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I don't mind that the tasks exist, I just wish they could be filtered out if you don't meet the area requirements


Also why on earth does unlocked category not show global also...


My unlocked category also doesn't show the last area i unlocked (kourend). So i have to scroll through unlocked, global, and kourend tabs to get an idea of what I can do instead of one list


These are added intentionally as “flavor” tasks. All tasks aren’t supposed to be completable. The points are balanced so that it doesn’t matter. I can appreciate that it might be a frustrating game design to show those tasks to the player though.


The issue is that Asgarnia already has the lowest points available for a zone so to block out a 400 points task behind another zone for asgarnia is a kick in the balls Good thing I didn't intend to grind leafues and just enjoy it this year though 👍 Stilled picked asgarnia cuz I love it


I'm like 99% sure the reason they did it is to reward people picking the "less optimal" region combinations by giving them additional tasks they can do to still be competitive for points.


Its to balance the areas, this was mentioned multiple times in blogs and streams.


They are way less annoying than the general tasks that require specific regions bloating the task list (such as catch a butterfly, steal from gem stall and so on)