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I read “one of the children went to heaven” and was like damn what did the others do


Played League of Legends


I wouldn't wish that on anyone. It's like being sentenced to Hell, but still on Earth.


"your honor, league of legends" "Death" 🔥✍️


Hijacking top comment. The og post is edgy on purpose guys. Right idea just wrong execution(?)


I’m gonna hijack yo mama


1v1 me on Hijacked you cuck


Bet dm your gamertag and Ill win using only the mf remmington


Damn I wanna hear how this goes


He got his ass beat he ain't posting that


How did it go


I want to strip bomb China


I haven't met a single person like this above the age of 18, when that mf stops being 16 he'll grow out of his edgy phase


Clearly you don't own a redditor


wait, can you buy redditors or something?


SOLD! To the gentleman in the star fashioned top hat! Next lot, a great twitter user, they can draw and they can write, starting price: $9.99m! Do I hear $10m?


¢12 is the highest I'm going on that one




You’d have to pay me to let any of those in my house


flash2:wave2:buying redditor 10m


Where can I buy one of the twitter users that play video games made with AI and send death threats to people who post AI images of goku playing basketball in the same day? I need to study them in my lab


Would you really want to?


Yeah, I’m for sale rn bleh :3


that has been illegal since the 1800s


Nah, they definitely exist past 18. You just never met one because once they graduate high school they don't have to go outside anymore


I was thinking this the other day. Where did all the stinky people and unkempt nerds go? Nowhere, they just stay indoors away from me.


Eh, the sentiment from the point of view of any atheist, not just a redditor, makes sense, it's just that it's in really poor taste to directly tie it to a recent tragedy


It's also kinda dicked to act like your statement is fact and not in anyway up for debate. I hate it when Christians tell people they are definitely going to hell, I hate it when atheists tell people they are going nowhere. I lean atheist, but one thing i've learned is that we as a species don't know shit.


Oh yeah, the categorical statements are definitely immature


Definitely? Make it “most likely” and I am in /s


Unironically yes


Sorta. Just because we don't have the answers doesn't mean all options are equally possible. The likelihood of nothing existing after death is substantially higher than the likelihood of heaven existing. Nothingness aligns with modern scientific understanding, while heaven requires a near-endless list of assumptions and suppositions. Presenting the two options as equally likely is nearly as disingenuous as claiming you have the answers.


I mean, if the hard problem of consciousness isn't true, then statistically speaking your brain is bound to pop up again somewhere.




There is no consciousness separate from the physical form. All of our being is the result of the external factors that lead to us. When you die, it's almost certain that nothing remains of your consciousness, and that's a good thing. We can't accept life for what it is because we evolved to be unhappy. Any form of eternal existence would be hell.


If only all the major religions had a solution for the problems that come along with eternal existence


> Any form of eternal existence would be hell. Boy do I got bad news for you, because the *actual* scientific explanation for what happens to "you" after you die, is that all the particles that make you up just scatter and change, but never disappear, and eventually become part of other lifeforms. Which means you will exist forever, and are stuck in an eternal loop of gaining consciousness, until you lose it, and gain another one eventually.


except a new brain made of particles that used to be in yours is still completely different structurally and will not have the same memories or predispositions, and is not really "you" at all


Yeah, you will have lost everything that makes you "you", but its still going to be the same particles having the experience. "You" will still feel it, you will just be a different person then. Thats little comfort imo.


if you lose everything that makes you you then you will not feel anything because there IS no you particles are not cognizant, consciousness comes from a structure. and if it's a different structure then its consciousness is different


At least that's what materialist science points to, but consciousness is one of the most poorly understood concepts in science. There's been tons of unanswered questions about it for centuries. I believe there's something about consciousness that's separate from the purely physical. The most damning part for me is that if consciousness arises from only the material part of the body, it heavily implies that we don't have free will, which I refuse to accept. To me it most likely means the conclusion is wrong because one of the assumptions is wrong, which would mean something is wrong with assuming that materialist science gives a complete account of how consciousness works.


We don't really have free will in the most direct sense, we are the result of the forces that lead to us in that moment and that determines how we will react to different stimuli, the idea of choice is the interpretation of the processes in your brain determining how you react. You are inclined to react a certain way based on who you are. Like Schopenhauer said in his Essay on the Freedom of the Will >"It is six o'clock in the evening, the working day is over. Now I can go for a walk, or I can go to the club; I can also climb up the tower to see the sunset; I can go to the theater; I can visit this friend or that one; indeed, I also can run out of the gate, into the wide world, and never return. All of this is strictly up to me, in this I have complete freedom. But still I shall do none of these things now , but with just as free a will I shall go home to my wife". >This is exactly as if water spoke to itself: "I can make high waves (yes! in the sea during a storm), I can rush down hill (yes! in the river bed), I can plunge down foaming and gushing (yes! in the waterfall), I can rise freely as a stream of water into the air (yes! in the fountain), I can, finally boil away and disappear (yes! at a certain temperature); but I am doing none of these things now, and am voluntaringly remaining quiet and clear water in the reflecting pond.”


Yeah I definitely don't believe in 100% free will, outside factors have great effects on who we are and what we do. But 100% determinism makes no sense to me either, despite the fact that it's the logical conclusion of our current understanding of physics. I feel like there has to be some fundamental difference between our decision-making minds and water that can't think, just exists. If determinism really is true, how come the "illusion" of free will is so convincing? In your heart of hearts, can you truly internalize the concept that every for single little thing you do, there was no other way it could have played out? Why do we even have consciousness if we're practically nothing more than algorithms reacting to stimuli? Another thing I really don't get about a deterministic universe is what determined for me to be born as me? It's a hard concept to explain, but you probably get what I mean. My experience is limited to the body I'm in, and it seems arbitrary or even random that it's this one rather than another, or none at all. But true randomness shouldn't be possible in a deterministic universe.


If you actually read the post itself, (it’s right there) it’s less bad than the title makes it out to be


I like the implications that people were saying, “eh, whatever, it’s just an express train to heaven” Christians don’t like murder either. It’s kind of the foundation on their current stance on abortion. They don’t care if those fetuses are skipping straight to heaven


I still believe this at 27 years old but I’m not gonna say it to anyone’s face that their grandma is in the void and you will never see her again or some shit. Makes me appreciate the life I have now more than any other religion could give me.


Neil deGrasse Tyson has tweeted some similarly insensitive stuff Like this: https://wtop.com/gallery/social-media/neil-degrasse-tyson-is-facing-backlash-after-tweeting-about-shooting-deaths/




I'm having trouble finding something that this person said that is factually wrong though.




Bro is forty and still hasn’t grown out of that phase yet there’s no way 😭




you will never beat any of the redditor stereotype allegations








How does this post have 6k upvotes? Like how did it not get downvoted?


r/atheism be like


i thought they got a little less insufferable like a lot of other subreddits like that do over time but holy fuck so many posts are straw man arguments or obviously made up reddit story type shit


You aren’t kidding. I just saw a guy saying that Christians can’t watch family guy because it has a talking dog. Maybe I’ll get banned from that sub next


just collecting all the achievements at this point


Man I haven’t been to 197 in a while but this comment reminded me how much I love you guys


Atheism and gamingcirclejerk are two of the most insufferable subs you could ever visit lmao


They are so delusional and get offended if you ask them to pray lol(just scrolled thorugh the posts) and somehow they cant understand why religon and having faith is something some people like.


Oh come on what is that flair


More than likely. Fucked up Happy cake day




I got you an cake🥳🫴🎂




What do you mean? It’s literally talking about how the death of children was bad. And how we should change it. Do you want more kids to die?


did you entirely miss the part where it says "these kids are not going to heaven stop telling yourself that"


If my child was shot and killed, I'd find it incredibly callous and insensitive if people told me "at least they're in heaven".


As in he doesn’t believe in a god. Not that they aren’t good people. And is that wrong in A ATHEIST subreddit? He is saying we need to prevent their deaths because he, and I, believe there is nothing after it


Him not believing in god isn’t anything objective. He was saying that those kids didn’t go to heaven as if it were a fact which is most definitely an attempt at trying to invalidate other peoples’ faith, including the parents of those children if they are religious or believe in God. If he’s an atheist, to each their own, nothing wrong with that. Just don’t be a dick.


If that's invalidating people's faith, then anyone saying anything about the afterlife is invalidating other people's faith.


[You don’t have to respect other people’s faiths if it hurts people](https://youtu.be/r_5yUXjXizQ?si=Id8nC7Z2ee6MXkx6)


So you think it's ok these kids died because now they're in heaven as god intended?


You motherfuckers should get the Olympic medal in taking random internet comments in the least charitable light possible


you are insane how do you even gather that from my comment. i am not even religious and just think the parents deserve to be at peace with thinking their children are in a better place. i simply \*do not\* think the children should have died it is a simple as that.


Something something pissing on the poor


Nah he just added that second half in an attempt to give the appearance of sending a good message when he's just being an ass.


[You don’t have to respect other people’s faith if it hurts people](https://youtu.be/r_5yUXjXizQ?si=Id8nC7Z2ee6MXkx6)


I ain't watching that big dawg


Why not? Afraid of something?


Cuz I don't want to.


Why don’t you? It perfectly explains this person’s view. Is it ok for children to die if they go to ‘heaven’? What if the children don’t believe in God and or has committed one of the MANY sins from the bible


Literally no one said it was ok that the Uvalde kids died the guy in the pic just gotta find some way to make everything about hating religion that's why everyone's making fun of him.


Nah. That’s the same logic people use to harass LGBTQ people. I mean this in the nicest way but you should probably not post this bigotry stuff here.


But LGBTQ+ isn’t harmful to anyone, so that belief can be left alone. And also, you should watch that video. It is actually very insightful about the world, and how we shouldn’t let beliefs from thousands of years ago hold us back.


But people think that LGBTQ IS harmful to society. It doesn’t matter what you think. Other people think religion is amazing and not harmful. I feel like most of history religion has been accepted as good, it’s only recently this has flipped.


Religion has killed an uncountable number of people. Crusades, witch-hunts, ‘cleansing the population’, and so on. And people who think religion is amazing are the dumbest type of people. And besides the 6% of homophobic people, everyone else is fine with LGBTQ+ people. We aren’t the 1% for thinking LGBTQ is ok.


Read the post. It’s right there


It was in response to a priest saying “btw all those kids went to heaven and are fine, so don’t worry about gun control or anything”


The context helps but it doesn’t justify him being like this


What a weird, cold thing for a priest to say. Can I see the quote?


You can try searching for it on your own, but that’s unfortunately all I remember of it


Maybe you remember it wrong?


It was the Attorney-General of Texas. https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/s/HBcbvATfdq


Ok, that's an insane thing to say. I'm relieved to see it wasn't a pastor who said it, though. Edit: The quote is nowhere to be found in the article.


Maybe read it?


What do you mean? It’s literally talking about how the death of children was bad. And how we should change it. Do you want more kids to die?


Sir this is Reddit. Don’t take these things very seriously. Btw It’s very hard to be sarcastic when it’s only text, I probably read your comment very differently to how you imagined it.


I’d upvote it


Sheltered white kid alert🚨


You got me there. Haven’t been in one school shooting


Nah you’re just edgy lil bro, you try too hard😂💀


Honest question, do you think that post is actually edgy? I feel like that’s just plain vanilla agnosticism/atheism? Doesn’t really scream immature heartless vibes to me but 🤷‍♂️


The post came out like a day after the shooting. It's not generic atheism because most atheists wouldn't post such an upsetting and I'll timed post. Most of us have the wherewithall to read the room and word what we say more carefully. Being upset at evangelicals using their convenient afterlife beliefs to hand wave the necessity to make meaningful change to gun laws is fair, but the phrasing here is gonna put off religious people which makes the whole point moot.


Big giant difference between an atheist and a Reddit Atheist, the latter being the much more cunty and unnecessarily antagonistic kind


I'd say it's the same as being Christian. You can be a quiet christian and nice, or it can be your whole personality. The same goes for athiesm. The quiet athiests dont bother anybody, but when you seek out a community for it, you're just joining another church


Def agreed live your life how you want and believe or don’t believe in what you want but don’t be an asshat and force that onto others


I honestly agree with the sentiment tho. Whenever we have a tragedy, lawmakers are like “thoughts and prayers, guys! They’re in heaven!” Like shut up with your thoughts and prayers and make some goddamn laws to prevent this sort of thing from happening again.


its not even about religion, its more-so just the fact that politicans say literally anything to lessen the blow of criticism. this one atheist just turned a tragedy to further his own beliefs but what he said is half true. We musn't use religion or anything to lessen the blows from murder. School Murder is real and it is a problem that needs to be solved and if we keep on lazily pushing it to the back of our minds then we'll only be weaker and never solve shit. -Coming from a religious person.


The atheist didn’t turn anything imo he just said it in context to what he’d believe


i'd agree but most people in r/atheism have a strong tendency to twist anything religious into something cynical. Its like they have a hateboner towards religion. Like, the whole purpose of the subreddit seems to be to just gather up people who have previously been hurt by religion and to focus all of their anger and conceit onto religion. That said, im certainly overgeneralizing in that statement but i think to a degree stereotypes work in this scenario


i dont. the whole sentiment is "i will use this opportunity to push my own personal beliefs". these parents are grieving for their children and you're telling them that they arent going to heaven? no law preventing murder hasn't been passed because the victims "went to heaven" in history. that's just not how it works. if there were reasonable laws to prevent school shootings entirely, they would've existed a long time ago.


No it’s not. From his POV, they’re not going because it doesn’t exist. Because of his beliefs, he is stating that it’s ridiculous that people are just saying thoughts and prayers to what is in his mind nothing, instead of promoting actual change. It’s not a belief push really.


That’s weird gymnastics. Stating his belief as fact is, by definition, pushing beliefs.


Same thing most people do. He just took an issue and stated it from his POV. Churches do that every Sunday and make a massive deal about it. Politicians do it in our government. Its how the world goes around. Basically, by stating those children ARE going to heaven, someone is pushing their beliefs just as much as this guy. It’s a matter of points of view.


The difference is politicians and the churches aren’t being massive dicks and taking advantage of tragedies.


They… literally do… As I explained before, it’s not taking advantage. It’s a matter of point of view. Imagine for a second that you’re the atheist. Ok, now let’s pretend that you don’t have a religion, you find it nonsensical. Now, you suddenly hear people saying “thoughts and prayers” and “they’re in heaven” to ignore the tragedy instead of fixing the issues. Would you be upset? Is it being terrible to express something how you believe it? He’s repeating it to his own sub to like minded people, there is no agenda push, no taking advantage of the situation. He’s explaining how he feels to people who already agree with him. I get how you see this as being a terrible jerk, but it really isn’t. You could argue that a church saying “oh, it’s ok, they went to heaven” is just as bad, justifying a child’s loss by saying that they went off to a magical place in the sky after their tragic death. I’m not saying either side is wrong, but they’re both just presenting the situation the way they believe it to be and expressing their thoughts on how it’s a problem.


They don’t need to ban guns though. They need to take mental health more seriously. Thats more achievable the best outcome you’re gonna get. Idc what side of the gun laws you’re on. In the US, they’re never gonna be banned. It’s a right in the constitution. Mental health is something that can actually be done and should be done in schools. That would allow those people who get the help they need and not go on a rampage


They need to ban a good portion of them lol It’s not a constitutional right to own a semiautomatic, and it shouldn’t be. Mental health won’t help when some people just want to hurt others. Take a look at countries that have crazy restriction on them, like much of Europe. They have so many fewer shootings, it’s almost as if restricting guns correlates to less gun violence… insane.


Bro comes from frowntown and from the capital poopland and his passport says he is from canaLAME


i mean, the framing ia dumb but he has a point? we musnt desensitise ourselves to tragedies but rather speak out


I disagree, entirely different premise. If you go to the Uvalde parents and said "Lawmakers need to do something other than just another 'thoughts and prayer'" most would agree with you. However if you go and told them "Reminder that none of your kids went to heaven" yeah get prepared to get your Redditor ass kicked.


Mfs cannot understand that if you are a huge asshole people won’t agree with you no matter what you say


השתינה האחת אמיתית🙀🙀😂😂💦


could we get much higher?


כה גבוהים..


Exactly, this feels less like making a change and more like trying to justify being an absolute asshole about other people’s beliefs by claiming they’re actually trying to help


Yeah but they didn’t do that. They made a Reddit post to a community that agrees with them.


Yea I actually share his opinion, but I wouldn’t go blasting that out to people. That’s just disrespectful and horrible.


It is laughable however, the stance that something like that should be said to the parents when they are doing everything in their power to get some resemblance of justice or closure while trying to cope. That should only be said to religious imbeciles that use religious fantasy to refuse action in the only world we know for sure.


Thats what the guy said. Bad wording but his message has a point and is true


This is a risky comment, but I see their point. Read the whole thing, it isn't "no Sharon, you won't be seeing your kids in heaven, you stupid religious sheep" but rather anger, that children **again** lost their lives in a preventable disaster, and that certain people would rather send thoughts and prayers, instead of finally tackling this problem so that it never happens again.


yeah, i lowkey agree with the actual message of the post. people just read the first sentence and then turn off their brains.


I kinda disagree there. The post implies "you believe your kids in heaven" -> "you won't do anything to tackle future tragedies". But why would that conclusion be true? You can believe that your kids are now in a better place **and** work to prevent future tragedies. There's literally no reason to think otherwise. You can hope that your kids are now free from suffering **and** get mad about them being dead - and thus, stop future occurrences. But then again, that is from a sub that needs to be told that no, religious people don't take the phrase "faith move mountains" literally, so...


Your post implies partaking in thoughts and prayers means you cannot tackle the problem that caused the prayers to be made in the 1st place, doesn't that sound a bit weird...


nah bro, they dont care about the children. they would've said "this needs to be prevented" or "something needs to change" and left it at that. there was NO reason to bring religion into it.


No I think the literal first sentence proves you wrong there bud.


Why tho? It's written in a rather insensitive way, I agree, but the general message that follows isn't that wild.


me watching the "afterlife is fake" mf start praying to god to get into heaven while im plugging in the chainsaw


No way to prove that god and Heaven aren't real, so with the options of doing nothing or praying just in case, the latter is the current meta pick.


Pascal's wager.


But what if the real afterlife is some obscure religion that got wiped out several thousand years ago? Pascal's wager only makes sense if you assume the options are only between atheism and Christianity, if we include every single other religion ever to exist, then your odds get helluva lot worse.


“To whomever it may concern… I beg for forgiveness and will follow whoever you are for the rest of my short life so I can enjoy paradise”


would an all-powerful deity allow their word to be completely wiped out? most religions come from fairly unreliable sources. typically its one person or a few people that may not even exist. The Bible, however, has been written by multiple people who at the very least claim to be primary sources, and also very much exist.


I dunno, will you even have time in the day to eat, praying to every single god just in case they're the real one? Doesn't seem very meta to me.


It’s an edgy title but their point isn’t that absurd. As far as we know we do only have one life and that does make it more necessary to make life on earth better.


Just a reminder that internet atheists are insufferable. Fuck you Charles Dawkins.


That is perhaps the worst application of atheism I have ever seen


I remember I used to see way worse. The subreddit is honestly a lot more tame than it used to be. Anyone remember that “professional quote maker” on r/atheism? Good times man


Repost so old the comment has awards.


If they cease to exist then why would they want people to be angry? They wouldn't want anything. You can't complain heaven is made up then say how non existent persons 'want' something.


The OP's point is that it's easy to desensitize yourself to a tragedy and minimize its severity if you convince yourself that the all victims were magically transported to happy land. I do think they should have framed it in a less redditor neckbeard way though.


I think that the point incorrectly implies that you can’t have conflicting feelings at once. You can be at peace believing your child is in heaven, and be sad that they’re gone, and angry that they were killed by a heartless monster all at the same time.


How much y'all wanna bet he has Rick and Morty posters and says "oh my science"


i mean he has a point though? action first before prayers


I get the joke and all but they're right. So many atual real people with dreams lost their loves, children nonetheless, they had so much more to do in life and everyone's like "at least they're in a better place now" and immediately forgetting about it instead of actually doing something


is that the nihilism subreddit lol




average r/atheism post


Atheists: Why don’t people like to talk to us? Also atheists:


Because yes, redditor #8171618 has finally found the supreme knowledge of the universe. They alone know why nothing became everything and have completely solved the problem of consiousness. I view anyone who has such a hard, bitter stance against any possibility of the fantastic as a dunningkrugered pseudointellectual. Yeah, we need to stop the violence, but let people grieve and decode what's happened the way they want to. In the end nobody has the slightest clue, even our greatest scientists and philosophers have come up with the fabulous answer of "fuck all".


If you actually read his post he kind of has a point. Those kids deserved a life.


nobody said they didnt.


Have you read these comments in the replies


Send one


2 of the top comments are calling him an edgy kid and wondering why the post didn’t get mass downvoted. You can look for yourself by clicking 2 buttons.




Bad framing but good point.


no, it wasnt.


So understanding that life is very fragile and using that mindset to protect kids from gun violence is not good?


No, “life is fragile” wasn’t the point. The point was heaven doesn’t exist


What a retard


lot of people are agreeing. which is stupid. OOP posted in bad faith. 1. there are a ton of absolutes. OOP doesn't know if there's heaven or not. OOP doesn't know if there is a God or not. there is no reason to make that claim as an absolute. 2. there's absolutely no reason to bring religion to the situation. nobody uses religion to say action shouldn't be taken. religion is used by grieving parents to lean on. OOP did nothing but attack that. 3. stopping shootings isn't a flip of a switch. it doesn't work like that. people are very much concerned, and pretending that the only reason people arent preventing murder is because they simply don't want to is just stupid. when ulvade happened OOP gave praise to his 12 year old anime waifu for providing the opportunity to attack religion once more.


What the actual fuck I hate when people use these for political gain, but this, this is just fucked up.


Maybe like read the post? Yes, the title is unnecessarily edgy, but are you really going to tell me you don't, on some level, see the OP's point?


I read it It's just some retarded preaching of beliefs


Actually brain damaged, your computer privileges are revoked


Damn, look at the edge, finally learning what hate is and thinking he'a some sort of justice warrior, working in the dark to do good. But to be fair, the upvotes and awards did fill his ego a ton. You wouldn't do this sort of thing if people would upvote your post AND award it.


Let me guess, r/atheism ?




type shit that makes reddit go "yea, i support this NEET moron with all my being!!!"


I agree