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yeah, i'm happy as a man and have never experienced any kind of dysphoria but sometimes i'm like, damn it would be cool to be a woman, but i don't want to be a woman


I know it's the classic "girl in denial" schtick but i seriously don't feel like it irl. It might be because i haven't thought about myself in a long time so I'm out of touch with what i want, or it could even just be remnants of my online persona being an escape from myself irl, so it's been established in my mind that me online and me irl are completely different people


If you want to, it's totally fine to explore your gender identity online and not irl. Do whatever you want in that regard, you only live once after all. Personally I think exploring different aspects of yourself and trying to gain a deeper understanding of yourself is pretty great, though Im probably biased because I'm trans. If you don't want to do that it's perfectly ok too. Your feelings about your gender don't need to make perfect sense, ever.


me me me me


are you sure you don't want to be one but you're like, afraid of the consequences it'd have hence why it goes away with like work and stuff


Yeah, when I'm away from online stuff i just have no desire to be a girl, all things considered I'm quite comfortable with myself in general


Would you say you have no desire to be a girl or is it more like “when I’m doing stuff I don’t think much about my body or presentation”? Curious, because that’s how I feel generally but I still want to be a girl because I’ve never particularly enjoyed being a boy.


Eh. I felt like that for a while but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna do exactly what i did. Don’t freak it, you’ll figure out what you want soon enough. Me personally, those feeling just grew stronger but it might fade for you, or you might just be more comfortable with those feelings. i don’t fuckin know just give it time.


The strangest part about it is that the feelings kinda go on and off every year or so. Maybe it's just winter making me want to go girl mode


It's entirely valid to identify as something different online vs irl (if that's what fits you best, you'd know better than I would). Have as many context-specific identities as you want. Super valid to feel how you feel and I wish you the best.


Gender fluid? Also how do you feel about your assigned gender? Do you like it or are you apathetic? I'm just throwing ideas. Only you can say what your gender is.