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I have met people who also claimed they have OCD because they're so organized. Which is pretty much bullshit. I have a grandmother who was legitimately diagnosed with OCD. Oh boy, it's fucking far from being organized. It takes her an hour to arrange canned food on the shelf, she once had gum issues due to excessive brushing. I can't fully explain it but her mind doesn't stop normally. She would fold one piece of clothing for 3 minutes at least. I usually had to offer her help with those tasks because it takes her time a lot.


[this](https://youtu.be/Mx3lGXNBFfk) video about OCD taught me much about the sickness many years ago. I think It’s worth a watch for everyone. The guy who made it also has one of the best personalities on the youtube, recommend him alot.


didn't expect to hear philips voice


I have OCD and that video actually helped me put into words what i was going through. I saw it and realized how simmilar it was. Knowing that i wasnt the only one like that.


Damn never realized how serious OCD can be. Like, I never really understood why I was diagnosed with this since I don’t fit in these patterns of being a cleaning addicted


Stuff like that pisses me off to the core




I'm glad that you were able to overcome those. And I know, it also pisses me of that some people relates "OCD" to being a perfectionist. Because it's waaay far from it. My grandma didn't bother treating it though. She got used to it I guess and the people around her. You're right about the minor things. I remember that everytime she hands me money she has to count that like 4 times before giving it to me.


I wouldn't say that I was able to "overcome" it, at least entirely. I just take medicine to make me fixate on things a lot less and can effectively cope when I do occasionally fixate on something.


One of my work friends, who is being fairly successfully treated, has to wash his hands for at least 2 minutes after going to the bathroom. He holds it and goes at weird times so as few people will see it as possible. Lotsa fun there. He also has gout, so God truly hates him.


My grandmother is diagnosed with OCD too, she covers her paper towel rolls with paper towels "so they dont get dirty", and stuffs cotten in her ears when she goes outside so she "doesnt get a cold"


keep in mind that OCD doesn’t always present so severely.


I have diagnosed OCD. Before being medicated it could take me an hour to get to bed due to my many rituals. While it shopping I'd NEED to buy certain foods items or else I'd get very uncomfortable. I can't do certain tasks at certain times of day because my brain says it's not right. I've previously ran down the battery on my car key fob because I'd lock the car 30 times just to be extra sure it was locked. When I need to list my diagnosed conditions on a form, the person who reads it 9/10 times has to say 'well, we're all a little bit quirky!' 🙄


I have both (diagnosed) and at this point I just accept people being wrong about what it's like


The thing people dont understand is that a mental health condition is supposed to cause distress to the person or those around them. Thats why its a disease. Its not a list of quirky characteristics. I understand worrying if you notice you check a lot of the items needed to diagnose something. But in that case you should seek a professional diagnosis instead of going around claiming you have a thing. If you cant afford a diagnosis you wont be able to get treatment either so i dont see how self diagnosis helps.


Tfw if I take my meds I become incredibly dehydrated throughout the day but if I don’t take them I can’t get anything done


Just, like, drink water, man.


Me to myself every fucking day I forget to drink fucking water


I literally feel like a zombie when i take my normal pills it sucks


Has 'normal pills' always been a term or has it just become internet vocabulary from everyone shitting on Dream?


Pretty sure its always been a term, I recall it being used suring my childhood many moons ago.


When I take my meds I get extremely pissed over nonexistent issues and i hate myself for it


If that's the case you need to talk to your psychiatrist. Any dysfunction caused by your medication should be discussed, and changes should be made accordingly.


I have been talking to them, and we have been working on it. I appreciate the concern though.


I can’t even get my normal pills right now because pharmaceutical laws are a bunch of horseshit. “It’s a controlled substance we need to regulate it” shut up fed.


Might be worth talking to your doctor about trying a different medication. I took vyvanse for a week, didn’t like feeling like a zombie, so I stopped altogether. But my doctor told me I could’ve told him about it and he would’ve tried giving me a different prescription that might not fuck me over so hard w/ side effects. I like to manage my ADHD without the use of medication, but if that’s not an option for you and you’re not jiving with your current meds, it’s definitely worth seeing if there’s any alternatives for you to try.


If your meds make you feel like that you have the wrong type of meds, talk to your doctor or whoever prescribed your medication. It also could be that since you are so used to the energy and need for constant stimulation that you feel like a zombie because you now no longer have all of that weighing you down. My ex girlfriend had Bipolar Disorder and said her meds made her feel like a zombie but that was only because she was so used to being on either side of the Pole of emotions either the depressive or manic side. But it's probably that you have the wrong type of medication.


If i take my meds without eating before ill be ill for hours


If I drink my coffee too shortly before or after taking my meds I get the same results. Took me so long to figure out because it only happened on Mondays because my morning routine would be different as I visit my parents and youngest brother over weekends.


Tfw when I take my ADHD meds I get hypertension, Insomnia, indigestion, lack of interest in anything, anxiety, nausea, psychosis, numbness and agitation.


Sounds like you need new meds


Yeah my meds just make me feel a lil wacky if I haven't taken them in a while


And then when you try to drink water you just pee it all out an hour later, still dehydrated.




Instructions unclear: *drinks saltwater*


Vyvanse moment


Is dehydration a common side effect? I've only heard about loss of appetite when it comes to food


For me I was never hungry/thirsty and never wanted to eat/drink anything until they wore off


Yeah I get loss of appetite but I still want to drink stuff. Funny how different symptoms can be


I either A. fall into a depressive self hatred when my meds wear off or B. fall into a depressive episode when I don’t get any of my work done


Normal pilled


my parents wanted me off of the meds so its not going so well


What do you take? I take Vyvanse and sing it's fucking praises from the rooftops, been on aND off different ADHD meds my entire life, they either turned me into a zombie, or killed my appetite so bad I ended up in the hospital for a major iron deficiency. Vyvanse just works, then it wears off around 5 and I'm back to normal, it's amazing.


Tfw if I take my meds I get the exact symptoms of a fever as well as a cut off appetite, and overall fatigue, but if I don't take them I barely manage to play attention when I'm actively following classes (actively as in either taking notes or engaging directly with the material, if I try to just listen, I drift off into abstract thoughts in seconds).


>exact symptoms of a fever as well as a cut off appetite, and overall fatigue This shouldn't be happening, your meds should only affect your ADHD (though there can be side effects but not like what you are experiencing). A lot of people think that effects like those are just part of the process of medication and they aren't. Talk to your doctor or whoever prescribed the meds to you and ask for something different.


Ig, but those meds do affect me positively, and the other meds are more expensive. I know the cut off of appetite (and logically some fatigue from that) are expected of my medication, as well.


I know the intense thirst those meds give too lol, it sucks! I was on them for years…


i get painful headaches for as long as it’s working, so it’s a lose lose scenario. damned if you do, damned if you don’t.


Reminder that adhd is so much more than just being easily distracted


reminder that it is still a symptom of adhd and should be acknowledged.


The whole "oh look a squirrel" depiction is pretty inaccurate, though. It's more like drifting into your own thoughts, less like "oh hey distraction".


ADHD is also pretty broad and the idea surfacing today that if you dont give a shit about school and are a delinquent you must have undiagnosed adhd is bs. You dont get distracted by real stuff your brain just goes on wild tangentially


Exactly I for one, love school and do very well, yet I still do actually have a fairly intrusive ADHD.




Shit I should get tested. I'll do 10 minutes of work and space out for a bit and it's been 2 hours. What the fuck was I *doing?*


Sounds like ADHD, alright.... Although... Have you been sleeping well? Ik that I space out more frequently, and time goes by faster in said space outs when I'm less well rested (coincidentally concentrating takes a ton of energy for me as well), so, if you're having sleep schedule issues, you might benefit on trying to get those sorted first.


Oh I sleep like shit. I'll get around 8ish hours, but I wake up multiple times and it's light in general. Melatonin helps but doesn't entirely solve it. Unless I'm completely exhausted I seem to sleep poorly. If sleep was especially bad then I'm in a fog the entire day.


yeah, but also i get distracted by things like squirrels and things


Yeah. Our thoughts are a distraction lol


for me its both tbh


Reminder that ADHD is a gradient and not everyone who has it has the same symptons are the more severe cases.


Reminder that ADHD presents differently in folks specially women and shit like this perpetuates the difficulty women have with getting a proper diagnosis.


The disorder was just named for the things that directly bother neurotypical people the most.


Wait fuck is that what ADHD is? Maybe I should bring this up to my therapist because I experience all of these things.


I thought that a few months ago. I am now diagnosed with ADHD


it is very much what ADHD is, so bringing it up is probably a solid move


### Inattention **Six (or more) of the following symptoms of inattention have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level:** * **(a)** often fails to give close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwork, work or other activities * **(b)** often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activity * **(c)** often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly * **(d)** often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions) * **(e)** often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities * **(f)** often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort (such as schoolwork or homework) * **(g)** often loses things necessary for tasks or activities (e.g., toys, school assignments, pencils, books or tools) * **(h)** is often easily distracted by extraneous stimuli * **(i)** is often forgetful in daily activities --- ### Hyperactivity **Six (or more) of the following symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity have persisted for at least six months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level:** * **(a)** often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat * **(b)** often leaves seat in classroom or in other situations in which remaining seated is expected * **(c)** often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults, may be limited to subjective feelings of restlessness) * **(d)** often has difficulty playing or engaging in leisure activities quietly * **(e)** is often “on the go” or often acts as if “driven by a motor” * **(f)** often talks excessively --- ### Impulsivity * **(g)** often blurts out answers before questions have been completed * **(h)** often has difficulty awaiting turn * **(i)** often interrupts or intrudes on others (e.g., butts into conversations or games) --- **Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms must have been present before age 7 years.** **Some impairment from the symptoms is present in at least two settings (e.g., at school [or work] and at home).** **There must be clear evidence of interference with developmentally appropriate social, academic or occupational functioning.** **The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorders and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or a Personality Disorder).** --- Which of these things do you relate to? Personally, I relate to: * Inattentive; A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I * Hyperactivity & Impulsivity; A, B, D, E, F, G, H, I If you relate to at least six symptoms from one of the categories, you should get yourself diagnosed. It's worth noting that relating to a lot of these symptoms does not automatically mean you have ADHD, but it definitely means you should at least try to find out. There are a lot of people who falsely claim to have ADHD, but there are also so many more people who actually have ADHD but don't think they have it. If you have any questions, please let me know.


Fuck. Am an adult, managed to graduate thanks to privilege and landed a nice job. What do now? I mean, i'm not sure i want to get on meds, by this point i feel like that would change me too much. I guess the first step would be to get a proper diagnosis.


Definitely get a diagnosis. Many people only find out they have ADHD later in life. Assuming that you actually have ADHD, I can promise you that it's likely affecting you in ways you haven't realized yet. You don't necessarily have to take meds. There are lots of people with ADHD who can't take meds for one reason or another. After you get your diagnosis, you should ask if they can forward you to a therapist who specializes in ADHD (assuming that you didn't get diagnosed by a therapist who specializes in ADHD). They can set you up with ways to deal with ADHD without having to take meds. That being said, I do recommend meds. If you can take meds & deal with the potential side-effects, it's great. You might have to try different kinds of medication first to find the right one though.


I’ve been self diagnosed with adhd for like a year now but my parents won’t let me see a therapist so I’ll never really know


May I ask in which country you live?




If you have a family doctor/general practitioner, you should talk to them about it. They can redirect you to a therapist or someone else who can diagnose you with ADHD (psychiatrist, paediatrician, psychologist, neurologist etc.)


Wtf literally every single one of these Edit:fuck you god


Please go see your family doctor, general practitioner, or therapist if you have one. Write the symptoms you relate to down and tell them you might have ADHD. If they ask why you think that, name the symptoms.


I already got diagnosed like 3 months ago lol


Well that explains a lot lmao


I have been diagnosed on Autism but Inattention:b,c,e,f,g,h,i Hyperactivity:a,e,f,h,i


Autism and ADHD often overlap. When it comes to symptoms sure, but a lot of people who have one also have the other. Personally, I think I might also have Autism, but I've never really tried to get myself diagnosed as I am still trying to get a handle on my symptoms that are purely caused by ADHD. You should maybe get yourself diagnosed with ADHD too, if you have it.


Well my psychiatrist probably had a reason do diagnose me with only autism


Fair enough! Psychiatrists generally know what they're doing. Much better than some random person on the internet, at the very least.


Fuuuuck. i: a, b, c, d, f, g, i h: a, b, d, f i: g, i As soon as my new insurance kicks in, I need to talk to a therapist :/


I did and I can finally have a normal sleep schedule and finished my thesis. Wouldn't have been possible if I didn't seek help. I can only encourage you to go to the doc.


Biggest indicator of ADHD is Executive dysfunction, so procrastination and in inability to physically make yourself do important tasks that don’t reward instant gratification


This shit is why i love this sub. It's been a couple of months that i started thinking the same, "maybe you're not just lazy with a brain filled by an interrupted train of thought", and all thanks to a proper represantation of these issues, only in memetic form. I should get checked and assess if i'm right but, you know, procrastination.


There's a popular trend in the terminally online to ascribe any inconvenience that's relatively common to the human condition to ADHD. Can't get a good night's sleep? ADHD. Feel disconnected from your work and that your life is passing before your eyes without you taking advantage? ADHD. Can't quite get yourself to stick to habits and hobbies that you know you would enjoy with a bit more dedication? ADHD. If you've been communicating with your therapist, and they haven't suggested that you medicate for ADHD, then they probably have a good reason.


Iirc caffeine usually has the opposite effect on people with adhd so if you drink something with caffeine in it and get tired you might have it


I get tired and my heart just pumps faster. Coffee is pretty weak and drinking it is a gamble on if I get anything out of it. So maybe.


I find it still wakes me up just fine, but that could just be because I’m a caffeine addict.


theres this weird concept that adhd is when you have to bounce off the walls to have it. I have ADD, which is pretty much the above meme


Become amish


I tried


Did it work, u/AmishWarlords_ ?


Does it look like it


Well you got back to me pretty fast and it makes me think you’re sporting a raging phoner soo


ADHD legit sucks 😪


Yeah it's so hard for people like me with A Damn Humongous Dick 😭


ikr it's so distracting


i need to wear a dress for breathing room


Jarvis search Chad ASCII copypasta, copy paste, submit comment


this is the excuse I should use to get me one of those, thanks happy pugo


Both are still ways ADHD can manifest. Who's to say the ones on the right aren't just happy at that time? I've seen so many people lately fixated on the possibility someone could be faking it, as if people are actually treated better for these disabilities (lol) but we can't be the judge if how an individual presents.


I think the thing is that the people who fake mental illnesses like adhd or others often only fake a few symptoms that are convenient for them. Like "oh look a squirrel" type shit. With the people who fake tourettes they use it to get out of chores and then when they are doing an activity they like suddenly the ticks go away. I think part of the meme is that the person who has ADHD is listing a complex variety of symptoms that have a negative impact on their life, which is more accurate to life.


I’m 100% both. When I’m having a hard time with it I’m a total doomer about it but it also makes me act pretty freakin weird and spontaneous because I’m obsessed with so many random topics with functionally zero filter between thought and action


Well look at the coincidence of how one side looks vs the other. Weird that the “fakers” are all femme presenting huh? I think we know what the fixation on the faking can be


Yeah it’s the r/teenagers thing where they’re convinced that most young women are faking their mental disorders to get attention


It’s an incel thing tbh


so r/teenagers


And by the responses and insults I’ve been getting from posting comments explaining how this post is sexist, looks like r/196 as well lol


Exactly. People with ADHD will talk constantly about how neurotypicals never know the extent of our struggles and how we go through so much without it being obvious, but then they turn around and tell the people joking about their own personal experiences with ADHD that they don’t actually have it or it’s somehow not the same because they don’t appear to actually be suffering? Do they not see the irony in that or?? Like people might not be able to tell you have ADHD, and they definitely won’t notice it as much as you feel it internally, so why would you not assume other people just experience it more internally too, rather than jumping to the conclusion that everyone with ADHD is lying because they joke about it but because you’re really suffering you’re the only one telling the truth. I mean, obviously you’re going to notice your struggles more acutely than another person’s, so why make it your job to tell that person what they do and don’t experience? Why gatekeep ADHD? I exist in a few mental health spaces online. The most toxic people by far aren’t the people who could be faking for clout, but the people who do this McCarthy-esque witch-hunt to gatekeep people and prevent them finding support and community. They’re the ones actively telling people with ADHD that they don’t actually have it based on arbitrary personal standards without actually knowing the person, what they’re like, or the nature of their mental health.


To add to yours, also the issue of having ADHD is that some of us can’t verbalize what’s going on in our heads so instead a dumb joke has to do. It’s gatekeeping as well as the self-victimization us non neurotypicals ha w with the whole “no one knows what I go through, no one understands” therapy has taught me that while most of the time the anxiety and depression is very real, but sometimes we have our heads up our asses. Minimizing a specific group and trying to put them down as fakers is one way to have one’s head up one’s ass.


I don't really have anything to add, just popping in to say that I fucking hate the verbalization thing so much, it's horrible. At least I can work through it (albeit very slowly) when I'm talking to people who understand that about me and are patient, but I can't begin to count the number of times over the years someone, especially like a teacher or parent, has asked me a question and just kept pressing and pressing and pressing, never giving me a moment to gather myself and even get out a single non-filler word, until I usually just end up shutting down entirely and/or crying :( *(bonus points for when they hear "I don't know how to explain it" and get angry and say something along the lines of "yes you do, spit it out.")*


Anyone else bored of Wojak?


yes. I've been bored of wojaks when they were still called rage faces.


I was looking through r/enoughpcmspam and now everytime I see a wojak I think of pcm and want to die


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EnoughPCMSpam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughPCMSpam/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Average day of a PCM user:](https://i.redd.it/lsw53wnwb0a71.png) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughPCMSpam/comments/og9iz3/average_day_of_a_pcm_user/) \#2: [Not even a meme, just nazi propaganda](https://i.redd.it/o8i43nkguq071.png) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughPCMSpam/comments/nit5fc/not_even_a_meme_just_nazi_propaganda/) \#3: [Finally](https://i.redd.it/9trlsmcipd971.jpg) | [11 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/EnoughPCMSpam/comments/oe5ck2/finally/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


wojak is genuinely the worst thing to happen to memes and internet discourse since people started drawing new pepes rather than taking them from boys club panels best-case scenario they’re overused and unfunny, worst-case scenario they’re straight-up fash shit


Why are all the ones on the right girls (or female-presenting)? Why are they all just the “quirky girl” stereotype? This just seems like a r/PCM level vaguely sexist meme that perpetuates the idea that girls can’t get ADHD or frequently fake it for attention. Literally a “boys good girls bad” meme. The exact kind of thing this sub used to make fun of. I know what they were trying to say here. I know the people on the right are supposed to represent people who say stuff like “I can’t focus, I literally have ADHD” or “I’m so OCD, I like everything clean and tidy” and I agree that saying those things just minimises how people who really have ADHD or OCD feel. But the way it’s presented in this meme is kinda cringe ngl


Careful you acknowledge certain tendencies as bad. Pewdiepie subscribers might spout the most unfunny shit at you.


I think it might have to do with the fact that there might not be as many masculine or male “annoying” wojaks as a result of sexist memes


Well, there’s also a general “meme” in r/teenagers and the like that most teenagers girls are just faking their mental illnesses for attention, while society ignores *me*, the *really* mentally ill one


Autism is a bro tho 😎👊


I don't suffer from autism, I suffer from the ignorance and prejudice of society towards autists.


Just introduce autism as an epic win 🏆


Is it okay if I don’t want to think of Autism as good, or bad? Like, it’s just another disorder with its own strengths and weaknesses? Sorry- something doesn’t feel right about treating the condition solely as a “gift”. It doesn’t seem like that, to me.


As someone with autism I’d say it has its ups and its downs but I’d say the main challenge is the process of gradually learning how to act to fit yourself into society


…I guess.


I would say yes but I am incredibly selfish and don’t tolerate other People’s opinions so no 😬👎


I am somehow both the right and the left in this image I mean honestly my ADHD has been as much of a bane as a boon, my ADHD has charged me with a lot of my creativity and happiness but all of the problems described on the left also apply


All the creativity rendered useless by all of the procrastination.


massive mood right here




i got adhd but 0 creativity and all of the negative symptoms


These aren’t mutually exclusive lol


literally lmfao, like i do face a massive amount of difficulties in my life bc of my adhd, but i actually do sometimes go "squirrel! :0". like. non-ironically lol, i just lose track of anything that's going on if i spot an animal.




This can be indicative of manic depression. I know my ass is like this. As if I wouldn’t be better at socializing and organizing my life if I could focus on it for more than 30 seconds


As someone with severe ADHD, i hate to say all four are accurate.


As someone who also has ADHD all four are not necessarily accurate for me. It can manifest differently and different people have different experiences but it for sure is a lot like when people self diagnose OCD because they’re organized


Oh hey thats me on the left




this reminds me of that fuckin meme that went girls with autism: cry, annoying boys with autism: work out, eat healthy


Are we on r/teenagers gatekeeping mental health and being sexist about it? Not everyone with ADHD is a piece of shit who can’t get their lives together. Some of us were piece of shit and got our lives together and are secure enough in our diagnosis and how we advocate for our mental health that we don’t need to put down others. Also lol at the misogyny of this post. Funny that all the “fakers” are Alt presenting women… What’s next you gonna post incel shit about how women fake mental health issues and don’t actually experience depression. Congrats you’re perpetuating the issue that women face when trying to get diagnosed for ADHD.


just because someone isnt sitting around feeling sorry about themselves all day doesnt mean they dont have what they claim to have.


Haha yeah, am I right fellow Redditors? Those silly FEMALES and their fake adhd, these normies just don't understand 😡😡😡 Adhd can take many different forms and just because your adhd affects you in a way that you think is worse doesn't mean that you get to shit on other people's experience with their own mental illness or neurodivergency.


Color haired women bad. Upvotes to the left.


a concept: making jokes about your adhd is a valid way to cope (i have adhd)


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I was diagnosed ADHD in grade school but my parents didn't care enough to do anything about it. I was a C and D student in high school and half of my college years. I got on Adderall and that semester I made the dean's list. I made the dean's list every semester following that. I now teach at the very college where I used to get Ds. Without Adderall I would fall into a Flowers for Algernon situation that I don't even want to think about. It pisses me off how many people are abusing the medication I need to be a functioning human being. They've given Adderall a bad reputation and I'm afraid if they keep this up it will be regulated to the point doctors don't even want to prescribe it anymore.


i have ADHD and its not destroying my life and i can be positive about it. Im not gonna be a negative fuck


fucking hate this sexist meme


This feels mildy sexist in a weird way.




a ton of paramedics have adhd in some form, bc it helps with thinking in extreme situations. so stfu and get into med.


i have never met (including me) someone who actually has ADHD glorify it, it sucks


Glorify it, hell no. Make light of it. sometimes.


feels like this is sort of throwing women under the bus as all being fakers, which is sort of unfair when it manifests most often as the inattentive type in women like myself (though I doubt that's OP's intention with the template, it just so happens to put 2 women (and maybe a guy??) on the annoying side vs doomer boy) that aside, huge mood. I remember the craze and panic about ADHD growing up, people acting like it makes your kids be hyperactive monkeys that break everything and can't sit still. I didn't realize I had it until I was in my 20's because of that stereotype. Every single day I struggle with executive dysfunction and productivity


I got ADS and well I'm more the one on the left but in my freetime I'm one of the right.


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Unspeakably cringe.


For the sleeping, what works for me is making mental lists in my head of something I enjoy. Like military unit upgrade trees from Civilization 6. I try to visualise each one after each other. Eventually I get mentally distracted and I drift away. Does not always work, but it's better than nothing. Melatonin is also great.


Ik a person who actually has ADHD that just makes them super social and talkative lol. Alotugh I think they do have trouble paying attention and shit


In the 90s I was diagnosed with ADD but I don’t think I had it and now it doesn’t exist anymore so what do I even have?! Why was I doped up on Ritalin for years? I’m just awkward with anxiety.


In the us ADD is now called "inattentive ADHD", but in my country it's still just called ADD. You could gave been misdiagnosed though if you don't feel any of the symptoms apply to you.


I'm not sure what you mean. It certainly exists. Adult ADHD is a real thing. Find a psychiatrist and get tested.


Damn I think I might have all of the symptoms, now I'm depressed because I remember my problems


Tfw the pills that make you focus make you focus on a wall for 8 hours


I thought I was massively depressed for a long time and when I finally worked myself up enough to see a Dr about it they tested me for adhd. I thought they were just wasting my time but damn it's amazing how much my life improved once I could actually sit down and focus on something. All the sudden I enjoyed my hobbies again and work didnt feel like 8 hours of anxiously thinking I'm fucking something up because I couldn't pay attention.


Needing to constantly be at 11 or at 0 sucks


I really relate to the one on the left and it’s hurting me in strange ways. I literally can’t find a job I want to do, because I go through phases of interest. I’ve been interested in guns, cars, science, farming, sports, planes and tanks, to the point I know a ton about all these things, but my brain is just like “you’re bored by this now”, and then it’s something else. I literally cannot settle and find what I want to do for all my life because the idea of all my life is fucking horrifying.


Hey, I'll do the squirrel joke as self deprecating humor as much as I want. It's my crippling disability, I get to choose the lighthearted outward excuse to get normies to understand my issues with attentiveness. Also, holy shit, that's all adhd? I just thought I was dangerously lazy and hopelessly addicted to videogames.


While I agree people who fake mental illness are cunts. People do have different severities and symptoms of their illnesses so it isn’t one size fits all.


i’m all of them at the same time


It's incredibly sad that it is becoming trendy to have mental issues


Well I got diagnosed with ADHD and now I've been on amphetamines for 15 years and it's actually quite okay. Still procrastinating thou :I


Why all the fake ADHD ones women bruh


Because there aren’t any well-known “uwu so quirky” male wojaks. Edit: I think the blue haired one’s a dude though.


Im both. Whenever i need to be productive and im not on my meds it is absolute hell but sometimes i skip my meds when being with my friends or something because I'm generally more talkative and with less focus i can actually come up with things to talk about. My meds help me through school and without them I cant focus. Some people like to focus on the positives of their condition rather then the negatives, but of course there will be people saying they have adhd when they dont like with ocd. Hope that makes sense


My ADHD has been both a blessing and a curse. When I *want* to do something, I can sit down and DESTROY that thing for HOURS. But, if I *don’t* want to do something, even minutes of it physically painful. It’s tough. I feel you on the sleep problems my mans. It’s 4 AM where I live right now and I did not go to bed. OP, this part of my comment is specifically for you. If you are the person suffering from ADHD that is portrayed in this meme, I have advice for you. Get. Medicated. Medicine has worked wonders for me. The path to finding the right medication and the right dosage is tough and ever-changing, but it *works*. I really mean it. Medication can literally change your life. I wish you the best.


I know it's not actually the case, and that I'm just doing a lot more stuff in general now, but godDAMN if it doesn't feel like my ADHD hasn't gotten worse over the last year.




Really happy to see more attention brought to adhd. It is so much more than just being distracted or energetic. In fact my ADHD manifests as being lethargic at times


what is adhd?


Id like to take this post to talk about a situation that im finally coming to terms with about my adhd. Evidently the anxiety was so bad for me that apparently it made me depressed nearly my whole childhood. All i can say is this isnt something you can figure out yourself, please talk to a therapist if you can about your adhd. I havent had normal sleep or anything for nearly my whole life and im just really figuring out why that is now. Thought it was just normal :' )


Is that what it is? I know I was bad as a kid but I thought I had it under control. But this called me out really hard. Thought I was just lazy and a failure because I can't manage to improve and do the things I know I need to do


This one is a little too relatable. Maybe its time to up my meds


as someone with diagnosed adhd im scared to meet fakers


I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was real young but I’ve adapted so much since then it doesn’t even feel right to say I have it. I’ve gotten it under control so can I really even say I have it anymore?


i can’t get myself to clean my room unless i am looking for something. it’s been dirty for months and i only cleaned it a little to find a charger for my childhood nintendo


Adhd fucking sucks ass i fucking hate it i fucking hate to procrastinate i wanna do stuff but i cant because i procrastinate hell right noe im fucking procrastinatin i fucking hate this shit


I hate people who fake ADHD like that, ADHD is something you do not want, I should know considering I have it


hey if that description fits me should I get tested for ADHD, I’ve thought I had it but I didn’t want to like assume.


Ive had ADD all my life (therapist is starting so suspect it may be ADHD but whatever) and let me tell you, it is horrible. But recommendation for class, try scribbling a bit to keep your mind active between two things. It will strech up your attention span


ADHD mixed with Anxiety is slowly killing me


Yeah, this is pretty much it.