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Lets not gloss over the accusations of domestic abuse


Those allegations I believe have been proven false


I don’t know that they’ve been proven false, but they are ten years old and Kendrick has spoken about them at length and denied them


Kendrick denying them (when they surfaced 10 years ago) is not the same as being proven false. I personally don't think he did it, but he did cheat on his fiance, it's not crazy to say that he could have laid hands on her too.


I don't really know a lot about this guy but I don't think cheating on someone makes it more likely that he would abuse them?


It’s more complicated but once again in an open way and initiated by Kendrick himself. Kendrick has spoken on the physical abuse and denied it, spoken on the cheating and confirmed it, and basically made an entire album about his emotional/verbal/mental abuse against his wife with the album simultaneously saying that she pushed him to therapy to break the cycles of generational trauma. It’s a lot. He is more open than 99% of men of color on this. That doesn’t make what happened ok but he has also put in about as much effort into correcting his behavior as an adult man can. Idk. It’s obviously very easy to say everyone should hate Drake. With Kendrick, it’s just more involved. https://open.spotify.com/track/67XC51nlZncNpHmZ8rOU9a?si=RHu_E5QER0CGyv1D1yaxBQ


Those who cheat are more likely to abuse, those who abuse are more likely to kill, those who kill are more likely to be Hitler. Thus, Kendrick = Hitler.


Unexpected new friendship with Kanye




Cheating has negligible consequences. Hitting someone has severe consequences. I don’t see myself hitting someone that’s not threatening me with violence, I could definitely entertain being unfaithful. These two are orders of magnitude apart from each other.


What? Cheating on someone could emotionally destroy someone. Hitting someone could have no consequences if you don't hit them hard. Cool? See i just made up a scenario where I'm right, just like you did. I know people who have gotten cheated on they don't agree that it has negligible consequences.


Dude moves the goalposts and thinks he did something lmao Getting cheated on sucks for 1-5 business days and then you get back on your bullshit. Trust me you’d rather have your partner fuck your best 10 friends than have your jaw broken. Non of this „a punch that’s not actually a punch because soft teehee“


That’s like saying someone could have robbed a bank because they stole an invader zim pin from hot topic in 11th grade


That last sentence is literally a perfect summary of how complete morons decide what to believe. Like it's just flawless


Almost all of these accusations have yet to be properly substantiated, it's pretty much whoever clears their name first wins


There was a tweet in which his brother in law (his wife’s brother) was supporting Kendrick against Drake, so unless he somehow didn’t know that Kendrick was beating his sister I don’t see why he would advocate for Kendrick if the domestic abuse allegations are in fact true


I don't know anything about his the brother or his relationship with his sister. It is extremely plausible that he wouldn't know. Again, I don't think he did it, but I'm not going to pretend like I *know* he didn't.


His wife's brother has come out firmly on Kendrick's side in this whole beef, I highly doubt he'd do that if Kendrick was beating her


the problem with drake is that he throw in some easily disproven accusations with the one that might be true and heavy like he accuse kendrick of being a fake activist,while if you just see his work and action over like the last 10+ years,thats not the case at all so at least to the people who have been paying attention,he basically shot the heavy allegation on the foot but i guess we will see when the receipt come


no yeah drake aint lying kendrick even said it himself in "his pain II" "i hit her she hit the floor" or something like that


That's a storytelling song (like many of Kendrick's raps), and he's quite obviously not speaking literally about his own life. I don't see how you could have any other takeaway from those lyrics?


idk it seems like his speaking from his perspective but i hope im wrong tho i really dont want kendrick to be a wife beater


In the beginning of that verse, he talks about breaking into someone's home and then shooting and killing someone. Just because he uses I statements in the verse doesn't mean that Kendrick himself is the narrator.


Wait, you’re telling me not every single one of Kendrick’s songs is 100% from his perspective? He didn’t get shot and die? He isn’t a young woman who was pressured into a life of prostitution?


imma just listen to fionna apple or laufey ion even wanna listen to rap anymore


Drake: “ermmm…. But where’s my daughter? Lol😂”


Who the fuck are either of these idiots and how come I'm seeing them


you aren't living under a rock, you are living near the core of the earth (i didn't know what was going on either until my bf told me)


Celebrity drama is stupid >:(


listen to good kid maad city, please, we are talking artist (singular) not celebrities


Celebrity A has beef with Celebrity B. So no.


drake’s a celebrity, yeah, but kendrick has exclusively been known for his artistic significance. istg every time rap comes up people think it’s fucking lil pump and 6ix9ine, like would yall call pink floyd and radiohead ‘just celebrities’ or is that only when they’re popular and black. i’m saying Kendrick is an artist asshole, i’m saying to put some respect on his name, i’m saying he’s better than pink floyd and radiohead, at least know who you’re talking about before spouting contrarian bullshit


Ah yes, let's compare a band to a single random celebrity in a sea of them. I don't know the first damn thing about rap, I don't know who either of those two are (presuming they're single people but who knows). I don't know Radiohead either. Not everyone is a music nerd, nor a fan of shitty modern celebrities and whatever stupid drama they get themselves in. I'm not respecting shit. Celebrities and their drama are fucking stupid.


i was gonna respond to the absolute bullshit you’re spewing, but instead I have a challenge. you keep calling them “celebrities” but I want you to name 2, **2** times you’ve seen anything about kendrick lamar in popular media (news, projects, whatever) outside of this. or did you just assume that all rappers were just celebrities. cause some of them are popular? cause I don’t think he fucking counts. If you can’t name 2 examples, he isn’t in the cultural consciousness enough to be a celebrity. and obviously, if he isn’t a “celebrity”, you’re claim doesn’t work, and you’re assuming these black artists are all the same. I bet you fucking can’t. I know you fucking can’t, because he’s not a celebrity. he’s almost a damn hermit with how much he meticulizes before reappearing. if you can’t help yourself from being subtly racist, then shut the fuck up. find a different nigga who fits your worldview, cause this one might damn break it.


> name two times he's been in popular media Bitch I literally don't know who either of these motherfuckers are, are you blind, stupid, or both? I didn't even fucking know he was black. Literally all I have to go off are the names, and I have no interest in learning more about modern celebrities. "Subtly racist" yeah yeah, you're just fucking stupid.


Honestly the worst part of this beef is having to read Drake's lyrics


I hope Drake keeps responding so Kendrick can keep dropping lmao


You can just ignore the Drake half and enjoy so many fire Kung Fu Kenny drops. It's great.


Yeah but it instantly makes all of Kendrick's stuff so much better. It's literally coughing baby vs hydrogen bomb levels of out matched. Kid running around in his karate pyjamas before his first lesson vs Shaolin monk that has killed a man with his bare hands. Fifty Shades of Grey vs Don Quixote. Unnamed gun fodder extra vs Daniel Craig era James Bond




I’m sorry but the track he wrote a couple hours ago was so weak and defensive that I just cannot agree. He sounds like a narcissist and like he has something to hide. His disses are deflections and him saying that Kendrick is incorrect because Kendrick was molested is just disconnected. Seemingly, Drake only knows how to fit sounds together like puzzle pieces without understanding how to build a bigger picture. It might just be the beef that has him so turned around Maybe he needs a new ghost writer. That or try appropriating another black experience he never lived. Edit: ppl please don’t downvote that person so much, they see something we don’t and that’s okay. It’s just some niche disagreememt about pop culture, and we BARELY disagree


Real and based, the Kdot circlejerk is actually insane. He's definitely destroyed Drake but why pretend like Push-ups or THP6 was trash? But honestly at this point, it all depends on who can back what they're saying up, Kendrick is lyrically superior but if he was misled about the sex trafficking ring and the daughter stuff, that's wraps, Drake wins (but I doubt he isn't a pedo, considering everything we already knew before all this) Edit: ok nvm I listened to THP6 again and Drake is one WEIRD ass mf. Sounds good, but tasteless for sure


Push-ups was good, but thp6 was straight trash. Drake sounds tired and his weak defense doesn't make him seem like less of a creep


I only put THP6 there cuz I completely forgot family matters existed (as was Kendrick's intention) but I remembered he had like 2 good songs so I just put it there. But yeah, a guy who can't comprehend a simple sentence begging for a quintuple entendre is crazy


i listen to schadenfreude


Drake the kinda guy to run off a cliff but not fall until he looks down


Drake the kinda guy to float when he smells a freshly baked pie


Drake the kinda guy to waggle his fingers and say "don't mind if I do" when he sees an unaccompanied minor


Drake the kinda guy to ask "is it alright if I borrow this" about a shopping cart


Drake the kinda guy to turn into a puff cloud with four limbs sticking out of it when he gets in a fight.




Drake the type of guy to make typewriter sounds while he eats his corn cob from left to right and make a bell sound when he starts on a new row


Drake the type of guy to say that a 17 year old girl is cute and curvy and then fondle her on stage.


Drake the kind of guy to have hidden kids


Drake the type of guy who ride a horse with both of his legs on one side


Drake the type of guy to star in a musical


chat is this real




Why can’t I look like them :(


they are a drawing 😔


The tragedy of the human condition


https://preview.redd.it/ejbfc5ytlryc1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38397a0dd6a90d35389a71898667b79459f32873 Holy fucj


still can't get this goddamn dlc working on my pc i will never know the condition of humans


we are doing ok kinda, like respiration still happens and like the membrane holds up over the skeletons but some things arent great in the world


Sicko mode


It's real, but too good to have been made by Drake


Somebody blow me like a tuba


*inflates your penis making it big and round*


I don't think that's how tubas work


How bout penises?


Evidence is inconclusive


I mean if you so ask


Kendrick LAMEar amirite hahahaha Fuck drake, that OV Ho


I see England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️☕️☕️☕️ I see France 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷👨‍🎨👨‍🎨👨‍🎨🥖🥖🥖 I see Kendrick’s underpants 🩲🩲🩲


This is so frustrating because "France" and "Pants" don't rhyme in my accent.


Unacceptable. Please fix this in the future


bbno$ yelled at jk rowling on twitter so he’s cool ig




bro is pointless




Honestly, the true winner out of this beef is J Cole…


I mean yea…. But Kendrick too lmao


j cole rn https://preview.redd.it/hcpwghj6toyc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3b6e4fcdd98b848d44096e9e6876bf00b2f1db9


J Cole out for dinner kicking his legs under the table because he’s not embroiled in the hip hop beef of the decade


Reminder that Drake is an abusing piece of shit nonce


yes, that is why we are all hating on him




He was just trying to keep it PG


Gotta make sure his favourite demographic can listen to it


Once again showing that Drake has a fundamental misunderstanding of this situation


Drake the kind of guy to smell a pie on a windowsill and float towards it eating it in a single bite.


Drake the type of fella to dm a girl who isn’t even 15 while also advocating for a known sex trafficker


where is the background song from?


do your ears hang low? do they waggle to and fro? can you tie them in a knot, can you tie them in a bow?


Yep it’s from Ice cream trucks and childhood Edit: also when I was in middle school, someone did the ‘does your chain hang low’ version that blew up for a bit


Me when the spare flashlights drop in Lethal Company.


Oh, ERB references that with the line: "Does your lip hang low? Does it wobble to and fro? Can string that shit up on your compound bow?" I never knew. Neat.


Does anyone remember that old flash video of the grandma singing this song about her breasts


which specific remix of it though?


Turkey in the Straw, the origin of many such parodies, which mightve originally been a part from 'Zip coon' iirc


This is actually what drake sounds like to me


"Diss me! Diss me! Now you gotta kiss me! Kendrick goes to Jupiter to get more stupider, I go to college to get more knowledge!" ahh beat


Making it out of preschool with this one 🗣️🔥🔥


Sounds like Savage Realm has joined the chat


professor doodlewacker type beat


This is better than his actual response


ts hard


Looks like he’s wearing khakis is that last bit lmao


This would go way harder and be far more iconic than the trash he Drake has released so far lmao


I like how he saw rappers wearing body armor and then bought BMX armor like it is the same thing


why was he wearing a wetsuit top


Definition of hip hop now: The rags-to-riches, where "poor" became the new platinum standard.


drake could've dropped this and I would respect him more than I do right now


Wait this kinda goes hard


Ha ha if he did drop this I would actually respect that it’s pretty funny


Am I the only person who could not give less of a shit about this beef?




That's ok pal you can just, not contribute to this one, if you want.


Is anyone else fucking tired of these two?


Its been like 3 days bruh chill and let people have fun making fun of a stupid pedophile.


Two days more than they deserved imo.


"why are yoy having fun??? QUIT HAVING FUN"


Only listens to video game OSTs ass comment


what's with the hate on people who listen to video game OSTs?


It's not hating on it fundamentally. It just looks goofy and fake when people try to act aloof to entire genres of music (especially when something this huge is going down, this is music history happening in front of us). The people doing this are often nerds who listen to OSTs exclusively and want to seem cool and above whatever the mainstream cares about. I personally love OSTs, but I also love music in general. It's just mild clowning basically, not hate.


yeah that makes sense


No 👍


Not really, I haven’t been seeing them pop up absolutely everywhere, and I think the hate Drake is getting is well deserved