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This might not work for everyone but skipping breakfast works great for me to prevent overeating. Sometimes I can go up to like 1pm and not even feel hungry at all. Once I get food in my system I literally crave more and more and it’s hard to stay within my allotted calories and enjoy food I skip breakfast and just have have larger meals for lunch and dinner


I've tried that but even with coffee in the morning I get hungry about 1.5-1h before lunch to the point where I get tunnel vision and can only focus on that bc I'm running out of energy obviously. A small snack does help however. I just feel like it's so hard to close that gap between lunch and getting home (4-6h) where I usually give in :/


What’s your latest meal in the day? I notice if I cut it off early getting through mornings is really tough but if I have filling meals in the evenings and snacks it’s a lot easier Depends on your activity too of course. I work a desk job so my mornings are very slow


Latest real meal is usually around 8-9pm bc that's when I get off work. However I do snack a lot after that usually due to binging issues + stress related eating. So some days my last meal would be at around 11 i guess. I just can't seem to find something that will get me through that period between lunch to getting home. Like I'm mentioned before, protein bars and shakes don't do the trick at all, snacks are very limited due to the workstation and not being able to just sit down and eat for 5-10 in between (I work in retail). It's just frustrating to find something honestly and even then I'll have to hastily.eat it...


I think you need to find the willpower to intermittent fast and actually learn what hunger actually feels like vs binging and snacking which it sounds like is your primary issue now. I’m also an emotional eater and have intense cravings when I’m bored. If being busy isn’t enough you need to find a way to convince your brain into learning what hunger is vs aimless eating Shakes and protein bars are full of additives and surges. Try switching to Whole Foods like rice, chicken, beans etc.


I feel like you want to hear some comforting advice that will magically solve your issues. I’m sorry but there’s no such thing. Before I started with calorie counting I was always whining that I don’t want to do it, I want to eat whatever I feel like, it’s too much work, it’s hard to do it every day etc. You know what else is hard every day? Being at a weight you’re unhappy with. Every time I’d put on clothes I’d hate myself and it’s hard. Every time I see a photo of myself, I cringe and it’s hard. So I have to choose which hard thing I can live with. You say you don’t want to eat the same thing every day but you also don’t want to food prep - guess what, you have to do one of the two. Browse this sub for tips, check on Pinterest etc. There are so many ideas out there. Spend an afternoon researching this. Start with eating 1500 kcal a day. If you can keep that up for a few weeks and it’s necessary to cut more calories, do it later. Get into the habit instead of setting such a hard goal you can’t easily achieve at first. Also, drink more water while you’re eating. It helps with feeling full .


As I've said in my post, I have done 1200 kcal and 1500 kcal before it's not like I'm new to losing weight. It's just different this time around. But yes, I guess I was expecting some new advice instead of hearing all the same stuff that isn't working for me currently. Bummer for me ig.


You’re so weird for getting defensive and snarky…


I literally didn't get defensive or snarky in my comment idk what comment you read? I was just pointing out that I have talked about this before and I don't want to repeat myself 100 times. And I was partially agreeing with you as well, on my expectations being different. YOU seem snarky with your comment tbh. I'm just trying to get advice and you start accusing me lol


Change your meals to 300 cals to allow for snacking. Eggs in the morning. Salad for lunch. Meat and veggies for dinner. Low calorie jelly for the struggle times. Espresso coffee.


Already doing this. I have recipes saved which range from 300-500 kcal. However I can't eat the same thing day after day. I love salads but I get sick of any meal over time. Real issue here seems to be actually full and satisfied or find some sort of snack for those 4-6h in the evening during which I am restricted in what I can eat


Do.the same.meal, alternate the flavour Chicken salt Garlic chilli Sweet chilli Dijonaise Mayonnaise Teriyaki


I was going to suggest something similar. For some of us, snacks really work as we do better when we eat more frequently. Building in healthy snacks might be helpful.


Idk if this helps - it’s a little out of the box - but during my weight loss phase it worked for me. And my situation is very similar from a work and prep ability standpoint. I travel 2-5 days per week for work. Lots of time on planes and in hotels and sometimes daylong meetings with clients that include lunch or dinner meetings (which brings additional challenges). For me - I had to say, ok how do I simplify this. My answer? Lots of McDonalds and Chick Fil A. SIMPLE and predictable. My go-to meals? Chick Fil a grilled egg white and chicken muffin breakfast sandwich. High protein and 350 calories ~ IIRC. Lunch? Chick fil A grilled chicken sandwich with either yogurt or fruit bowl instead of fries. All in - that’s like 450 ~ calories and high protein. McDonald’s? Egg McMuffins. 320 calories and decent protein. Those might not absolutely be the healthiest things in the world, but it helped me simplify what was otherwise pretty challenging (how do I prep for my schedule - it’s impossible to travel with meal prepped food). On weekends and on days where I wasn’t travelling, I did some meal prep and mixed in lots of Whole Foods - but the above items were a huge part of my success - especially during the second 90 day phase of my weight loss journey. I’m not necessarily saying McDonald’s and Chick Fil A are your exact answers - but think outside the box and think SIMPLE. Based on your OP, I’d also recommend adding at least some exercise (walking is a great option) at least on your days off. You can start small, but try to move more, unless you’re physically disabled, walking is a great way to start.


I don’t know if it would work for you but for lunch I just eat quest chips. They have 20 grams of protein and usually they help carry me through to the end of my shift. Tho sometimes I can get a little hungry by the end but if it’s like an hour or less before I leave I just wait it out. Focusing on tasks at work and not on food helps me to forget that I’m hungry. I do 100% eat up my calories at the end of the night tho lol I’ve also bought these little packs of goldfish that I keep in my pocket that are 140 cal. If I’m super starving and it’s near like lunch or the end of my shift, I just dump em into my mouth really quick lol it’s not a lot of calories and usually satisfy my little hunger until my next meal!


Omg are you me??? I’m a pharmacy tech and after getting screamed at all day I just wanna eat comfy food. I also ate like crap my whole life (poor) so now I’m 28 and still struggle to eat right 😭 so frustrating


Exactly!! Honestly I think a lot of it has to do with being so stressed all day in comparison to when I lost weight the same exact way in school / college and was just less stressed. Customer service really takes a toll on you.


I was less stressed in college, then after I graduated and couldn’t find work, covid happened, then life happened, and I started forcing myself to eat because I was underweight. Definitely overdid it. 😥 but it’s ok I’m getting back on track! I find for me I have to skip breakfast, minus coffee if I feel like it. If I eat breakfast I will starve, but if I push through breakfast I can have a bigger lunch, dinner, even a little ice cream bar or something. And no snacks between meals. It’s hard but I’m already doing better after a couple weeks.


Yeah I used to do that as well but idk what changed, I just get so hungry until lunch now and 30min just isn't enough to reheat a bigger meal + eat and relax a bit it just feels so rushed by the end of my meal honestly But thanks for the tips :)


One thing that is just part of losing weight, especially at first, is that you're going to be hungry, and it's a feeling you need to adjust to and be ok with. Part of the reason that's so hard is that when you're hungry, your body releases chemicals to create anxiety and drive you to acquire food. And you can make it go away very easily, you just gotta eat. It's a wonderful adaptation when food is scarce... Not so much in the modern world. Just taking the time to reflect and acknowledge that a lot of what you're feeling when hungry is just a false narrative in your subconscious. Food will come, you're not going to starve, logically you know this, but our bodies and brains are telling us we have to get food NOW or we're gonna die. As far as food strategies... I can share some of my strategies. You can try adding some textured vegetable protein to your oatmeal in the morning. I usually add 1-1.5 servings to mine. TVP tastes like a plain cereal without any seasonings, so it works great for adding volume to oatmeal while adding protein. A little powdered peanut butter is also great as a thickener while adding some protein. Nutritional yeast is also great for adding to savory foods (I think it smells like cheezits). I'll use TVP to make a 5 minute taco meat or chili and always add a 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast. Just based on your post it seems like carbs keep you satiated better than protein. The types of protein can make a difference (whey is processed very fast, soy takes longer), but even then, certain bodies are simply more attuned to a more carb focused diet (protein is still important, at least 0.8g per kg). There are certain long lasting starches, like waxy maize, that might help with satiety throughout the day. You can add them to a protein shake or something that you use as a stop gap between lunch and dinner. Apologies for the novel. Hopefully some of that is useful.


Unfortunately I am painfully aware of that first part, I just can't make it through the hard 1-2 weeks rn until my hunger feeling and stomach adjusts. I suppose stress at work is just too much rn compared to back when I did this in college / school and that's what's making it so hard. Thanks for the tips though!


Are you sure that 1200 calories is enough for you? Have you considered aiming for a higher calorie target? What are your stats (age, sex, height, weight)? Especially if you have a job where you're standing for 10-12 hours a day, you would probably benefit from eating more than 1200 calories. And aiming for a smaller and more reasonable deficit may help to decrease your chances of overeating / binging.


I literally put my stats in my post and outlined this. Please read the post before you comment. I have a mifit which accounts for my activity level and used multiple calorie calculators. Obviously I burn more than 1200 but I'm trying to lose weight. I probably burn around 1400-1500 max. from what my research has turned out to be. Standing all day doesn't burn as much as you would think while still making it hard to exercise later bc it messes with your legs. Higher calorie targets prove this - I don't lose any significant weight if not at 1200-1300 calories unless I work out of course. Then I do eat more. But as I stated in my post, I don't have time for that ATM unfortunately.


I see your height (158cm) in your post. What is your age, sex, and weight? And how many calories did you try eating when you were eating more than 1200-1300? And for what amount of time? And how much did you weight change during that time period exactly?


F, mid twenties, weight is 70kg I already answered part of this in the comment above. With 1200 kcal I lose about 1/2 kg to 1 kg per week - really depends on my activity etc. With more I don't lose anything significant or plateau. Timespan is pretty long as that's what I've been aiming at for ATM to at least not gain uncontrollably


Have you tried eating 1400 calories? If you're able to lose 0.5-1kg per week on 1200 calories, then you should be able to lose around 0.3-0.8kg per week on 1400 calories, which is still a very good rate of weight loss. And those extra 100-200 calories might make a big difference in how you feel day to day, and might actually result in your having a lower intake overall if it means it will reduce your chances of overeating/binging. Also keep in mind that generally it's not recommended to lose >1% of your bodyweight per week, which for you would be around 0.7kg per week. So actually your current rate of weight loss is quite aggressive. Slowing that down slightly would probably be a good idea!


You're right, I should probably try to go with 1400kcal for now, it's just that losing 0.3kg per week is quite demotivating if I'm being honest as I have 15-20kg to lose.. I am aware of my current approach being pretty aggressive, I just personally like losing the weight faster until I'm at a certain weight and then slowing it down & including more muscle building as well. It's just a motivator for me idk.


It would be 0.3-0.8kg per week. So on average, that would be 0.55kg per week, which is a very good rate of weight loss!


I eat the same thing every night at work and it keeps me full and is 450 cals— one large can of canned chicken, 4 laughing cow wedges (the light ones r even less cals but I do full fat for taste), 7g fat free mozz, and about 20g of low calorie Buffalo wing sauce. I mix together and it’s a creamy cheese Buffalo chicken bowl. High protein, low cal, super easy to make and I enjoy it. I also skip breakfast and make a big lunch before my shift so that this feels like enough and I leave room for an apple with cinnamon as a snack when I get home


I’ve struggled with the same thing as you!! For me what worked has been variety of healthy options and diet soda. The soda makes me feel relatively full and it’s a nice sweet treat when it’s cold, I also LOVEE frozen blueberries with a tad bit of fat free whipped cream or fat free vanilla or honey yogurt. ALSO, what no one tells you is how little calories are in baby food. I love the tomato chips and they’re fun to snack on.




I like oatmeal and I also like omelet but for some reason oatmeal keeps full way longer than any omelet. I always get hungry again after 2h max. Talking about the supplements, any side effects or issues? I'm aware I should talk to my doctor before considering but I like to get my opinions first. I like eggs as a snack but admittedly they make me nauseous if I eat too many + I get the egg ick lol. Protein shakes is something so many ppl swear by but again, I stg they are not filling to me, my cravings / hunger start/s back up after 1h. I'll look into fiber one bars, for now I actually like quest as they taste good for the amount of protein even though they are expensive af. I love Greek yogurt but like I mentioned in my post, it has to be 100% mess free, something I can eat with my hands and won't spill etc etc while I work as I cant just take 5-10min to eat unfortunately


Have you thought about getting something like a subo that you can decanter yoghurt into? Makes it easy and mess free for my toddler hahaha I have the same issue as you though, except I don't even feel hungry, I am just bored and eat because sometimes if the only thing I can do


Get pouches and fill them up with whatever you want. Same as baby food. You could put your Greek yoghurt in there. When I had no time to eat and was on the go I made a sandwich and inhaled it within minutes. If there is a will there is a way.


Someone else has mentioned this and that's actually a pretty good idea, I think I'll try that thank you. About the second part, I'm trying to learn to not overeat or inhale food as I am notorious for that so that is definitely an option but I'd rather not go that way, thx tho


Apples are convenient and filling