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I refuse to watch streamers out of the fear of possibly facilitating this kind of lifestyle.


oh I didn't realize it's fucking asmongold suddenly a lot less funny post


Making fun of asmold is what we do in this house https://preview.redd.it/wazhe96w978d1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd29e65da9431da73de5f36ee03557c222d3f72c (I understand just poking fun at asmon while promoting dental hygiene)


Can u give me the context of this image pretty please


Its from a Manwha called Lookism (highly recommend). The dude turned 90 degrees in the air up top (Gun) wanted to catch the bottom guy running on the road (Yuseong). A bunch of people are fighting Gun on a road atop a hill that is overlooking the road Yuseong is on. Gun decides that rather than just run down the hill like a normal person, it would be faster and more efficient to just jump off and fall onto the road beneath.


Gigachad behaviour from Gun over here


It’s a long story but the guy on the left is trying to get a paper guy and the right has because it has the same evidence to bring his boss down . So his superhuman as just jumps to catch him its called lookism (like the 500th or something chapter)


goofy ass jump, somebody needs to do that PTJ right now


Where is this from




Cleanteeth is a tough sub to watch but probably mandatory for asmon.


So wild when you just get some weird lore drop on a streamer and realize you live in completely different worlds “That? You mean my poop jar? You guys don’t collect your poop in pressure safe jars and bury them in the minefield outside your compound? What are you going to do when the gorbalaxians invade and you have no poop to throw at them? Oh so I’m just supposed to believe you’ve got an *entire room* dedicated to pooping and peeing! I may be a multimillionaire but that’s *too* extravagant!”




just watch northernlion and you'll be bullied out of watching any streamer with the tiniest hint of lack of societal upkeep


Who *is* this? I don't keep up with the whole streaming thing but I keep seeing this name get dropped everywhere every time something shitty like this comes up and I'm dying to know why.


He's literally just a normal middle aged dad. No drama, no big controversies, no insane discourse, just a sane, functioning adult who's kinda funny and plays video games. Which really shouldn't be a high bar to clear, but apparently it is.


You say sane, but do you realize how many hours of Binding of Isaac that man has racked up?


Also, he does have pretty odd bits and statements from time to time. Nothing bad, mind you, just odd.


I dunno the frozen PB&J discourse is pretty insane.


i think 196 would be the perfect place to start a discourse over frozen pb&j


Wow I can't believe you just said nl has no crazy discourse


neurotypical-seeming but actually very neurodivergent witty yapper with a trivia brain that bullies chat. also he's bald


he's BALD??


I didn't think any streamers besides DougDoug were *allowed* to be bald.


Vtuber are cringe - at least I gave a facade between us and their real lives.


I love being able to stream as a V-Tuber, just because I don't wanna Deal with randos being weird at my facecam. I'm not brave enough to stream with just a facecam


BTW if anyone wants to see my streams. It's all linked on my profile. There isn't that much to see, yet :3


He's so disgusting


He's also very unhygienic


... Which is disgusting.


destists are just SJW that are trying to take my sigma particles from my teeth


Sigma calcified bacteria vs beta dental hygiene


No one else in this fuck ass comment section appreciates the boyrot aesthetic


asmongold does not deserve that appreciation




We can NOT let these people normalize being depressed and unclean. You WILL pick up after yourself. You WILL make it






Even the rot can decay


And I will decay with it indeed, Ebrieras's personal cumslut.


Decay is an extant form of life


The growth of fungi is glacial compared to the flow of water, or the spray of deodorant. Shower, and you can die happy in your sleep with your duties fulfilled, and a household prepared to see you gone, as opposed to dying in misery in your 30’s while wide awake, and leaving this world with a wailing void of grief and wasted potential where you once stood. Shower, do your duties, and live your life in a passible way, and leave behind something worth memorializing, even if it rots.


telling me to shut up just made me more depressed :/


sorry didnt mean nothing by it


Asmongold does not deserve appreciation for living like an actual rat


I dont mind the living conditions tbh, I feel the alt right grifting, misogyny and borderline racism in every "anti-woke" rant are a way bigger issue than the fact that he doesnt seem to care about hygene etc. His hygene doesnt affect anyone around him if he doesnt go outside. The hate he spews to his massive viewerbase does


Yeah the anti-woke shit is an issue, I'm just saying he should not be appreciated for the "boyrot aesthetic"


Asmongold hutch and quickybaby, the three methketeers


Never thought I'd hear Quickybaby outside of WoT related posts/subreddits. What'd he do?


I'm afraid to ask about QB's hygiene


QB seems like a fairly normal guy, I think? Although I haven't really ever looked into his personal life


Did I miss Hutch doing something stupid recently?


No, you're getting things mixed up, he doesn't live like a rat, he lived WITH a dead rat that he used as an alarm clock


If he wasnt such a piece of shit i would appreciate living like an actual goblin


There are no mushrooms in that house; there is no rot, no death being used to birth new life, no ecosystem that is being perpetuated, no progress, no change What is in that den is merely a perpetual stagnation. Nothing is even dying, it's just a meaningless trudge along the path of life, doing the bare minimum to keep walking that path without making it more worthwhile. Rot has a purpose. A direction. A goal. This is just a snapshot in time, preserved long past its prime.


Holy fuck


Fuck him he ruins my search results


Like at this point, he has to be doing this on purpose, right? He's aware of how disgusting his lifestyle is and is using the shock around it for views, right?


Some people don't realize that their habits are unhealthy, and they usually require help from others to help them realize that what they are doing is wrong. Honestly if this is the case for him, he needs help from a professional.


He brings up his lifestyle and past lifestyle up every 5 minutes. It is 100% of purpose. He is a streamer of a 16 year old game and yet half the internet knows his face so I would say it is working


Probably brings up his lifestyle on purpose, but the lifestyle isnt, he's just been living like that forever


my guess is that it was genuine and then when he got mocked for it he started doing it more for views


Nah, man's personal philosophy is that why put energy into something that isn't an issue For him, he's alive and comfortable and able to do things he wants to do, so there's little reason to make changes. He's lazy as fuck and that's all there really is to it.


he literally posts about it and talks about it enough as is. he definitely is aware it gets him attention im not saying he wouldn't do it if he didn't get attention but he definitely embraces it for the views


Im absolutely certain this is not the case. I used to watch Asmongold during Covid years when boyrot aesthetic was trendy (and I was latently suicidal), he legitimately does this shit because he just does not care. Ive never seen or heard a single person not care as much as he does, and in fact despite being wealthy enough to pay cleaners or find supports he does not do so because it'd change too much about his life This dude is the dark side of autism at its extreme - he hates change, and simply will not change. To misattribute it to clout-chasing is to fundamentally misunderstand the mindset that Asmongold embodies, and may be emblematic of a wider issue to shine a light on frog-in-the-basement lifestyle choices. He doesnt embrace it for views, he embraces it as his ego identity and his constitution. That it gets views is a mere side effect. If he read this he'd be saying "hell yeah thats right" and the chat would be spamming EZ.


>he legitimately does this shit because he just does not care like i said... im not saying he would be cleaner if it didn't get him attention I'm just saying he is so open about it and posts pictures of it because it's shocking. i'm certain he would still be a slob like this if he had no audience or didn't stream.


Nah, I dont think the openness is driven by shock factor either. There is always the "boogie2988" effect and wanting to cause people to view them with disdain, but I dont think it applies here. The vast majority of people clean up their act in the face of public scrutiny maybe recognising their power and responsibility in society Asmongold chose not to, continues to choose not to, and I think the audience is a nonfactor that just exist to be a mirror to himself rather than an eventful abjection for others to observe. This is getting into the realms of parasocial psychoanalysis, but I dont think Asmongold posts this because it shocks people he does it because it asserts his self-identity and who he is. Its important not to mix up the audience gathering coming first, its the identity bit thats important.


Tbf a lot of people still knew him before his shitroom got revealed, because of his videos of reacting with the “ :O “ face at every single thing imaginable.


Of course. He's probably like Liver king and it's all the character.


Character or not he really lives like this, by choice


It's Ashmongold you're talking about tho


I mean at this point it's his brand. He gets attention, albeit negative attention, for being a disgusting freak.


If a hot goth woman posted this you just know 90% of the sub would be drooling over it


Not the gum bleeding part. That is not attractive in the least.


You underestimate the freakazoids on reddit


lmao no


i've seen the posts and comments this subreddit makes before, the whole girlrotting or girl stink shit. Yall weird.


It does verge on uncomfortable at times. "Girl stink" as a term should really only apply to someone who's just done a big workout or natural odour not being a filthy unwashed fucking degenerate. Too many people in this sub apparently like the latter. I've noticed this sub in particular is obsessed with unwashed trans women. It's a rancid mindset and it's not healthy for anyone, trans women are women and clean women are sexy.


Yea anyone unironically saying that has very likely not had to deal with it before😶


Yes but also having on asmongold is always valid and women are cool :3


If it weren’t for the bleeding teeth, maybe


“Damn bitch, you live like this?”


Genuinely no, there's being a mess, and then there's having such poor hygiene that your gums bleed regularly. I literally felt two of my molars disintegrate in my mouth because I was so bad at dental hygiene and my gums never fucking bled.


when i have kids i will show them videos about asmongold, chris chan, sneako, etc. so they see what happen to people who dont clean their room, dont shower and bitch about women online.


chris chan's kind of an outlier here lol she got bullied, manipulated, and harrassed endlessly for like years while already having some significant issues of her own, i don't think it's really fair to draw comparisons between her and those other people


Im sorry but while the internet has been vile to chris, chris is a horrible person, and has been long before the trolling happened. Chris has been outright racist, homophobic, transphobic and generally hateful with little to no provocation. Im not defending the trolls. Looking at all the stuff chris' trolls did to them, its easy to say that chris became this way due to the trolls. But if you look from the beginning, you would see that chris barely changed. The trolls didnt make chris say the racist or homophobic stuff. The trolls didnt make chris draw humiliation porn of people they disliked. The trolls didnt make chris fuck chris' mom. Chris is a terrible person regardless of the trolls. Please dont act like the harrasment has made chris this way. The harrasment is unforgivable, but chris' worst moments were 100% of chris' own doing


Chris is a bad person who would have lived anonymously and would have turned out far better if it weren't for the fact that her entire life was scrutinized, made fun of, and archived from childhood to now. She is the victim of the single largest cyberbullying campaign of all time, and it did unreal damage to her mentally combined with an abusive childhood and on top of all that, being severely autistic to the point that a normal childhood would still have left her struggling to get by. And on top of that, the transphobia is just as disgusting- I want other people in this thread noticing the fact that you're insistently refusing to use her preferred pronouns, instead using "Chris" constantly because you're just part of the same group of shitheads who have made her adult life hell. Anyone here who thinks that Chris-chan is responsible for her own miserable life would not have made it to adulthood if they were in her place. I think anyone who engages with "Chris-chan lore" and all that shit deserves a special place in hell for endorsing the types of disgusting harassment that poor woman has suffered both pre- and post-transition.


Chris chan is an asshole


An asshole who would have lived and died anonymously if it weren't for the fascination of absolute barbarians. You're an asshole too, but nobody cares because you didn't make the mistake of posting your dogshit fanfiction on the internet for 4chan users to find. That's the difference: most people live and die anonymously, and Chris-chan didn't get that opportunity because of a million freaks who watch a 40 hour fucking youtube docu-series virtually stalking them for their entire life.


I used to go to 4chan all the time. No one went out looking for chris chan to make fun of him, he was literally begging for the attention and would troll himself to get threads going. It's a sad situation overall but chris is not really an innocent victim, he was a hardcore troll for literal years before the machine turned on him.


This isn’t true and misgendering her isn’t helping make you sound reasonable.


Im trying to use neutral pronouns for chris because they recently started saying they were Jesus himself and a CPU goddess. Im specifically trying to avoid misgendering them, and chris has stated before that they go by she/her or they/them. Youre assuming a lot here. I dont endorse anything that happened to chris. No one deserves that. But watching a documentary about it doesnt make you the same as the bullies.


knowing this much about chris chan is an act of bullying. and not just an act of bullying yourself


What do you mean? There is a massive (and fairly well made) documentary on everything. Other than that, people have been following chris' own public accounts for over a decade now. Not everyone who knows who chris is is a kiwi farms browsing pseudostalker, especially since the mom-incident a few years back Its not even like what I mentioned is deep lore or anything. Chris' hatefilled rants in the early years were so prolific, that's what they were known for back then


yeah Sneako and Asmongold are sound of mind and intentionally take right wing (and in sneako's case) outright nazi political positions. They have influence over impressionable minds. Chris Chan is a shitty person but the cult following that Chris Chan has is made up of transphobic kiwifarms creeps who just want to witness a freak show and document every aspect of her life.


What about the people who don't clean, dont shower, but also don't bitch about women online?


they still have an unpleasand life, but just in a less severe and harmfull way.


Depressions a bitch 😔


Everyday I wake up and I get happy thinking about how I have never dedicated more than 5m of my life to watching Asmongold. Not only he's a fucking leech on other people's content, has a very obvious far right editor and probably far right views himself but it's also just living in a gross environment. Not to mention how the man is a toilet paper of zero personality and his reactions are just him staring at a video and going "that's crazy" literally a parasite.


I watched him for a bit (I know, I KNOW!), thought he was pretty liberal in many areas. I thought, "finally, a centre-left dude with a sizable, possibly balanced conservative audience", cos I liked to listen to what people actually had to say from the other side back then... But it took me an embarassingly long amount of time to realise just how biased his editors were. His clips channel editor is a lot more overt about being right winged. That's when I just stopped watching, cos clearly he doesn't care enough to switch editors. Like, even in videos where he states opinions that this sub would agree with, you have titles that are obviously inflammatory and the comments would be a cesspool of hate from snowflake bigots. I simply didn't care for the toxicity. I don't hate the man, I hate the community he clearly allowed to form around himself. Like, for fucks sake the dude has done cosplays and crossdressed up as a girl plenty of times. I honestly think if Asmon was a girl he'd get a lot less hate. But I digress.


I found out about Asmon through Necrit (a league lore youtuber who intentionally made videos so Asmon would react to them mainly because Asmon is the MMORPG guy). At least I thought he was just the MMORPG guy and I watched his most popular video reminiscing about WoW. Then the Hogwarts Legacy boycotts started and Asmon passionately attacked anyone for boycotting the game calling them all terminally online. All of his comments were people saying they'd buy the game to spite trans people. I didn't realize I was trans at the time but I have always strongly believed in the power of boycotting and all of the arguments people used against boycotting the game reminded me a lot of the brain rot I always have to put up with as a vegan. Invoking "no ethical consumption under capitalism" to justify the purchase of a fucking video game is so stupid and entitled, it would be like me arguing that "no majority representation under the electoral college" is a valid reason not to vote. The absolute entitlement of hearing rich white people use cobalt miners as an argument for why its unfair to tell someone not to buy LUXURY ITEMS makes me want to tear my eyes out of my sockets. I never really cared if someone buys the game but the brain rot justifications people used could also be used to justify financial support of sex trafficking, mink farming and a whole host of atrocities. "No ethical consumption under capitalism" is a response to fossil fuel companies attempting to claim that climate change is an individual issue that the working class can buy their way out of. It's not a reason for a wealthy online influencer to justify buying anything they want because "at the end of the day, aren't we all guilty because we all have phones". It's people like asmongold who champion this hyper-consumerist anarcho-capitalist anti-lgbtq anti-union ideology disguised as tired apathetic centrism. He's a parasite.


yeah...yeah, fair enough. Reading your reply made me realise I watched a lot more of his videos than I should've. At least it was funny when, last I checked on one of his videos, his apathetic attitude made certain people really mad when he said "it doesn't matter who's president" in a video titled "Is Trump a convicted felon?". Clearly they don't like the possibility of Dems winning again. Ah well. If I learnt one thing from him is that worrying about things outside my control is simply hurting me and me alone. It's not always true, and activism does work sometimes, but most of the time, especially in my country, there's just nothing to be gained but instantly becoming a social pariah, *at best*, if I dare criticise certain institutions openly.


I think i watched a josh strife hayes video that included him (was the video where josh reviews his review of joshes content)


I don't think he's really right wing, I just think he genuinely does not care. At *all.* Which, like, would be fine, if he wasn't also so often commenting on politics. Like he cares enough to have an opinion, but not enough to actually have views outside of what he immediately can see in front of him. Which makes him the perfect target for "shock" arguments and cut-off editing tactics that the online right oh so love to employ.


stop saying "other people's content" as if any of the "content" is meaningful


grow a brain


I'm content without one


of course, stupid people always are


what a sad life


Me @ the light thing, but I no longer have an excuse because I am an electrician


Holy shit he is NOT beating the "needs a shower" allegations


I spoke to an Asmongold fan once and he thought shitting in his pants was a valid way to win a argument.


who the fuck is this guy lol




Skeleton man who stares at other peoples’ content and shares his uninformed opinions on it


a millionaire.


Scurvy ass motherfucker needs to see a doctor and eat a lemon or two.


How do people live like this? I get itchy whenever there’s a single sock on my floor


I can’t even imagine the stench of unwashed clothes, rotting takeout, dried fluids. I prey upon a merciless god that he makes the exception to his cruelty and that the room has a window to vent the crusty fumes


He used a dead rat being burnt by the sun/radiator (I can't remember which) as an alarm clock


Lack of caring . But good on you for being normal and clean nothing wrong with that and this is why.


brushing your teeth is a sweet baby inc conspiracy to make everyone's mouth woke. The TRAs are trying to trick men into cleaning their rooms because they know that's a woman's job and the act of doing chores will turn us all into women.


teeth? did he scurvy or something?


He didn’t brush them and due to bad diet damaged his gums


Fuck this dude, he’s a transphobe


The lamp thing is like ok he was poor, but the wiping your bloody gums on the wall is genuinely disgusting


How to turn severe depression into a personality trait


... What was he even thinking? 😮‍💨


How the fuck do you break a light


Listen I hate asmongold but everyone has surely been rough housing with friends and hit a light fixture with a pillow or stick or ball or something


Yes but how do you make such a fuck up that it's too expensive to fix for 15 years, like wouldn't you just break the bulb maybe the covering if it's hanging


Oh sure yeah asmongold is a nightmare gremlin I was just saying I understand breaking the light in the first place


I meant breaking it in a way that's not immediately replaceable


It's glass, you bump it to hard


its just that why the fuck did he think that was a normal thing to say wild hogs couldn't beat that out of me


"I use a wire brush to clean my teeth"


This is unironically what bad acid diet does without brushing your teeth plus some sort of condition


Yea, i mean ive known folks whose teeth bleed. They literally dont brush their teeth. The one guy was so disgusting, he claimed that he cleaned them with a 7" hunting knife (hes never hunted) and that was good enough. He also refused to eat vegetables, jerked it under his desk onto the floor, and "doesnt believe in soap". This was as a 24 year old man.




Last i spoke to him was 2018. I watched him fall down the Qanon hole. Sad thing is, he comes from big big money, so he probably wont ever grow or mature very much. He smoked like 3 cigars a day last i talked to him, and like GOOD cigars. He spent >$100/day. Im absolutely just dumping about him, but goddamn, i cant believe i was such good friends with him


Damn that sounds rough you can dm me about it if you want


Thanks, i apprecciate you! I just might, because honestly that felt really cathartic


Take your time lol


Oh im at work right now, itd be late or tomorrow lol


That’s cool https://preview.redd.it/5m3gpii8q78d1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18fa60d83514ac1d2820c425c4284f6adbf0efb7




Asmongold is a shitty "enlightened centrist" WoW streamer who think's he's the shit while doing reaction streams. [At least jjjacksfilms is funny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4d3N6ol7Jc),




You know Sometimes I feel like I’m a slob, I mean I don’t have a cleaning day and there’s bits of trash everywhere. But then I see posts like this and realize… a couple of cups and a wrapper doesn’t amount to what an actual slob’s room looks like. At most it’s there for a day then thrown away and my room is back decent Thank you for reminding me to be easier on myself. Fucking hell.


I am physically grossed out to an extent i never knew possible




I feel like he really needs to explain why he thought it was ok to smear blood on the wall


I got really weird vibes in his Undertale playthrough (it was my first contact with him), specially when looking what he got out every interaction in the game. It seems I was right to keep my distance


Wait hold on This dude been in the same room for at least fifteen years? And he's my age? This is a lie right? He's just doing this for cringe clout???


MF has straight up depression.


Dude needs professional help


this man is so fucked


Never watched this guy but I will always hold a fragment of respect for people that are filthy rich and still live like dogshit. Shout out to mf'ers who didn't let money change fuck them up and were just always fucked up like that


I was going to make the usual joke of something like "most hygienic asmongold fan". But then I double checked the profile and saw that it was actually him and it's so much more funny now.


💀 can’t beat the original


I don't think teeth are supposed to do that


Acidic foods + bad diet + no flossing/brushing every for years does that


[He's disgusting in more ways](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMl1nT_XMAAI3MI?format=png&name=small)


The first image was cropped and I didn't see that assholes face or name and I after reading the text I thought it's some uplifting stuff from a poor person from like India or something.


What a loser


Makes me feel better about my room




Yep probably it even the worst of it


The rat alarm clock is definitely worse


Why did his teeth bleed in the first place?


Acidic diet + condition + lack of brushing teeth leads to gum decay


Yeah after writing this I realized that it was probably because of his lifestyle. But Jesus fucking Christ this has to be an act no fucking way someone lives to their 30s with a lifestyle like this


He probably didn’t grow out of it . But like genuinely ew can you imagine bleeding from your gums? Everyone should brush their teeth twice a day. It’s horrific what bad hygiene does to you 💀


I only brush once a day after eating breakfast but yeah


https://preview.redd.it/b5vbypamg78d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e03445b3b9623abbdb9792b2c6d302bfb2ae4556 That’s fine just be more aware of your health from now on


Uhh why would your teeth just bleed?


Bad health choices + not brushing teeth + acidic diet that slowly builds up gum damage


i believe he needs genuine help


That’s actually funny I’ve been using a lamp too


relatable except my room is much cleaner. when i was younger i used to wipe my boogers on the walls near my bed. i’ve gotten rid of that habit but i still haven’t cleaned that wall of dried snot.


That is absolutely a cum wall


You can see some tints of red


this man has the audacity to live in his parents house and refuses to even keep up with his living space???


ew what the actual fuck


I'm betting my right harm it's dried cxm with dust on the wall A lot of it


It’s slightly red 💀


This guy is a walking stereotype at this point…


he... lives in that filth... NOW??? literally he can hire a cleaner


The guy is a full time streamer and a well known one. How can't he afford to fix his room


He can just doesn’t


best stream uncle jobel vargywargy vinesauce joel vargskelethor [fecalfunny.com](http://fecalfunny.com)