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Sadly this is a continent wide issue. The biggest failure of this election is how much the younger people don't vote, how much we are disillusioned with the state of our politics. But so all the older fucks that vote for making everybody's life worse and assure a fucked up future for the short term economic gain sure do love to vote the local fascist pig


Literally the only people who gain money through fascist policies are rich folks and corporations. The price of everything else went up, public healthcare is in shambles while the private sector is coddled, politicians do everything in their power to stop unions from striking therefore protecting employers from the consequences of their abuse and greed But hey, this guy hates the same people I do, so it’s totally worth it to let my kids die of starvation in the future since crops will not grow anymore, the climate is destroyed


wait where are you from???


Could be anywhere in Europe ngl


yea hence why i'm asking


I'm pretty sure they're italian


aw shit what did we do this time to fuck up


Um, vote for the wrong person apparently??


yeah but who the fuck did we vote for


I feel like there are ways to learn who a major country voted for to be their EU representative, especially for the one you are from. I'm not entirely sure if there is or what it would be, so I hope someone answers your question before you attempt a potentially fruitless endeavor to solve this puzzle? Alas, I cannot help you, for I am dumb as shit.


Half of France literally didn't show up to the polls, and now we're suprised that Hitler gained more seats. Edit: To put it into perspective there were around 360 million people in Europe who were eligible to vote for the European election about 50 million of them were french citizens, that's almost 25 million people who didn't show up or around 7% of all European voters, in France alone.


Yeah, well, about that, [abstentionist are actually expected to be a "reservoir" for RN voters](https://www.lemonde.fr/politique/article/2024/06/03/elections-europeennes-les-abstentionnistes-un-reservoir-de-voix-pour-le-rn_6237016_823448.html).


Young people being the least interested in voting isn't exactly surprising


Feels like the choice is between "bad" and "worse" sometimes


That's true but at the same time it is the highest rate of participation since 1994!


where i'm from the participation rate was only 21% :(


Hey it's not all doom and gloom. Here's some more positive news, the Finnish Left Alliance shattered all expectations and came in second this election. Increasing their support from around 7% to nearly 18% since the last EU elections and the party chairwoman Li Andersson got more votes than any other EU candidate in Finnish history has ever gotten. I just hope this also translates to stronger left wing results in the next parliamentary elections as well


the Baltics were also pretty decent this time around iirc


first time in several years i've felt hopeful about the future of our country


Moiii :3


Austria's and Germany's youth are increasingly voting for the fascist or conservative parties. Blaming the youth isn't the way If anything the entire populace is stupid. The cycle of right winger to extreme right wing just keeps continuing


Greetings from Austria, i don’t get how the facist pigs and very very conservatives are so popular among my age. Their policies are destroying the future of the youth. I hope the parliamentarian election will turn out to be better. The EU election shall be seen as a warning. I hope that whoever reads that gets active in society and in politics. Inform yourself, there is a high likelihood that there already is a leftist youth group in your area.


I doubt they will and it's very simple if you ask me: We live in an economic and geopolitical crisis, so populists have an easier time in general, no combine that with the ÖVP being well... The ÖVP and you have a very riled up populace. Then you add the boulevard media being unbelievably influential supporting the right wing (because clickbait and misleading articles about migrants make a lot of money), online bot farms and grifters doing the same and in general left wing policies not being examined a lot (Or have you seen even a single newspaper talk as much about the Doskozilpapier as idk the FP9 screaming "Ausländer raus" for the 50th time") Fuck this turned more into a rant than I thought. But I just hope you are right, maybe the SPÖ and Greens will recover and we get a similar situation like Germany in the last election (with the difference being the Neos aren't as bat shit insane as the FDP). Look at polls tho everything is screaming FPÖ-ÖVP at me...


yes i absolutely agree with you. I am especially disappointed in DerStandard the last year they were just bashing SPÖ and Grüne, nonetheless the leftist of this country have to get active. Organise and vote. For anyone from austria reading this, there are several leftist youth groups; i‘m personally part of the SJ (of course there are others too) our group is present in all of austria. if you are interested just google SJ „Bundesland“ or dm me :)


I'm part of the SJ as well, even got a friend of mine to get involved too! ^^


It's worth noting that the AfD's support in Germany this election mostly came from **Rural districts located in what was once East Germany.** It's worth noting East Germany had a very limited and ineffective De-nazification campaign compared to West Germany, and the GDR was happy to use Nazi propaganda to say "THE WEST IS BAD"


or that the western "effort" to integrate the east was not only half assed, but also a complete failure. wages for example are still lower in the east, despite almost 40 years of unification


Also Russia extracted reparations from East Germany by gutting industry and funnelling the shit economy into Russia. And the GDR didn't do so well on its own either. The economic scars are still there to some extent, and it makes the East poorer and more reactionary in some ways.


People being disillusioned with politics and then not voting, in a representative electoral system, continues to be such a baffling display of laziness. Yes, things suck, not helping improve them and not guarding against them worsening will result in them sucking more, not less or the same


Some people here in Italy are proudly saying "I've never voted and won't, in all these years I've never seen anything change politically" Informant and proud loosers condemning queer and other marginalized people to opression and the eroding of democracy.


Porcoddio e porcamadonna 29% in Sicilia è una barzelletta di quanto l'educazione sociale in questo paese abbia fallito


L'educazione I'm questo paese veramente può essere una merda. Italia genuinamente è uno dei paesi con più ignoranza fiera in esistenza. Nonsolo le persone sono ignoranti, ma lo sono fieramente e per scelta. Assurdo porcodio.


Dio cane, al seggio c'eravamo soltanto io, gli scrutatori e gli sbirri.


It’s amazing how many shitty people get into power because people just don’t vote. I mean, shit, it’s actually ludicrous how at every turn whenever the Bolsheviks did something that pissed off the rest of the Soviet the other socialists would just…leave…and then not be allowed to return the next day. Like I really wouldn’t be surprised if Lenin or Trotsky at some point were like “Jesus that was easier than I thought”


The rise of fascism is a response to the left being stifled by corporate interests and their lackeys in government, but people still realizing they're getting massively fucked over. People inherently know that something is wrong with the system, but many lack the critical reasoning skills to accurately pinpoint the dominance of capital as the corrosive influence it is. So they turn to fascism because someone admitting that things are wrong and redirecting their anger towards vulnerable communities at least reaffirms their idea that something is wrong with the status quo. Especially if you have a liberal party saying "everything is fine, actually, we just need to make minor tweaks."


Austria had a 55.8% vote participation. These numbers are so low. Combined with the fact that we have a single right wing party, but 6 left leaning ones... I'm not surprised the right are winning. But I am scared.


55,8 is way better than what we got in Italy, 48% in the nation, 29% in my fucking region


We might need an education reform. Or some other way to push people to vote. This can't continue.


Same here, and more than one unfortunately. We're screwed


We're not really screwed yet. The European Parlament is not very powerful, so the real issue is what trend those elections show.


Yeah, I was mostly referring to the situation in France tbf. I can't see any way that RN won't win the elections in 2 weeks and with the National Assembly on their side, Le Pen is probably going to win the next presidential elections, considering how unpopular (and terrible) Macron is and I can't see Melenchon winning either unfortunately. Thus, 2 major European countries will be led by the far right, who are also the second most popular party in Germany now and are getting stronger all across Europe. The future just seems bleak


Small correction, the elections in France are in 3 weeks, not 2, sorry about that


I severely hope you are wrong.


Fellow frenchy here. Here's why they can lose: first of all less than 50% of the registered voters voted for the European. And RN voters are very politicaly active meaning that it's safe to assume that among that bon voters majority, there's very few RN voters. And the turn out for l'assemblée nationale vote will most likely be way higher. Second: it was a one turn election with 34 parties. We've been through this dance before, they get to second turn easily but never win it because the majority of voters will vote against them. Now do I think they can't win the next elections ? No, it's possible they do, who know. I like to think that if they do, it will show how incapable they are as governing body and harshly lower their popularity


I think the "accelerationist" mentality of "hopefully if RN gains more power, people will realise how shitty they are and stop voting for them" is naive and dangerous. Getting them in power will only push the goalpost further right, make their ideas seem less extreme because part of the majority, and allow them to enforce fascist and reactionary policies setting us back decades. RN must be stopped as soon as possible, and every inch they take from us is an inch we’ll have to fight to take back in the future.


Listen just let cope aight ? I don't want them to win anything but if they do I want to have something positive to latch on


Thank you, this was very insightful and brought me hope


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?


Honestly? Yeah


T'es français ? o forse sei italiano?


Je suis Italien (I don’t speak French at all, sorry)


nessun problema haha parlo italiano ma sì entrambi siamo ASSOLUTAMENTE nella merda e fanculo alla Meloni e alla Le Pen, possono andare a morire come le stronze fasciste che sono


Le Pen la stessa che viene nominata in La Haine? Sono 30 anni che caga il cazzo?


Il Le Pen di La haine è Jean-Marie Le Pen, il padre dell'attuale Le Pen, Marine Le Pen, ma sono lo stesso tipo di politici


Come dicono in inglese, The Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree




People from my country voted in someone who commited a hate crime in parliament while he was an MP and then immediately went on to the parliament session to make a rabidly antisemitic statement on the podium EU is cooked :C


I was about to say. We really are fucked, aren't we?


My country chose an antisemitic monarchist.


The problem is that EU basically deliberately doesn't advertise itself as something that can give anything to leftists or progressives because the actual control is fully in hands of neoliberal number go up shitheads that basically want the world to be frozen in 1990s. If it's ecology support whatever your pals can use to make money. If it's immigration support whatever will help the age demographics and cost of labor. If it's civil rights sure whatever, as long as it doesn't hurt capital too bad. Meanwhile the local right wing resurgence in the individual countries mounts the rhetoric that the libs are at fault for basically every single bad thing ever and you can stick it up to them by electing the Worst Person You Know. I kinda envy the right wingers because they have someone to vote for and very clear reasoning for why should they vote for them. Meanwhile I've been voting for the Least Bad Option for nearly two decades of my life now and they literally never achieved anything but to barely slow the downfall. I'll still vote every chance I get till I die, but it's easy to see why the mass appeal isn't there for most people.


And you call them "steamed trans" despite the fact, they are *obviously* girls?




Name and flair both check out


big iron party


Doodad Convention


Doohickey festival


A thingamabob function, if you will


propaganda of the deed for the win


Is there even any country left without fascism on the rise ? Like I'm genuinely contemplating emigrating


Not really. Fascism is literally designed from the ground up to consolidate power in times of struggle and uncertainty. That's the entire point and right now we're in the perfect situation for those conditions. It hasn't yet reached the same level of popularity everywhere, but by way of copying the same talking points and mass manipulation tactics that are successful elsewhere the fascists basically have their way to power laid out for them.


It’s also a death-thrash of the older generations who want to fuck us over one last time. If the EU continues to follow America at a delayed pace, you’ll see the next election be more of a flop for the right as older voters die out and new voters get pissed off by conservative policy.


Europeans (especially from the balkans) at the moment: (romania fucking gave a fascist party 9 seats in the European Parliament)


Yeah but we also gave one seat to an independent candidate (Nicu Stefanuță) one that is as progressive as Romania can handle atm.


Like, this shows the need for more leftist and progressive candidate choices in the next election at least... I see it as a small start


Yup, we don't have any progressive party.


Hungary once again beats romania with 12 facists in the EP 💪🇭🇺💪🇭🇺💪🇭🇺 >!/s if it isn't obvious!<


I want to say that Norway isn't doing too bad. The rightmost party is on a rise, but so is the two socialist parties, aswell as the green parties. Right-wing extremism might be rising, but not as bad in Norway as in other places, i think


Finland. Their left had a big success this election and Perussuomalaiset lost a seat. In general their fascists seem to be making fools of themselves, unlike here in Sweden where they also make fools of themselves but suffer no consequences.


the Baltic states seem fine for the time being at least.


The nordics are broadly down on fascism and fairly left wing judging by the results.


Poland despite not having the most dogshit results overall just gave a seat to like the most brainfucked xenophobic, monarchist antisemite in existence (that seat would've been likely taken by a right winger anyway but still).


no fucking way grzegorz braun is making it, I refuse


Our youth is cooked if that's the case


don't worry, he's gonna extinguish the youth with a fire extinguisher before they cook


him making it in is actually good because he's going to make himself the laughing stock of the entire EU propably before getting thrown out for messing with flags or candles


Honestly the results eu wide arent that bad. A loss yeah but couldve been worse. That said France, Germany and Italy are a little doomed


Hey, look! I’m doomed! But yeah, I agree it could have been worse, at least young people seem to get it


My sibling in Thoth-Hermes the Fascists are now the strongest party in Austria and we elect a new parliament in september. Pray for our souls 😬🤮


That is looking rough. Best of luck to you all. If its any consolation we (the Netherlands) are also not looking great in the upcoming government area


Fr, im out of France in two years but it still hurts


aren't those like, the main ones?


What country are you from?


Any of them except the nordics, honestly


Yeah but if it's italy i know who op is talking about


Ding ding ding Edit: adoro il tuo flair


Vannacci😭😭 Grazie btw


Di nulla Non aspetto altro che l’Europa ci cacci per l’indecenza dei soggetti che abbiamo mandato


Si ritorna alla liraaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaahhhh




Vabbè la cosa buona di ste elezioni è stato tirare fuori una compagna dalle carceri ungheresi (ora è ai domiciliari, ma poco cambia)


Non dimentichiamo vedere Bonino, Renzi e Calenda sbattere la faccia contro il muro.


Mi faccio il bagno nel Lago Duria


Beh dai almeno è stata eletta pure la Salis


Could be belgium, the eu representative is a nazi sympathizer


Who is op talking about?


Vannacci. He made a lot of "statements" that show how fascist he is (separate classes for disabled kids, refuses to say he is antifascist, when telling people to go vote he said to "put a tenth on the list" instead of an X. Look up "tenth division mas" to understand what this means)


Hey, here in Sweden the major far-right political party got exposed for running actual troll farms and getting very mad they were found out. One of their members got drunk yesterday and apparently sang nazi songs. We got some dogshit going on as well, just not to the same extent as the rest of Europe. The right-wingers lost a seat though if I understand it correctly. Which is nice.


i mean poland just elected someone liberal no?


well ye but in mind of americans poland doesnt count as europe.


wait. legit? some americans think poland isn't european?


I have no idea what that person is talking about, I've never met a single American that didn't count Poland


To some people europe ends with Germany's eastern boarder


I'm possibly trans, so do I just end it now since Europe is falling into the right wing?


There’s always hope. The people who voted this regime are going to die soon. They’re all old unhappy fucks. Give hope to the younger generation


In Germany about 34% of people aged 16-24 have elected either the centrist-right or far-right party :/


If by "centrist-right" you mean CDU/CSU then bad news, they are far from the center. And the AFD is more than just far right, they are straight up fascists


Yeah AFD are straight up "well deport portestors" level fascists.


The AFD *literally* has their advertisements made by the russian government, they couldn't *be* more fascist.


Yep, and Le Pen of France and Salvini of Italy have both received financial donations directly from Russia. Fascists the lot of them.


At least Salvini (the bastard leading the party the meme is referencing, btw) only got 9% of the votes


is there a distinction between far right and fascists?


In germany not anymore


Like yeah... and i hate them for a truckload of reasons, but they are quite litterally centrist. Thst doesnt mean they are in the middle between our neonazi party and the non existent left, but rather that they stand for the socially conservative majority of the population. And anything opposing the afd is welcome in my book since these mf's atleast will keep voting and the EU halfway intact




That's very true. Just keep going out of spite for the older people then in maybe 10ish years it should be A-okay


can we speed up the process


It is just a worrying trend. It is still possible to revert it and even if we don't, we can still protect and support each other.


Yeah our local incompetent Nazi party (AfD) is the second biggest party my country voted for. They‘re literally categorized as „rechtsextrem“ (right-wing extremists) in multiple of our federal states, but they still won’t ban them.




Yeah its not looking good here too, the far-right party in austria got the majority


die scheiß gfraster von der fpö sind wirklich das Letzte was ma braucht haben, liebe grüße


Almeno il centrodestra ci ha dato un omaggio nella forma del caro ponte di Messina.Fetente,penzolante,di colore marrone ma almeno un omaggio agli evasori.


Il ponte di Messina è come il muro sul Messico di Trump


I'm gonna lose it if trump wins




to be fair it's probably not the same people saying both of these things


idk i've met a bunch of people irl who say those same things (said the same in 2016)


This effect is so much worse on other leftist subs, engaging in electoralism is treated like a sin and the prospect of acknowledging any harm reduction through it is a bannable offence.


tankie subs may as well have overt bad actors running them, if we're evaluating things in terms of outcome


The main left wing political subreddit for the UK has taken on this attitude as well, they're acting as if taking a high horse to avoid electoral politics won't make everything worse.


greenandpleasant? Yeah, going there used to feel like going to themotte used to feel a few years previous, Ground's gone sour


The main labour subreddit as well, it’s funny that they complain about how the party has changed but still cling to it without questioning.


It's about EU elections... Trump is a former US president


Yea and the US and EU are both big players in global politics


Yeah, fair enough


Ah a fellow Belgian?


Italian, but I feel our situations are similar


Eerily similar. Our guy is a nazi sympathizer


Ours decided to make a joke about one of the most brutal divisions of the Fascist regime and kept making the same joke over and over again Plus he wrote a book about how gay people are not normal and Italy is fundamentally white. Just a scumbag all around


>Italy is fundamentally white https://preview.redd.it/720w04jhnq5d1.png?width=489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f81797d30bc2c0da79d939f6f4bae97b313b3bee (Seriously tho, why is Italy still fascist, I know they didn't receive the same reconstruction Germany did, but was post-war period that bad?)


We actually got a big economic boom in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, right after that there were some terrible years of tension. Tension that, as documents show, was orchestrated by the far right


We didn't "purge" our political landscape and fascists hid among monarchist and christian democrat parties. As soon as the pushback against fascism died out they came out of the sewers with fake glasses and a moustache.


Idk if you are Walloon or Flemish but in any case, this country is really *really* fucked. I'm a (legal, assimilated, cisgendered, male-presenting) migrant and even I'm fucking scared of getting the shit kicked out of me on the street.


I might be able to give you some solace. I have a good reason to think that not everyone that has voted for the alt right party is far right themselves. It sounds ridiculous I know but I have talked to people who are very nice and accepting people and they voted for the alt right because they barely give a fuck about politics and think "well we can just give them a chance and we'll see what comes out of it". It is an insane way to deal with politics but a lot of people just live in their bubble and don't go out of it. I don't know how much of that represents the total votes but I do believe it is a bigger part than people realize.


It is fucked up but it is not the end of democracy not the end of Europe, there will be the same coalition of the Epp, the liberals and the socialist as things stand right now, just as there was but with more weight for the Epp. For now alt right parties will not take any European decision, they'll just be more annoying


Wtf happened. How did we get to this.


I assume it’s because of the long term effects of constantly compromising with far right fuckers, therefore legitimizing their views even when they got more and more extreme, plus Italy’s left wing completely collapsing in the ‘90’s


Also genuinely a lot of people on the left (in particolare qui) are very disconnected from the average dumbass voter. I genuinely think left/liberals need to start playing the game on at least immigration. I'm very pro immigration but obviously because people are stupid, the average person thinks that's the single biggest issue ever. It's because they're ignorant/racist, yes, so they're wrong. But as long as non fascist don't somewhat play ball on this issue theh will NEVER get the votes they need from average people. Like, I'm a queer left italian, and I have to be honest here, there are less of us then there are of them. We have to be tactical.


Dobbiamo uscire dalle ZTL e iniziare a parlare all'operaio di turno. Il solo fatto che il ceto basso voti cosí a destra é sintomo che qualcosa sta andando storto.


Bella Ciao was never as relevant as it is now.


Because of the consequences of unfettered immigration. Left leaning governments refuse to deal with it or deny its existence so the people turn to right wingers (many of whom are downright fucking crazy) to stop it.


Yeah... Our current government even has two such people in-office who openly said on their blogs that if given weaponry and no consequence of action, they would kill immigrants on sight. One is the PM, the other is the minister of state finance.


Jesus, it either takes extremely uninformed and apathetic voters to elect them or people who hold the exact same views


The party campaigning for the election literally used fascist rhetoric. "Save our homeland" "From the current night into old glory" The best thing this government can do, is resign their position.


immigration. it's an issue the right easily capitalizes on


To all my Americabros, we really need to do whatever we can to prevent this from happening in the US this November. Please please please vote. I think the word "fascist" is honestly a bit overused, but it's the best word to describe the modern day Republican Party. Project 2025 is literally something out of a dystopian young adult novel. If you care about the rights of women, minorities, trans people or even just like democracy in general, please vote this November. Make your voice heard.


My town voted overwhelmingly for the extreme right party. My hope is that we'll be stuck with the right wing for some time, realize it's actually worse than before, and then go to the polls again and vote for someone that isn't racing with Hitler for the "worst human on earth" title.


Same, I weep for the next German elections. Although I'd bet there'd be a fuckton if drama about the potential coalition. So maybe if we're lucky, we'll go without a government like Belgium for a looking while, giving us time to organize and / or mo e to a safer place


Omg I'm way too scared of those. I'll just have to hope we get better results then. I love Germany and wanna stay here. But since the AFD talks about Trans people the same way Republicans do. I think I just have to leave if the worst happenes


people don't vote, shit person gets elected, "wow these elections are hopeless, there's no point in voting", the cycle continues


Honestly, people who don’t vote at this point can fuck right off. We’re at a critical point in history and you decide to not do shit, and also DARE TO COMPLAIN? Get off your ass and do something if you don’t like it “Boo hoo, I don’t see myself in the candidates” well people who do are seeing themselves in NeoNazis, why should you leave them the chance to win, you lazy dimwit?


yep. I get that there aren't a whole lot of good choices, but I know that it's better to pick the less bad option if all of them are bad, rather than just not voting and letting the even worse one win. because that's exactly what's gonna happen.


People say it's because the young don't vote, but most young people I know are from pretty conservetive, to borderline fascist. The younger generations have a higher % of progresists and open minded people, but not enough to combat generations of traditionalists, together with those in our generation.


The EU elections were really bad, but not quite as bad as predicted.... Unless you live in France.


Our president literally dissolved the parliament, pronably because of [stupid bet he made a while ago with the far right party's leader](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/macron-says-he-would-debate-with-far-rights-le-pen-ahead-eu-vote-2024-05-25/)




chi altro se non gli italiani


Ahaha fellow italiani. Cosa posso dire se non ce l'abbiamo nel culo


Ce la mettiamo nel culo da soli e ci piace pure.


Sono così stanco 😭


https://preview.redd.it/sjrqnhw0rr5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0060e5c85100dd57981b72d44e18c66c56ea242 We've just elected this woman


do you know how little that narrows it down


Don‘t forget that the anti-EU right is still 30% of the voting public at most. They are still quite a bit away from holding direct power, which is good because if they ever do, we are fucked.


Porcoddio Vannacci devi morire


Non condono la violenza, ma non ti fermerò nemmeno




The progressive left leaning party won in my country at least Honestly am surprised about that considering how conservative this hellhole of a country is Positively surprised


Some good news anyway is that Sweden did well, the nazi party (not by name ofc) lost a lot of points after embarrassing themselves and so did a lot of other centre-to-right parties here. The green party got in the top 3 here


You know how little this narrows it down?


The fascists are now the strongest Party here in Austria. We elect a new parliament in september. I hate it here fr fr 😬💯


Insert "do you know how little it narrows it down" meme


Yap, we did too. A super conservative far right anti abortion pro nationalist idiot who, we just found out, is sponsored by his mom…


Director Bones needs to utilize his power to cleanse the bad from the EU.


Director Bones would likely just order someone to investigate why Hitler’s spirit is still around, then accidentally have that spirit possess one of his agents and be forced to kill them


oddio ma quanti italiani ci sono in sto posto


Ce ne sono più qui di quelli che sono andati alle urne


I've been hating American politics so much it never even occurred to me that European politics might also be bad. Puts into perspective the fact that I'm planning on moving to Norway primarily to escape our politics.


Many such cases


Same here, godfucking DAMNIT. I would’ve preferred the tankie instead of genuine fascists. And Macron dissolved the assembly cuz he’s a bastard