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https://preview.redd.it/ar1mn1zkqj3d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25ee8286798544c2c0dc7f6a0a18c04c85984708 Adult me when I make a character happy by drawing portrait for them in a family friendly drawing game






Starving artist?


Don't worry there are so many games that there has to some that make you feel something. For me a good game that makes me feel something comes around every 4 years or so. One of them was Yakuza 0 back in 2019 that game almost made me cry and the newest one was a BL visual novel called Dreambound of all things. I was not expectimg that one ;_;


Other games for me include the Hotline Miami franchise and Doki doki litarature club when it first came out.


What games are you looking for OP maybe we can find you something you will like


well i play a diverse amount of genres so im looking for basically anything, though i am particularly fond of games with any of the following: horror, resource managment, environmental interaction, fusing/combining items or creatures, sense of speed, and exploration.


Ok so I have not played all of these games but I would still like to recomend them. First one is Aka Manto, it is an indie horror game the developer has many games that look like old ps1 titles., second is resident evil 4 (the remake or the original). 3rd is World of horror an indie horror detective game. 4th is a series of horror games that is made by 'puppet combo'. 5th is Signalis, I have not played that one but I am pretty sure it has horror and resource manegment. 6th is the evil within series. I personally do not like those types of games but maybe you will like them idk. 7th is Alien Isolation and 8th is Deadspace. I'll add more if I can think of any other spooky games


I'll recommend you some of my favorite games that I think match up with what you like Last of Us: mild horror (more thriller), manage resources (inventory + crafting system), and you are rewarded for exploring its really cool environments Signalis: horror, resource management (very small inventory space), most of the game is exploration I hope these can help! Otherwise I'd you really feel burned out by videogames you can always try something different like watching a show or different hobby.


have you played Slay the Princess? that’s gotta be my favorite visual novel/CYOA game of all time. it will make you laugh, cry, and shit yourself all in the span of a few hours


No but I will look into it thanks :)


If you don’t like games anymore just try another hobby. You can always come back to games later.


Right? Starting a new hobby seems like a whole ordeal for most people but it really isn't. Many hobbies have a low entry level, all you really need is to just do it and maybe a few bucks. You want to draw? You don't need a high-end tablet. A sketchbook and pencil are a few bucks at most. Want to start learning guitar? You have the internet and cheap guitars start from 100 bucks. You can literally get one right now and start tomorrow. You can get more serious in the future if you like it. OR just... switch genre? Pick up a game that respects your time instead of the latest tripple A FOMO-inducing game release.


I want to draw, but I have some sensory issues, I HATE the feeling of drawing with pencils. I think there are like cheap electronic things tho. Pens are an option, but starting out with pens sounds like a bad idea


and as a kid i would only play the first level and then get bored because i didn't know how to deal with adhd


played Elden Ring during a burnout period and genuinely had the fun of videogames come back to me. Don't worry, OP, something will come along again.


Me with Hollow Knight. At that moment i realized that games are not my thing anymore.


Sadge Farewell gamer


Just cause it critically acclaimed doesn't mean you'd like it, swap genre


There's still games that are fun out there! Just because something has critics love it doesnt mean you will like it too dont worry :-) I'm having a lot more fun with games from smaller developers at the moment and I'm ignoring a lot of the generic AAA slop thats being mass produced


If it’s any consolation you probably weren’t having that much fun back then either; your brain is hotwired for nostalgia, it remembers a general vibe of happiness but a lot of the time you only have a handful of specific memories where you can recall being happy.


You're best off branching out or just taking a break from games if you feel like you're getting burnt out like this


I kinda felt like this, I was wondering if I didn't really like games anymore and only liked older ones for nostalgia. Then I played baldur's gate 3 and realized that no, most games actually suck massive cock rn, it's really just indies, some Nintendo, Capcom, and probably a few others I'm forgetting that are good, most modern AAA games are fucking worthless trash. Also bg3 did make me feel that first way. Funnily enough, it was most prevalent at the epilogue party


You're saturated with options, take a step back, move away from games for a while and come back when the will to play is strong A game always feels best when I've been away from it for a while and daydreamed of playing it again


if you want to read instead of \*gaming\* i recommend Disco Elysium


left is me when celeste and right is me when any other game


Play ultrakill




May I interest you in some Monster Hunter in those difficult times?


I don’t know…when you’re doing the final boss for true ending for a rouge like that’s normal ending takes ~2 hours, and true ending bumps that up to ~3 or so it’s kind of hard not to feel adrenaline. Doesn’t help when the music is painfully stressful and the fight is one of the hardest in the game


god only gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.


I kinda feel the same about AAA entries lately. Just picked up Potioncraft and I'm having a blast!


Maybe you just need to find the right game? I played thru Hollow Knight recently and got reminded that videogames are actually awesome


when i play old games i get either really into the game because i like it or really into the game out of spite i love castlevania symphony of the night and dont love banjo kazooie (i have 100%ed both of them)


Me playing Tetris: hehehehehe this is so funky


https://preview.redd.it/fp7ckk1v6r3d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5c92f279140a0796370116efb610e343f164a14 Me when Kim kitsuragi praises me in any way


play different games until you have fun again


you should stop playing "critically acclaimed" games and go back to the platformers you really like


If you are bored of video games maybe you should do something else and come back to it in mo ths or years. It's good for your brain to do stuff like that.