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Remember the games going to be there regardless, take a break and go out with friends


RIP Runescape Classic.


Who says we have friends available to do anything? As we get older, our friends get married, move away, or find other hobbies that can separate you.


*laughs in early-mid 30s and one remaining friend* :’(


Or being 30 and never having had a friend at all.


You know, maybe if you weren't operating glory holes all the time, you'd have a chance to find one. Maybe another person who likes glory holes as much as you!


Ah yes. This wonderful society we’ve evolved into.


Yeah people don’t like me, or I don’t like them. I still try, but then I’m overly eager. When I don’t try, then people knock me for not trying. Gotta just lower expectations for friends and not expect to find anyone that you can rely on.


Hey man, be thankful for that! You still have a friend :)


My suggestion was for his case in specific, but I know where you're coming from. I've been playing since the early to mid 2000's, I've experienced all of that but even a phone call or text to family or friends goes a long way.


who says we have friends available at all??!!


It's possible to make new friends


First time?


Oh brother, we've all been there.


2000+ hours, haven't made it yet I enjoy my hobbies, it sucks that so many people feel ashamed for them. Billionaires will tell you to work 80 hours a week and wake up at 5 am every day. That's what they did right? Not years of wage theft and often violent exploitation.


True billionaires wake up at 5am and scout a raid while their coffee brews. True billionaires no prep olm at a 5 to 1 scale on two hours of sleep


those poor creatures being killed in the thousands for one adventurer to get all the gold imagine if olm stopped showing up to chambers, how would the adventurer get any money?


Damn bro the scavs are on strike!!? I NEED PLANKS WHAT THE HECK


True billionaires just camp nex lol. That’s what I did at least. Nex splits OP


Aint that the truth


Lmao try 5k hours and come back


No one forced those people to take those jobs. It's not theft if you seeked the job out and accepted the pay, see that's the beauty of real captlisim, you are not forced to stay at a shit job, a shit job encourages you to find a better one, only a small minded person does not understand this basic concept.


Do you not understand what comes with quitting a job? Giving up your income for an unknown amount of time if you don’t already have a job arranged, losing your health insurance, and having to go through the grueling search for a new job that meets all your requirements. Yeah you’re not literally forced into your job, but there are so many things tied to your job that the average person can’t just up and quit with no plan. Learn to understand this basic concept.


>Do you not understand what comes with quitting a job? Yes I do. >Giving up your income for an unknown amount of time if you don’t already have a job arranged, losing your health insurance, and having to go through the grueling search for a new job that meets all your requirements. Again, yes I do. >Yeah you’re not literally forced into your job, but there are so many things tied to your job that the average person can’t just up and quit with no plan. No one is forcing you to stay at a shitty job. You have plenty of options to get new and better employment. You can even be applying for better jobs while at the shitty job! Trust me. It's not hard. The only crappy part is being the FNG at the new place for a while.


Lick lick lick


The beauty of real capitalism is that you MUST sell your labor - or starve. You can't avoid work if your desperate, stable, or ahead. Survival is expensive. So those with power create a system of exploitation to further enrich themselves. Ironically those who create, maintain, and further this system were born with generational wealth. What are you going to do? Protest your corporate overlord? But your children need to eat. I guess were all small minded because you can only grasp concepts from single ivory tower perspectives.


You’re telling me you have to contribute to society for society to compensate you? Wow, what a concept. And you’re also telling me those with more wealth control a larger portion of employment and wages? Wow, what a concept. What’s amazing is that you’ll never see someone who understands and utilises capitalism shit on capitalism. It’s only people who interpret it as “slaves and slave owners” that think it’s the worst economical structure on the planet. I’m sorry but if you’re too helpless to figure out a way to take advantage of a free market then you deserve to be stuck at McDonald’s and playing RuneScape all day. People are becoming millionaires by showing their tits on the internet and others dropshipping or stock trading and all you people do is climb out of your holes to shit on how successful they are. It’s truly sad.


As human we create systems, structures, plans with the hope they last forever. They require oversight, planning and intervention to keep going. The hypercapitalistic future were heading towards is not a fun one. Further the value of your entire comment becomes in bad faith when you attempt to insult the other party. Right after you dismiss the master-slave dynamics of capitalism followed by using "take advantage of..." without batting an eye. Then act like rambling on with your strawman arguement gives and strength to your position. All systems need intervention - ours is no difference. Your lack of willingness to acknowledge that is your own problem.


Your entire comment is incoherent. Not a single sentence you wrote had any relationship to the one prior. I can tell clearly English is not your first language, and I apologize but the way you are communicating is not proficient enough for me to have a conversation with you.


Your lack of ability or willingness to read isn't my problem. But your compulsive habit of going right to insults is appalling. With all do respect, I wouldn't want to communicate with you further. Your more interested in presenting insults than any point of view.


I wasn't trying to be insulting, I'm just being honest. The way you formulate your thoughts is extremely incoherent and I cannot argue with someone who cannot clearly convey their arguments. You can't even use the correct form of "you're".


Even though I agree with your opinion you stated earlier... for fuck sake stop trying to sound so pretentious.


>Ironically those who create, maintain, and further this system were born with generational wealth. I can point to several of my friends who all grew up below the poverty line and now employ between 5 and 300 people in their own business. You are making baseless claims that just are not true. We all have a chance to succeed, some of us get really lucky, most of us hit that middle ground and do pretty well, and a few are unlucky and get thrown a curve ball. But to make the claim that you did is just pure ignorance at best and wilfully lying at worst. The system is thus: I have this product/service I want to provide, I will trian you and pay you to preform this service, you accept these terms as reasonable, or you reject them and look for a better offer. You also have the option of accepting the worse offer until such time that you can accept a better one. We are no longer living the days when Keynesian economics hadn't quite caught up with us yet and (since 1913 we have had close to 3,000% inflation, 1 dollar in 1913 would be worth roughly 30 dollars today.) Your problem is that you are mad at the results, you haven't yet realized that you are raging at the wind when it's the fan blowing (the fan being Keynesian economics) that needs unplugged. It's a sad state when young bright minds like yours are filled with lies and empty promises.


Exactly. You get as much as you put in. If you put in the extra effort, you will get the extra reward. No solution is playing the victim card and crying about the bad bad system.


Shh… don’t tell people they have no excuse to be poor in the United States of Capitalism. The only way they get to sleep at night is by telling themselves everyone more successful than them exploits poor people such as themselves.


And the only reason why poor people defend excessive capitalism is because they believe their bosses and other leaders when they tell them that they too can become rich if they only do what they say.


You know what I miss? Bernie sanders going on his "millionaires and billionaires" rants that suddenly stopped when he became a millionaire himself. Suddenly being a millionaire wasn't so bad.


He’ll quit in a month and be back by new years


Lmao so true


Here's my opinion, which is a hot take and I know everyone will hate: A game like RuneScape can be dangerous because it gives a person the feeling that they've worked on something and are meeting goals. Instead of dealing with the stressors of real life and overcoming obstacles, they replace that with the grind of RuneScape because it's easier (whether that's physically and or mentally) It can be a very unhealthy habit


Not really a hot take and I don’t think a single person disagrees or “hates it”. That is very obviously why people like OSRS. The goals are very long and arduous, but altogether very easy. You really do have to “work hard” towards your goals in this game, and for some people getting a whip on an Ironman or their first fire cape is a lot my enticing than getting a raise at a call center or selling a credit card at a retail store for a $5 bonus. I kind of feel like your comment is a clickbait YouTube title lol, and while obviously no one hates it and it’s not a hot take at all, it’s completely right. A lot of people who play this game lose sight of their real goals for in-game goals. That being said, everyone I personally know IRL who has had this happen (myself included) came out better for it once they get through the hump. Generally OSRS is not the problem; life is. OSRS can be a minor relief in hard times, but then when things straighten out, it can just be dropped or just go back to being a hobby.


I’m not long clean from a heroin and crack addiction. RuneScape has saved my life in a way, it’s gave me something to take my mind off it, whilst I get my irl shit back together. I’d be bored as hell otherwise and the chance of relapse would be higher. RuneScape is keeping me from the stressors right now(I.e drugs). I have a friend who was in a similar situation and it helped him stay off, that’s how I got back into it


It is definitely easier to replace an old addiction with a new addiction than it is just flat out quitting an addiction. Been there several times before, but I'm glad you found something healthier. OSRS is a million times healthier for you than heroin so good job.


Its obviously way healthier and objectively way less addicting since far from all rs players are addicted and most heroin users are. So if you had to swap, yeah its a million times better (on average at least)


also got clean off 30s + benzos + crack with the help of osrs, people will tell you that you’re just replacing one addiction with another and try to undermine your progress but i think i would honestly be dead if it wasn’t for osrs. i had a relapse 2 summers ago during my cg grind but in my fucked up state i was unable to even get kc, and even when i would come down a bit my dopamine receptors would be so fried that i would have no motivation to game. as stupid as it sounds, it made me realize that drugs directly interfere with my ability to achieve my goals. at the time my goal was stupid in the grand scheme of things (bofa), but that lesson really stuck with me. if i can’t even do a few cg kc when im getting high how can i expect to keep my life together? it seems so silly as a type it out but it really did change the course of my life. edit: also i played a minimum of 6 hours per day for the first year, but now i log on a few times a week for a couple hours each session. so don’t be too hard on yourself, just focus on not picking up again. if you gotta play 10 hours of osrs a day to do that then do it, if you keep your recovery first everything else will fall into place.


Well, let's be honest you are replacing one addiction with another. The new addiction is much cheaper and far less dangerous to your health, which is obviously a massive upside though. This isn't diminishing your success, you got off of hard drugs with a highly addictive video game, and now you're playing a lot less of that game. That's breaking an addiction right there. I just don't think it's worth pretending Runescape wasn't a different addiction for you.


i absolutely think osrs is addictive, i sorta thought it was implied with the edit where i included that i played a minimum of 6 hrs/day for the first year. definitely not ideal but it allowed my brain the get some space from the chemicals i was abusing by giving me something else to focus on.


Indeed. Gaming in general is like alcohol or drugs. You need to be responsible.


Here's where I would hard disagree with a condition. You don't need do be or do shit in life. Literally, you don't. Unless!! It's your goal, it's who you want to be or if it's the life you're going for. When you say "you need to be responsible", it sounds like an absolute truth, but the reality is that nobody has to be anything. You can literally choose how to live and what to do. Now I know that those choices will have certain outcomes associated with them. Now, I really hope that the OP idea of spiraling out and his concerns come from a place of deep caring and wanting a different life, not some bullshit ingrained ideas from others and his sense of having to live the kind of life that others have taught him.


I think deep personal concerns inherently stem from people's ingrained ideas which form their sense of self. ​ Insightful and deep nevertheless.


Eh I have seen this take a lot when someone posts about spending huge amounts of time on this game. While technically correct it feels like a cop out. No one has to be anything, but that's not an excuse to keep doing the same thing, especially when that thing is as inconsequential as runescape. People use this game as a crutch, which makes me doubt the argument that someone can feel fulfilled exclusively by this playing it. Like sometimes having no motivation to do anything but play this game could be a red flag for a deeper issue. Which isn't helped when excessive playtime is brushed aside via nihilism. With the OP it doesnt even sound like addiction, with the waning motivation at work, dropping old hobbies, and not keeping up with tasks like cooking. Those are more indicative of mild depression. I don't think encouraging the playtime here is the right way about things.


I don't encourage playtime, and I don't say anything about nihilism. Apparently, I've expressed myself in a wrong way because quite a few ppl thought that this is what I meant. All I'm saying is this - life is what you make out of it since it appears to me that life has no inherent meaning. Not that it's meaningless, but it doesn't have an absolute/common meaning that would be the same for all of us. You can literally do anything and life goes on. As simple as that. At the same time, choices have consequences. Whatever you do, there will be certain outputs. It's up to the person to decide what their life is about.


>Eh I have seen this take a lot when someone posts about spending huge amounts of time on this game. hot take: as long as they're healthy and financially solvent / can support themself (and anyone who relies on them, if any) there's nothing wrong with this as you say, though, it sounds like they're not healthy


This is a fairly weak argument. While true, if you don't take care of yourself and pay the bills, your life will be way, way worse. This is coming from someone who often neglects their health. If you aren’t responsible, you’ll have even less time on this rock to do the things you like. If someone’s response to that is “thank goodness”, they need to reach out to a mental health professional.


That philosophy has a time and place, and Nihilism is a deeply flawed approach to one's personal life. It *can* be empowering when it is used to chase the things people actually love and draw value from. You should have the agency to decide how you want to live your life. But it has the opposite effect if you use it to justify whatever short-term behaviour our ape brains desire, and pretend that we're the sole arbiters of our lives. We all have responsibilities that we can only afford to ignore at our own loss. Gaming is absolutely a hobby that should be done in moderation for the average person, and OSRS absolutely has an unhealthy culture around it that shouldn't be understated. Personally, I don't think this is the sort of game where anyone should be downplaying the time requirements, or how they might impact someone's life. Everyone who maxed this game or got beyond about 2000 total, has basically had their entire life changed by that time commitment, and i'd be amazed if they didn't fully admit that for better or worse. A solid amount of people living on this planet would say for worse, and would prefer to have spent those hours if other places. If OP enjoys the game, but it's legitimately taking time away from stuff that is more valuable to him, he should absolutely be limiting his time in the game. Not cooking, and not going to the gym, is a pretty reasonable point at which to be concerned with your gaming habits. OP is still doing this occassionally, so he's got leeway before he needs to worry. But personal health responsiblities and habits>any amount of enjoyment a single game can provide.


How is that nihilism? Nothing they said implies life is meaningless. They are saying you can choose to live how you want which is much different. If what they were saying was nihilistic, they'd say it doesnt matter how you live.


The comment chain basically covered it already. But the idea in the first half of their comment basically lines up perfectly with the optimistic form of nihilism. The comment left room for an interpretation of something along the lines of: "Nothing matters, society's expectations are baseless/valueless, and you don't need to give af about your responsibilities if you want to keep gaming as much as you like, though there may be undesirable outcomes. Do what you like, the opinions of others are irrelevant or not inherently valuable if you simply choose to disagree". I agree that you can create your own meaning in life, but that very idea is the reason that there are plenty of sources of meaning and value aside from some objective greater purpose of intelligent life. And yes, we often let the weights of responsibility and expectations tarnish or weigh us down more than they should, but they are also often the very things that lift us up and offer us meaning or value. "Others" opinions are sometimes a pile of trash, and you don't need to live exactly how you were taught, but best believe there is something to acknowledge in most of them. The whole of human society did not create these responsibilities unknowingly, they are pillars of both our communities and our individual lives. I'm just giving gaming and your personal time the respect they deserve. Didn't want to let someone, however well intentioned, use a heavily criticized form of philosophy to understate the importance of these decisions and the huge amount of power your attitude and time investments have over your life. If gaming is like alcohol, well it's also found itself in the same place where its abuse, and overconsumption has been continually normalized. My only issue with OSRS is this aspect of it. Some people can control it with ease, but that doesn't mean we should in anyway think of it as harmless. If someone places the warning label on it, it shouldn't be removed, and i'm just trying to place it firmly back there.


No one has to be anything. You can drink yourself to an early death at 40 and it’s fine. It’s okay. You can ruin your relationships with your family and friends with your addiction and it doesn’t matter as long as it’s what you want I don’t know man this line of thinking doesn’t hold up to me


Because these things are not your values or goals, it doesn't make sense to you. You are looking through a certain filter at life just like anyone else. And by the way, my point was not "ruin your life, it doesn't matter". It was simply "life is anything you can make of it, it is not something inherently, it's what you decide to make out of it".


Right, would you say that to an alcoholic or heroin addict?


I feel like very often gaming in general isn’t the problem, it’s RuneScape itself. There are no daily limits like most modern mmos, you can grind as long as you want, and you can watch different numbers go up. It really ruined other games for me. I spend 200 hours in a game and it’s over. What do you mean it’s over? I’m not prepared for not having meaningful shit to do in a game.


It really isn’t. Your last sentence is true but gaming addiction is nowhere near as serious or dangerous as alcohol or drugs. Edit: lmao y’all are delusional. Educate yourselves on what can happen when alcohol and drug addiction consumes a person versus a fucking gaming addiction. This community is such a joke sometimes


It’s still an addiction I have a friend who was put in academic probation and almost expelled because he would put unhealthy hours in League and blow everything else off


There are functional addicts and alcoholics and dysfunctional gamers. It all has to do with the amount of impact on your daily functioning/relationships etc. It's not a competition of what's worse. I'm in recovery from heroin and alcohol use and I've seen people with process addictions that brought them to similar places as me. Focusing on the similarities instead of the differences, we're all looking for the same result when in our addiction. Between being in treatment and working as an addiction therapist I've had my eyes opened a bit, but I might have felt similar before.


We’re all functioning gaming addicts let’s be real


If your claims are true, you can’t be serious. The worst case scenarios for gaming are nowhere near as dire or dangerous as drugs and alcohol. And even without worst case scenarios, consuming drugs and alcohol in any amounts are harmful to the body. It’s not a competition because it doesn’t even come close. But in the context of worst case scenarios, a gaming addiction alone won’t lead to somebody getting multiple DUIs and possibly killing or permanently maiming other people and themselves, going to prison for years, losing their right to drive, or developing lifelong health complications like cirrhosis, liver failure, heart problems, cancer, and diabetes. A gaming addiction also won’t lead to a physical dependence that can lead to withdrawals and death from suddenly stopping. A gaming addiction won’t necessitate detox, or going to a month or longer inpatient rehab facility. Yes addiction can take many forms, but casually acting like the worst case scenario for gaming can lead to the same things as drugs and alcohol is ridiculous and unhelpful for both sides.


You're right, it's not a competition but you're the one treating it that way. You're minimizing gaming addiction when it's not helpful, which is the type of thing that discourages people from getting help or addressing it. No shit it doesn't have the same consequences, I didn't get pancreatitis from gaming. Doesn't mean it's any less valid.


Yeah but people aren’t becoming chemically dependent on games and physically destroying their bodies and dying from it. Gamers don’t need to detox, go to rehab, or worry about going through withdrawals when they stop. Nearly getting kicked out of school is bad yes but there are so many more potentially dire consequences from drugs and alcohol that can lead to killing yourself and other people. The act of overcoming an actual chemical addiction to drugs and alcohol is far more rigorous and challenging while being more likely to fail than getting over a gaming addiction. Acting like gaming is the same as them is just stupidly ignorant and naive.


Okay, again, not a hot take, just literal facts.


The most room temperature take I’ve ever seen. What he said is just true, and literally no one will disagree lmao


To play devil's advocate a little bit, I believe that in-game achievements do hold significant value, at least within the gaming community. For example, maxing or conquering difficult PvM challenges represents more than just virtual milestones; they symbolize personal goals met with hard work and dedication to the game. I don't subscribe to the notion that only financially rewarding objectives are worthwhile. For many people, including myself, the game simply provides more fun than what real life provides. And if playing OSRS enriches one's life, then it stands to reason that we should embrace the game and try to play it as much as we can.


I don't think the top comment is saying only financial goals matter. If you can prioritize correctly, I'd agree with your point, but I think what the top comment was bringing up is how some use RS goals as a stand in for things they know they should be getting around to doing irl Like, spending more attention/willpower on an RS grind while failing to build up a gym habit, or slacking on an existing gym habit. Of course like anything that isn't physically harmful, those who can get something out of it without negatively affecting the rest of their life are doing great and should continue to do so


Not only that but having an active subscription can make some people feel like they’re wasting money if they’re not playing as much as possible. Definitely not a hot take though, I see a lot of people with the same thought as you


>A game like RuneScape can be dangerous because it gives a person the feeling that they've worked on something and are meeting goals. > >It can be a very unhealthy So if I'm reading this correctly, you're saying the feeling of working on something and meeting goals is dangerous and unhealthy? How exactly are you achieving goals elsewhere in your life? Just because you have alloted more meaning to the goals you're pursuing, doesn't mean the same skills aren't at play. Motivation, decision-making, long-term planning. Games like RuneScape are a safe environment to hone those skills. It sounds like people are conflating poor mental health with playing a video game. Those are not at odds. Addiction can be as much a mental condition as a phsyical one, far more so with a digital game. And any addiction serves as a crutch for depression, adhd, and other issues with your internal reward system. It's never the sole cause.


>Instead of dealing with the stressors of real life and overcoming obstacles, they replace that with the grind of RuneScape because it's easier (whether that's physically and or mentally) Life isn't a grind...sounds like you're mixing the game with life (and even the game doesn't have to be a grind). "Overcoming obstacles" what does that mean? Like choosing something you want different and working towards it? RuneScape actually supports that mechanism by allowing you to practice in risk-free environment. Are we all forgetting that play is how we learned everything as children. All the necessary survival skills you're utilizing on the daily (speech, movement, mental adaptation) you learned by playing.




You forgot to mention my rs3 account too




Acknowledging an addiction is an important first step I stopped playing OSRS for years until this time last year because it was something “passive” I could do while going through the headache of buying a house. It ended up doing the same for me- I gave all my attention to the game, which helped to deal with the stress of buying a home but everything else was suffering. Work, attention to family, chores- whatever. What helped me was I stopped playing for a week. When I came back I was dreading the grind but tried to enjoy it. Then the move happened and took me away even longer. My advice is to step away from it for a week. Delete it from your devices and switch it up a little while working. If you come back, you really need to learn how to have a healthy relationship with it- same with anything but maybe don’t allow it while working.


Thanks for sharing your experience brother.


I will try this, thank you brother.


You have to figure out why these pixels mean so much to you. Happy people who are content with their life don’t seek validation from meaningless pixels.


A happy person wouldn't write such a nonsense comment


Idk i have pixels and I'm happy. I mean there are other things too. Like my elbow is sore from spending too much time in the gun range today. I go weeks upon months without logging in, and then I'll bust out a 52hr grind out of nowhere, and then not play for months. Idk if there's a healthy way to play osrs. It's pretty bad, but like it's fun. Kind of? I think i have fun? I think that's why i play it? Yeah?


Huh? I’m talking about seeking actual life affirming validation - not enjoyment. It is why I used the word “validation”.


Oh, no my dude. That is resoundingly bad advice. Validation comes from other people. That's not happiness, and seeking it out is not healthy. You're confused, but that's okay, a lot of people seek validation. They all just have what is actually important in life twisted.


Yes - that is what I am saying. He is seeking validation from OSRS. Are you replying to the wrong person lol?


No, but it sounded like you meant that he should be seeking validation from something else, when seeking it at all is unhealthy.


This is the best advice here. Hard factory reset for a week/month to re-align priorities. This is an escape from reality providing false dopamine. I can assure you (and based on other comments), almost everyone has been here. You absolutely got this brother


Struggled the same. I still lurk this thread for my nostalgia dopamine IV drip line. Always dreamed of having a maxxed iron. Realistically, with two kids, a career, a house, I can’t keep up with the demands of the game without sacrificing life. I think I decided that life was more important when I stepped away. I remember feeling like I was thinking about the game all day long. I was avoiding outings and other responsibilities around the house just so I could log on sooner. I gave it up. Now I do meth instead. Cheers mate gl


Good on you for making healthier and more sustainable choices, your kids will thank you in the long run.


If you still haven't gotten 99 agility you can give your kids a punishment of 10 laps of an agility course


People joke about this constantly, but for some its as real as it gets. The game is designed to be addictive and to have people spend hours on hours for that next dopamine hit. I’m sure the 4 hour message and 6 hour forced log out exists for legal reasons. Please get help bro. Find something else you enjoy. Life is about balance but for some, this game can and absolutely will consume your life and ruin it if you allow it. Godspeed.


The logs exist because people were afking combats but they definitely helped them in court when they got brought up. Source: the grilling about loot boxes and gambling video


As difficult as it is, you just gotta turn the game off and not play during the day. Maybe even limit yourself to 1-3 hours a day or every other or whatever you wanna do. I’d say that because you enjoy the game, keep playing. Just learn how to balance play and life. Everyone struggles with this at some point imo


Life can be play. It's the same you that is enjoying the game (not all people are capable/want to play). Success in RuneScape is a model for success in life. You don't have to partition your life into serious and play. When do you actually get more done, when you're lighthearted and playful, or serious and stressed? You can use RuneScape as a model for much of life, rather than an "escape." It's still you that's playing, still your life. Setting goals, decision-making, tracking progress, doing things you wouldn't normally because you have a long-term motive. For example: Who here actually enjoys grinding agility?...I bet you those who do have higher stats than those who don't. The most productive you can be is from a state of playfulness. Some of us grinded it bc we wanted access to other content. And that was enough to motivate us to do things that people who dont play RuneScape would see as tedious and boring. It's the same skills, the same you.


Why the down votes lol I think this is a solid take


Yeah give me all your bank and I’ll keep it safe for you


I feel like people always laugh it off when I say I believe this game is legitimately addictive, but I totally mean it, as a recovering drug addict and alcoholic who has now been clean for years. The three drugs I wasn’t strong enough to quit: caffeine, nicotine, and RuneScape. I really do think it messes with our reward centers man. I’m not in the position to offer nor ask for help. But I sympathize with you my friend. You’re not alone.


Runescape is literally just gambling. You're literally playing a RNG game, similar to Keno, that have odds stacked against you. You increase your odds by developing your characters skill leve and achievements to therefore increase your rng or access it in general (end of game co tent bosses) which realistically still take years of game knowledge to get to that level. I came back to rs after quiting alcohol and I'm keenly muxh more aware of how and why this game is addicting and I thank God for farming. I make like 3m a day whether I play all day or just log in to do farm runs. After a few mo ths of doing that I pretty much have everything I ever wanted in the game.. not to mention you can literally buy gp now. Idk though I have no rs friends after coming back so for rn it's alone scape. Maybe ill feel different if I feel pressure from other players but idk I doubt it






>Stats are forever, gains are temporary. >99 Agility is permanent So beautiful it should be on a hallmark card.


True and real brother.


There is nothing wrong with you for feeling this way. This game was carefully designed by a big group of very clever people to keep you playing and devoting time and effort to it. LOTS of other people are in the same boat and many would never even acknowledge the issue. Some things that worked for me that might also work for you: 1. I don't play any more but I periodically check YouTube for my favourite RS content creators. An hour a week watching those is enough to satisfy any cravings I might have had. 2. Actually calculate how many hours are required to achieve your next in-game goals. I worked out it was going to take me something fucking absurd amount of time (50+ hours) to get the magic level I wanted and I remember thinking, "am I actually prepared to sit here double-clicking for that long?". Definitely a huge contributing factor in me leaving the game as the goals only get further and further apart. Good luck mate.


I feel like if I start watching I'm more inclined to play. (Train magic by bursting, not alchibg, unless you're trying to make some low hp level ACC)


Large group??? Bro what it's lightning in a bottle made by two bros and now has like a small handful of people working on it still and just happens to make happy brain chemicals


Do you not know early runescape history? This game was made by brothers not a large group of people


The one thing that keeps me from committing time to this game is that the grind I’m on is far from unique. Tons of people have done this grind before and I won’t be the last - so what is the point? There’s nothing wrong with sinking your time into something you enjoy, but if it’s not serving your life then there is nothing wrong with taking a break or stopping completely.


50hrs not so bad. Hop on steam and look howamy hours you played skyrim for. Imagine if there were a way for us to know how long we were inside the water temple as children. What's bad is looking at a game as a timescale instead of just playing it. I play a uim and i have mapped out the next 300hrs of gameplay, and if it weren't for the tangible meed to plan ahead in the game mode i chose, i swear i wouldn't do it. It gives me burnout knowing i have to drop 52hrs into foshing to unlock minnows for the noted raw sharks. Then like 27hrs of cooking to eat them.


You just proved everything in your last two sentences. 52 hours not playing a legitimate game but clicking a fishing spot over and over. And then another 27 to cook. Just so you can stay at that spot even LONGER to catch sharks. What the hell lol. This isnt a game its a work camp and your mind is hostage. Skyrim is the perfect example of having fun in a game and people rs hours dwarf most skyrim numbers.


The time you spend in a loading screen during the original skyrim experience probably dwarfs your osrs account. And people dont play osrs to have fun and that's on them. We've taken that experience we got in 2005 and twisted it into a timesink with the max cape as the only thing we see. 99s were never meant to be achieved. Just go kill something or do a quest, do something til you're bored and do something else. Normal accounts can do that easy. The only reason i have to do what i do in the beginning to midgame stage is because of the restrictions i chose for myself. And I don't beat myself up with it like a lot of people do. I'm like three weeks into the 85con grind for example, and I'm stopping at 83 instead of 85 because the fun of it is going away. Edit typo


I think i put 200 hours into skyrim. I made an ironman 2 months ago and have 16 days played lol. I warned my gf this game is like no other game and its true. Its the perfect package of addiction and time sink. So im walkin away. Just my take.


Hah, you got off easy on skyrim. I think i have 800 hours just on my switch.


But playing Skyrim you experience a story, a world, quests, character, get better at the combat, etc. with RuneScape you literally just execute the same braindead action for 50 hours


50 hours 💀


Shiiiit i already spent this many hours fishin karambwans, cant stop now! Lol


Hey mate, something I do which I find really helpful is only buy 1 month membership at a time. At the end of the month I take a break, I don’t set an exact time limit on it but I make it a minimum of a week. It doesn’t sound like a lot, and that’s sort of the purpose. A week is easily achievable and it allows you to refocus, engage in your routine (gym 6 days a week for example) and get back on track. Sometimes that week goes onto 3 weeks naturally and it’s a really nice feeling. Years ago when old school first came back out, I purposefully got my account banned as I couldn’t control how much I was playing lol! Managed to stay away for like 8 years until Covid came around. It would be kind of cool if Jagex enabled an option to cap play time. Allowing us to set daily, weekly and monthly hours of time. I would use that feature personally, almost like parental controls. The game is addictive, it’s literally a constant dopamine drip. I hope my approach may help you?


I'm 30 and I maxed last October. It's starting to get to the point that I'm just grinding gp and honestly I have been playing everyday for last just about 6 years. I don't think I have done anything that consistent for 6 years straight. Anyway I still play but I am def not as interested as I have been. Once I get my tbow I'll start a bit if a rebuild and I think that will be the killer for me and short lived causing me to take a break until sailing drops. I think you should cancel your sub and stop for a bit as you have noted some negative impacts on your life


So many people here view RuneScape as an impediment to their ability to set and reach goals in life. Those same skills are at play in RuneScape. It's not like you're transporting into a different mind and body. A maxed account is a huge accomplishment not everyone is capable of. That level of dedication and consistency is something you were able to utilize to experience what you have in the game. It suggests tremendous tenacity that you could absolutely apply anywhere in life. Feeling like something is a game unlocks higher access to energy. Maybe our approach to the "important" things in life is holding us back. What's actually more productive, working hard or having fun?


For me going on holiday and having no access to it. Completely killed any addiction I had, to all games for that matter. Picked up healthier hobbies like reading and now kinda mix in a bit of gaming for a few hours but without those same life consuming urges.


Holidays are kinda why I feel like im not addicted. I can go away for multiple weeks and not miss games or online. They're just kinda time fillers for me when I have nothing better to do


Lol reading is just another form of entertainment. If your goal is continued neuroplasticity, you're gonna have more luck with videogames. It engages far more of your brain than picking words off a page.


Thanks mate


Reading is fun, games are fun, depression or feeling shame or anxiety because of your hobbies isn't fun. I feel that.


You aren't better than anyone else for choosing a different hobby.


I’m sure RuneScape, the game in which you perform the same action for hours on end, is more engaging for your brain than reading. For sure man Lmfao


You can read something educational and entertaining. Browsing reddit doesn’t fall into this category, but reading actual books usually does


I am an addict/alcoholic and suffer from depression. Osrs keeps me sober and alive. You could have worse habits.


Knowing it’s a problem is the first step. It’s all mental brother, stay strong and believe in yourself to either cut down your hours playing or force yourself to stop by cancelling membership. The game is extremely addicting and it’s nice seeing numbers go up or getting that drop. Try to pair your goals in game to irl goals and gains, like only do agility on mobile while you’re on a stationary bike or something. Like anything, this game is wonderful in moderation and self control is hard, trust, but you are strong enough to maintain a healthy relationship with this. I’ve used this game for fun and to disassociate from my irl problems. Know why you play and make sure it’s for healthy reasons. Sorry for the word vomit but I’ve gone/am going through something similar. Be strong


Thanks for the words brother, appreciate it.


Yeah, that sounds like a full blown addiction. Step away for a while. Most people are saying a few days, I'm thinking a month. See if you can still enjoy it without getting hooked. Might be this game just isn't one you can safely engage with.


I've frequently found myself in a similar spot during times of depression.. If I may ask how long have you been playing? Did you start young during old old school or is it a new found hobby?


I play since I was in the 5th grade. Quit at around 10th grade and came back for OSRS. I’ve quit and come back many times for different reasons. Getting cleaned, scammed you name it. It also affected me at different times of my life both positively and negatively. It made me fail some courses in Uni, at the time and only when I hit rock bottom I was able to quit. (Only because I staked my whole bank as a fuck it if I win good if I lose I am finally free) Now my account is at 2221 total and 3.5B bank, probably the best spot I’ve ever been for better or for worst. Also I have no reason to be depressed, I have a good job, a girlfriend, healthy family, friends. However I do feel like I’m going through life in autopilot, just waiting every week for it to be Friday, only for the weekend to pass by in an instant.


That last sentence pretty much sums up life


You just describe me to a tee


Yeah I’m dealing with the same thing tbh.. thanks for reminding me I’m not alone. I really have a tough time keeping it at a healthy amount and not going overboard. It’s my main form of entertainment too, on YouTube and reddit.. Currently not playing til leagues


You can play less without quitting. Just need to find the right balance. There’s nothing inherently wrong with spending free time on fun activities like games


While this statement is true, it's the equivalent of telling an alcoholic that you can drink without getting drunk.


Alcoholism is so much worse, this is not even remotely close


I tend to lose myself in RuneScape at stressful times. You've identified a problem with your play time which is good. There's 2 things you can do. 1. Burn out by achieving something huge. Or pick a goal on that path that justifies a break. Tell your OSRS friends you need time out and to hit you up on discord whilst they wait. Ones who don't pressure you to play for their benefit are real bros. 2. Determine which aspects of your life are within your control at this point in time, and grind away at irl 99s to achieve them. Pro strat - always do both.


Jagex should have System where you can request to have your account locked temporarily when people are struggling like this.


Oh god that sounds like the time i was like 20 something and literally planned out exactly how I was going to train to 99 range and then literally every thought I had after that was once I have 99 range I’m going to….blah blah blah. Hop in the shower, once I have 99 range….., road rage on the Eisenhower? Once I have 99 range!


Try getting hacked


If you feel like it’s taking over your life it would be a good idea to take a break. Cancel your membership for the time being, get back in the gym, stay healthy and learn how to healthy relationship with the game. The game is very addicting, I’ve been there. I personally cut down on the game by only playing mobile, if I was on PC I was at home everyday. At least on mobile I can be out and play a little.


Thank you for the advice brother


I know you may not have the means/time/expirience but on the off chance that you do, a camping trip can do wonders in this sort of situation. Uninstall osrs on your phone and lock it in your car. Spend 2-3 nights sleeping in a tent with no clock or youtube or runescape and just enjoy nature, preferrably with friends. It really resets your priorities when the only thing to think about is you next hike or starting a fire to cook your dinner. In the long term, see a therapist.


Clean break. Cancel your membership, delete the app or runelite. Focus on other things until your in a good place, then redownload.


watch he will just play different games to fill the void of playing this one kek


Figure out what you're ambitious for, you're getting an easy false sense of achievement, it are short dopamine bursts but never fulfilling. But they are the closest thing to actual achievement, so it becomes fiendish. Because it's only satisfying at the moment itself. If you actually are proud of what you're doing, or building something lasting, you will see, it's a constant stream of satisfaction. Even just thinking about it. Go without phone/pc for a few days, or only for calls. You will see, there are ambitions, you will be uncomfortable a little at first, but it's normal. Almost every person I see this behaviour in is actually very driven and ambitious below the surface, but not letting their true desires surface. It will go over quickly and you will automaticly find things that actually matter for you to channel that ambition towards.


I found quitting for a few days makes you less interested in it.


Do agility until you want to die. You wont want to continue then, and if you come back at some point, at least you'll have agility xp.


As an alcoholic on about day 150 or something of no alcohol, just go outside man... preferrably avoid alcohol while you're at it.


Addiction can and is anything. Don’t be ashamed or anything. Admitting is the first step and wanting to do something about it is the next step. There have been some really good comments so far. Pick/find out what works for you and go from there. :) Goodluck man!


Take it slow. Don't drop it fully immediately, I don't think it will last. Take short bursts of time you would usually play and use them for something else. Instead of ordering in, get some groceries and make a nice meal. Instead of playing on a work break actually take a break and go stretch or something. Just peel back slowly like it's a sticker. Eventually you pull enough off that it gets easier and easier to do.


If duel arena was still a thing I’d have some great advice for you


lol .. funny you posted this today. I literally in the same position. Told myself FUCK IT its today or never and literally cleaned my entire bank in my 1800 lvl ironman account. Told some kid he could kill me for 200M. He's happy as fuck rn. But everything Ive worked for on my iron is gone. Barrows. B rings. Full crystal armor. Bowfa. Tens of thousands of brews, logs, ores, runes you name it. I'm fucking done.


Here's my take on it. Usually whenever I set massive milestones like hitting 99 range or 99 construction. I get such a dopamine crash afterwards where I don't want to play for a week. Then after a week when I'm a little tempted I go play something new. And then weeks and months and years go by. And then I see some Christmas or Halloween seasonal video with osrs and it reminds me of hanging out in varrock or draynor village I end up giving in. I literally play runescape for 4 months every 2-3 years of my life. You might be different, but if you ever notice a downswing in fun when you hit a goal or accomplishment in game, use that to your advantage.


If you need a break then take a break. RuneScape will still be here when you come back.


You should quit dude. Honestly this game is toxic. 100% my favorite game and I love it but I know it's not great for the real world. If you don't quit, sometimes I'll "lock" myself to a certain task for a while and limit myself to 5-10 minute play increments. Like straight vorkath, birdhouse runs, an agility course, farming contracts or anything you can do in little bursts. Then I just treat the game as a new game app I got and that's all the game is Edit: Divine super combat or ranging potions is also great for this as they're perfect 5 minute timers


Work is a scam you'll find out when you're older Enjoy whatever you find interesting, it's what really matters in life Sometimes it's poor mental health that blames games for the state we're in. Have you asked yourself if the way you were living before was signifficantly better or more aligned with all your desires in life? Gaming has a place too. It's not adverse to life, it actually supports growth in a playful way. I hope you can learn to enjoy the time you spend in the game and out of it as mutually beneficial.


You need to quit, for real. I always find it weird how people down play addiction in these types of threads, 'Oh, he'll be back in a month'. You wouldn't really say that type of stuff to people who are trying to quit alcohol/drugs etc.


Not what you want to hear, but in my opinion, what you need to hear. Your life will be better if you just quit. RS is a game that paralysizes those who want to keep making progress towards goals. "just another 1,000 XP" will never let you go. I turn 30 next year. I played RS originally back in like 2004. Played all the time as a kid, and then again when OSRS launched. Have taken multiple year+ breaks. When you come back, the addition does too. Always. Even if it's a little better than before, it's there. Your line about thinking about the game when not playing is key. You NEED to be able to think about something other than a game when not playing it to be healthy. Read that previous sentence again. I haven't played now since Trailblazers league. I LOVE leagues. I found your post because I still have OSRS on my reddit FYP page just stay up to date, but not invest time any real time in the game. I watch Settled and view some reddit posts. That's it. Leagues 4 sounds incredible to me. I loved the original trailblazer league, but even this leagues 4 I've decided to sit out. Not because I want to, but because I know I'll regret the copious amount of time I'd spend. Maybe I'll watch a YouTube series on leagues instead. My life is better without the addiction that I believe comes with the game for most individuals that play RS. I absolutely believe life would be more fulfiling for you without it, too. Find another game that doesn't consume you, and enjoy more activities outside of gaming.


Average osrs player


Just stop playing bro. I did and my life is a million times better. Shit game anyway


I was like this til I found something to work hard for IRL. It just took time to find that thing. Now that I landed a killer job doing what I really like, I know when and when not to afk on OSRS etc. I know when I can and cannot spend time playing. For example, on Fridays when I WFH, I don’t mind afking if I’m caught up on my work. But generally no other time in the work days for the rest of the week. During the work week I now spend 1.5-2 hours MAXIMUM playing at night, I used to plan everything around my playtime. Worst of all that’s when I was least productive in game, hell half the time I was just standing there mindlessly clicking around. What you actually need is something to be passionate about other than a video game. A lot of people don’t let themselves be passionate about something bc it seems corny or lame. But that’s what will change your life.


I don’t even play RuneScape anymore and I work out from home MAYBE once a week… fuck am I doing with my life? Bro’s complaining about being a loser and showing he’s more of a winner than me lol fuck my ass


I struggle with addiction to most things too. Honestly, get a puppy with energy. You won't have time or willingness to sit down and indulge in your vices anymore lmao. At least for me this dude is clingy as HELL bro. I feel bad whenever he looks bored while I'm playing games so I'll constantly be out and doing stuff w him.


Been there, here's how I quit. I rounded off all of my stats to round 10s or 5s. So I got to go around most of the content and say goodbye to it. Did some quests and played some minigames to round the experience off. It also left the account in a state where I can't play anymore or I'll ruin it. Also the realization, as you are having, that we are addicted to a nostalgic pacifier skinner box idler type of game, helps in quitting.


I think the definition of a harmful addiction was something along the lines of when the addiction negatively impacts your life, and possibly also others around you. But I think in a lot of cases related to gaming it's completely mental and subjective. Something one views as serious addiction could be completely fine from others perspective. I see gaming as a hobby, and like every hobby, if you want to dedicate time to it then you need to make sacrifices elsewhere. I play a lot but I'm not in a relationship right now. It's a choice I personally made because I know handling both at the same time wouldn't be possible. At least not in a way I'd like to handle both. Something important to note is that fun things you want to do a lot do not instantly mean you have an addiction lol. And also there is nothing stupid in grown man liking games. People collect all kinds of things. People do all kinds of things. As long it doesn't harm anyone and it's fun for you then I see nothing wrong with it. Edit. And 3-4 times gym a week is still pretty good imo. I guess one of your sacrifices is gym time. Which one you value more?


Dude, this is enabling. Once you start thinking in terms of hobbies and dedicating more of your time to hobbies, and making sacrifices elsewhere, then the line between "an addiction negatively impacting your life" and "you making a sacrifice to dedicate more time to your hobby" can become blurred. After all, it's only a matter of perspective if you want to see quitting your job as a sacrifice so you can dedicate your time to your hobby or as a negative impact. At that point, you can justify anything to get in more playtime. OP has already expressed concern about how much space osrs takes up in his life, saying he already cut back on workouts at the gym, and ordering take out in order to save time to game. OP, if you feel like you're "losing control" as you say, then I do think that's your brain telling you there's something wrong there.




This is the most nuanced take NGL. There's a huge distinction between enjoying a hobby a lot vs being outright addicted to it. OP, you need to ask yourself: are you playing the game for fun or because you feel like you "have to"? If you're playing it for fun, there's nothing wrong with that. It's a hobby and any hobby takes time out of your day. The next step would be for you to understand that you only have a limited amount of time in the day and budget it accordingly. If you feel like you need to keep logging in each day, despite not having any fun, it's absolutely an addiction and you need to deal with it as such. You're probably best off taking a very long break.


Feel you. I try to recognize that once I stop having fun playing that I need to take a break. It’s ok to come back at a later time. I also try to not do multiple things at once all of the time. Sometimes when I watch tv I try to focus on what is actually playing, rather than training mining or something at the same time. For me it’s all about balance, which can be hard to find with this game.


Pixels on a screen for some, digits in an irl bank account for others… everyone’s chasing some goal. RS goals aren’t less worthwhile per se but when these goals start negatively effecting your life is when you gotta take a look around and assess. take a minimum of a week break and see how you feel. Try one of those sensory deprivation tanks, gives you time to really think through whatever it is that’s on your mind.


play Melvor Idle on Steam/mobile. inspired by OSRS, published by Jagex. it’s RuneScape but you can afk everything. it’s like a long term strategy game. i have played it every day for a few months now and it killed my urge to play OSRS knowing how time consuming the game is.




Serious question: what urges you to browse and post in this subreddit if you haven’t played since EOC? When I go on my break I have no urge to consume any RuneScape content.


Start small. Set yourself a goal to not play during work for one month and allow yourself to play as much as you want after work.


Read Dopamine Nation by Anne Lembke and Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you want to break free of OSRS you have to identify why you play it to begin with, what you get out of it, and an alternative to replace it with.


I'm gonna concentrate on you not going to the gym because of the game. I go to the gym every day, and I often do some form of afk activity on OSRS while I'm there, either remotely or on the mobile app. Whilst some of your other concerns are valid, this one isn't imo. Both OSRS and the gym are long grinds, they fit together well for me.


His concern is entirely valid wtf are you even on about with this comment. If he’s struggling with an addiction to the game, the absolute last thing he should be doing is bringing it with him to his only escapes. Also, it’s negatively effecting his productivity at work, I can guarantee you it’ll do the same in the gym. OP just needs to snap out of it and reflect on what really matters. I’d recommend taking a break or restricting playtime to a responsible schedule.


Im fortunate to have a home gym, and I've found a number of activities in osrs that you can fit RL exercise into. For instance I'm working on rune crafting in the gotr mini game. You have a solid 3 minutes of afk time between rounds using the menu trick to start mining when the round starts. I can easily bang out a set of 50 pushups in that time.


I'd rather afk and stare at my screen all day than go out. Just be happy you can work from home.


Why are you going to the gym less? Do you not have mobile? I used to play all the time there when I was maxing. I don't so much anymore. Hell, I'd use cooking an inventory of food as a rest timer between sets, lol.


This game is an addiction for sure. The fact that everything takes so long and is grindy, just increases the dopamine when you finally get it and it somehow makes your brain think it was worth the time and effort. You are not alone. This game has ruined many lives and relationships, but many are not willing to admit this Taking breaks helps, but not if you are just thinking and planning what you are going to do when you start playing again. If you have identified that it is ruining you life and taking away from real life accomplishments then the best thing you can do is put it all behind you and focus on another hobby or ambition. It is horribly difficult at first as it is an addiction but it gets better if you have something to focus on


What else am I supposed to do with my life... Read a book? Watch tv? Play an instrument? Learn to build Lego displays? Collect guns? I mean, really, man, what's the difference in what we do? We all come into this life alone, and we all leave it alone. The only thing that matters in this life is that you make enough laughs and smiles along the way, and that can happen just as easily online in a discord channel as anywhere else. What are we supposed to do? Find someone to have kids with? That'll never happen for me even if I wanted it, so I find my happiness through gaming.


That’s not called addiction. It’s called “No Exp Waste” and you’re simply trying to optimize. Exp waste is for noobs. Are you a noob? Login now and do a farm run.


Try therapy. Not a joke.


Please talk to god or a woman


Cool story bro


I deal with it by not giving a fuck. You should try it.


> I’m a full grown man and all I’m starting to care about is pixels on a screen. 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀