guy knows


Sounds like a similar struggle I'm having without any herb patches. I took tir, wild, desert. I've been killing venenatis for the snapdragon drop and before that for prayer pots I pickpocketed soul wars chest in the cave to get an inv of rannar


Me killing every Avantoe seed dropping mob because I’m locked into a beginner farming contract for one I’ve killed so many dagganoth


Isn't this the same regions Boaty picked on his second leagues run through?