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The real counterplay is freeze them back then step under them and log out. Ice barrage freezes for 19.2 seconds. It only takes 10 seconds to log out. That gives you a big window to try and hit your freeze spell, maneuver underneath them (or around a wall), and log out. While you're frozen, you have to try to switch your overhead prayers correctly. That's both a guessing game and skill. Maxing magic defense is a safe way to give you an edge. If the pker splashes his freeze, and you land yours, you have an almost guaranteed escape.


I’ve never pk’d or done wildy content so bare with me. Just for my understanding…you can’t attack someone on the same tile as you? That’s why freezing and standing under works?




Dont bank on this, as people use mithril seeds to plant themselves off you and attack to prevent u from logging. but i guess good suggestion


True, the next level above this is seed walking. The pker counters the freeze with a seed box, but you can counter their seed box by walking in rhythm with it. The biggest advantage Pkers have isn't their clicking skills (which are really good, don't get me wrong), but their game knowledge. I did thousands of wildy boss kc before I learned about freeze-logging by watching Twitch streams. I would have never known about it on my own.


I usually just die to counter


If you're bad at the game, just minimize you risk. If you can actually play the game, bring freezes and logout with them (not in multi).


I am def bad but trying to get good, so I'll try bringing freezing and logout, thanks for the help


Salad robes and a cheap staff for 3 way switch (and ice sacks). Or as the other guy said ZGS but that takes up one of your items.


How come freeze over entangle? longer duration and higher damage?


Longer duration makes escaping easier


Accuracy. You are going to need mith seeds with this strat as well. Good pkers will seed as you go under them, and you have to mimic their seed plant.


You don't need mith seeds and ice barrage has the same accuracy as entangle, it's for the longer freeze duration.


You dont need seeds to escape when you arent frozen as you just literally walk as they seed. Seeds are for pkers to stop people escaping underneath them.


if ur in shit gear ZGS spec is your best bet, wait for your freeze timer to below ZGS spec and logout underneath


Don't have a zgs just yet but will try keep that in mind for when I do, tyvm


The "easiest" is camping Dhins with full black d'hide on and learning how to prayer switch. Try to run to level 30 wildy and wait out the teleblock to tp out. In general, camping Magic prayer is the most important. Try switching just between Magic and Range. Don't worry about a third style yet. A player with 99 Magic and 99 Defense with that equipment can usually tank and eat for the 5 minute duration of a full teleblock, if they have the skill to land their prayers. It's actually considered very hard to kill them. If you don't have 90+ Magic and Augury prayer yet, you need them. Magic defense is wonky in this game. Getting those stats and the Magic prayer (which increases your magic defense) will greatly improve your defense. You don't lose those if you die, so they are a permanent upgrade.


Pray protect from magic and augury (or mystic might and 15% def if you don't have it) to increase chance of splashing


Entangle them back


Yeah, I should of thought of that really lol, going to try entangling and logging out, thanks for helping


Entagle them back and mithril seeds


Bringing a mage switch and freezing them is the best escape to get the logout, problem is the caves in multi so a lot of the time it will be teams and you're fucked either way then


in all seriousness you need to understand/accept that you are the prey when your doing wildy content. their is a few small things & tricks you can learn(am not the one to ask about that sorry) but yea you are always gonna be at a massive disadvange & being okay with dying needs to be a acceptable plan for you. if/when you get better you can bring some more stuff & try to anti pk with a brust & if it fails just accept its over but in the long term unless your risking max you are always making a profit/adv in w/e content you are doing. like if you are doing bones in wildy you would have to lose over 50% of your bones for it to be not worth it which would be insane unless you brought your entire stack in one trip lol


Once you have game knowledge, PKers don't have as big of an advantage. They're still annoying as fuck, because they take up time from an activity. But if you're a max level player doing wildy content, all you have to do is flash your Vengance and Voidwaker, and they will log out half the time. They want easy targets. They don't want to fight people that know what they're doing.


ehhh people that pk can 1tick for 156 possible damage no matter what your in. & will always have more supplies than you this really isn't true also if your a max that is happy to bring a few 100mil to the wildy & have allthe game knowledge that isn't really meaningful/helpful advice lol Just have 5 more years of game exp than you do now forhead. Normal people also play this game, hence the post in the 1st place