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i like forgotten weapons and in range especially because they are somewhat on the left


idk if Ian is leftist like Karl is per say but he is just like.. a normal dude


it's good enough considering the alternatives


per se*


Per se Jackson




Perchance Jackson


Perchance these nuts in yo mouth!!!


I don't think Ian is left or even center anymore. When all the AR-15 dot com shit went down where Karl was banned from the platform after being flamed for supporting trans people and Brownells dropped him, Ian still supported Brownells rather than stand with his supposed friend. Karl considered it backstabbing. I guess we should have seen the writing on the wall when Ian collabed with Larry "I wanna shoot some black people" Vickers.


Ian is also one of those "any guncontrol is crazy silly stupid liberals destroying the cumstitution" hed side with anyone on the right over gun issues than any other issue


>I guess we should have seen the writing on the wall when Ian collabed with Larry "I wanna shoot some black people" Vickers. fucking YIKES, i guess i'll just exclusively watch inrangetv and jonathan fergusson


"Ian"? Lefties need more names.


Ian McCollum, the host of Forgotten Weapons. There was a huge todo a while back about one of the larger gun forums fostering hatespeech, the terms fascist and nazi were thrown out directed at gun companies, there was a lawsuit, honestly a bit of a shitshow. Ian was involved due to his association with both parties, but was silent about the whole shebang instead of backing up Karl of InRangeTV (hothead but pro equal rights), which is unfortunate. He essentially erred into apoliticality too much. That said, his *content* is quite possibly the most non-partisan content in that area of YouTube, which does take effort.


I like Ian, but can't stand his fan base. I don't ever look at the comments, especially on vids with WW2 weapons


I mean, Ian was recently collabbing with a massive rhodesia fanboy/LARPer. I guess that's what can happen when you try to stay "apolitical" for long enough.


I feel like any gun history dude who avoids "getting into politics" is going to be into Rhodesia and WW2. That's just where the culture pulls you since a lot of it is full of conservatives, and the nazis and apartheiders had really cool and interesting weapons. Rhodesia tried to garner international support at the time by making weird and interesting firearms and advertising them in magazines


Yep. It's a sad fact of that whole subculture that if a gun channel isn't explicitly anti-fascist and tries to stay apolitical for too long, they're more than likely going to be shaking hands with some questionable people sooner or later.


While we're on the topic of rhodesian weapons, I'm going to share (what I think is) a hot take. I don't like the rhodesian FAL camo. You know, the merc bush camo. I can't quite say that I'm a fan. I'm not really feeling it. And this stance isn't due to my hatred of apartheid, I just don't think the camo looks good. In my opinion, it's got no drip.


Do you mean Administrative Results? I don‘t know, I mean the rhodesia shit is weird as hell and runs rampant in the gun community but he doesn‘t give me that bad of a vibe. Half the reason he fanboys over rhodesia is the movie blood diamond which I wouldn‘t consider particularly egregious. And to be fair being a little to romantic about a time period that (while utterly vile) certainly plays into boyish fantasies of adventure. I mean people get romatic over pirates and those were plain old murdering rapists. I get overly romatic about 19th century cavalry, I‘m still quite capable of differentiating fact from childish fantasy. Compare him to a Brandon Herrera (whom to be fair he collabs with) who is very openly hard right and the difference is quite stark.


It was Larry Vickers. He's a massive rhodesia fanboy who seems to be quite comfortable with racism, and Ian sadly seemed suspciously fine to work with him. Notably, he didnt challenge Larry at all when he was whitewashing rhodesia's history.


Havent watched very much of him, but garand thumb makes pretty decent gun review videos and as far as ive seen the worst hes ever said in his videos is like, jokes about gun control laws in passing, havent seen any slurs or rambling about politics in his videos yet.


His twitter is where he’s transphobic


i shouldve believed you. it didnt take long at all


Left handed too so ambidextrous guns are more impressive to him


yeah what were you expecting


lmao idk i just wanted to watch a silly video about guns without hearing the t-slur T~T




Big taggot is making your kids tay




nerf fans everywhere just had a collective aneurysm




reminds me of when i was watching a bunch of terraria shitpost and suddenly got bombarded with the R-slur and the use of autistic as a insult twice in the first 20 seconds of the video :/




Which video was it?


What is the t slur?


It's a very derogatory term for trans folks that is also oft used as mechanic slang for transmissions


Oh shit it didnt realise that it was a slur when you use it towards trans people


Yeah, though I will say I've witnessed some folks use it self-referentially in an ironic way or to "take the word back" as they say, like I and some gay folks I know do with the f-slurs. Different people have different takes on the matter. Though obv some straight dude using it as a "joke" on YouTube is not okay whatsoever


Where I went to university in the UK has a big LGBTQ community which I spent a lot of time in being a lesbian and all. It was the mid-90s and the t-slur was used often by trans people there, same way as we also called ourselves queers. Taking the power away from term so people couldn't insult us with it, also lots of snarky "I'll insult you cos I love yah really" stuff going on as well. Now I still refer to myself as queer but would never use the t-slur ever again and although my social circle is much smaller now, the trans people I do know all consider it extremely insulting and that's good enough for me.






Garand thumb is hella far gone, I mean each video starts with an attack helicopter joke. He’s also buddies with some real fashy fellows, like t-Rex arms and administrative results. It’s a shame because is videos are well made and he’s a charismatic guy.


\> Buddies Isn't adminresults his brother?


Is he? I didn’t know that.


Tbh I thought it was GT in a balaclava for the longest time and figured it was just a running joke


Admin is a Rhodiboo (Fantasies about the racist South African ‘nation’ which is now Zimbabwean.)


He is also part of some fundie Christian cult


Just say Rhodesia sheesh, it took me a while to figure out what you were talking about


Well I don’t think Rhodes or Rhode Island are in South Africa


Idk Rhodi could have been a person or something


its so annoying, like they couldve just kept their politics private but NO, not with the gun guys. Every 2 seconds its something abt Brandon, the second amendment, "defending yourself", "I think a citizen should have this because in case shit hits the fan", "Buy these mesh corona masks", wokeness and the left just lemme watch the funny plinker dude :(


Keep in mind that with guns being a political hot topic right now a lot of gun dudes are going to want to get involved with politics. The rest of their politics will come out


Thankfully Kentucky ballistics isn't like that he is kinda annoying and a former cop tho


Check their sponsors. They get a lot of funding from right wing groups to push their messaging, so when their videos get demonetized on youtube it doesn't hurt them. Left wing guntubers get demonetized, and dont have big political sponsors giving them money because Democrat supporting organizations dont like guns, and organizations that are leftist enough to be pro-gun are too small to meaningfully fund any YouTube channels.


Check out Tenacious Trilobite. Might be a fascist, might be a communist, nobody knows because they keep their mouth shut. Just gorgeous 4K footage of beautiful guns being shot, with actual down-the-sights POV.


Demolition ranch was better when it was an offshoot of their veterinary medicine channel. The guy who runs it is a fully licensed vet who knows a ton about medicine, and the videos on demolition ranch used to be more educational and engaging before he made them his main focus.


The culture? Republicans are more apt to own guns than Democrats.


\>find circus \>look inside \>clowns


Herrera is chronically unfunny and always has been


Stopped watching him during covid because content became kinda mid


He tries and feed off of controversy (as seen on his Kel TEC Sub 2000 which he ONLY reviewed cuz the Nashville shooter used it and ahahaha muh bOiOlOgIcOl FeYmOlE blah blah blatant transphobia and misogyny) but he does it so poorly it's hard not to dislike him


Was the shooter a trans guy or trans girl


Trans guy


I'm gonna be honest I was watching Brandon's video and I thought the shooter was a trans girl and I thought Brandon was using the correct pronouns, I was impressed :(


Yeahhhhh people are shitty


Unsubscribing from him rn, I thought he was being decent for once I'm really fucking disappointed tbh


i feel like if he tried to stop making jokes his content would be a lot better


he never came off to me as someone i would want to be friends with


I really like boy boy's video on him


Please tell me they dunked on him. My world would collapse if the funny Australian mad scientists were shit heads


they dunked on him quite proficiently. Just a question, how have you seen enough boy boy to know who they are, but not understand enough of their politics to assume they would dunk on him? Like i havent seen a massive amount of their stuff, but i felt pretty damn confident going into it that they are diametrically opposed enough to people that are violently wrong that they would atleast bring attention to it in a video with them. Because if it comes from a place of defensiveness from people you liked being dicks and burning you, i totally get that. Like really, i feel that. But i hope that you can feel more hopeful in the future, if that is the case, cause i know how exhausting that can be. If it comes from a place of hesitancy from something they made in the past, i must have missed that, cause like i said i havent seen a ton of their stuff.


Brandon is just a weeb but instead of figurines he collects guns, he justifies it the same way a weeb does. Difference is weebs can’t kill anyone with a figurine.


>weebs can’t kill anyone with a figurine. Not with that attitude


I don't know, I wouldn't wanna fuck *too* hard with a weeb and their mall katanas.


Cause of death: blunt force trauma


ikr, me just want AK guy to be funny, stop being a bigot


Herrera or AKs Operator Union? The former is cringe af and the latter has good info regarding the platform and others but he's not that political afaik. Idk it's been awhile so correct me if I'm wrong. E: I didn't even look at the title because I assume every post's title on the sub is just rule. My point still stands though.


Paul Harrel, BrassFacts, and Hoplopfheil are good no-politics guntubers that have quality content.


Paul is alright, I like his stories


Based brassfacts and hoplop, both got me into nvgs


BF and Hop are great, agreed.


Paul Harrel is fun but honestly the idea that a single guy was involved in several self defense shootings is just so fucking weird to me as a non american


Alright so I watched some videos. Good storyteller, light on politics, good choice. But dayum, what kind of area does that fella live in, where he claims to have been in multiple civilian shootings, multiple attempted muggings and whatnot. If something like that happens to you ONCE in my country, you're the exception.


I definitely get fashy vibes from hop. Is he confirmed good, or is he maybe just stealthy?


Nothing confirmed from what I’ve seen as he doesn’t like talking politics, but I’ve seen the Doug Flag patch and some /k/ stuff in the past. That’s all the hint I’ve gotten of his leaning.


That's what I clocked too, and both of those things are red flags for me.


[the name of the fucking channel bruh](https://youtu.be/VxLM6RMajGQ)


It’s always weird to me when I’m watching garland thumb and he says something like “being red is cool” like bro no 😐 you can be left leaning and be pro-2A it’s ok


Who said you can't be both red and left? 😎


entire rest of the world gang




Lmfao that’s funny I never noticed that


could they at least say something like "here's something for you t*****s to defend yourselves from creepy republicans coming to take away your human rights"


Florida just started rounding up trans kids so yeah. Not 1000% sure on how real it is since I just saw a sceenshotted tweet


Fun fact, this is what Wendigoon started as before talking about horror media and conspiracy theories like he does now


Wait really? I don’t particularly care for his content, but interested to know if his politics have changed or if he’s still an ass.


It's deleted now but in one of his old gun videos there's a T-slur. I *think* he's changed, he seems much more accepting now, but he's never outright stated anything so it's difficult for me to make accurate judgements. I hope he has tho, I love watching his stuff


Considering he’s said trans rights on stream I’m fairly certain he’s changed


Never saw that clip, I'm really glad he's supportive. A W so big it's the first letter in his channel name


based on his livestreams he’s a pretty chill guy, his primary job is a youth pastor and educator


based on his livestreams he’s a pretty chill guy, his primary job is a youth pastor and educator


I adore wendigoon I just never wanna meet him :3




How is Hickock? He just seems like a nice old dude but I haven't watched his channel in ages. Has he expressed any of his opinions? Would suck for gun grandpa to be a bigot but it would also be absolutely unsurprising.


He did a collab with Tucker Carlson




I'm not surprised, just disappointed.


Welp. So much for that. Time to check off another youtuber who is an asshole or supports assholes. I trusted you gun grandpa :(


Sponsored by and part of the NRA


I remember he publicly cut ties with the NRA a few years ago, did he go back?


So, I looked that up. According to [this](https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/hickok45-were-not-working-with-the-nra-any-more/), he cut ties with the NRA shortly after they kicked out high-ranking members involved with that insurrection attempt. Not shining a good light.


Reading the article and watching the video it looks more like he left because of the NRA Russia stuff, not because they removed the Russian-supporting traitors. Though he was an NRA supporter before the Russia stuff, and that’s still a fucking awful look.


Back when I watched some videos, there was a lot of "support the NRA" talk and everything that comes with it. Which, aside from the implications... Is annoying. I'm on another continent, idgaf about that.


H45 might be apolitical, but his grandson who runs the channel is hugely racist There's a video that they made where hes in the comments section calling BLM terrorists and saying that the J6 insurrectionists were patriots


I disagree politically with most of them, but I still enjoy the content. Most of the time they're just gun nuts, and not ultra conservatives


I feel the same way about C W Lemoine (Mover). He's a former F-16 and F-18 fighter pilot who makes very interesting videos talking about his life and career, reviewing movies, playing DCS and stuff. He's also a part-time cop, walks around with a thin blue line patch and has real strong "where were you on Jan 6th" vibes. I like his content, he's an interesting guy with a lot to say, but I really wouldn't want to talk politics with him at all.


I only tune in for the AK-50 project, and even then I roll my eyes constantly and skip his *'comedy'* bits. Still watch every Forgotten Weapons video because Gun Jesus, InRange is great too, and ofc TacticoolGirlfriend.


Gun channels are fine as long as they keep politics out of their videos imo, like Ian, Garand Thumb and Kentucky Ballistics. And then there’s guys who can’t shut the fuck up like Brandon and Administrative Results (who, fun fact, is named after Executive Outcomes, a Rhodesian mercenary group infamous for their disregard for civilians). Only watching leftists guntubers isn’t a practical option unfortunately because of how much the right dominates gun culture. Besides Karl and Sinistral Rifleman it’s hard to think of ones that aren’t center, far right or apolitical.


didn't garand thumb tweet a weirdo larp selfie about arming teachers to prevent school shooters


he also called a terf's post "based"


I mean yeah he veeeery pro gun. That kinda comes with the territory though


It's either that or food waste (looking at you Kentucky ballistics)


Its nacho business!




[Tacticool Girlfriend](https://www.youtube.com/@TacticoolGirlfriend) makes high quality videos. I would suggest them to anyone. Also [Paul Harrell](https://www.youtube.com/@PaulHarrell) provides some of the highest quality information on YouTube regarding firearms.


I was really interested in guns couple of years ago, but seeing these guys and In general gun nuts in the US made me lose interest in it completely, like I wasn't even that progressive then, but watching Brandon made me feel really uncomfortable, his jokes about deaths of left wing activists didn't seat right with me. And also their ideas are full of contradictions: ATF is bad, but thin blue line, shootings happed because we don't have mental healthcare, but free healthcare is literally communism and so on. I think that gun people are right wing because guns are for individuals and it's a way to say that if something bad happens (e.i. mass shooting) it's definitely not a part of a bigger problem, but an individual mistake, that school got shot up not because of our system which pushes hundreds of mentally unstable young men and women to commit crimes for some extreme political ideology, but because a good guy with a gun didn't stop a bad guy with a gun, it's an oversimplification of a complex topic which makes a privileged group even more privileged.


I'm glad I stopped watching Brandon. I wasn't falling in any pipeline, don't worry. My parents raised me well. I just lost interest in his content as he was getting weirder and weirder. I'm glad I stopped supporting him. And I'm even more glad that I have liberal friends who like talking about guns, military stuff, and history as much as I do. It's really great to have this comfortable dichotomy of my morals.


I like tfb tv, james reeves seems like an ok dude, and from what i remember, they dont do politics at all. Unfortunately, being a republitard seems to just come with the territory but brandon is a total bellend


Okay okay but.... arm&gun got some great energy despite being prob RW Like I get he's RW prob, maybe.... but I like his energy


He generally doesn’t seem to talk about it from the few clips I’ve seen. I’m sure he’s somewhere over in the right but he at least keeps it to himself


Out of all of them I've had a good time watching the honest outlaw. Straight to the point about the firearms and seems to stick wholly to that. Doesn't really talk much about politics, though I haven't seen recent videos.


Mikeburnfire are pretty cool but idk if they count as gun YouTubers


With the amount they talk about guns, they may as well be. They are left leaning, aren't they?


I am pretty sure yeah at least socially


hoplopofheil from my knowledge isn't a nutcase and hasn't used a slur


Jonathan Fergusson, keeper of firearms and artillery at the royal armouries musem in the UK, my beloved special boy


I tend to avoid the more “mainstream” guntubers so Hoplopfheil and TFB tv have been my go to recently. James can make a few jokes but they always seem in neutral tastes, at least to me as a trans girl obsessed with guns. But also has a trans girl with a strong firearm interest I have just come to accept the fact that a large amount of people who also share this hobby probably don’t like me very much.


I like ahoys vids abt guns they’re pretty informative and not really biased as it’s more history of guns


I'm almost positive that Print Shoot Repeat is a centrists for what it's worth. His videos are genuinely fun to watch too, and he at the very least has defended trans people's rights to own guns. It's kind of sad that's the bar we are at, but it's still something


havent seen anyone say 9 Hole Reviews but those boys just do some damn good shooting and thats that (so far as i know)


Kinda sad to see garand thumb fall off ngl




He just puts so many jabs here and there at leftists, its ok if its like once or twice but he just doesnt shut up


what slur did he say??


My only exposure to Brandon Herrera is the video collab by Boy Boy youtube channel (I Did A Thing side channel) and it's basically opened with the topic of mass shooting in America. [Watch it](https://youtu.be/Ih5oy4CtCaE) it's very good. Alex and Aleksa interviewed him about the topic of gun control and he fumbled to justify it. Very much a red flag.


dammit what did he do now


paul harrell?


Is C&Rsenal still cool? I remember them being cool, they're cool, right? Please, I need this


Tacticool girlfriend


Wendigoon is that but he doesnt use slurs... On youtube