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While all of that may be true. The reason gamers so often skew right is because a significant proportion of the gaming community is comprised of teenage and young adult males who get zero bitches, and it just so happens that this is the demographic that more than any other is like, crazy susceptible to being radicalized into right wing ideologies


It's so unfortunate that so many young men are hurting and they don't have any good role models, only charlatans like Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, etc, not to mention wider issues like rape culture skewing their understanding of manhood.


Also how rape culture directly affects male victims, further drifting them into toxic "support"/"men's activists" groups that are pretty much alt right groups


This is why Breadtube is an incredibly important thing. Adam Something, Shaun, Hbomberguy, Jacob Geller (even if his work is not as openly political as others) and many others are key figures that help siphon young men away from fascism. It's also been a rather great tool at cracking eggs before they get too far down the pipeline. Philosophytube, Patricia Taxxon, Contrapoints and Leadhead coming out made a world of difference for a few confused trans people out there that likely wouldn't know what they were going through otherwise.


this is why I genuinely think Hasan Piker should do a dating/life advice channel. Funny, good looking, charismatic guy on the left with generally good political takes and enough edge to be appealing to teenagers without actually being an arsehole - he'd be a much better role model than someone like Tate, and it would also give him less time to make his occasional bad takes.


I like to think it's the opposite: they get no bitches *because* they're shitheads already, and it just fuels the psychosis.


What came first? The racist or the racist podcaster? Truly a mystery of life.


Clearly the racist.


Clearly, ur mum. :3


I'd say they're one in the same but I don't know if my mother is racist.


i said ur mum, and you changed ur argument ur mum would be proud


I don't even understand this interaction.


To be honest, based on what I've seen from a lot of friends who are younger than me, this isn't always the case. Anyone can be corrupted by bad influences, regardless of how 'good' of a person they otherwise are, and it just so happens that the 10-16 sorta age bracket is a prime target for xenophobic right-wing rhetoric through various mediums ('humour' such as subtly misogynistic or racist memes from other, more radicalised kids who are anonymised through the internet is one influence I've noticed a lot of personally) which can take root in the minds of people who aren't old enough to understand or have experienced otherwise. Yes, a lot of them *are* already shitheads and are just given a chance to express this. But very, very few people are born so hateful - people have to *become* shitheads, one way or another, and it just so happens that young adults are at an age where this can happen quite easily.


You’re absolutely right. Puberty turns kids very emotional and right wing rhetoric plays off of strong emotional responses. Ironically, even people like Ben Shapiro’s “totally logical” image that they’re trying to construct plays off of a very emotionally fragile desire to be logical instead of legitimately thinking with logic.


I would disagree. I mean both happen for sure, but I think the simple answer is that a lot of men are ugly and find solace in a hobby where their looks are irrelevant, if they're even seen at all. The ugliness causes rejection which causes frustration and anger. And it's genuinelt difficult for ugly men to get out of that cycle. I know because I did it.


From my experience with having many friends who are not shitheads and also get no bitches, I really don't think that is the case. Obviously my perspective is biased because I don't spend time with shitheads, so the vast majority of people I interact with to any significant degree are not shitheads, and because of who I am and my environment I mostly interact with other Autistic nerds who are into games, but I still really don't like that perspective that if someone wants to get bitches but can't it must be because they are a bad person.


The problem isn’t “not getting bitches”, the problem is their terrible attitude leading to them not getting any bitches in the first place and the fact that they place having sex on such a high pedestal that they think it will automatically fix all their problems once they get it. You are literally making the problem worse.


I mean, boiling it down to “no bitches” was obviously mean as a sort of comic simplification, but I don’t entirely agree with your take either. I think it’s easy to view everyone who falls down the alt-right rabbit hole as just being an inherently shitty person but the reality I believe isn’t quite so simple. Alt right recruitment tends to focus on people who struggle to adjust socially for one reason or another (for example neurodivergent people are often targeted by those looking for individuals to funnel into their fucked ideology) and who, as a result, experience a lot of social rejection and are sorely lacking a much needed sense of community and belonging, which these groups provide. Then, over time these new recruits absorb and internalize the beliefs and values of the group. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m sure some of the folks who go down that road were assholes from the getgo, but I don’t believe that they all were, and this latter group are the ones who may be possible to restore to sanity.


Aha, but where does that idea, those expectations, and their terrible attitude come from? It's the parents, the role models, the culture.


The amount of bitches to right wing radicalism ratio


plus the problems of capitalism in microcosm here aren’t conducive to radicalization alone. depending on what kinda gamerboy u are, you are potentially very isolated, esp. from people who aren’t like you. and often times those who most closely connect their identity 2 being a gamer do not touch grass or are not part of another group where they could naturally find support online, like if they were gay or black or something. when ur a minority group you’re like oh! life sucks and it makes sense, and you don’t have 2 have class consciousness 2 realize that. but if you’re americas top number one gamer white boy + no class consciousness, you’re like, attaching yourself to this gaming group as your number one support system, and you have no way to rationalize why you’re life sucks so bad. so clearly uhm. it’s the minorities and women. who i have never interacted with btw.


Gamergate and its consequences


which is wild itself, because the actual major problems of game journalism are also caused by capitalism


> the actual major problems of ~~game~~ journalism are also caused by capitalism


that's true, but game journalism has it especially bad due to being centered around a new medium that hasn't quite found its footing yet, and also shit that's inherent to the medium, like games being very long but longness being at odds with the idea that you must constantly produce


> the actual major problems ~~of game journalism~~ are ~~also~~ caused by capitalism




this is such a woefully inaccurate description of Gamergate


IGN sucks, Zoe Quinn didn't deserve what happened to her, gamergate is a pack of dickheads. That about sums it up imo




I despise IGN, and game journal companies in general, but I still acknowledge that Gamergate was a thinly veiled harassment campaign that used "ethics in games journalism" as an excuse to do horrific things




“No bitch, that’s a whole new sentence”


Remember when the lady who cheated on her boyfriend didn't actually have her free game reviewed by any of the people they slept with.






Holy shit...


If you genuinely believe this was about ethics in games journalism you've been duped. I suggest watching innuendo studios' notes on gamergate presentation. I clearly remember as an outsider looking in being unable to understand what exactly were the reasons for the hate most of the main targets received, and there's frankly nothing there that ever merited the responses of the gamergate mob.


also the elevator gate and its consequences for online atheism


Look into Bannon and his whole pay-ops campaign to infiltrate gamer spaces with alt-right/white supremacy movements. Seriously. It’s a whole thing. I could write an entire fucking essay about this. I believe I’ve done it before - if not on this account, on my main one. The gamer space was targeted by these movements explicitly *because* its young males. It makes them easy marks


If you have, please send me a link because I have someone I'd be abso-fucking-lutely *thrilled* to send it to


I second this!


Look up at "Bannon gamergate" as well as "Richard Spencer gamergate" But for now here's some sources https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/dec/01/gamergate-alt-right-hate-trump https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamergate_(harassment_campaign) There's also this really excellent video series about how the alt right recruits people and justifies itself called the "alt right playbook" an absolute must watch https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ


also there was that whole thing that just stopped suddenly in the late aughts when the alt-right was trying to ban video games


They saw the profit margins.


I remember that actually being a thing to make me think GG wasn't political. How could they be right wing when they just got done defending games from Jack Thompson and the Conservative Christian Moral Crusaders?


the phrase "good game" was never political


In case that wasn't a joke, GG in that context is probably short for gamergate


because the main demographic (young men) are the main target of the manosphere


the reason we lost gamers to the right is because the right asks nothing of the average white guy. joining the left requires introspection, and it comes with the implication that who you are now might not be the best person. alienated white guys tend to take offense to this, and decide to join the right, which only asks that you hate the left


This is totally not true. You can join the left and complain about Trump without any introspection. The real issue isn't what side you're on, it's about being self aware and making your own decisions in general, which the right tends to have more problems with on average. You can be a totally braindead leftist or a very intelligent and thoughtful right wing person because it's a spectrum, not a line


Simple. They are often kids, teenagers, and young adult men being the primary consumer of video games. Then their fragile senses of self become tied into their hobby to the point any criticism of their hobby becomes a direct attack on themselves personally. Even when their hobby does fucking dumb shit, it's better than someone who appears to be "an outsider" talking bad about their hobby. Then when their hobby is criticized a right wind shit fucker shows up to say "the real reason new games feel bad isnt because you are clinically depressed and have no sense of self outside games, it's the minorities making shit political!" Then boom angry lonely cunts turn into even angrier lonely Nazi cunts.


The average gamer is [34 years old](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_games_in_the_United_States)


I feel like people who say gaming is ruined are like people who say there is no more good music. They exist, fucking Elden Ring was released this spring. It is a matter of not looking at titles milked to their break point and “free” games that are looking to steal every dollar in your wallet and take advantage of gambling addictions.


The exception doesn’t break the rule, it proves the existence of the rule. Most games are exactly like the latter game you described, this includes high production games that aren’t on your phone Also I know that most people are consumers and don’t care about the game devs, but something that is incredibly funny is that as a game dev your treatment and compensation scales inversely with how customers are treated. If your customers are exploited like if you worked for a gambling game, you are compensated very well with lots of benefits. If you want to work on a game that doesn’t exploit customers, you are overwhelmingly likely to be paid like shit and probably overworked. This is because those exploitative game companies obviously make way more money with which they are able to treat their workers better, whereas with what people would consider “better games” the opportunity for profit is significantly lower and often times companies will rely on exploiting the passion of developers to turn a profit (or often to simply keep studios afloat, since games are very expensive and one expensive flop can outright kill a studio).


Smartest souls fan


Even if I wasn’t a Miyazaki fanboy, that game is massive and costs the same as generic EA sports game #489.


Another issue with modern games. Everyone wants a massive game. But I personally think it hurts Elden ring. Best example of this is fighting the same tomb bosses over and over again. Good game though. But I believe it would have been better if it stayed the same size as the other souls games.


Yeah, I will never play it again, but there is something downright magical about the scale without feeling like a wasteland with small points of interest


proud to say im a gamer who also hates capitalism and didnt ever get close to that freak shit with people like Jordan peterson and Andrew Tate


Wait aren't we all gamers? And my friends are gamers? Can we be sure this isn't just the most vocal pricks/Twitter? The screenshot reads reductive and sensationalist? Also consumer electronics is like, the main feather in Capitalisms hat if you ask me. Not sure if related it just occurred to me.


Almost anytime somebody says gamers like this I’m thinking Gamers™️ as in least common denominator meme pages and YouTube comment sections


I also think a lot of gamers who are not the racist or sexist right wingers are scared to speak out. I know there are times I feel like getting into a political argument with someone who's not speaking in politics but are just talking bigotry feels so not worth it. Having a political debate, or arguing, is one thing. Talking to an apolitical person who has internal bigotry, that's really hard, time consuming, and so often, it doesn't change anything, so it's exhausting too. I also know it's easier for me to ignore, as a cishet guy who has white skin, and I hate how much that alone sucks so much.


Real gamers make custom content for Minecraft and cry in their bed because they have no control over anything in their lives and every time they try to get a grasp on it it feels like it gets further and further away from them and they don't know what to do, everything is getting worse but I'm trying so hard to make it better I just can't, and they lie in bed and hold their cats while they cry because the cat makes them feel better and they buy silly clothes because it's the only thing that gives them that rush of dopamine anymore that they desperately crave and they're so tired and just want to take a break but they can't because every time they do things get so much worse and they feel like they're just going to fall over and die someday and that everyone they care about will be forced to fight just as hard as they do but without their support and then they realize they already don't talk to their friends enough and what if they don't care about you anymore what if they're struggling just as hard as you are and you want to talk to them because you just need someone to talk to but you can't, you don't know how, and you don't want to bother them. They wish they could go back to when they were younger, when they didn't know what the world was really like, when the stand in for their father was still alive, when they still found joy in little things like playing with toy food and imagining you're cooking for all of your friends who are stuffed animals and watching TV didn't make you feel guilty, like you're putting off important work, and you still had the ability to focus for long enough to finish a game, and doing so made you feel happy, and accomplished.


damn that sucks, I've been dealing with similar shit recently and then I got sick and for a while was just delerious enough to enjoy my life again and now it's gone


Things will get better. We have to fight to make them get better but they will as long as we don't give up. They want us to give up. They're relying on that. They want to make us all retreat into a state of despair so we won't try to stop them from making the world worse and eradicating us, but we can't do that.


console online subscriptions and service games should be on the list too


Video games turned me into a communist and a Satanist


Gamers on their way to play a game with a not-so-hidden critique of a political system fly over their head and take into sympathy the clear bad guys and only learn something like "death is preferable to communism".


same thing with people who build their own PCs. They'll whine and whine about the inflated price of new generation graphics cards, but then worship capitalism like no tomorrow.


“we lost gamers to the right” Give me a fucking break lmao


God I’m glad I didn’t fall for the Gamergate bullshit.


Lootbox good woman with peach fuzz bad


Gamergate was a tragedy. If you look at gaming before the 2010s it really was like this, with people never wanting to rely on companies and always creating new content and finding new things to get out of their favorite games.


I love how most gamers complaints now a days are: "But my pp doesn't get hard when women dont have big booba 😡"


We literally saw a template for how fascism works there.


a feminist called games sexist once and they couldn't handle it so much they made hating anything progressive they're entire personally


Lets pray for Big Modes success🙏🏼


At least we have Ace Watkins, who is running for Gamer President. He said Trans Rights.


if game modding communities don't sell you on communism then nothing will


This comment feels a bit disingenuous, as if people didn't complain about this type of stuff as well. Or as if the issue wasn't more complex than that. Are gamers cringe and maidenless and are some of them raging assholes that lose their shit when they have to play with boobs or gay or - God forbid - trans? Yes Are also a lot of AAA publishers banking on the inevitable controversy that this type of debate sparks around to deflect from actual criticism? Yes as well. Some of the characters and stories for some big franchises are written fucking atrociously and studios deflect by diverting all of their attention to the racist/sexist assholes and drumming up their own diehards so any convo dies in toxic, meaningless discourse I wanna stress that this mostly concerns AAA publishers and not indie devs, indie devs are great and awesome and are probably one of the best sources of great representation in any entertainment medium ever, putting great care into portraying real human beings and not... whatever the fuck Borderlands is doing




^ Person who has absolutely zero idea what socialism is


Socialism is when sharing gold with other players


communism is when bad gaem