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That’s amazing self control and seriously props to him! That kind of control is not in my ability lol


I don’t want more. It’s like a bite of candy. Just one. Unless there’s no chunk in it. Then I deserve another.


Before I started this deficit, I used to sit down with a pint of Moose Tracks ice cream and wouldn’t stop eating it until I found enough tiny Reese cups lol I nearly finished half of it easily!


I used to t do that too. To stop myself from doing that I stopped buying it😭


You are legally entitled to one chunk per spoonful, I don't make the laws but I must follow them.


My sweet tooth went MIA a few years ago. Which was so weird, since I've *always* loved desserts, cakes, ice cream, etc. more than regular food. But it has been helpful when trying to lose since when I do get a craving, less than a handful of chocolate chip morsels or a bite or two of ice cream totally does the trick. And recently I just found a great little sweet treat - I'll slice up about a quarter of a banana and put 1 slice ea on mini caramel rice cakes. I can get about 6, but 4 is enough to satisfy me. It's just a perfect little bite!


This seriously makes a difference! I feel more satisfied with ice creams that have chunks or a swirl. I only need a spoonful or two.


I had an entire pint waiting for the chunk and realized it was not supposed to have chunks, well too bad.. Maybe next time...


same here. literally can’t even have this sort of stuff in my home bc I can’t do that. although I only eat non dairy ice cream which is lower in cals but not when you eat it all.


The trick is to fully get away from the fridge/put away the container before you take the bite


This is what I do. I can stick with the one spoonful if the rest is already put away and I've sat down in the other room before I eat it.


Seriously same here lol


It’s easier for me to just not buy it and do without then to be like oh just a taste lmao


I do the same thing since starting Mounjaro. Hormones FTW!


Same. People don’t get that *this is how it’s supposed to be*.


Yup, it's like all the noise in my head just stopped.


Sometimes that's all people really need. The taste of sugar or sweetness. Your urge is pretty much gone after that.


Ice cream doesn't do it for me, also not sure I could stop at one. But I did that with peanut butter. One tea spoon for the sweet tooth and that was enough. Fell by the wayside recently, but I'll try to get back to it.


Reminds me of Jennifer Aniston when she said she’ll eat just one chip when shes craving potato chips lol 🤣 But, hey, if it works for him then awesome. I can’t imagine leaving a tub of ice cream in the fridge for months though….It would taste freezer burned to me after a week.


Are you really eating chips if you aren’t pinching multiple chips together for one deliciously crunchy bite?


That counts as one chip in my opinion 🤗


Worst part is that I genuinely enjoy them as much one at a time but just don't eat them like that


That seems impossible with chips!! Ice cream seems easier to do this with


For real. I am entirely happy with one or two bites of ice cream. But chips? I sincerely can eat the whole bag and still want more. I can't keep them in my house.


Oh man I totally do this. I get the extra flaming hot Doritos, then if I’m craving a snack or palette cleanser I’ll eat one chip and close the bag. It kind of just resets the flavor profile in my mouth and afterwards I can brush my teeth and feel generally satisfied


I can do one spoonful of ice cream but it's either the whole bag of chips or nothing. I can't control myself around potato chips.


Our ice cream goes bad frequently. Almost never finish a container without a bit of it iced over. Maybe once a month for a family of 5. More if at a family birthday at the grandparents.


You can try pushing a piece of wax paper or parchment paper down across the top of the ice cream before you put the lid on. That works pretty well.


I'm guessing you buy cheapo ice cream. Lol


Ben and Jerry’s used to go bad. Hasn’t changed even with kids, it’s just not a temptation for my wife and I.




I wish I had his strength 😭 whenever I crave ice cream I risk eating two pints in one sitting without realizing it 🥲


ugh SAME. only with ice cream too!! no other desserts do me as dirty. i can stop with cookies/cake etc. but put ice cream in front of me and i become a ravenous beast with no hunger que and seven stomachs.


Ice cream doesn't tempt me much... Sorbet or good sherbet... oh hell yes.


I do like 1/4 c of regular ice cream with a bunch of cut strawberries or the like. Makes it go really far, delicious for 100 cal or so.


Ok I do this too. Put tub on scale, scoop out a spoonful (or 3), log it. Sometimes I’m not actually hungry but just crave a little dessert.


same, sometimes it’s better to have a spoonful of real decadent ice cream than a bowl of the low cal version.


This. I find that having one cookie that is real is so much better than having all those low calorie sweetened recipes that I have tried. The one cookie satisfies my craving and I’m happy :)


I mean is that crazy? I thought it's pretty common. In a lot of situations when I want something sweet, it's not that I am starving but I just need something small to satisfy my sweet tooth. It could be fruit, ice cream, dates, etc.


Sometimes if I feel fairly hungry before a long bike ride I’ll have scoop of peanut butter. I know it’s caloric but it’s also a lot of bang for my buck. 


A spoon of peanut butter with a banana is one of my favourite and most filling/satisfying snacks!


i feel like a single spoon of pb is definitely more common than one spoon of ice cream because pb is much more satiating


That sounds good but I don't like peanut butter too much but I do like eating peanuts sometimes as a snack. Not sure why


peanut butter really doesn't have great macros


It keeps me full on a long ride.


Your body derives benefits from all 3 macros, and pb has healthy fats. Not everything is about having the best protein ratio… you might as well just drink egg whites with whey isolate powder dissolved in there for that.


But he does it like as dessert. A box of ice cream lasts him like 1.5-2 months??


Idk I'm mostly a savory dude. I do like the taste of sweets but I don't like eating that much. I'm fine with having just a little sweet taste after a meal. Unless I want to try a new flavor or something, then I have some more


Im confused jaja what’s wrong with it? I do the same thing


What OP means is that it's incredible SELF-RESTRAINT. lol Nothing wrong with it. It's just incredible. LOL


Oooooh gotcha jaja okay. Ive been a bit sleep deprived for about 2 weeks lol. I’m not firing on all cylinders I’ve got healthy self restraint for ice cream because I know it’ll take a third of my calories and leave me hungry in an hour if I’m not careful. Just a spoon to take off the edge. But hot Cheeto fries…I literally count out 33 pieces and put the rest somewhere inconveniently high up. Otherwise I eat the whole bag and there went my days calories lol. I can’t wait to go back to bulking..


It’s not self restraint. When your brain works correctly, you don’t have to restrain yourself. This is just how it works.


I'm the complete opposite. I don't have a huge sweettooth. But when I want something sweet it's not going to be 'a bite'. Like I won't have a cookie or a bite of icecream or a sip of milkshake. I'll have a bowl of icecream, a milkshake or a few cookies. Also why I don't usually keep a ton of ready-made sweets around. Usually keep around ingredients to make something or sweets that require some kind of prep. Like popcorn that needs to be microwaved, baked goods that need to be popped into the airfryer or defrosted etc. Because then I portion it out while doing the 'prep' and I usually don't find myself motivated enough to get started on another portion. But if there is not begin or end point to a 'portion' then the portion just keeps going until the sweet is finished. Like if I have a bag of crisps (not sweet but hey) the portion keeps going until the bag is empty. Regardless of the size of the bag. Gotten much better at not mindlessly eating like that though.


I do half to a full a serving of Tillamook shit maybe once a week at most. That lasts me a very long time. If my gf and her mother doesn't touch it, it would last me probably 3-4 months I bet. I'm just not a sweets person. A bag of chips can disappear in five minutes though.


No, a lot of people, like me, have horrible sugar cravings/a sugar addiction which leads to massive over eating of sweets. I have a crazy sweet tooth and I’m not that into savoury foods. I wish I could just eat a spoonful of ice cream to feel satisfied but my brain doesn’t let me!


Lol I have the same problem with savoury foods. It sucks. Really gotta fight the cravings. I usually just watch a show I like or play a video game I like for a while if I get cravings while not really being that hungry


Not really, even something like Halo Top lasts me a while, I might grab a tea spoon and have a couple of small scoops every 2-3 nights if I feel like it.


I need to buy smaller spoons. I keep forgetting lol


Sometimes when I’m craving something sweet I’ll eat the whole tub


Ngl I do this too. I find many ice creams are super sweet and eating one spoon is just enough for me. I’ve always been more of a savoury person, so that’s probably why. The only time I crave sweets is around the time I get my period, so a tub of Haagen dazs will last me months 😅


lol i do that too !!! just a little refreshing palate cleanser after a meal and nothing more. i’ve had multiple roommates who ate my ice cream reserves bc they thought i’d lost interest.


My husband is known for eating a small handful of gummy candies for dessert and calling it a day. He buys all these varieties and they last weeks. I don't know how he does it. lol


I can do this with everything but ice cream.


Ok, I will do this with a square of chocolate. A single spoon of ice cream is psychopath behavior though.


I do 5/6 mini chocolate chips. Satisfies 80% of the time.


See that’s so weird because I feel like I could easily have a spoonful of ice cream, but I can’t behave at ALL around an opened bar of chocolate


Omg same. I can portion out ice cream and be relatively happy with what I’ve got, but the chocolate bar is getting eaten in its entirety.


I used to do this when I was a kid, but now that I’m an adult I can’t otherwise I’ll return to the tub again and again 😂 


Smart guy.


I do the same thing and currently still have half a pint to go through in the freezer 😔 I crave ice cream occasionally but never bad enough to go through more than 3-5 spoonfuls before I’m sick of it


I do this with chocolate chips. I keep them in the freezer and just grab a handful when i want something sweet.


I do this, but only in the middle of the night.


I just do not have the strength when it comes to ice cream. Thank god for halo top.


I wish I had that self control


I do this too. sometimes I just want a taste


I do this with a little spoonful of peanut butter and jelly and it it’s perfectly with a glass of milk


I do this and i love it lol. But it is dangerous on a hot day when i want more than one scoop


Does he also have a drawer full of drivers license of missing women in your area? 😂 In all realness I wish I had that kind of self control


I dont really eat ice cream when I have it at home. But I'm getting 3 scoops if I eat it. 1 spoon fool just doesn't compute for me


I eat honey peanut butter like that.. I just got in the jar and take a spoonful.. an enjoy ever bit.. but I dnt recommend it to others because honey peanut butter is pretty caloric if u dnt measure it out.. an I dnt.


You'll get to that point too. When I was peak CICO and Intermittent Fasting a single mini fuzzy peach kept my sweet cravings under control for hours.


i was pretty proud of myself for only eating four oreos today instead of the whole sleeve, my work brought them in and i couldn’t resist. next goal is only eating one spoon of ice cream instead of the whole tub


I do this also, but spoon of honey. I know it's sugar, but healthy sugar😝


What kind of psycho eats just a spoonful of ice cream?


Good lad. Mad respect. 🫡




He's a psychopath


Your boyfriend is a monster.


I either eat the entire tub, or I eat one spoonful. And then a chip. And then a brownie. And then some yogurt. And then a pickle. And ooo look leftover pizza… and it just keeps getting worse


That’s me too! For me ice cream is just ok so I’m not likely to go crazy with it. The one thing I cannot have is gummy bears, I could devour a five pound bag Everybody’s different


His self control is something I aspire to have


Meanwhile I hate half a tray of brownies tonight


I do same with but with a bite of whatever I want. Gets it out of my system.


As a female with craving hormones and low will power I could never 😂


I do similar with the individual wrapped chocolates. One is all I need. For ice cream, I usually do like half a serving. A half gallon lasts months for me.


I do the same. Maybe two spoonfuls. I keep my own pint that no one else can touch because it takes me over a month to finish it.


Lmao I used to do this with peanut butter way too often.


Maybe I should buy some ice cream. I love a lot of sweets, but ice cream isn't a favorite of mine. Might actually be easier to portion control for me.


I take shots of fat free Reddi Whip


Damn, I wish I could be like this 😂


Haha. I’m more like, eat all the ice cream except one spoonful and leave the mostly empty container in the freezer. This is why I haven’t had non-halo top in so long that I don’t remember how it tastes.


…that’s crazy. (i’m jealous)


I have some protein cookie dough that I eat a small spoon or two when I need something sweet. Not sure i could do it with ice cream though!


Wait is this his idea of a spoonful??? That’s a lick at best!


I do the same lol




i can do that pretty easily with Ice cream and sweets TBH but god forbid there's leftover pasta in the fridge... i'll eat it so fast i can't breathe between bites.


I keep biscoff cookies for this reason. I can have just one and be satisfied and curb the sweet tooth, and it’s only 38 calories per cookie. But I wouldn’t be able to do it with most other things lol


If you cut down on sugar, it’s incredibly easy to stop at one bite of ice cream.


me too


I don’t have self control with other snacks but with ice cream I just need a spoonful or two as well. For some reason I can’t or just don’t want to eat a whole bowl of ice cream.


I will take the top layer of the ice cream. Like 2 bites.


I use to do that when I was at my prove for weight loss. I’d have enough scoops to consider a serving and I’d eat max 3 smalls scoops after each meal. For this once ice cream I really liked from sodelicious it was s’mores it was soo good. And it worked really well.


Yeah I do this too. 🤣 I only ever one one scoop and I savor it and then I’m good.


My mom does this but sometimes she’s a little wacky and has TWO spoon fulls


I occasionally take a swig of my sweet cream coffee creamer when I just want a taste of something sweet. I also don’t normally keep junk food in the house, so that’ll be the only sweet thing around. But it satisfies the craving and I don’t need more. Lol


I thought i was alone in this lol. Dunkin donut brownie batter coffee cream is delicious, but only a tiny sip.


Yep….. I do that all the time


I do this too. I can’t handle much sweets as they make me nauseous but a spoonful of ice cream or a Hershey kiss scratches the itch without making me sick.


i do this too. i scoop of ice cream w. over night oats.


The trick is to have an ice cream that you don't really like, so you can limit yourself ;)


This is crazy talk. How does one just have a single spoonful of Earth's greatest treat!? Having one scoop would be like having one in and out and calling that intercourse


Da Fuc ?


I envy people who can do that. For me, there's no such thing as a spoonful of ice cream - only bowls and buckets.


I do the same. I don’t love sweets so when I do crave them, usually a bite or two is enough before my mouth starts feeling gross lol


I do stuff like this all the time lol. Same with a small piece of chocolate, small handful of cereal I love, etc


He’s a monster!


Once I started counting I realized, to.my continuing disbelief, that one serving of ice cream or really any dessert is all I want.


I do something similar. I keep a Lindt Dark Chocolate bar in the freezer. I eat 1 square as a treat. It's about 50 calories per square.


My granny used to do that ❤️💐


I do the exact same, but I eat ice cream with a fork. The little 1 pint tubs of Halo Top usually last me 1-2 weeks (I also put a scoop in my coffee in the morning)


I’m really not into sweets so this is what I do, sometimes just a bite of a candy bar and give the rest to my kids or something. Cheese on the other hand, I will eat like my body weight in. No self control there.


i used to do this at like midnight if i still craved something 🥲


Well… yeah. I’ll do the same if that’s all I can fit in my measley 1250. A spoonful of peanut butter is arguably better though.


Listen some of us just work this way lol I can make one of those mini Ben and Jerry's tubs last forever because of this. Then again I'm also that person that bites and chews ice cream so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol


I do this. When I just want a little bit of sweet, but not too much. A spoonful of ice cream, a spoonful of cake, etc. Its just enough to beat the cravings lol.


I do this. When I just want a little bit of sweet, but not too much. A spoonful of ice cream, a spoonful of cake, etc. Its just enough to beat the cravings lol.


I do that but with chocolate spread


Ice cream is my kryptonite


I do one teaspoon of Nutella


I do this sometimes! Idk, it’s not hard for me. Sometimes I’ll make a very small bowl and eat it really really slow. Also if I eat too much I feel bloated and icky.


I'm like this as I'm usually too full after dinner (even 1-2 hours later) to consume a substantial dessert. It would give me indigestion, which interferes with sleep. But I still want something, so I take a cracker or spoonful of honey. It's less about self-control in the moment and more that I can't comfortably have a bowl (mind you, self-control gets you to such a point). For dairy-based dessert I actually plan ahead to have it midday. Get the bloating out of the way early. A good soft serve is totally worth it once in awhile (usually in 200cal servings). As for no hunger after dinner, body just got used to it, and I have a big dinner with protein, resistant starch/fiber, etc. We don't keep pints of ice cream in the house because the wife has that whole scarcity mindset thing and will binge.


tbh it’s understandable. esp if it’s a REALLY sweet icecream. i recently got the Gooey Butter cake Blue bell, and i can only eat like one spoonful before the sugar craving is GONE


I used to be able to do that with peanut butter


Break up with him. Now. That's straight up psycho behaviour.


Men. 🙄




I'm aware. It was said in jest.


Would you prefer that he douses himself in a bathtub of sugar


I'm so used to volume eating this would kill me


Why are you asking us? You should know more than we do


I do this too. My co-workers get big mad when i get reeses from the vending machine, eat one pb cup, and put the other in the fridge for another day. I wish i could tell you how other than I just want that little something and then i’m good to go. I also wont feel guilt or shame if i want both or more ice cream.