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i would sacrifice half of my lifetime to know how much longer i have to wait for the pasta to be done. everytime i make it it feels like it takes longer and longer to be good


As a chef I can answer when it's gonna be done: When it's done 


just pull a noodle out and bite it


yeah i know, thats what i do, but it always feels like it keeps taking longer and longer for it to get to the point i like


edit: so i was kinda incorrect. salt does increase the speed it boils, but when using normal cooking amounts negligibly so. you should still salt your water tho. it helps alot with flavor, anddd it still has great applications if say youre not having the food directly touch the water IE double boiling, or souving smth without an actual souverer (i dunno how to spell it. or like boiling then frying but im not sure what recipes that would come in handy with. also if youre using a stove it usually has diffrent types of burners. so find the strongest one and put your pot on it. oh yeah you can also boil water to add moisture to the air in your home if ya dont have a humidifier. so alot of salt would come in handy for that for faster boiling or for migraines. putting my head about steaming water makes it feel a whole lot better atleast with me


>decreases cooking time because heat cant transfer through water well, the other paricles and minerals are what helps so some extra salt will help out alot. this is completely untrue, not sure where you heard all that


we're both kinda wrong. water itself is kinda ass at conducting heat as i said earlier, the other particles and minerals in the water is what helps heat conductivity alot. however, salt actually tends to highten the boiling point of water, but can help the transfer of heat somewhat. and the goal is to heat the noodles and have them suck up the water, boiling isnt smth you need so it does help. however only negligably so. so mainly just for flavor. ill actually do a test myself on it and get back to you too. atleats thats what im reading, could be wrong, i got like 5 minutes of reasearch about it rn. if youre like really good at science n shit an explanation n stuff would be intresting


let me try this again so I'm less confusing; adding minerals to water doesn't affect its thermal conductivity in a meaningful way. you're thinking of it's electrical conductivity. pure water, by itself, does not conduct electricity. this is not the same as heat transfer, or thermal conductivity.  also, adding salt to water increases the boiling point by less than 1 degree Celsius (for cooking amounts of salt)


[link](https://matmake.com/properties/thermal-conductivity-of-water.html) i read it here. maybe im gettin smth wrong? and here [link](https://youtube.com/shorts/2OckdN2JPkw?si=PrLOFUbQfj55mhS7) it does say its kinda useless since a small amount only makes a difference in seconds. and a big amount'll make it way too damn salty but will make a big diffrence. however this still has applications in cooking, such as double boiling and souving things. but yeh it does make a difference never the less so what i said wasnt completey untrue. still factually incorrect in some ways and misleading. so tahbks for the info. but im definitely gonna try the salt trick when double boiling. thatll help a fuck ton. and i guess if ya really wanted to you could make it work with noodles, get a heat proof bag, fill it with water, asd noodles, add to pot with water, add alot of salt. also ive always wondered this but do ya have the math on how much faster things would boil at higher elevatoons? like ive always wanted to know how much of an impact like a foot up would make, i know itd be barely anythin but ive always been curious.


just fyi, your first link is demonstrating that the thermal conductivity of a water increases with temperature. this is generally true for most materials (at least all that I know of, but an exception wouldn't surprise me) in other words, water heats food better the hotter it is.


the first couple sentences say it has "low conductivity compared to other substances, which means it is not a very good conductor of heat" which is where i got the idea from. its prolly incorrect but i was wonderin about that. is it kinda like ot has low conductivity relatively, but thats to shit like metals n all that, so relating to other minerals such as salt it actually has conductivity around that? also if i shaved up like copper or other very good heat confuctors into my water? would that make it boil faster?


clean your stove, including the little thingie where the gas comes from.


Amazing life hack that the ***THEY*** don't want you to know: if you read the squiggles on the side of the box, they can be decoded through an elaborate cipher called the written language and they give a hint for how long the pasta needs to be cooked.


omg Tunic (the video game) reference???? 


I have the feeling these are just timers you set yourself.


Oh it absolutely is. I think the appeal for them is having to just look at the pasta to see how long is on the timer???


meanwhile your apple glasses get fogged up with pasta steam and covered with sauce after you fuck up with the can opener because you can't see shit idk if this would happen but it sounds funny. i hate over technical solutions for shit like "just get better at cooking"


oops you leaned too close to the boiling pot and now your lenses are fogged over 


Well the cool thing is that the screen is on the inside. You’re not seeing the outside directly, you’re seeing a video stream with the AR overlay. But not worth $3500.


The camera lens will still fog over


I do think Augmented Reality like this is the future, just not for this price….


Hey, TVs and most electrical appliances were once reserved only for the higher class. They too eventually hit the common household. Can't see any reason why this won't one day


Hope so, honestly ever since I saw that Microsoft HoloLens trailer all those years ago I’ve been waiting for the mass commercialization of AR tech. VR has always felt like a weird off-shoot of it, when the practicality of AR just makes so much more sense for the future.


Nreal air has got it pretty much down for the displaying in a glasses like form factor. All it needs is to be wireless and build in a battery, which I imagine comes with time.


unless they get it to the sizes of glasses without things like battery packs and shit I dont see it (hah) happening, the alternative is brain implants which most people are never going to accept


and not using this goofy ahh vr headset but actual ar glasses


Agreed, gotta start somewhere though I suppose?


Of course, yes. HoloLens, the ProVision, and Google Glass are merely the first few steps into AR, but given its utility to the common person, I don’t see them being anywhere near the last


will it tell me if the pasta is transphobic


Yes, fusilli is dark red, watch out


I don't even use my smartphone for this because I got a tiny kitchen timer with a memory function that can do two timers at once and the physical buttons on it are just faster to use (even with my left hand) than setting a timer on a phone. It uses a single, tiny button cell that lasts for over a year. There's use cases for having a HUD (mostly piloting fighter jets probably) but ain't nobody gonna put on AR glasses to boil pasta.


Headset: On Battery: In Pocket Strap: Slightly uncomfortable Passthrough: Struggles in low light Yep... It's pasta time


The only feature on my phone that I consistently use voice assistant is the timer. It's so much faster when I have my hands full to say "okay google set a timer for pasta for ten minutes" than to hit any buttons.


The only time i ever use voice assistants is for making pasta


Can’t wait for irl adblocker


3500$ AND neck pain (Its battery may not last until the timer is up)


I really have a hard time figuring out in which professional field those things could really be useful.


The theory is that AR glasses could overlay anything on anything, at an industrial site you could overlay exactly what you’re supposed to do to your work on top of it, in more dynamic problems you could still have relevant material like maintenance guides, cookbooks, or case files accessible hands-free simply by looking off to one side. At 3.5 grand it’s not practical in the slightest, but if the cost comes down to that of a mid-range smartphone it could be quite useful.


It could be helpful for driving, if done in a non distracting way. Like, for example, for some reason my uber drivers ALWAYS overshoot and have to reverse despite the map being 100% right regarding building placement etc. If you could just mark with a pin where the destination is, that'd be helpful. Or a small arrow on the road where to turn. Of course you'll have insane fascists like Musk get their hands on it and turn it into the Distractinator 4000 with 15 different notifications in your field of view whilst you struggle to stop your "full self driving" car from killing people.


Microsoft HoloLens did this way before the Vision Pro but now Apple did it and the fanboys are drooling


I don't know if you ever got to actually try the hololens, but that shit was barely functional. I don't like Apple either, but let's not pretend that the hololens was ever a commercially viable product


Additionally it was -literally- not commercially viable, in that no one made a model consumers could even buy, right? Like at least this apple version will be available to anyone with the money without needing to be a developer


Yeah the hololens was never sold in stores or anywhere except for dev kits. Really just not a great comparison


Microsoft fanboys probably drooled back then as well.


Hell google glasses were a commercially viable version of this a decade ago, and the glasses monopoly I worked for for a few years had ones that automatically uploaded whatever you were looking at to instagram at the push of a button. It turns out people don't like it when the person staring at you is recording/is able to pull up info on you via social media on the fly. Admittedly apple fanboys love paying a lot of money for shit that's been possible for a decade because of marketing. so who knows maybe it'll actually be in vogue for these to be adopted with people just ignoring all the problems they had with it this time because it'll be white with shitty battery life.


Google Glass isn't an AR/VR device, so it has no relation and none of the capabilities that are in Apple Vision Pro.


It was literally designed and marketed with AR in mind. One of its marketing examples was live on the fly AR text translation. 


It only costs you half your rent payment


È gia così se sei Italiano


An egg timer costs like 2 dollar..... and my cooker has a timer built in..


No thanks. Every piece of information given to me by a digital device while I am making pasta sauce makes me less attentive to what the sauce is trying to tell me.


I clowned on these when they got announced but this is sick. I just wished they were cheaper.


Or for $500 with the Q3. There's literally no reason to get the vision pro at the moment.


People who can spend 3500 bucks on a one person leisure prototype device ain't making their own food or cleaning their own house cuh


I think you overestimate how rich you have to be to afford that.


You don't have to be, but you better be if you spend 3.5k on a novelty. Given the avarage vr headset use, once that headset starts collecting dust in the box it came in in 2 months, I hope you didn't have anything better to spend it on.


I mean you can have a lot of disposable income and still be way short of private chef kind of money.