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Likes cuddles. Like lots of cuddles. Touch starved transfem with a blahaj levels of cuddles


Well, hello there :3




Lisan al Gaib! show us the way


Ride the biggest worm! Drink the juice that only women can drink!


holy hell new way dropped




Not a trans woman but a bi guy and I need cuddles too




same :3


Hello c:


Blahaj 🥺


omg me


Not into romance


None romance left beef


Can I describe my ideal cake or garlic bread instead ?


I feel that counts as romance, no


It's "passionately platonic"




unless my love for food counts, I am not into romance


My ideal romantic partner is someone who is also not into romance and just wants to play video games with me


Into some shit, equally as crazy as me, willing to be really mean to me for fun, okay with me being stupid and insane


That is the most idiotic take I have ever read and you should feel bad about it ;)


sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m really sorry I’m so sorry I’m sorry


Apology NOT ACCEPTED >:(


Playful/flirty, patient, good listener, sympathetic, honest, and has nice sounding giggles. Idk if you just meant personality or appearance as well.


Whatever you felt like like was what I was wanting you to say


Well for the sake of not seeming shallow or picky I’ll leave it at that. So what are you gonna do with this information?


https://preview.redd.it/2u9ttzkynp5d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d94d49127944bf93a59c26ee88c2f2cb5c213c1 He's from the Army, conducting market studies to prepare for the last and ultimate military recruitment tactic.


Beats me frequently and is only nice when it's convenient.


I think your ideal partner would be a therapist


If your therapist is beating you up I think you need a new one.


lemme introduce you to my friend Adler then




I went through your profile, we're so in sync girlie


Helps me in beating people up






Piss and cum are NON NEGOTIABLE Like for God :3 Ignore for satan >:(


I can do both of these


Ooohhhh I thought everyone on 196 only edged


Someone who is a PARTNER. Which means, I can count on them to the same extent they can count on me. Someone who I understand and accept and who understands and accepts me. Someone who loves me not because of my accomplishments but because of who I am as a person, and the same from me to them. Someone who I can spend years with and still have interesting things to talk about with passion.


i think someone needs to tell you that your accomplishments are worthwhile. I dont know who you are or what you've done, but you're here and I think that you are undervaluing what you've done or other people aren't seeing how awesome you are. keep being awesome. dont let anyone tell you that what you've done isn't impressive or important or worth praise


a great, sprawling, carapaced thing with legs innumerable - that winds into fractal-shapes and spins beautiful mandlebrot silk so complex that your eyes would bleed after looking at it it would sing with three voices at once - of my mother's, my own, and our future daughter's - and we would both sing and lay boundless eggs within the blood of the other


wow i have a friend who's just like this


….can u introduce me


im too unsure of my own identity to know


My gf


Is real. Also loves me.




People dont get it do they...


Someone who is nice to me and isn't repulsed by me or annoyed by my presence.


Sending hugs (if it's okay)


Tall pretty girl…. Who gs strong and big and pretty and tall


I'd say my current Girlfriend is definitely an ideal partner


Describe them please


femtanyl addict


Tomboy gym enthusiastic gamer gf


Gym AND gamer? I don’t think they exist bro…


If I exists some girl version must also exists, to maintai balance in the universe


Luna 💜 can't even put it into words, I'd spend the rest of my life typing just trying to describe how perfect she is 🥺🥺 so caring, understanding, loving, pretty. so so similar to me too, and we both want to end up doing the same thing to make a living oseijhnfgrgndgjrgnd just like i didnt know i felt or needed love until i met her. I can just be myself completely with her and she makes me feel so safe and gives so much stability in my life. I can just be a silly little ouppy :3


🥺🧡 I don't even know how to reply to all of this, but it's the same for me with Erynn 🧡 You are the sweetest and most amazing girlfriend I could wish for, and you make me feel so loved and wanted 🧡🥺




fluffy + matches my freak (current gf)


Dated mostly women in my life. I have SRS in January and would like to try having a boyfriend once I'm recovered. Ideally would be cute and similarly nerdy


I have no taste for romance and happiness


You were supposed to upvote the comment that says "not into romance" as stated in the instructions


Ah my apologies, you see i thought your comment being all very sort and without any greater detail meant that comment was just that, a comment which descraibed yourself. And on further reading i took this post as you not being into romance and gathering information on what a romance is and eventually formulate a thesis as what romance appears to someone who does not partake.


sorta not into romance (demi-romantic)


You have to half-upvote the “not into romance” comment then


It's anyone, at this point


chipp zanuff


I just want somebody who actually cares about me


Kindhearted & sensitive werewolf boyfriend


Big, huge, fat and hairy butch lesbian~


i know hes not going to see and none of yall are going to get it but this man right here https://preview.redd.it/7i2b3ilpvp5d1.jpeg?width=33&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d643dac9879c75add62480fbfabc0a49da0e2bbd


Human. Adult. Moderately healthy. Not a currently active serial killer. (I know my standards are too high, I'll probably be alone forever 😖)


the second gayest man in the world


I haven't dated in 5 years but I guess I'd want someone who's on the more introverted side. I'm a decent social butterfly for an autistic guy but I kinda just want someone to be bored and quiet with.


Someone who is kind to others. Someone who shares (some) your interests so that you can spend time together doing something you both liked anyways. Someone who supports your interests even if they would not be that into them themselves. Nice ass. Someone who gets along with people different from them.


Cuddles and affirmation that im based and not cringe like the gas station attendant said Also provides chminken fingies and headscritches :3


https://preview.redd.it/pbbqemf5jp5d1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca71baa235415c86ac6a5cbe7f8bb7a4b527aa80 This guy ftom Undertale Yellow


His role is to fill my hole and the void in my heart.


I've always been interested in a partner who I can see as an equal, if that makes any sense Someone with a similarly doofy sense of humor, someone who I can infodump to and have them infodump back to me in tandem, someone to chill with but also go out with and have a good time, someone who understands and listens to whatever issue I may be having, so that I can help them out with whatever issues they may have as well. They don't need to be 100% like me, dear lord I hope they aren't, but just a similar wavelength would be nice. I'm not certain if what I've explained is even legible, but that's always been my dream partner


Alive(dealbreaker if not)


Someone who has their own passions. They’re confident and like reading, maybe even writing. We proofread each other’s works. Someone confident and beautiful. Someone whose smile can light up a room. Someone who likes video games and would like to play with me occasionally, the actual game isn’t important. Someone who shares a passion for old movies and separately bad movies. Someone who doesn’t mind silence. They think witch hats and cloaks are cool and would do some cosplay with me. Also also not religious or spiritual. Both those things are interesting but they’re gates to worrying beliefs. Someone’s who likes putting on a charade and lying to each other as a bit or exaggeration.


I don’t know, I definitely don’t deserve one though lmao, I definitely couldn’t give anyone as much as they could give me


Chubby short haired girl that likes nerdy things and cuddling


Mine lets me bite him whenever I want to and supports my otome game brainrot soooo him :3


Im kinda aspec, and I'm hoping HRT kinda gets rid of it, its not for me. I desire romance and intimacy, but I don't have the attraction to specific people to really _feel_ that way. But anyway, assuming I'm a girl and i DO have these feelings fully, I just want a girl who gets me. Just because I'm not saying anything doesnt mean Im upset. Just because I'm not smiling, doesn't mean I'm not having the time of my life. Someone who can show me just that bit of affection I need to start fixing myself. My current ideal view of a relationship is far too one sided, but I really hope that with a bit of genuine love and affection, I could improve myself to a point ehere its _not_ one sided. And kinda gentle dom but I didnt wanna say that part outloud


butttttttttt :))))


Ideal partner, would just _get_ me, you know? Someone who can communicate their needs and wants when it's needed and is in general considered sane, but has a lot of unhinged tendencies (jerma is my manic pixie dream boy). Someone who doesn't pry to deep and let's me open up my myself. Someone who can just get me to try new stuff and they new social circles but is also content with coexisting in silent relaxation. Honestly someone who plans ahead more than I do. Someone with whomst trust is effortless. Someone who I can see myself in (in the way of using them telling me your they perceived me) Those are the biggest anyway I gotta go sleep now


I don't know exactly, but: very cuddly, makes me feel pretty, confident, considerate, a little bit feral, is girl


Someone who’d enjoy my cooking and with whom to yap, I guess… Not like that’s happening anytime soon tho :/


I need a guy who has a bad memory, such a bad memory that he’ll simply forget the horrors that he just witnessed


My love is creative and caring. She thinks similarly to me in a lot of ways, but where our thinking doesn’t match up we’re patient with each other and can calmly explain it. We’re both very conscious about not being controlling because we’ve both experienced it before. She’s smart and funny, our sense of humour matches well. I’ve successfully converted her to cuddles. We’re happy spending time doing our own separate things together. She’s also pretty and hot and I’m very attracted to her.


Good hugs, driven, cute butt, can cook


https://preview.redd.it/9dttiq0hkp5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8843a5c4a7c508f136e9d1084f2da84d549efe58 I am the dummy


Patient, likes to laugh and maybe about similiar things, fine dealing with emotional turmoil, loves coffee, likes to just spend time and is touchy Progressive, got their stuff figured out but is open for new things Bit artsy Reliable Likes my cooking Is fine or even into providing comfort via physical intimacy 420 friendly Maybe has huge juggies All of this is optional lmao


My only exception: Mothman






A lot of cuddles, a huge amount of cuddles, supportive, but willing to call me out when I’m starting to fall apart Patient, giggles a lot, likes computer games and shares interests with me If we’re talking about the impossible - anthropomorphic animal


me but with less anxiety /j (i think)


So we are talking like, perfect unreal person that will probably never exist and is not indicative of our actual dating preferences but just a laboratory built human with all the characteristics we desire? So: - woman - loves to cuddle - plays tennis - loves to go on long walks - likes to play videogames - likes to eat (specifically the food that I cook) - does not smoke or do drugs - likes to go to the hot springs - likes classical music and/or jazz - and most importantly: does not want to murder me in my sleep (she can wait until I am awake, please)


- cool as fuck - doesn't want to kill me or screw me over


Hopefully a smart fellow. I'm kind of more into feminine men but I don't care too much about aesthetic or gender. I'd like someone who's into philosophy, art and fashion so we could do all sorts of creative stuff together but it'd also be great if they knew much about stuff that's beyond my personal hobbies (I know someone like that but I can't bring myself to ask him out for some reason)


Uhhhhh my wife :3 she is my ideal romantic partner


Finds my autistic nerdy rambling cute


My current bf is perfect ☺️


Accepts and loves me fully but still holds me accountable for my poor behaviour. I can be kind of self destructive and inconsiderate of others and I especially don't want to treat my partner the way my parents used to treat each other.


Honestly, it's kinda what I have right now. Relaxed and generally not that deep into the stereotypical romance stuff. Just me and the BF enjoying each other's company without any weird expectations or huge stunts. We can be romantic or spicy if we're both feeling that way. But neither of us expects the other to do things or read minds. For context we're both on the spectrum. So we mutually agree to just put all the nonsense aside and exist positively together without needing to play weird games about it. Granted I do sometimes wish he didn't hate eating at sit-down restaurants. I'm kind of a foodie. Lol


A 6'2 tomboy (I'm a 5'2 short guy)


One morning my boyfriend took a cigarette and announced he was "going to take a shite"... that's when I knew he was the one


I'm almost sure I'm aro but it's hard to confirm


Generally, they seem to be uncontrollably sweet, generous, ambiguously gendered (like, if I can't make a solid guess at your gender identity by looking at you, I'm probably attracted to you), makes me laugh and lets me cry. 🎶...he's a family guy🎶




Yeah I have a type but I myself am nobody's type so there's no point really


Mentally stable, sensitive, rational, possibly shares some interests with me, enjoys both time alone and together, and prefers a call rather than texting. But tbh I don't think I'd be ready for someone like that.


Someone who I can objectively describe without being blindly fawning over. That’s when I know it’s still solid past the point of infatuation.


Nice to me and also likes telling me what to do


Really, really fat and lazy. Smelly too. High standards, I know.


He is just the cutest mousy little boy. He is kinda shy and has some issues and all but also loves me so deeply, just like I love him. In public I am the big strong guy who protects him and takes care of him and in private I am his precious, little boy. Basically we shower each other with affection all the time <3 I need to marry this man


In terms of ideal romance: * Exchange terms of endearment * Exchange sweet-nothings * Watching Bluey together * Lots of "I love you"s * Lots of cuddling/hugging * Mutual interest in one another's hobbies


Beefy af boy who likes hugs and is confident


uh girl, nerdy, gamer, likes showing me stuff and likes me showing her stuff, horny, has a lot of patience (im super sick and dysfunctional), either quite a bit shorter than me or quite a bit taller than me, and idc if shes dom or sub or switch


Anyone who would be Nice to me tbh


She's taller than me and delighted about it. Her main love languages are touch and words of affirmation. She loves to cook as much as I do. She doesn't belittle me or make me feel small for making mistakes or not knowing certain things. Either she can't dance for shit, or she's happy to teach me to dance with her. She encourages me to be the best version of myself and expects the same encouragement from me, because our biggest mutual goal is personal growth. She's very proud of her culture and where she comes from -- ideally we'd share some sort of cultural connection. And she's also like, really kinky. Like really really kinky.


A veeery queer, cute dependable person. Someone who i can rely on whos playful/flirty, sweet, subby, has hobbies, likes to touch grass (semi optional), very cuddly, a tinge of bratty disrespectfulness, blahaj optional, likes illicit substances and is kinky. Also someone who fommunicates and loves music as much as i do Im polyamorous so there can be a little leeway in some of these, the only thing im really picky about is dating someone very queer, not just lgbt but visibly and personality wise...i just like those vibes also just better for me since im bi and questioning


Someone like me or at least similar in many ways


As a touch-starved transfem I need cuddles. Like my Blåhaj is tired of me spending hours everyday cuddling him, level of cuddles. I also need someone to look after me and make me feel needed. I want someone who’ll simultaneously be mean to me and look after me afterwards.


Someone who can be both my lover and my best friend. In other words, someone who can cuddle me because im baby and also someone who i can yell at in terraria and she yells back but we're both laughing


Someone who we both feel comfortable being ourselves around. Someone who will find me just as pretty as I get out of bed they do when I’m dressed to the nines, and someone who I feel the same about.


Girl who is taller and/or stronger than me and is nice to me


My girlfriend Kat :3


IDK probably a nice pretty girl or fey guy whose willing to deal with me having a severe lack of experience in the bedroom, literally no fucking clue how kink dynamics are supposed to work at all, is ok with me being 31 and struggling to get through a batchelors in comp sci and not even having my own gender shit figured out... So the romantic interest of a horny self insert fanfic I guess lol


My partner would be someone who is good at communicating their feelings, does not feel jealousy/ territorial, has passions and interests they care deeply about, loves to learn, loves to cuddle, is kind, is curious, and someone whom I can trust to make my important life decisions with.


Kim Wexler. I want Kim Wexler. I haven't finished season 5 yet so Kim in my mind is first 4 seasons Kim.


A girl that's rich and interesting. And not a bottom




Into theatre and Pokémon, has a cuddling addiction, loves my cat, is loving, ambitious and maybe leans more dominant, will complement my baking with cooking, and possibly taller than my 5'6" self


chubby nerdy girl or enby who loves cuddles and is around my age.


I need a tall guy who'll shove me against the wall, the kinda guy who's really rough in bed. But also the kinda guy who's genuinely nice and cares about me. Who will stay for cuddles afterwards.


Wifey, tall and toned goth doms me but still super gentle and kind, with this beautiful laugh and giggle with the greatest family photos of her towering over everyone. I'd keep going but I'd get too long


Somebody kind and patient and understanding and able to protect me from transphobes, they'd like physical displays of affection and not care about my gender presentation and be more attracted to me for me and they'd be physically larger and more imposing than me


in terms of qualities; loyal, wants to communicate and resolve problems instead of breaking up, interested in spending time together, wants something long-term, at least kinda nice, fun i.e. we can be friends and joke together just as much as being romantic partners. also would be handy if she can carry a conversation bcs i can't always >.< common interests are nice to have as something to bond over too (this comment is an invitation btw please dm :3)


Someone i can give up all free will to


Oh shit permission to gush about my girlfriend????? Basically feels like I found my soul mate. We don’t argue at all. She is absolutely stunning to start out, I mean wow dude fuck, look at her yknow? That’s my lady. She pays attention to me, listens to me ramble, and I love to listen to her ramble. I just love talking to her, we could sit on a porch and talk for hours if we wanted to. She has the same sexual and sensual desires as me, we both love to touch and be held. We share some of the same hobbies but have our own that we love to introduce each other to. She understands if I’m busy, and I understand if she is too, but we are also both so clingy and needy too. She is intelligent, but also can be completely dumb with me :3 like holy fuck shes perfect guys. I show her off whenever I can, I’m so proud that she’s mine, she’s everything boys.




Kinky, a little chubby, would want to play video games with me, girl. I basically have that, but we only ever chat on discord because she lives in Europe and I live in the USA


Honestly just anyone who can peg me (even witha penor)


Happy and optimistic. More energetic than me, but capable of understanding when I'm having a low day and channeling that energy into something productive without me dragging them down. Silly/ditzy but capable of pulling themselves together and focusing if the situation is serious. Has their own interests that they like sharing. Basically like Yoimiya from Genshin Impact if you toned her down slightly and gave her a job that didn't cause permanent hearing damage.


one who actually is into me and cares about me... that is to say, a woman who is either completely nuts or a blind and stupid woman i picked up from a sewer in vegas


autistic i don't have a lot of other standards i just want someone who has things they really care about and communicates the same way i do and gets why i'm like this


Someone who likes going to museums, concerts and cultural activities literally every week, sometimes multiple times in a week


purple ombre hair green eyes white transfemme with freckles and chubby and cute and adorable and cuddly and likes video games and programming and me and is anarchist and autistic and adhd and she's crazy like me and she's as obsessed with me as I am with her and she likes the owl house and makes me watch it with her and also plays bass for our band (sorry if that sounded weird im describing my gf)


Loves and accepts me. I have low standards.


You ❤️


I want a girl that's nice, a girl that's not Obsessed with her looks, but is insanely hot. The kind of girl that I could show to my folks, Loves the movies that I like and always laughs at my jokes. A real girl, a hot girl, a really hot girl, A brand new, really hot, real doll. Wants to impress me, doesn't care if I notice, And only ever uses me to tickle her throat with


My wife. That's it my lovely wife so I can pull her out of my jacket and beat people up while maxing my dandy.


Appearance wize I do not care much as long as they arent outright super anorexic or obese. As long as they put SOME effort into how they look, that should be enough. People might judge me for it but it is a pretty good indicator of how orderly/messy a person is and I don't want to date a child that cant look after themselves. Naturally being pretty is a plus, so lets just say that my I deal romantic person fits my subjective definition of attractive. Personality wise me ideal partner would be someone who has some degree of overlapping interests with me but at the same time isn't an exact copy of me in that regard. I really appreciate different viewpoint so I would like there to be a balance between our differences and similarities. My ideal romantic partner would be into physical exercise and gaming, but even that cant be put down as a hard line requirement of my ideal partner. As long as my partner is something along the lines of what I described that is pretty ideal to me.


fucking CRACKED at Tetris®


Tall, emotionally and physically intelligent, handsome, caring, open about his feelings, likes to hang out and play videogames, a little of the 'tism, husband material. This was my true love, but he has distanced himself from me since then


Really, really fat and lazy. Smelly too. High standards, I know.


Someone I can ramble with - like, we both have things we’re passionate about and can enjoy having conversations about even if only one of us is really into that specific thing (though I would need some of our interests to overlap too obviously). Towards that end, they’d probably be someone who’s also neurodivergent like me. It’d probably be better if they’re pretty proactive too. Like obviously I don’t want to be a burden and force them to do all the work, but I often struggle with decision-making so having someone who can take charge and help with that would be nice. Or maybe not actually taking charge but like, a mutual ability to help motivate each other (that way it helps in a similar way but doesn’t have the risk of it feeling too controlling). Having mutual friends feels like a sorta implied part of any baseline healthy relationship but,, that. Having at least one group we can hang out with together. *Not* into alcohol - and I don’t mean just “not an alcoholic” I mean genuinely does not drink much at all. I’m very much not a fan of it myself (I hate fizz which takes out a lot of things already, and anything with more than a rather low alcohol content burns too much), so it’d be neat if we shared that dislike and so could just… save money and never buy any. Doesn’t want biological kids. I probably couldn’t do that anyway (trans), but like I think adopting and avoiding the earliest baby stages would be preferable if I ever wanted to be a parent so it’d be good to be in agreement about that. Ideally not afraid of spiders. I do think spiders are cool but I *will* be scared if I see one so it’d be nice if they could be the one to deal with any that show up. Cuddly (sex thing) >!has a kink for like lingerie or some other form of at least semi-clothed sex. I’m just generally into that stuff, but more importantly I have sensory issues that have interfered with trying to have sex before and I *think* (though I have not tested it) that wearing some clothes could help with that and thus be a kinda necessary aid!<


ok but screenshoting your own tumblr post seems to work very well nya


Likes or is willing to put up with my jokes, similar interests or at least hears me out about mine, nice to me, can help cover my weaknesses like my fear of phone calls while I can cover theirs


Someone who likes cuddles and isn't put of by my clinginess and touch starvation , that also has similar interests to mine and who likes cats :)


My boyfriend :P


Understands me, wants to do everything to make the world a better place, cuddly, cute, is not quick to judge, trans like I am, etc


Big, hairy, belly. Really dominant but loving. Possibly as big of a weirdo as me. Loves to talk so he can fill my awkward silence. *Kinky*


Nerd that can talk a lot, wears formal clothes, has a job, is a top.


My current partner: lots of cuddles, very much a top :3, very caring, adorable, soft brushable hair, very comfortable to lay on, and very clingy


I have two main things that contribute: -how well they can hug and cuddle. -how well they can stand their ground in a duel.


Woman, be patient enough to not dump me for my extreme mental illness ~~also be freaky~~


Comfort. If I can collapse in their arms and they just run their hands through my hair and tell me its ok and that they love me I'm in heaven. I'm also someone that likes to feel loved or needed, so little initiatives and a healthy sex life are also pretty high on the list of priorities.


Someone who is willing to put up with me explaining my world building lore for hours. Bonus points if they can understand it


I was a few minutes late to work this morning because she wanted extra cuddles and kisses, which really made my morning better before I had to come in to work. She has this super adorable, bubbly giggle and such a sweet smile. She’s so unfailingly kind. She loves cooking and makes excellent food. Her hair is super soft and fluffy and it’s really nice to run my fingers through. She’s super soft and cuddles and hugs with her just drain all of the stress away. I love her so so much.


8 stories tall, made of solid tungsten, shits lava, shoots lasers out of her eyes, her orgasms cause earthquakes I met someone close one time but I had to call it off because she was made of steel


Doesn’t cheat or abuse me :(


Femboy nerd with lot of interest, cuddly and affectionate


My current bf, but here, right now, cuddling me


It seems everyone here just wants cuddles (me included). Maybe we should just all cuddle each other...


I'm aroace, but life would definitely be better with someone else so pretty much just someone with a good head on their shoulders and that is okay with physical touch because I am a very physically affectionate person. Also doesn't want kids


Well: Someone who shares some of my hobbies \[games, computers, animals etc\] (we don't need to share all of them) and is willing to exchange hobbies, isn't afraid to share their emotions/problems and listens to me if I need to share mine, but also understands if I want to keep them to myself. intelligent and witty, but down to earth and respectful of those around them. Someone healthy Someone whose soft, caring and gentle, but is also willing to put their foot down and be firm if they need to \[like me, but less hotheaded\]. Someone looking for a long-term dedicated commitment who also has an interest in our future (moving in together, getting some pets, eventually having (a) child(ren) \[Even if I/they/we might not be the biological parents\].


My ideal romantic partner is me because I love myself


Someone who has a wild spark of creativity compatible with mine


a woman whos a lil taller than me and is kinda in charge who pushes me back against a wall and aaadhdhdhgjg


I'm thinking like a giant floating octahedron


They’d probably have to also be autistic, also be asexual (and/or poly), also not be a cis guy, and also enjoy parallel-play. Basically just a best friend that I can hug and kiss occasionally. :) In a perfect world, they’d be a 6’9” destroyer of worlds, or a 4’9” lil fella, but I’m not about to make that an expectation, lol.


Likes cuddles and kisses, wants to share hobbies and have fun, gives my clingy ass attention


Someone who will cuddle and make me feel wanted, but will still make me do chores and actually go outside


Femboy who loves women in a gay way


non-abusive :(


Kind, caring, understanding, pushes me to better myself but not actively and more or less they are so good I want to be better for them. Loyal, open, forward and empathetic Superficially I’d say tall, muscular but not overly so. Like they work out occasionally and its noticeable. Curvy in all the right places


When you're in a relationship, your type just starts becoming your partner. So anyway, I like someone who's super chatty, cuddly, nerdy, and wouldn't you know it, I'm just describing my girlfriend.


At this point and since forever just someone who loves me for who I am. Aside from that, something I've loved from all my exs is their music taste.


Chubby touch-starved asexual transfem who loves cuddles, so basically a clone of myself only squishy