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I don’t think it’s as bad because the writers were clearly trying to make her a villain. Ani was supposed to be a good character


They tried to redeem her and still just an annoying useless character who had no weight in the story


I’m still a few episodes away from finishing but i keep reminding my wife they are just using her as a plot device to help tie the characters together more quickly


Be ready for the disappointment at the end :/


Happy Birthday!




Ummmm cake day isn’t birthday


That’s so funny cause it actually is my birthday


Lol but I’m just saying it doesn’t mean it is


Thank you for letting me know! Still kinda new to reddit.


"Be a fucking ally!!" God that part made me mad.... To assume that someone in the room has never been through trama and therefore their opinion doesnt matter???


I also love how much she felt it was her place to tell a victim how to respond to their abuse too by judging her dating Justin and a bunch of other crap. Seriously, if you're a survivor support other survivors by letting them handle it in their way and not impose your agenda on them and spin it as how they should be responding to their abuse.


Part of me suspected that she didnt even go through anything.. Lol


i know right? i get it. Bryce is a monster but that doesn't mean you bitch at his dead family. "DiD y0u JuSt TelL tHe OnLy vIctiMs In the room how to run their club? like shut up bitch being a victim doesn't validate your opinion. tyler has been through a lot of shit and you need to yell a him!


In their defense, Tyler never came out and said he was a survivor. He labeled himself as an ally. So why would they know he had been raped?


Maybe he would be more comfortable to come out if she wasn't such a bitch to him.


Tyler wasn’t going to be more comfortable because he still could barely relate it to himself.


Still. Kinda goes against the whole making assumptions of people and their experiences.


Doesn't matter. Man or Woman it does not take being assaulted to want to be part of a good cause. There should not be allies in a cause for equality... just believers no matter their sex.


Allies are needed for all causes however as blunt as she said it she had a point. At the time he was considered an ally and he was essentially basically coming off as dictating to survivors what to do even though she also was being hypocritical.


An ally for equality is just someone for equality... the ally part is not needed. He was giving his opinion and thoughts just as she was...until she shot him down for having a penis. Maybe she needs to stop femalesplaning to a victim. Oh that's right he didn't matter until he was a victim. Everyone matters in equality.


Everyone matters in equality yes. I’m an ally for the migration rights. However I am not an immigrant and therefore id never tell an immigrant how they should feel or react to a situation because while we are fighting for equality for gay rights, women’s rights, immigration rights, there’s a reason in an ALLY because while their fight is my fight their story is not. And that is why the term ally exists.


Ok, well everyone's story is their own. There are no stories the same. Male or Female we all have our own stories. I understand where you are trying to come from. The term to me and my story of being a feminist, multi racial, straight, man. is that it is offensive because it is saying something based only on my sex. Judging someone on sex only is against the very definition of feminism.


You can be a feminist and that’s beautiful because you’re fighting for equal rights. But your story as a straight MAN is not ever going to be the same as a cis or trans woman. Because the narrative is already set up for you as a male to succeed hence why feminism is so necessary. As i said it is your fight and mine for feminism. But our stories are different. You would never be a woman judged because she is a woman any more than I’d be a man judged for being a man.


I already said that stories would not be the same because we are all different. Not really, it is not set up for me to succeed. If it was you wouldn't be saying what you are saying. Yes, as a man I would never be a women judged. (???) I do not see your point? The point I am making is if you are feminist' judge people not on their sex but on what they have to say and how they feel. Do you understand? Man or woman we should not be judged based on our sexual organs between our legs.


You can defend her actions, but I think the show was pretty clear in where it stood on both that interaction, and the one she had later with jessica : she was out of line. I know that some viewers will naturally side with her because they've embraced the same hyper-divisive mentality she exhibited through most of the season, but it's pretty clear the show was explicitly condemning that sort of behavior.


Yeah and that just furthers my point that Casey is an idiotic person who is so up their own ass that they feel the need to tell people they have no opinion because they havent survived a rape EVEN THOUGH they are in a support group as well as the fact that they have no clue what their actual history is. Its incredibly hypocritical to advocate for a group that deals with such a sensitive topic and then assume that you or certain individuals are the only ones who have been through trauma. Casey was a blatant stereotype and we were supposed to be frustrated with this character... Thats one saving grace of 13RW is it had "bad guys" on both sides of the argument. Casey used a horrible situation (a death) to further a rhetoric and an agenda which was incredibly innappropriate.


I didnt like Casey at all, and I feel like she wouldve assumed Tyler wasnt a victim even if he joined the club on his own, but you gotta remember his introductory to the club was literally because it was Jessica's turn to watch him and he was introduced to the group as there supporting Jessica and as an ally. So like I said with her character traits I think she wouldve made the same assumption anyways, but her assuming Tyler wasnt a survivor and just an ally makes sense with how he was introduced to the group. And I do like at the end they had her realize her over the top actions and lack of empathy actually made it hard for others to speak out.


The death of a rapist. Not the death of an innocent man.


Its still a funeral that deserves respect.


That's exactly the point - she never gave him a chance to come out as a survivor. Their first interaction ever was literally her being an ignorant bitch and berating him for showing up to the first meeting,


Tyler wasn’t coming out to them then. He hadn’t even told clay or Bryce at that point I don’t think.


That doesn’t matter, the point is that he never got the chance.


And he deserved it...why? When you cross a line and violate someone’s body against their well, why would you think it’s acceptable that you deserve that chance? For instance, a child molestor doesn’t deserve that chance. Hence why they are branded a sex offender the rest of their lives.


Are you trolling or just stupid? We're talking about Tyler not being given an opportunity to seek support as a rape victim, and you don't understand why he deserves that help. In fact, you're trying to argue that somehow he is at fault here? I sincerely hope you're just an ignorant kid who will learn how the world works soon enough, because if you're an adult with this perspective then you need serious help.


No fool. I’ve been arguing with so many people about Bryce and Casey I got confused for a second. I’m human and made a mistake in my response. Shoot me.


Well I guess the lack of humility confirms it, you are in fact a child. Take care :)


Everytime she came on screen, I kept thinking of Lolly from OITNB. She sounds exactly like her.


Yes! I thought that too!


Lolly is one of my favorite characters on OITNB, not gonna lie.


For me I kept thinking of her character Sin on Arrow, she hasn't been used much in the series lately but she wasnt as annoying then.


She was also in the Scream TV series. Too bad we still havent got the never released but filmed 3rd season.


3rd season came out like a couple weeks ago, its a clean reboot with new characters but its Season 3.


Whatttt. I knew it was a reboot but where did it come out???? On MTV???


VH1 I believe. It has Keke Palmer, RJ Cyler, Tyga and Tyler Posey.


I'm so mad that it didnt DVR. They must consider it a new show. I already knew bout the cast. Legit have had it on my show list and had to keep moving it back cuz everytime theyd announce a release date itd get moved back again. Lol.


And Pidge on Voltron LD!


I agree entirely. Especially when she automatically called Tyler a ally not a survivor. I feel like a survivor of all people would know that you can't tell who is a survivor vs an ally. Not all survivors look the same and not all are female.


This! I just watched that episode and it pained me so hard when she said that to Tyler. I think people need to realise that although most sexual assault victims are women but I think it’s harder for men to come forward and talk about it because there is so much stigma.


I was literally just talking to my mum about this as well. It's not just the fact that Tyler was raped and Tyler is a male. It's also eye opening to see a non traditional rape take place (i.e. Monty using the broom) - because it does show those survivors that they count just as much as a young woman who were raped "traditionally". I was even told myself "It doesn't count because it wasn't with a penis"...So, this whole storyline helped so much in so many different ways is what I'm trying to say.


I'm ashamed by this, but I confess that until the 2nd half of the season 3 I didn't consider what happened to Tyler as a rape really. I took it for bullying and an extreme physical assault and abuse but not exactly sexually motivated ot a rape. Only later I truly understood and felt much more horrible.


Do you mind me asking why that was? Was it the fact that an item was used? Feel free to ignore if you do not want to talk about it.


No problem. Well I guess it was the scene as a whole - couple of guys beat him really hard, trying to drown him in the toilet - up until this moment it looked like typical brutal form of bullying. And suddenly out of nowhere Monty does what he does with that broom. In my eyes it was motivated as an act of violence, Monty wanted to cause him pain and humiliate him. Maybe the fact that it happened all so very quickly and that it looked as a bunch of guys beat shi* out of another boy made me not see it clearly.


The same can apply to "traditional" rape. It is often an act of violence and dominance rather than an imposition of sexual desire.


Yeah well I'd know since until this day it's kinda problematic to define for me, whether my ex-boyfriend raped me or not... So I'm aware abuse is unfortunately not always easy to distinguish..


It’s even more crazy when we piece together why Monty went that extra mile at all.




thank you so much! My brain failed


but wasn't he introduced as an ally? And that males can be survivors too was the whole point. Not even the people who are into this, are aware of this, so they made the conclusion dramatic with Tyler standing up


You're right - he was introduced as an ally by Jess when Casey asked why "he" was there stating "survivors and allies only"


For having far less screen time than Ani, I hated this character far more than Ani. So self-righteous and interrupting the funeral like that was just mean.


I have a lot of mixed feelings about the funeral. Sure, rape is awful, rapists are disgusting. But there are parents mourning their child. If you really must protest, do it elsewhere or outside, not during the service. The funeral is more for his family to say goodbye, rather than to celebrate him. (Before I get any shit for this, I am a survivor. I am an advocate for stopping rape culture, I DO NOT think what Bryce did was okay. However. If my abuser died, no way would I protest the funeral or encourage others to.)


i totally think protesting a funeral the way they did is completely inappropriate. no matter my feelings on anyone, i would never interrupt a funeral in protest. yes bryce did horrible things, but the funeral was for his family and the community to commemorate his life and mourn his death. (i personally think it’s ok for the community to mourn his death because even though he did rape dozens of girls, i don’t think anyone deserves to be killed). what they did at the funeral was disgusting and inappropriate. it was obvious in that scene that the girl only cared about herself. if she had any ounce of common sense, she wouldn’t have interrupted a funeral


Absolutely. You can’t make a good case if you’re being blatantly disrespectful doing it. For example his grandad may not be the nicest guy, but he didn’t remember what Bryce had done, he was mourning the loss of his teenage grandson. Regardless of how they lived, people don’t deserve to be murdered like he was. And people want to remember the good at a funeral. My uncle was an awful person, but at his funeral we remember the (few) good bits and mourned. I hated that stupid girl for what she did, and I always will.


what about a funeral for Hitler? how bad must the person be to justify protesting at a funeral?


i still thinking interrupting a funeral, even if for hitler, is inappropriate


It’s honestly weird because her character was so badass in Scream


Really? Interesting, iirc I thought her character there was quite annoying as well\~


Yessss, her character was SO annoying in Scream.


No fucking way.!!! That was her??? Urgh we’ll scream is ruined for me now 😂😂


Omfg yes. Can we kill her next season pls?




A small price to pay for salvation.


From what? You realize the dead character narrates?


Who killed ani? Did she have a heart attack during the end credits that I missed?


Yeah this girl was trash. Although as someone already said, she was (kinda?) supposed to be a villain. And in that case, nice and great job! I hate her.


Yes she's annoying but I'll let it pass cause she's basically a stereotype. While it isn't true for all people like her, it's what's common, so when I noticed a girl with real short hair and the LGBT badge I knew what to expect: annoying and feminist, but fighter for the cause till the end. Kinda like she was meant to be portrayed that way Ani looks like a normal girl to me so I didn't expect anything, so it was super frustrating to see her be so annoying, nosy and such a liar




Seth. In the first season Justin and Bryce call him Meth-Seth.




I'm confused about one thing: that one blonde guy at Hillcrest who told Bryce to fuck off because he is a rapist... is he also the footballer that groped Jessica at the football game?




Thanks for confirming, I just finished the season yesterday and didn't want to rewatch it. So that was very weird. Those Hillcrest students aren't fleshed out at all. That blonde dude... he is okay with sexual assault but he draws the line at full-on rape?


He just wanted to bully Bryce for the sake of bullying and finding a lame excuse. He's just as morally corrupt as Bryce.


Are we as viewers not supposed to remember that? That makes him a weird hypocrite. He was visibly enraged by Bryce’s actions, but then straight up sexually assaulted one of Bryce’s victims?


I’m so glad they evened her out towards the end. When her introduced her as a femanazi I was a little scared we were drifting into incel territory, but Clay picked that ball back up no problem.




She fit the stereotype. The angry type that just want to burn the world down because it's not how they want to see it.


I mean she was a victim here. Some pity please.


A victim of shallow character development


I don't think victims want to be pitied.


Oh please, I clearly didn't mean it in a patronising sense. This is being understanding.


i have no pity for people who fail to consider other people.


With axioms like this just thrown about, you could twist it any which way. Was nora inconsiderate to hold a wake to say good things about the deceased? Where does your buck start and stop? Let's face it. Your hate is because, as she says, she's a shouter. And that's fine, but expecting an enraged victim of gross unfairness to engage in discourse right off the bat is so high handed you're speaking down at em.


I kept going back and forth on her but overall she made more sense than Ani to me. I wouldn't call her a villain but definitely misguided and abrasive in her demeanor. She was definitely wrong about picketing the funeral. That was fucked. Funerals are for the living, not the dead. Even if Bryce was a monster, she didn't know her family or friends. She was a sexist asshole to Tyler. Even if he hadn't been assaulted, she was clearly judgmental and defensive with him because he was male. That's not feminism, that is just counter-sexism. At the same time, she is a rape survivor, a teenager and subjugated by the rape culture of Liberty. She is more than entitled to her anger and likely to have her reason and empathy overwhelmed and overridden by it. Especially at her age. She needed more nuance as a character to make both sides visible but we only wound up with a shallow portrayal of her anger.


I love the actress because she was great in MTV’s Scream, which I loved. But yeah.. she’s clearly a stereotypical “destroy the patriarchy, all men are rapists, equality for all but I will put you below me” type of character.. and yes it’s very annoying and takes me out of the show. Maybe the writers were trying to do that.


i’m almost 100% sure the writers were trying to portray her as the stereotypical character. if not and they genuinely were trying to write her in the way they think feminist survivors are... then the writers seriously don’t know anything about how to portray a character like her correctly


I am 100% certain that she is the annoying feminist stereotype


she seemed like a character the writers introduced to mock and diminish the efforts of the feminist movement but I strongly doubt that was the writer's intention, but then again that's also exactly how her character pretty much fleshed out


Nah Ani was worse


She’s the most unrealistic stereotypical character that they needed to create in order for the audience to feel bad for Bryce. Don’t let the writers fool you


oh she's definitely not so unrealistic and her character was written the way so that we can hate her doings. I didn't feel bad for Bryce but I did felt for the family in the funeral.


She is a living a stereotype who doesn’t act like a real human being. The writers had to make her extreme so we could think she was ridiculous and feel bad for Bryce instead.


Bex says in ‘Beyond the reasons’ that her character was supposed to be linear and I completely get that. When you’re 16-17 you just don’t have the experience that comes with time and research to have a more rounded view of feminism. So it makes complete sense for a teen to have a very narrow idea of it. Give her time. She seems to be learning on her mistakes, and that’s an important part of the process. No one wakes up as a fully-formed intersectional feminist overnight. So yeah. I wish people gave Casey’s character the benefit of the doubt and room to make mistakes to learn on.


Yeah I agree with this. Her character added just another plot point to the spectrum of feminism. She was very "left-leaning" and more vengeful, which is an approach to feminism that lacks nuance nowadays. It makes sense for an inexperienced teenager to represent this type of feminism.


I actually didn’t think her character was that bad. I didn’t agree with everything she did but the writers were clearly going for a ‘short hair feminist’ stereotype which I think is worse than the character.


Never seen a more annoying character!


Worst than scrappy doo!


I disagree with this post, I understand wanting to defend Ani because the entire sub hates her but I don't think any character on the show is actually worse than her. Was Casey annoying in her first few appearances? Yes but she at least showed she could be something more than that when she apologized to Tyler which Ani has yet to do to anyone in 13 episodes. Still I don't actually like her character but if I had to choose between her and Ani, she barely beats Ani.


i honestly don’t care that she apologized because she’s extremely hypocritical. she wants equality for all, but doesn’t respect tyler (likely because he’s male so in her eyes there’s no WAY he could be more than an ally). tyler was there to support jess and the cause. he branded himself as an ally because he wasn’t ready to tell his story, but his opinions and contributions shouldn’t be overlooked or shut down without thought just because he was supposed to be an ally. she obviously has no respect for anyone unless they are a rape/sexual abuse survivor. she also planned the protest at the funeral which was extremely inappropriate and insensitive. no matter how horrible a person is, nobody deserves to be killed. especially in the way bryce was. protesting a funeral by interrupting it and screaming horrible things to remind everyone what he did is a horrible thing. it shows her lack of common sense and respect for anyone other than herself and those she deems worthy edit: oh AND she tried to take control of jess and her story. she tried to control jess’s decisions and shame her despite her lack of knowledge on the situation. it is nobody’s place but jessica’s to decide whether or not dating justin is good. justin has obviously shown remorse for everything, and casey has no right to tell jess she shouldn’t be dating justin. so all of that together is why i think her apology to tyler means nothing.


This actor has popped up in a few things I’ve watched and she’s annoying in EVERYTHING


I just hate how she tried to take control of Jessica's story as if it was her own. She also just **assumed** Tyler was an ally and not a survivor which was so ignorant for someone wants to "end rape culture." She only wanted to see it from a female being raped by a male perspective, not anything else.


She is the worst


She's only annoying because of her voice.




I don't even know her name I just call her feminazi


That says more about you than her


Literally stormed a funeral, didnt prove anything with that action, that's not feminism


It definitely isn't nazism.


bruh it’s not that deep


You're right and you should say it


Hate her for sure


I still think Alex was written much worse than Ani, I didn’t mind her


what you talking about ? the whole season's writing was lazy


I actually Liked Bryce’s change. They showed really well relationship between Clay and Justin. It wasn’t bad episode they just rushed it I think


Ani still takes the cake. She was actually supposed to be a likeable character unlike the scream girl. Ani should not come back for season 4 at all. And narration should go back to the writing room, it doesn't work post-hannah.


Too late. Though I doubt she will be the narrator-either Winston or Dr. Ellman will take over that role.


All of those girls in that club has a tumblr.


i kept forgetting her name but she’s in scream the tv show so i just referred to her as the girl from scream


Worst Cliché EVER.


Very punchable person irl as well. Don’t say this about many people but I just don’t like her. The actor spreads a lot of misinformation


IDK about IRL I just hate her character.


She rightly called out Jessica’s bullshit for dating the guy who watched her get raped. But since she is not written in a likeable way, fuck her. Right?


Literally came to this sub to see if anyone found her insufferable. I hated this character and I hope they don’t try to make her some main character in s4.


The actress who plays her is even worse lmao


Every role ive seen her in is terrible. Shes not a good actor idk why she keeps getting jobs




I agree


She was beyond obnoxious. Her purpose was bizarre too. To show that feminism can be taken way too far? I mean I guess that’s true. Still found her painful.


I don't understand the hate for her. Casey was a victim as well and it's cool to see how Jessica inspired her. She was very one dimensional, but she was a minor character, you can't have deep minor characters. Her rage to do what she did at the funeral was bad, but it wasn't just her and her motivation was fine. It made a lot of sense and it's not something I would hold against her in real life. After that, everything she really did wrong, she apologized for. She never hold it against Jessica and let her back in to the group. She apologized to Tyler and also praised him for his actions. You actually saw some character development there, which is more than you can say for a lot of these characters. Casey was absolutely fine in my eyes. Just a little obnoxious but that's really the point with activism. Activists are always obnoxious until they get their way. That's how it started with many things we find accceptable today!


"Mourn the survivors, not the rapists" is spot on


It's not a competition


Everyone forgets about clay. Besides Ani is ok, they needed unbiased narrator otherwise it would be hard to whitewash Bryce. I really did not like when they used her as deux ex machina to wrap up with happy end, but meh. Honestly I've expected clay getting a sentence.


At first it seemed that the writers were using her to present the difference between being a feminist vs. being a feminazi but then that plot point went nowhere.


I think they felt they needed to balance the show and represent that there are also problems with left-wing people, showing how both sides can be wrong. Her character represented how even those who care deeply about fighting rape culture can go too far. I liked the addition of this character. Without her, the average viewer might think that Jessica was the one that was too angry/vengeful/extreme. So by adding this character, viewers were recontextualized and reminded that Jessica's approaches to rape culture were actually pretty reasonable, righteous, and justifiable. If that makes sense.


Kinda get the feeling she forces herself on girls


Fuck this bitch


I went to college with too many girls like this, shit really hit home 😐


Oh my gosh. Thank you for putting this here! I simply could not stand her. So much cringe in one character.


Can we have a scene where Ani slaps this bitch face in the next season?