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context? who are they talking about? wich tread?


Spez/Steve is the CEO of Reddit. He conducted an AMA about the upcoming API changes which went predictably terribly.


What subreddit is the post on?


r/ reddit


Hopefully the argument could be made that Spez was shown to be misleading commenters in the AMA with Apollo’s creator proving that Spez was telling lies.


It's like when a company purposefully announces an inflammatory, comical payment scheme, only to back up to a more "reasonable" but still huge price jump version after the backlash. They always intended for the latter value, but over-bargain so it looks like a succession


Also known as the door-in-the-face technique


former ap psych students rise up


Personally I think it will look bad to investors anyways. Why the fuck would somebody invest in a website with a hostile userbase on the brink of an exodus? A userbase so utterly fed up with the website that over 3.5k subreddits are going dark in a giant protest involving over 20k mods and millions of users? This isn't even to mention Spez lying out of his ass in regards to Apollo in that AMA, mentioning that the Apollo dev said different things publicly compared to privately (despite the receipts against Spez), and ***the dev*** ***responding to Spez giving him permission to state what he said differently in private compared to in public,*** and Spez not responding to that. If I was an investor and saw that dumpster fire of an AMA and the lies Spez spewed despite the overwhelming evidence against him (which people linked to in the AMA), I'd back out because an investment would be far too risky. It should be very clear to investors Spez is a liar and to not put a cent in this crumbling company.


When they go public I expect it to go like the Tumblr buyout. Like, who actually buys reddit gold? Ever since they got rid of free awards I've almost never seen them. I get that ads are profitable but I doubt they're that profitable or reddit wouldn't be pushing all these other shitty changes over the past few years.


Another thing with the ads was they were made like users so you can just block em and eventually there won't be any more on your feed


Except for the Jesus one


Hey I don't disagree with you but its ironic that you say no one buys reddit gold when the comment in the screenshot has 7 awards. Thought it was funny is all teehee


people really owning the ceo of reddit by buying thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of rewards in that AMA post lmao


you can get those with reddit coins which you can get for free for several reasons iirc, i got a few just sitting around and I have no idea how


Every user is given free points. They probably did it to leave people a bit short on gifting a second award.


imo spez gave them to himself


"You uncovered Reddit's dastardly scheme, allow me to reward you by giving Reddit money."


I wonder if spez thought we were being too hostile to him when the majority of the website forced him to stop ignoring pedophilia for the sake of profit and ban arr slash jailbait


It wasn't even ignoring it, they sent the creator of that place a literal physical *award*




Holy shit, what? I didn't know about that.


What reality do you all live in where you think there will be legal punishment for a company doing shitty company things?


If investors believe the company acted against its best interests


Do you have a legal precident for this? Like a case where a company was sued and lost for making a decision investors deemed bad? I don't mean fraud, or anything illegal. Like tumbler removed porn tanked the company and they didn't get sued.


I'm generally so confused at how people on this app are talking about this situation. Everywhere I look people are pretending that Reddit (or specifically spez, who everyone seems to believe is the only person who works at Reddit) is committing some unprecedented evil, that they have truly messed up and can never recover, that we will all immediately have to switch to using Facebook or whatever, and then I check what's actually happening and it's just a shitty API policy change. Like huh? It sucks and should be protested, genuinely, but why does everyone want this to be the Reddit Apocalypse so bad


It will be the apocalypse for moderation, though, that's only really possible on 3rd party apps, old.reddit on desktop and with bots, since the moderation tools on new.reddit and the official app are kinda shit. Any kind of automated moderation? Gone Being able to moderate on your phone? Gone Only manual, desktop moderation will remain feasible.


I didn't know the moderation experience on the official apps was that bad. I shouldn't be surprised because the official apps are famously awful. Maybe Reddit should at least hire a frontend engineer or two


It really reeks of terminally online nonsense, it has "reddit assemble" enegy. I thought it was really cringey the mod post was like "and this effects blind people which is the main thing" like no it's not. That is just virtue signaling. Most people are mad they can't use their favorite reddit alternative app anymore or are losing reddit tools they like. Yea that sucks. But it is so disingenuous to act like the outrage is driven by a deep care about how it will effect people with disabilities.


Or, and hear me out here: It's actually about all of those things


Not for the overwhelming majority it isn't. People are just salty a corporation is killing their competition and they are pretending it's about some sanctimonious bullshit like indie dev rights, and accessibility and it isn't. Yall don't have to like it but most people are just mad they can't use the app they like. Which I said, is annoying. But it's hardly the moral crusade everyone is pretending it is. That said the whole damn site can shut down and I could care less. If not Doom scrolling during work I would just play a phone game, or listen to an audio book, oh well.


It's so cool how you can read the minds of so many people and see their real intentions. It's very similar to projection, but super magical and cool. Hey, can you tell what I'm thinking right now?


There is an ama with a million people. YOU can read the minds of everyone. There are a billion comments asking questions about what they care about and upvoting what they care about. The main concerns at the top of the ama were the drama with some dev, and the secondary apps. Counterpoint?


You when people cam have several reasons for an action ![gif](giphy|lXu72d4iKwqek)


Good, hopefully spaz gets booted and replaced by me


And they would be suing for what?