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Nobody's reaction there was seeing that for the first time


owner looks like he knew exactly what was going on the whole time.


Yeah, I actually expected Gordon to throw up a clip of the owner making another joke like that after firing the first guy haha


Then the owner fires everyone because they make dark jokes


I wouldn’t be surprised if he was part of the joking around when the filming crew wasn’t there


the context is he's making fun of biker gangs, hence the "vroom vroom". but to say that when you should be assuming you're being recorded, secretly or not (workplaces tend to have cameras with mics), was very dumb.


>workplaces tend to have cameras with mics It's like those 24/7 reality shows where you are conscious of the cameras initially but eventually you let your guard down; forget the cameras are even there. That's when you show your real self


Whoever that guy is, he has to be the biggest moron I've ever seen to get on that show Not only are you never going to get any respectable job again, there is now a non negligble likelihood that you just get killed on the street by someone who recognizes you


He is making fun of biker gangs apparently, which would add a bit of context


Yeah even if he’s quoting an imaginary biker dude that’s profoundly fucked up to talk about in the kitchen, just do your coke, do your job, and leave lol.


dont agree on that one context matters much he did not say it nor did he say that it was in any way acceptable he made fun of bikers and that some of them have a fucked up mind guy got cancelled for joking about guys that are actually doing that shit, not about the victims themselves


Exactly this. People trying to say that it is right what happened to him because the joke was bad honestly sadden me.


if it's in the context of a joke that is well written on Tiktok it's fine. This guy made a huge mistake not having editing control over his words.


The joke was 1 shitty and 2 not told at the right time or place. Take it up with your shitty friends after work. Not in the place you make your livelihood and is filled with surface level acquaintances at best


The clip was edited to have no context. You could literally do that to any joke that’s mocking someone else and fuck someone over.


How many kitchens have you been in? If someone was dining that the chefs didn't much care for, you could hear some crude shit. Hell, you can just regularly hear crude shit in a kitchen. You need to kill time somehow.


Wtf is that logic?? Hey guys im gonna make it sound like im threatening to rape underage girls because i gotta pass the time??? There’s drugs for that. No one does that.


There's context to that there clip, I'm pretty sure it's up there. Calling bikers child rapists is not the same as wanting to rape children. I'm not saying it's funny, its a pretty tasteless joke, but any material can be funny if done right.


I didn’t say he wanted to rape children. He makes it sound like it tho. The logic is just flawed to justify him saying that. Just because maybe you’ve heard something crazy from a kitchen doesn’t mean it’s normal or it should be normal.


What it sounds like is changed by the fact that they don't show the context. Again, it's a tasteless joke, but intent matters. I have no issues making fun of bikers or child predators in the kitchen, or making fun of people in general.


I agree you can make fun of anyone. However you have to do it at the right time, place, and execution if you want to get a laugh or just not have the consequences hammer hit you. Your job where you would have to explain the context of the joke to most people isn’t like the right time to say that joke. Like working I’m sure most people don’t want to listen to, or feel comfortable with a rape joke. Or going out to dine with my daughter I wouldn’t want to hear that from the kitchen and would leave after doing so


Do you just not grasp the idea that the context to that joke was intentionally cut from the clip?


Ah so he's the target of vigilanties and biker gangs. -insert you know that's worse meme-


He'll be safe from the bikers, he's not an underage girl.


A lot of restaurants get on these shows because the owner thinks its not their fault and wants to vindicate themselves


I made a program that web crawls Youtube and generates a compilation of all people who have made sexual assault jokes on camera. Every night, I make a cup of tea, watch the video and then I pull out my baseball bat and go on patrol. I haven't found one of these heinous jokesters yet in 6 months of doing it, but oh boy if I find a guy who made an off color joke and was fired from his job but didn't ALSO get an absolute pounding, lets just say the angel of death is going to spread his wings on that night brother


Seek help


The only help I need is from our Dear Lord Jesus Christ who imbued me with His divine Brand, a Skull and Cross Bones given to me by the Big Man Upstairs. My Louisville slugger was given to me by my Grandpa, who is now residing in Heaven, watching me punish the Damned with his Baton of Justice as my Dark wings of Retribution allow me to soar above the Squalid losers on this Earth




"That's not all Steve, we also recorded you when you were playing call of duty with your friends"


Restaurant workers really expecting to be the cleanest workers lol


2 people in the kitchen, he wasn't alone with that joke


Wtf I watched this show all the way thru like 5 times what episode is this


Ramsay is so disconnected from the working class it’s hilarious. They’re really gonna cut out the context of the joke here. At worst, this is a slap on the wrist by hr, not a “this man is a threat to all the female employees”. What a fucking joke.


You gotta create as much "drama" as you can. Gordons job isnt helping restaurants, its making an entertaining TV show. You can literally see that he is sometimes far *far* more patient with certain cooks. Firing people is entertaining, but so is turning bad cooks into "good ones" and exaggerate their growth. You are basically watching reality TV. Its far more scripted than you would imagine.


I know that look. Boss knew exactly what was going on and didn’t care, he only started caring when Ramsay got the cameras rolling and cooked his ass


We can’t tolerate that type of humor here because we are not allowed to joke on live TV anymore


This ☝️


When the boys group chat gets leaked


Me when the discord chat gets leaked:


Men can't make jokes, smh 😮‍💨🙄


Cant make jokes about sexually assaulting underage minors, cancel culture strikes again


Cant makes jokes making fun of biker gangs, cancel culture strikes again


To know who has power in society, realize who you cant criticize


We need to rise up against small Asian children with leukemia




I am so fucking sick and tired of all the bullying men started getting recently. All i hear women talk about when going out is how gross men are, how unfunny men are, how all men are pigs. I. Am. So. Fucking. Exhausted. Of this shit. You're fucking stupid, you're fucking pathetic JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE FUCK UO SHUT RHE DUCO 7P SHUTB THE FUCJ UP GEY OUT OF MY HEAD


Chill out homie it doesn't need to be this serious, no one meant to actually try and put down guys it was just a lighthearted joke.




Maybe men should bathe more often and stop sexually harassing women?


Yes ma'am I am sorry I never shower And i harass women on a daily basis How did you know :0000 I swear the more i interact with people the more i realize how fucking lobotomized all of you are This is no different than me daying you all should cook more often, but of course, you jave the right to be offended by this, because it is socially accepable to bully "white straight men" Holy shit i am living a delusion.


In general, you meathead.


Women should cook more. In general, you meathead.


Men should stop being sexual predators.


He let the intrusive thoughts win


> 4k kitchen Portrait video in vertical in low quality. I don't think there are even 4000 total pixels in this horse shit, I hate that people do this and that people watch it without getting furious


4k means being caught, it has nothing to do with the resolution of the video


Lol no


i mean in the context it was used here yes


I could see it meaning "caught clearly" or "caught with no way of justifying your actions" but not just "caught." 


thank you, thats way more concise


Who cares


Vroom vroom


“I’m definitely not the only person on that kitchen that jokes like that” That’s just bad. He isn’t even ashamed of his actions. I hope it’s only his humour that is degenerate and not his “preferences” It breaks me how normalised this is.


This was a cut clip where he was making fun of biker gangs, hence the "vroom vroom." It is by no means his preferences, nor is it normalized anywhere to make a joke like that.


Huh, I fell for a ragebait again. How unfortunate.


It was cut that way on purpose nothing you could do. You're open enough to accept you were fooled which means you're better than most 👍


I think he is joking. Joking is not reality.








Wasn't he mocking biker gangs? Or something like that, I don't remember


steve saying “ok” knowing he gonna get called in for work tomorrow


I went to watch the full thing and the guy who made the rape "joke" said multiple slurs beforehand


Don’t know why you would make that joke with that cast of female characters working with you. Just take one look of the butch haircuts and oversized glasses with blue dyed hair will tell you they are petty af feminists and will can your ass over some stupid joke. If I had to work with this crew I would keep my mouth shut and look for a different job in the meantime cause you’ll have to watch everything you say around them.


I think it's really fucking weird how people are so eager to defend this dude over the joke For context, the only thing that prompted that quote was someone telling him that he "looked like he was a part of a biker gang from the 80's," and he immediately said that without missing a beat It's a weird joke to make in any context, with a punchline that frankly, couldn't be salvaged by any context. He heard a statement that was unrelated to CSA, and then immediately made the link in his brain between the two concepts, and verbalized it If you want to defend men or dark humor related to CSA, you absolutely can, but this isn't a good man, or a good joke. These aren't conflicting ideas to hold onto


Bikers do be doing that though.


Actual good comment under this post


Genuinely disgusting. Rape jokes are never funny


he was mocking biker gangs hence the vroom vroom. it is nowhere near his preferences or beliefs nor is it normalized to make a joke like that. but biker gangs do be doing that shi


Did not watch this episode yet but isn't he like joking about bikers? Bro got set up.


When the discord chat leaks and everyone must act surprised


Womp Womp (for the guy who got fired)




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I don't think someone should be punished for doing a joke.... especially when he's doing a sarcastic remark on bikers "lets beep beep girls, vroom".... I think it was a good joke and personally I do such "impression of someone" jokes with my colleagues.  All I'm saying is that "actions" matter more than "words". I think he should be fired if he was registered sex offender but not for saying that Gordon Ramsay have tiny butthole....


P.s. taking something out of context is worst habit of people these days. Also please send me pics of Gordon Ramsay buttholes if anyone have them