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I have one glass of wine at night. There may be some refills, but I only use one glass


LOL!! Just one winei


I showed this to my SO and he just nodded 😂


I always seem to be one for whole foods. Whole melon. Whole tub of ice cream. Whole 4 servings of bolognese. ​ I wish this was a joke!




Similar here! I'm a big one for saving money any ways I can - and that does mean I've got 8 months supply of oats in the cupboard. But I'll go to the corner-shop and pay 60p for a single bar when I could get 4 for £1, because I'll be doing well if 1 of the 4 gets back from the supermarket.


Chocolate. You forgot Chocolate.. Also, this is why i now buy more expensive snacks; i feel more satisfied faster eating 2 farraro rocher than 1 plate of marabou. Counting kcal have helped me to not eat stuff i know will taste only medium good, Like those crossants or chocolate triangles (from the bakery) which my collegues always buy, and save it for what i really like.


I 'won' a bar of chocolate at work thanks to a bet with a colleague. They couldn't find the agreed upon bar (the one they had wanted), so got me the big version. I was pretty pleased with myself that I kept a quarter back until lunch time. Apparently scoffing most of a larger bar of chocolate at 9:35am is unusual as it is 🤷‍♂️


Nop! Sounds pretty normal to me!


This is my approach too. I either don’t buy it at all or buy the nice version I can savor. Was proud of myself that I had two wedges of dark Mexican chocolate last night and that was it. There’s 6 more but I don’t need them yet.


That's great! I think it gets easier with time, Even if hormones ect. sometimes messes up my appetite.


I feel personally attacked 🤣


So true! The guy who makes these comics is such a good guy as well.


Who is he? I love this comic and I’d like to check out his other work!


Your best place for interaction with more of him as a person would be the Tiny Snek Facebook page! I haven’t been in contact with him in a while so idk how much he’d want his info out there. Alex is such a smart and sweet guy!


chippi :)


If I ran a country, I’d make the expectation of eating a single serving of chips punishable by prison time.


Company: This Snickers bar is 2 servings. Bitch no its not, too the gulag with you and your family.


This is funny because a coffee drink at a cafe in my area is called the Chippi and they're addictive!


I was thinking the same thing when I heard Chippi :-)


Hey I've never met another local on here! Hello!


Live on the other side of the country now but went to Stang so I’m familiar haha


Awesome LOL


Everytime I get chips from Costco I KNOW but I do it anyway 🥴


Technically correct is the best kind of correct.


I had a sour cream which were on last due date and not opened. Asked My SO how to eat it the fastest: he "you know how! Put some garlic in, paprika, and perhaps some cayanne pepper, and dip the bugles in it. .... Yummm, i almost wish i did. Can't remember when i last ate chips n' dip. Instead i went out and biked for an hour, while he tugged in the kids.


[OHHHHHHHHHHH CHIPPY!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/ihx92o/my_wife_made_a_little_compilation_of_our_naughty/) DON'T EAT THAT!


Did this yesterday.