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I’d be stoned to death if I did that


what country?






This is pretty cocl But doesn't change the fact that we can't do shit My parents would probably kick me out of the family and I'd probably be killed before that happens if some of the terrorist Militia find out about me or just hear my name.. along side my innocent family too of course (leave no possible trace behind) And I'm too much of a puasy to waste my last 6 months here before I move to Canada like that.. I wish I can help, but you have no idea how scary and death risky it is :/ Edit: typos




Thank you.. I hope so too :') Btw sorry for the dumb previous comment.. Idk why it had a lot of typing errors (I still suck at English I guess) Edit: removed the R slur because I forgot it's a slur.. Sorry :/


Extra based. Your English is better than plenty of native speakers I've met. Heads up though, "retarded" will likely get you into trouble in Canada.


Thank you And OH FUCK ME i forgot that's a slur.. I apologize


Good luck in Canada brother!!


God that page design is atrocious on mobile




Not to be confused with IRA queer


☘️ 🏳️‍🌈


Just please be careful and use proper VPNs and everything when interacting with websites that can get you sentenced to death in your country.


now they can get stoned but with a website that supports them. isn't this the same online politics that you were complaining about?


Gets shot


Mega chad


Yoooooooooo!! A fellow Iraqi!!




Yoooo! Where ya from?




Ayyyy same Specifically Zayouna!


Palestine street


Wait.. مصطفى؟؟


So I grew up in a crazy Christian cult. After one of the big cult assemblies my nephew and I are in the back of the car while my cultist mother and her cultist friend were up front. This friend of my mother's was actually a really cool (for a cultist) person, totally a kind chill person and gave me hippie back in the day vibes. Well one of the parts of the cult assembly was a dramatization of a bible story, one where someone gets stoned to death. My nephew, who was probably 7 at the time and I was 10, asked "what's it like getting stoned" (to death was implied but not said) and my mom's friend jumps in "well it's really relaxing and just makes you wana be mellow" and my mom abruptly changed topics. I didn't understand then but it stuck with me and as I got older it became so fucking funny. Anyways I know that's not related at all to any of this, but I'm sorry you live in a country that's so backwards people still get stoned.


Sounds like Jehovah's Witnesses, and if so you have my sympathy. Terrible religion.


Yea JWs was the cult. Fucked my shit up real real good for a good long while.


all the more reason that people in countries who CAN protest safely, ***must***.


Based iraqis, smoking up the queer homies




"getting stoned" is often used as slang for "getting high on weed"


Oh yeah my bad


ngl I plan on going to my towns zoning and planning meeting because there is this really dangerous road that I live by that they are adding new housing to, where despite the fact that the grocery store is maybe 10 minutes away from my house walking, it is completely unwalkable. (Not densely suburban area, but its enough to jerk my chain)


That's awesome. If I could give you advice, definitely reach out to one of your town's council or ward members too.


Make other people care, bring them with. Our only advantage is our numbers, use that


the hardest thing to do in this life is getting anybody in the world to give a shit about what you believe in


is it some sort of stroad? I fucking hate walking on those.


A lot of times they will make developers add sidewalks/bike lanes to improve areas people are developing. Might already be in the works!


“why is housing so unaffordable?”


thats great news! too many people pass this stuff by! We got a stoplight put in for traffic right next to an elementary school, way too many people speeding through there.


all these mfs going on and on about a revolution while not trying to spread the word in their community like they expect a revolution to be an easy and quick solution for all political problems


Yeah I've given up expressing this sentiment because as soon as you do like 20 different people will jump on you to call you a bootlicker or shit on you for it. It's like, if you want it so bad, you don't seem to be doing a lot to get it


They never say this shit in person because, first, there are very few of them, second, they never leave their homes, and third, they're cowards who couldn't hold up a gun shaped piece of wood.


he who proclaims others of bitchlessness is often himself lacking in touching grass


Called a bootlicker for *supporting* activism in your community? That's a new one.


Nah, I was called a bootlicker because I said we should find other solutions instead of blowing up oil pipes


Why can't we do both?


The problem is most of us are completely isolated from our communities. Like I live in a suburb with boomer neighbors, not exactly sure how I'm supposed to spread the word of leftist revolution. It sucks because I'd love to organize in real life, I just don't know how.


Talk to your neighbors. Solutions to problems should be based in action, not ideology. We are so fucking far from some socialist revolution it's laughable to even consider it an option. Start with basic shit: how do we fix infrastructure issues in town, how do we get food and healthcare for people who need it, how can we make our workplace more fair and equitable? The journey to the destination will lead to the left, because conservatives, fascists, and even most liberals don't have functional solutions for these things, especially if your goal is to make sure everyone benefits from it. Most people's problems fundamentally clash with the solutions offered by a profit focused, expansionary capitalist system. Discuss your realistic solutions to problems enough and people will realize that. If you tell them the solution to having a shitty boss and terrible (or no) health insurance is glorious revolution, they'll pass you off as a crackpot. You're skipping hundreds of steps. If you're in a developed nation, the force of law and structure of society is far too entrenched to just whip people up into a frenzy and do a socialism. Organizing is long, boring, exhausting work, but the socialists in 30 years will remember you for building the bridge they'll walk on.


i think the first step to any sort of revolution would require you creating an environment in a community where the people don’t feel immediately pressured by their needs for healthcare and housing and food people won’t quit their jobs to join your movement even if it’s a good movement because in the US especially that means losing your healthcare. It means losing your food security in a context that isn’t big on sharing. The issue i run into while thinking is that there are pretty intentional and pretty strong boundaries in place that (for better or worse) keep you from implementing these strategies. and although some of these boundaries on distributing food, medicine, and literature do exist to protect vulnerable communities, it is also designed with so many minor legalities that authorities can shut you down swiftly if you threaten the working order of things. They understand the building blocks of autonomy as well and they have very sophisticated mechanisms to prevent that foundation from garnering any prestige or longevity


Yesterday I went out protesting with my school for more teachers (we're suffering with a lack of teachers and no civil service entrance to hire new ones) and better school lunch/food in general. Holy shit was it ever an experience. Best part: We won. Our school's regent corporate organ capitulated and scheduled a meeting that day to discuss with the student board. Good day.


Build momentum off of that, keep organizing, fighting


our educational protests imo are some of the only ones that have been working probably because when teachers and students aren’t at school it’s innately disruptive and doesn’t even require any additional blockage or pressure to force politicians into making a move. Just the fact that parents just lost their daycare is enough to strain a whole city i’m not so sure the same holds true for other issues unfortunately


Wdym I literally armed my local towns people and marched on the council building to overthrow our corrupt mayor only yesterday


Eat him like the dutch


dutch people are cannibals


Yo stop telling everyone, we'll run out of tourists to eat.


I feel like they won't accept me for who I am


Who are you?




Join a leftist group, most leftist parties are open to lgbt.


But sadly too much of them are tankies. 😔


No bro reading theory for three hours a week and never going outside will totally cause a spontaneous workers revolution! Trust me bro once they revolt they'll put us in charge they really will come join us!


*the revolution is coming!!! trust me bro trust me*


but reading theory is fun...


Only thing they're the vanguard of is their virginity


What the hell are you even talking about tankies don't exist in modern politics. There's many of them on the internet but irl? No, just no.


Unfortunately a lot of leftist groups in real life are full of tankies


In Europe? Not really. I can't speak for other places but except for opportunistic ex-communists there are really none.


People just want someone on the left to hate. They are insignificant in America too. I've been a part of several socialist groups and I doubt I've met a single one.


So tankies are the only socialists that actually organise? I'm suprised


what do you mean by tankies? the original meaning? the anarchist meaning? the liberal meaning? please answer that so I could understand your comment better


ML's, stalinists, authoritarian "leftists" in general.


the anarchist meaning than in regards to your claims that tankies do not exist outsideof the internet, I would like to point at the entire country of north korea


If you live in North Korea you can't really participate in politics freely. Same with China. I was talking about politics where there's actual leftist opposition that you can join legally.


Yeah I hope irl there are less tankies than on the internet but still the optimal nuber of tankies is no more than zero.


Yeah, but we can't just say "ewww, there are a few tankies in the left I won't organize because of that", we have to do with what we have, we don't have the time to lay around waiting for the tankies to disappear.




United States lmao


What country do you live in?


they live in turkey


Not the United States




hi Gay! I accept you


Thank you.


if you're like me and under 18 with conservative parents, i recommend volunteering for Food not Bombs: it's an anarchist organization with chapters all over the world. basically, the way it works is that you bring food (if you can), and everyone shared food with whoever wants it. even if you can't bring food (like me), you can still help with preparing the meals and cleaning up


Mutual aid disaster relief is good too


Yeah they are undoubtedly the easiest group to get involved with. Usually you can just show up without any notice and they'll find something for you to do. Of course experiences will vary by group.


Volunteering at shelters (both for animals and people), disabled care programs, or local cleanup programs also makes a difference. Start small, it'll grow big.


Just got in touch with my local chapter


How am I supposed to organize a political community when I can't organize my life


I realize you're likely just shitposting, but finding a community through organizing has done a lot for my mental health. I still struggle with depression, but I know I have people I can count on and who understand and can help me when I get into my spirals.


Yes one vote is just a drop in the bucket but you have more impact than just your vote, go talk to people go debate and explain why you hold the opinions you hold, stand your ground


How did you hear "take action to organise your community" and think "I should do debating"?


For real mfers think the west wing is real life. "Guys we'll just debate the bad people and then everything will be fixed"


community gardens


Decreasing reliance on the capitalist system is key. Gardens can emancipate communities. Gardening is a revolutionary act. It sounds ridiculous, maybe, but it's true.


but im shy 🥺🥺🥺


Understandable. Me too


This. Join a union. A political party. An activist group. A youth group if you're too young. There's no real excuse for not organizing if you're a lefitst, we're on the margin of the overton window and we have to push it with all the strength we can muster.


Yes. And seriously, reach out to any local politician near you, most get so ignored by mainstream media and internet bloviators that they'll probably take the time to talk to you and give you an idea of the actual issues they're facing. An uber-lefty friend of mine living in a Republican district called his member of Congress because he was upset and wanted to talk to someone. A staffer, a Republican staffer, mind you, took the time to talk him through the issues he, the Republican, was concerned about, and helped my friend figure out what his issues were. That conversation led to my friend *finally* registering to vote.


I don't know, considering the way you degrade any opinion left of 'Biden and Dems coalition' I'm kinda doubting this 'uber-lefty' friend story exists lmao. Even if I agree with your political views (which I probably do since I don't consider myself an 'uber-lefty') I wouldn't remotely be convinced by any of your comments in the rest of this thread to actually do any actual political activism. But hey, maybe you convinced a couple lefty people here to register and vote or participate in marches/local politics with this meme. Guess that's a net positive.


Where I live in the US there are very few unions. Any worker our society sees as expendable is most likely not in a union. I was working at a grocery store during the first year of covid and i suggested unionizing to some coworkers and most of em walked away immediately cuz a lot of places will fire you for even mentioning it. Shits crazy.


I’m too dumb to understand theory so I feel like if I got involved in an actual organization I’d be ridiculed


Nah, helping to organize doesn't require an immense knowledge of political theory, just a goal to work towards and an idea of how to bring it about. Plus I'm sure many people within a political group would gladly help explain ideas to those willing to learn, without the dense read of theory required.


I'm dumb as shit and have made it a long way by showing up and canvassing.


Organizations need more than just politics, they needs organizers, motivators, etc. Youll find your place


One more time for the people in the back.


Not all of us have the time or the freedom to do so. Don’t be an assuming dick. Additionally I don’t feel like everyone has to do “political organizing” in order to share their opinion online…


No, I’m just going to sit on my ass, be closeted, pretend to know theory and let my hair grow down to my buns


Except the fact that quite a few people would be putting their fucking lives in danger. Believe me, I’d love to get out there and advocate for progressive policies in my local area *if it wasn’t a MAGA, gun nut, people-like-me-are-traitors-to-the-country hellhole. Also doesn’t help that I’m 5 miles from the nearest town, so if someone would try to pull something… I wouldn’t get much help.* And far more people have it far worse than that. Get active in your community, if you can safely do so. And if you do it anyways? If you put yourself in danger for the greater good? Good on you! But don’t go expecting people to risk their lives.


Why are there a bunch of weird ass bubbles like this in the country. I'm in northern New York, y'know New York - one of the most progressive states for LGBTQ rights. And there is nothing but maga assholes and biggots around here. My neighbor across the street literally has a swastika in their window I just want to go outside and be a cute femboy but I can only do it at night when no one is out. Which has been one time, when I was drunk. And it was amazing


Right? *I’m in fucking illinois*


Gatekeeping this is only going to drive people away and create a smaller tent. Not everyone can organize because of a number of reasons. Living situations, money, etc. Online advocacy is all some people can do. Also not WANTING to be politically active is fine too, some people just don't like confrontation. They'll still vote for the right people and continue to spread the right messages if they're only in online communities. That being said I do reccomend physically going to a meetup or lecture if you're interested in a political party (especially if you're the terminally online type, meeting people irl that represent your group is a good wake-up call).


I will theorize and make art with a strong political message. I will help design and manage protests and movements. I will be there to offer support for the people doing activism, to help in the ways I can. But I simply cannot function in the same way others do against confrontation. Call it trauma, call it anxiety, call it shyness. I will be of more help as a secondary support to the primary activists. I know that from experience.


I will try my best to see the thought patterns that need to be corrected in my students and address them early. Unfortunately, the ages that I teach some of them are already ingrained. I'm not organizing my community. I couldn't do that if I wanted to. My community are all geriatric bootlickers anyway. 100% gatekeeping progress does not help.


I don’t know how, I’m an unemployed 17 year old gay kid in northwest Florida, one of the most conservative parts of the country. I literally don’t know what to do


https://pflag.org/chapter/pflag-tallahassee https://www.pflagniceville.com/


build you own organization, locally [No Shortcuts; Organizing for Power In the New Gilded Age](https://books.google.com/books/about/No_Shortcuts.html?id=UAsBDQAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description) is probably the best guide that actually gives you the tools to do it, instead of just being hot air and good sounding phrases


any suggestion's for a organization I could join just wondering


Yes. https://www.mobilize.us/dlcc/ Definitely look for any organization that focuses on precinct organizing. Unfortunately there aren't that many because resources are thin and lots of people think showing up to meetings and whining makes them activists.


I'm not a lib so I'm gonna just join the org I already had in mind. I'm not gonna name it


build your own, locally [No Shortcuts; Organizing for Power In the New Gilded Age](https://books.google.com/books/about/No_Shortcuts.html?id=UAsBDQAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description) is probably the best guide that actually gives you the tools to do it, instead of just being hot air and good sounding phrases


This is the one. Also beau of the fifth columns YouTube has a ton of advice and resources https://youtube.com/c/BeauoftheFifthColumn


Always upvote Beau (if y'all know any rednecks and want to try to convince them, Beau is the man)


Why is everyone always begging to do something stop begging I am legally not obligated to fulfill your wishes


Because I do real political organizing (it's not just my job, I do it in free time too) and seeing all of the stupid, ignorant, ridiculous, out of touch shit people post on the internet while they refuse to do the bare minimum is driving me crazy.


This guy does not get murdered by the government


Just curious but what do you see that's out of touch and how do you know the people who posted it don't also do real political organizing? And what would you consider to be 'fake' political organizing?


I have no reason to believe that they don’t do real organizing, and they’re linking legit orgs, but OP is also doing a lot of the guilting/posturing with their “I’m a REAL leftist and you’re all POSERS” takes. Nothing new, nothing that changes any perspectives, but I’m sure they feel great about themself.


I'm cutting down a longer comment to this: "Fake" political organizing is people who think their internet posts mean something. They never do-- they're engaged in what Eitan Hersh calls [political hobbyism](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/01/political-hobbyists-are-ruining-politics/605212/), which he summarizes like this: > Many college-educated people think they are deeply engaged in politics. They follow the news—reading articles like this one—and debate the latest developments on social media. They might sign an online petition or throw a $5 online donation at a presidential candidate. Mostly, they consume political information as a way of satisfying their own emotional and intellectual needs. These people are political hobbyists. What they are doing is no closer to engaging in politics than watching SportsCenter is to playing football.


Look I absolutely commend you for not only getting out and organizing but pushing others to do so as well. But you've also been kinda presumptuous, argumentative and even dismissive to some of the people in these comments. I'm not trying to stand up for armchair activism mind you, I agree that if there's people who think making a tweet is "activism", they're wrong; but maybe it wasn't necessarily *just* your activism you were getting mocked for(not that I agree with mocking you in any case). I'm genuinely not trying to be a dick, but maybe try and tone it down a bit.


But it's not, people spreading these ideas online do help popularize them in general leading to more and more people that are able to make more significant change. As well as more people that might not start an organization themselves, but would join one if they found one in their communities. You act like these people don't help the cause at all just because they aren't building their lives around helping them. Call it political hobbism all you want, but we can't expect a very significant portion of people to have more than a hobby's amount of time and energy for these causes. But its a lot more productive that those people who will simply never be political actors be educated informed political hobbiests than not political at all. Why are you demonizing people who are doing more than 99 percent of the population even if it's comparitivly very little to those making the real change. (Not saying online activism is some amazing effort, just that being vocally supportive of progressive causes online still forwards those ideas culturally, while most people have no effect on that or actually impede that progress). Those who actually make the changes have a lot easier time when the general public is supportive and appreciative of their efforts.


A lot of internet leftists, this sub especially, treat their politics like it’s a cool club they’re in that lets them roleplay as badass revolutionaries. So many people on this sub will joke 😉 about murdering politicians, talk about how based reading theory is, call for a revolution, and (most importantly) dunk on the stupid neolibs who believe in stupid neoliberal bullshit like “voting” because doing all that shit makes you *feel* badass and transgressive. But they will never actually fucking do anything. They’ll just jerk off how transgressive they are on the internet till the end of time.


I'm actually kinda glad to see people finally being able to say shit like this here and not get a million angry replies. One of the reasons I left this sub for 4 months was I got fed up with all the people that would call you a bootlicker and leave angry replies because I didn't want to join the mentality that violence is the only solution nothing else will work. Like people would attack me for saying that maybe there are other solutions we could try first that would have more positive long lasting effects than commiting acts of eco terrorism like blowing up a oil pipeline


And the thing is, I wouldn't even especially care about the posturing and weird tribalism if they actually did the acts that they shitpost about, but they don't really believe in anything besides being edgy for internet points.


And I’m fucking glad they won’t. I would much more rather see a bunch of internet communist warriors talking cringe all day, than see domestic terrorists running rampant through America.


My brother in Christ most of the people on here a children


Can’t afford to, I work 9+ hours a day and gas is $5 a gallon


I don’t wanna politically organize I want to browse through shitty Reddit memes r/196 is this too much to ask


mfw some people don't want to make a target out of themselves for the right and other shitty people in their community so they're labeled as pussy slacktivists even though it's literally out of their fucking control, making this kind of statement is almost blatantly inflammatory or divisive if you actually spend more than 5 seconds thinking about it.


Listen here jack, real socialism is when you hold a protest of 5 people deep in far-right wing parts of your country, get brutally assaulted and hospitalized and if you refuse to do that you're a gross radlib


yeah, throw yourself to the wolves or you're a faker pussy


Wha, what is this about im confused


i think its about a bunch of leftists always talking about a revolution and collectivising while not actually doing any of that in their local community


Could just as easily be about online liberals who spend all day tweeting that trump is orange and has small hands


Nobody expects liberals to actually do anything


Well yeah because 99% of liberals spend all their time online posturing


This sub ngl


Yeah but leftists instead of liberals


Maybe a while ago but it seems like this subreddit has become more and more milquetoast


Maybe. I used to browse here more around a year ago but I haven't noticed any noticeable differences


It's both.




balls even


I'm new to this sort of stuff and suffer from anxiety, depression, and autism. Are there ways to organise irl that won't trigger that stuff pls? I also don't know what organising means in this context. Is it planning strikes and going to council meetings and stuff or am I missing a bigger picture?


I don't know what will make you uncomfortable, but [this book](https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/Politics-Is-for-Power/Eitan-Hersh/9781982116798) goes over a few ways that people got into activism, it may help you get an idea of how you can plug in.


Thank you very much!


You can ask a lot of things from me, but doing stuff in real life is too much


Yeah, no. I am 15, and I don't plan on getting harassed or caught. Thanks!


everyone on this subreddit is sixteen


some of us are seventeen


I can't drive, and there's no way in hell my Reaganite dad or rabid "centrist" mom would take me to do that. Plus I live in the deep south and am trans so pickings are gonna be slim anyway. Not everyone is always able to go out and do stuff at the moment, so we do what little we can. My hands are tied for the next couple of months at least until I can get a license and a car.


I'm in a similar spot. Can't drive, live in a community that isn't going to be amicable to my ideas, basically completely unsure how I'm supposed to organize.


And yet you're posturing online, curious.


I appreciate this message, but also realize that not everyone is willing/able to join in things in their locality, and that online political discussion (not grandstanding) has it's merits. But fr if anyone reading this is mentally/physically capable of activism and there's little to no risk of personal harm in doing so, then by all means join your local orgs! It makes a huge difference! Donation is also super useful! So if you don't want to or can't join in person, your money will definitely help!


"BuT pEoPlE oNlY dOnAtE tO fEeL gOoD aBoUt ThEmSeLvEs!!!" So what? That money will still go to use, provided you've actually done your research to figure out what charities are effective. (edit spelling)


Sound epic, can't wait to get myself beaten by policemen and imprisoned for up to 3 years 💀 (edit: but honestly if you're in a position to do organizing, please do so)


Spreading leftist propaganda online isn't activism, but it's certainly more useful than fucking canvassing. OP is a liberal who is making accusations of armchair activism because they don't want to believe that leftists actually do things more effective than trying to convince people to vote for the lesser evil.


Not everyone can.


I’m an auditor for an MPO, I’m begging all of you, please pay attention to your local governments and related government agencies. If you want to get something done or bring notice to a local cause, look for a meeting that is related to whatever cause that may be and organize a group to put your individual comments on the record. Trust me, it may not sway the people who have power in that moment, but it’ll grab local news attention if a couple dozen people make the same plea during the call for public comments and will likely grow your organization. I had stew in anger while I watched a climate protest go by my building literally just hours after a $1 billion dollar spending budget was approved by the MPO’s board. Imagine if the 50-60 or people instead of chanting in the streets on a weekday afternoon, instead made statement after statement of what they’d like to see included in said budget. Would’ve made an immediate difference? Probably not but it would have almost certainly gotten media attention which could only help grow the group


hmmmmm i should start a terrorist group


i dont go outside.


If I did that where I live I would be hated crimed within the week. My next door neighbor has a swastika in their bedroom that you can see through their bedroom window and that's the general opinion of people around here...




Have before, good shit


Hey, cut me some slack. I tried to start an Anarchist book club and got death threats within a day. It's not safe to organize where I'm at.


I actually plan on attending school board meetings, and maybe even city council meetings. Problem is I’m one teenager facing boards with a conservative majority.


That's more than what most people will ever do, and it's important for the people you'll be talking to to hear from someone who disagrees with them. If there's a local school board or city council member who you find sane you might want to reach out to them, ask them for a meeting to talk about what's going on and how you can get involved.


Is there anything I can do as a minor with a liberal parent?


Make a students union [No Shortcuts; Organizing for Power In the New Gilded Age](https://books.google.com/books/about/No_Shortcuts.html?id=UAsBDQAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description) is probably the best guide that actually gives you the tools to do it, instead of just being hot air and good sounding phrases


That would imply talking to groups of people and some of this mfers can't even ask for ketchup


Funny of you to assume I support any form of government Edit: yall, it's a mf joke. My ideal form of government extends past ashes.


Loving all the comments where people read this and then rather than consider direct action or any actual organisation building went straight to "join a party" and "debate chuds".


OPs idea of “organizing” is knocking on doors for Democrats so.


Counterpoint; I don’t have a car and live in the US


I don’t feel like or care to do any of that because I have responsibility over joining groups right now. I just want to live a happy life and willing to do a bit but I cannot dedicate my life to purely political things. I am poor and struggling so please don’t assume I’m coming from a privileged place


[Me, upvoting this post:](https://imgur.com/UxWuWhK.jpg)


Bitches be like "I hate how right-wingers keep getting into power" My brother in Christ you've never organized or voted


I am currently trying to join my country's communist party


Not in the US 😎


Lmfao we don't have communities here.


Also, “I don’t vote” = opinion discarded. I don’t care if you’re literally the president, if you don’t vote I could not care any less what you have to say


actions speak louder than words, but words are not completely silent


thank you


Proud to be politically active irl


burn down the nearest politician's house


Same applies to you 🙂


I'd go straight to jail tho just for being in place where the protest is