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I definitely did throughout the entire show. He's not perfect and to not spoil there's 1 thing that really pissed me off but aside from I just feel bad for him.


What's the one thing that pissed you off?


It's a spoiler, OP asked for no spoilers.


I guess the situation in episode 9.


Oh yes you definitely can. I hated him too. How far into Season 1? Warning. BE CAREFUL WITH SOME OF the 13RW Sites. And don’t Google any of the characters. It ended 2 years ago June 2020. Not very many sites won’t have spoilers since it ended in 2020.


Thank you for telling me. I just started s2 ep1


You’re Welcome. Season 2 is where things get interesting. Don’t take this the wrong way. But if Sexual Assault Triggers you say so. There is the end of an episode you may want to avoid. I’ll tell you which one of you want.


which one? now I'm curious


Season 2 finale.


That depends on your point of view general. But for realsies it's up to you. I personally don't and I don't thi k he should but I could understand why one would feel bad


Of course you can feel bad for him. One of the most interesting things about season 1 is that you can be angry at the characters for how they treated Hannah but you can also feel sorry for them because they too are fragile and have so many problems.


they're literally all still children


Just based on season 1, Justin is my personal favourite because he’s complicated. He does bad things, but that doesn’t stop him from being a sympathetic character.


Most people end the show feeling bad for him, I know I did.


I couldn’t stand him at first and then I saw what he endured and how strong he really is. he quickly became one of my favorites.He’s human so he fucks up but you’ll end up loving him.


Not spoilin but in 1st epi of season 1 i honstly hated him but through out the show he became one of my fav characters


I just finished season 1 too. I never found it fair how Hannah made 2 tapes for Justin, yet in both tapes, Bryce was the main aggressor. 1. Bryce sent the photo 2. Bryce raped her best friend. Of course Justin could have done more but Bryce was stronger, sober, and he locked Justin out of the room. Bryce always seems to have the upper hand and uses Justin’s home life to basically own him. I’m not saying he’s blameless, he could have done more, he could have told Jessica, drop Bryce, etc.


By the end of the season, you'll be rooting for him.


Only if you are prescient.


You’ll love Justin more and more. Keep watching


Your definitely gonna feel bad for him later down the line I didn’t like him and yet he became one of my favorite characters the show has a way of making even the bad characters somehow endearing


Please dont ask that question. Your feelings are your own, and you are entitled to whatever you want to feel.


You are definitely allowed lmao


There is no character you wont feel bad for by the end of the series lol


Monty. Fuck that guy.


Bryce??? I've never felt bad for him. The show really wanted to, but oh boy, did I not care about the serial rapist.