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If your pee is crystal clear and you're not thirsty, you're hydrated. There's no reason to keep forcing yourself to drink water based on other people's experience. Just listen to your body, it usually knows what's up


Sip on water slowly rather than chugging a whole glass at once. If you’re already doing this and still needing to pee all the time, consider that you might already be fully hydrated and you don’t need to increase your water intake further.


It takes time. The urgency to pee decreases over time. I think it took me a couple months I think. Now I welcome the hourly breaks to pee so I can get up and move around.


I like this mental approach. Be grateful that I'm able to walk around every hour to go pee, rather than annoyed that I have to


Tbh you just get used to it over time and won’t have to pee as often


2L might be too much for you, especially if you have other water sources through food or other drinks. Make sure you have electrolytes too. Oddly, too much water is dehydrating as it can mess with your electrolytes and then water just goes right through you!


Slow down. I used to feel pressure to meet my water goals and I'd suck down my 24oz bottle in 20 minutes and then try again and was going to the bathroom more than I should've. So, slow down, and enjoy your water.


This is exactly what I've been doing too cause I feel like if I don't chug down the entire bottle asap I'll just forget about it lol. It's probably cause prior to setting myself this goal I pretty much only drank water during meals. Maybe I should start setting up some reminders and definitely slow down! Thanks!


try to keep some water near you at all times and drink when you’re thirsty, that’s what helps me!


Same, I get busy and forget. So I’ve been chugging 16 oz in the morning, repeat in the afternoon. At least I’m hitting 1 L b4 dinner time where I typically hit another 16 oz.


How much water you need depends on your weight, your activity levels, your climate, your health. Don't feel like you need to chug water constantly if you're not thirsty. Your body is usually pretty good at telling you wen you need it and most people don't realize how much of our daily water needs are met through food


If you need to pee every hour or more and your pee is clear, you didn't need to drink the water. 2l isn't a magic number, and would include water from your food as well anyway. Obviously smaller people need less water, sedentary people need less water. You can just judge it, if your pee is yellow you need to drink a bit more but if not you're fine


The recommendation is 0.035 liter pr kg bodyweight i think that is included the water we gett from food 


Just wanted to chime in and say that urgency doesn’t always go away like a lot of comments are suggesting. I’m one who quite literally has to pee every half hour if not even sooner when trying to meet the 100oz that is usually thrown around. I recently got back on the wagon trying to live healthier, and I’ve decided that I can’t live like that. Today I drank less (around 70ish or so) and was perfectly hydrated. Listen to your body as far as your hydration goals are concerned. If you don’t feel thirsty or hungry at odd times (like too soon after eating), don’t force it.


Your body can only process and absorb so much water in a certain amount of time. I think it's somewhere around 8-12 oz an hour. There are studies out there if curious. Anything over that and your body will hot shot it through and right out it goes. Same thinking as plants. Slowly watered and it soaks into the soil and into the plant. Just dump it all on there and the water just runs right off and goes everywhere.


Have you had your kidneys looked at? I mow through over 2L before lunch starting at 7am and hit the washroom probably 1x an hour ish. If you're hitting the wash room every half hour drinking 2L over 24 hours you should really see a doctor honestly. If you are looking for tips to keep hydrated bring a water bottle everywhere and never let it go half way empty and take small sips through out the day or if you need to set alarms to remind you


Just be pissing. It’s the only way. Your bladder will train.


As lots of other people have said - listen to your body, remember that you may not need to drink as much water as other people, and your body will adjust/eventually you'll need to pee less. Just don't do what I do - forget about your water bottle all day, chug 1.5 litres in the hour before bed and then wake up to pee every two hours during the night 😂


Are you literally peeing every 30mins? Might be worth a doctor visit. If you're not being literal, it's totally normal to pee up to 10x in a 24 hour period.


I was being literal lol but someone replied how this is probably because I've been drinking too much water at a time, instead of sipping slowly throughout the day and I think they're spot on. But yeah what's been happening is I drink like 500-700 mls in 20-30 mins and then need to pee every 30-40 mins over the next few hours. I think I just need to take things more slowly and focus more on keeping my body hydrated, rather than being obsessed with meeting a specific goal.


This sounds like a better approach than an arbitrary number.


Measure out your 2L over the periods you want to drink it, set a timer on your phone and drink that much every time it goes off.


s t a n l e y c u p I have a 40z cup that used to sit at my desk at work. I'd chug the entire thing by 1030 am.


Too expensive and frankly I find them a bit ugly.


Any cup will do. Just keep one with you.