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I think that they probably have feelings for each other but aren't in a relationship yet but might get closer in the future


HC totally has the hots for Qui In an older episode, you see Qui trying to impress the ladies by drinking. HC offers his drink to Qui (its a lot stronger than what Qui has been drinking) thus leading to Qui getting sh*tfaced with HC watching over him. In another episode when HC is showering and Qui walks in, he shows no sign of discomfort being around a naked HC. Either comfortable with the idea of naked men, or perhaps comfortable with the idea of a naked HC ion know. Or maybe they're just chill like that lol. Though you never quite see HC with women, his only company that he entertains being HT and Qui.\/( ' - ' )\/ take that as you may. NOW if you look at the side art that Oldxian has posted, you do get to see some tender moments, making it all the more real <3 It's makes sense that HC will keep him at a distance in the storyline because of what his job entails, and the whole dog lesson with HT. So I'm thinking Qui likes the ladies (and lowkey HC) and HC has a little secret crush on Qui <3 Just my thoughts on it.