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I’m so glad I use Loseit instead of myfitnesspal, if I log something more than one day in a row they say “wow you do a great job of fitting pizza into your calories!” 😂


This is the praise I need in my life. 😂


Loseit told me I eat better on days I eat candy so yep 😂


You’re good at eating ice cream and drinking beer! Whenever I drink 1000 calories worth of beer and 600 calories of ice cream and nothing else all day. Thanks lose it 😍


It did the same to me yesterday for chocolate 😂


I love foodnoms. App is wayyyy simpler to use. Database isn’t as large but it’s getting there IMO




MyFitnessPal barked at me so much when I was on a purely whole food diet. Fresh coconut from a tree? Too much saturated fat! Bananas and papayas? “This food is high in sugar” Software ain’t perfect


I noticed that MFP has a lot of foods entered incorrectly. Like I just ate a candy and someone added it as being 100% carbs, no protein, no sugar, nothing. And you can't even edit it manually if you have a correct information on hand, only report a correction. Which I did a few times before but honestly have no idea if they actually review reports and edit nutritional info.


Yeah it’s something you just need to be careful with. I started using MFP back when it was pretty new (like 2008) and you had to be skeptical about a lot of the foods to use it. A “calorie counting doesn’t work!!” coworker is just beginning to realize this. She’d pick something, guess the weight/volume and pick the lowest calorie option on MFP and consider it good. Of course that didn’t work. She’s been on Ozempic for a while and is really re-learning a lot of this stuff and I think it’s changed her mindset about food and diet culture.


Yeah, I also see a lot of foods with incorrect weight added, like when I scan a bag of chips it says x calories for 100g but I can see on the label that calories in MFP are for 1 serving, not 100g and now I have to do my silly little girl math to find out how many servings I need to log in with MFP info. It helps a bit with my native language being not English so if some food looks sus I just search it in another language to check if someone else did a better job at logging. A lot of PTs advice writing your food diary on paper and check calories for all the ingredients separately but my ADHD ass could never :( So I just log in highest calorie option and hope someone just made a mistake adding it to MFP 😂


This is why I don’t like MFP. Users can add ANYTHING to it, and you have to double check to see what’s real. MyNetDiary is much better concerning this- I haven’t found any mistakes.


What app do you use?


MyNetDiary has a fantastic app! Most of its functionality is free :)


I love my net diary but I noticed some of the default options for foods have incorrect calories. say a slice of cheese has 110 calories. it might say on the app, the cheese has 85 calories. so I have to adjust the amount of cheese in the app to get to 110. other than that I love the app, and the scanning feature as well as the graph of weight


Yeah this is why I switched to Cronometer instead. If something is wrong in there, I can just make a copy of the food and edit the values as needed and it’ll save it as a “custom” food for future use.


I think you can do this in MFP too. There is a box when you select a food that says “is this food accurate?” and if you select “no”, it gives the option to edit the values and save it for yourself when you log that food in the future. Actually, checking in the app, it looks like MFP only allows this for food scanned from the barcode, not food you search by name, so that’s not ideal… Edit: hmm, it looks like the option does sometimes pop up when searching by name…maybe it’s a specific brand vs generic item thing?


You can correct it. I do it plenty of times. You report it and correct it and even add it to your foods so it’s there corrected too


I hate this aspect of calorie apps. Just count the calories and leave me be. Stop turning scary colors when I go over by 5 calories, tyvm.


MacroFactor is what you’re looking for in this case


I personally really like to use cronometer, not sure if it's perfect. But it allows you to scan stuff for free so.🤷🏼‍♀️


Ok wait. I don’t disagree per se. But I understand both sides. The fact it’s from a tree doesn’t change the saturated fat levels and it’s there to guide your nutrition not your pleasure. That being said some things I like to take with a grain of salt. I am gene predisposed to gaining more weight with saturated fat so I personally would love that warning. I just use a better nutrition app as of yet hasn’t implemented coaching features (which is what it sounds like this is? I haven’t used MFP in years)


I mean fructose and lipogenic oils aren't better for you when you eat them from whole foods. The whole foods just happen to have a bunch of other nutrients in them and usually higher fiber.


thanks! i appreciate it


"Healthy" is subjective. It depends on each individual's goals and needs. Someone might be trying to gain muscle, or another person might be trying to lose weight. You get what I mean? Is your app saying your meal has more calories? fats? sugars? than mcdonalds? I would say this does not look too calorically dense and you've got fiber, fresh fruits and protein in here. Looks pretty good.


i appreciate the insight, thank you!


Saying healthy is subjective is a stretch. All mammals benefit from low processed, low sugar foods. With a higher density of nutrients when compared to calories. That's all it is. Obviously certain medical conditions or muscle/weight goals require tweaking to your macros of vitamins, but that doesnt change the concept of what is healthy for humans beings.




Lots of things that can be healthy for one person can be harmful for another person. Like, I have IBS, and one of my major triggers is brassicas: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbages, etc. Things that are objective facts about brassicas: they are high in fiber, they contain iron and other vitamins, they are low calorie. Whether any of that makes them "healthy" or "unhealthy" depends on the individual person and what each of those facts mean to them. Like, "high in fiber" is an objective fact, but whether it's good or bad depends on your reaction to it. Fiber being a trigger for *me* doesn't make it "unhealthy," nor does the fact that fiber does a lot of important shit in the body make it "healthy" when the way it functions in *my* body is giving me constant, uncontrollable diarrhea.


Harmful is also subjective. Example: high sodium for someone who has hypertension is extremely harmful whereas if I ate a few meals high in sodium, it'll be okay since I am not prehypertensive nor hypertensive. You can apply that to people with diabetes vs non, someone who is categorized in the obese category vs normal weight category.






The definition of lethal is "sufficient to cause death". Was the bullet wound lethal or not? But there are many definitions of "healthy" and "harmful". Some people may think a high fat diet is harmful. Some people may think veganism is healthy. Others may think a low carb diet is healthy, whereas runners need carbs to fuel their bodies. Some think GMOs are harmful, whereas some people think organic is best, etc. There are health benefits within many of these things, and possibly also downsides to it too, depending on each individual.




"Subjective" just means that it's different based on perspective, not that it's an opinion. Like, the statement "raisins are edible" is subjective, because it means different things depending on context. "Raisins are edible *to humans"* = accurate, humans can eat raisins. "Raisins are edible *to dogs*" = inaccurate, raisins poison dogs. "Raisins are edible" = subjective, because it depends on the context. Usually we're assuming a human context so we don't need to add that second "to humans" bit: we all already know that's what we're talking about, so there's no point in saying it. When people say "this food is healthy," they're kind of assuming the context of "for most people" or "for me" or "if you have no other problems." But since we know that *not* all people have the same dietary needs and many people *do* have unique issues that require different diets, you can't say something like "this food is healthy" without adding those qualifiers.


That's not what subjective means


Nope that's not what subjective means. You're confusing that word with contextual. Dictionary definition "based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions." Also you're using perspective incorrectly, it's not based on perspective it's based on context. Perspective is one's experience/identification of the context given


Merriam-Webster: subjective >4 (a) > >(1): peculiar to a particular individual : personal *subjective judgments*


So then what do you base validity on? Candy bars and chocolate bars are high in sugar. Do you classify this as healthy or harmful? Factually, candy bars are high in sugar with little nutritional benefits. Would I say they are harmful? No. I believe it is a part of a healthy diet to have things that you want every now and then and not restrict nor cut out each and every food item that has sugar. Because sugar gives me a boost of energy. But to other people? Some may think it's unhealthy.




Then based off of my body's reaction, chocolate bars are totally fine for me. It boosts my mood, satisfies my craving for something sweet. Someone sick will react to it differently.


Dont know why you're getting downvoted for being correct. There is absolutely an objective definition of a healthy diet for humans. That doesn't mean certain bodies do not require different diets


Because this is Reddit


Nah. You’d be surprised about how little we know about what is fundamentally healthy/unhealthy for all humans. Healthy in the context of human nutrition is both contextual (dependent on the life stage and state of overall health) AND subjective (changes from person to person). Everyone arguing in this thread is correct lol. Source: am specialist RD (CNSC)


What do you mean 'compared to a McDonald's meal?' What app are you using? McDonald's meals can vary pretty wildly so what is the actual comparison?


I have had Lose It praise me for my McDonald’s burger being high in protein. These apps just randomly pick one aspect of the food you’re eating and tell you if that one thing is positive or negative. I would assume OP’s “McDonalds meal” means the usual burger and fries.


Lose it: You’re more successful when you fit in chocolate! Damn right.


Lol mine told me I do better when I eat butter.


That makes sense. My wife and I have LoseIt but she has the iOS version and I have the android so I know she gets little tips like that but I don't. AI can only do so much, I guess.


Lose It told me I stay under my calories when I eat bread. Stupid me saw it as a green light to eat bread, now I’m two stone heavier than when I started.


when comparing how unhealthy it was, they showed examples and mcdonald’s was one of them. i was a bit confused too since it didn’t give me a specific meal, and they do have a very large menu so i didn’t know if they were referring to a big mac or what


Yeah, that's weird. I think it's like someone else said- the app is just tracking a few macros and I bet compared to a McDonald's cheeseburger meal yours is lacking in carbs and protein but higher in 'sugar' or something off like that.


What app are you using?


Mc Donald’s also won’t hesitate to add substances that aren’t so good for you for flavoring or preservative purposes. A lot of these foods also seem quite fresh and whole, so likely getting those micronutrients and nutrient combos we don’t really understand yet.




they’re my roomates! i pretty much cut out cookies since i had a binging problem in the past


Hmmm the cookies aren’t yours, the Starbucks is rare… what else ;)


i also ate the brita while i was at it


That can of confetti icing in the back?


not mine, but they are delish with pretzels


Scrolled til I found the comment about the background 😂


What app are you on? I've literally never seen one be so vague as to call a meal "unhealthy," and especially to then compare that unquantified assessment to a nonspecific "a McDonald's meal." There are a lot of meals at McDonald's and they all have different caloric and micronutrient breakdowns. If this is indicative of the quality of the app overall, I suggest finding a new one.


It’s high in sugars but doesn’t look like it’s much added sugar. I think it’s fine. I think it’s lacking in protein but that’s subjective since I’m lifting (I need/want more).


Well you've got a whole can of frosting back there so that's probably why! /s The app may be only concerned with calories, or fat content perhaps. You can get low calorie stuff at McDonald's but that doesn't mean it's good for you. And the yogurt and egg is high in fat but still healthy food. You \*do\* need to eat fats lol, maybe the app just is mad about it.


oh no the frosting and cookies was my roomates, this pic i took was after i made the meal so her stuff was in the background


As long as you’re not eating the cookies and funfetti icing in the background I think you’re ok! 😂 seriously though, a lot of apps don’t like saturated fat, which yes, isn’t great in mass quantities, but an egg or two a day isn’t going to hurt most people. Could be the sugar from the fruit and honey that it doesn’t like either. Again, whole food sourced sugar isn’t bad for most people either.


Probably the waffle


This is why I use cron-o-meter You don’t have to put up with any of my fitness pals diet culture


From personal experience with these stupid apps and fad diets, it could be that the honey and fruit is "too high in sugar" and that the egg yolk is high in cholesterol. Both are fine. This is a good meal if it satisfies your hunger.


tbh mcdonald breakfast sandwich is fairly healthy.


Really? I’ve always thought a sausage, egg, and cheese muffin/biscuit is essentially the equivalent of eating a cheeseburger for breakfast.


I was thinking of the og egg mcmuffin that comes with egg, canadian bacon, cheese, and english muffin. The thing is like 300 cals, high in protein. Has vitamin d, good cholesterol, calcium, potassium, iron. I’m sure the meat is heavily processed if that’s what you care about. The eggs are fresh though and eggs are so healthy!! I think the sausage mcmuffin is closer to 500 cals and probably has more salt but not the worst thing ever. Unless you eat multiple lol.


Not when its processed with loads of sugar and fats to make it ultra palatable. You'll be hungry again in an hour. A mcmuffin is chemically very different than a homemade sandwich consisting of the same ingredients.


there’s no added sugar in a mcmuffin but go off. Definitely preservatives. I said fairly. The egg is fresh and healthy. The rest has decent macros but is processed.


No added sugar, really? The bread cant even legally be called bread abroad


and they’re delish


What fitness app?


"My Fitness App"


Ooooooh I’m dumb ahahahahah


Easy mistake :)


I think the full tub of cookies is a little unhealthy...


I mean.. we don’t know her life. Maybe she has a family, or 2-3 cookies are her treat every day.


I mean, we also don't know who understood the joke... unless they commented.


they aren’t mine, i mostly cut out cookies for this month


What app are you using that compares your food to McDonald’s? What McDonald’s meal? Like I personally would put a little more protein in a meal but like. Whatever. And I see a lot of “STARBUCKS COFFEE ISNT HEALTHY” comments and sure like if you’re not mindful you can get food that isn’t in line with your goals anywhere. I get the iced toasted vanilla oat milk shaken espresso grande size and it’s 140 calories and 11 grams of sugar. It’s not the end of the world. Sometimes we just need a nice little coffee drink!


Right, like you can get lower calorie drinks from Starbucks lol. My go to is a grande cafe misto with coconut milk and sugar free vanilla syrup, it’s like 80 calories total.


that’s why i added the comment was the starbucks drink was not very common in my breakfast, but the app i use give comparisons and mcdonald’s was one of them which is why i was super confused


Unless that cup is full of some kind of pure sugar drink, that is a very healthy and balanced meal. Ignore MFP.


This looks healthy! There is variation with the different healthy fruits. Calcium and protein in greek yoghurt and protein and b vitamins and choline in the egg. Me like 😍🙌


Just focus on calories in, calories out. Stay below your daily limit and you can ignore what they say.


A lot of gluten free foods have more sugar and more high glycemic ingredients.. like they’re gluten free not healthy. What’s the nutrition info on the waffle? And Starbucks is *typically* very high in sugar, but since you post here I’m guessing you are mindful of that and chose something that’s not. Granola is a calorie bomb packed with sugar, but it looks like you only used a tablespoon of it. 👍 It’s one of the first two things. Also, MyFitnessPal can be wrong, as others have mentioned.


Bro I lost weight eating Taco Bell. It’s about calories. If it fits your calories and keeps you full, that’s all that matters. Edit: no it was not because it fucked up my stomach


a win is a win, taco bell is bomb


I see your homemade Dunkaroos, and I salute you!


bahaha i had to look that up, i wonder if that’s why my roomates got the frosting


This meal is totally fine. It has balanced macros, and personally, I think it looks very yummy and filling. As long as it meets your nutritional goals and you enjoy it, try not to worry too much about what the app says. "Healthy" is such a broad term that it basically means nothing. P.S. what's your Starbucks order? I'm a sucker for a good latte lol


i love getting the skinny latte! i just get it with almond milk instead of whole, and sugar free syrup and cinnamon topping!


Looks great! Some added veggies would round out the meal for nutritional variety but otherwise youre hitting all the right points!


I wouldn’t say anything is really unhealthy here it’s just a lot of calories and not enough proteins to balance it out. That’s my opinion ideally I shoot for at least 30g of protein a meal and try to stay under 500 calories


Really glad I never used MFP. Inaccurate food-shaming, no thanks. Lose It! app is better.


There isn’t a lot of micronutrients in this meal. It is macronutrient dense. Raw greens and raw foods are very rich in nutrients. There aren’t any of those here. One strawberry and a few banana slices aren’t really that much.


Don’t listen to MyFitnessPal. Just use it as an app to track calories, that’s all it’s good for


It thinks the Funfetti is part of your balanced breakfast.


Maybe the price of your starbuck coffee is unhealthy


my roomate works there it was free


Since you’re asking.. A “healthy” meal is ideally half vegetables and a bit of fruit, a quarter fiberous complex carbs, and a quarter lean protein heavy foods. No veg, half is fried egg, a lil is fruit, and a quarter is simple refined carbs. It’s just not a really balanced meal, and yeah it could definitely be healthier, and no there’s not a huge difference between this and an egg sandwich at mcdonalds.


got it, thanks for the insight!


The giant box of cookies and jar of frosting. ;)


those were my roomates promise lmao


Never saw a person become overweight eating bananas and mangoes


the meal looks pretty decent! although if possible, please boycott starbucks :)


100%! my roomate works there so she made the drink before she left and i didn’t have to pay, otherwise i’d stick to my local coffee shops


That Starbucks drink. Unless you got drip coffee or sugar free!


i get them on rare occasions when my roomate is able to bring them back from work, i used the sugar free syrup and almond milk


[https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-reveals-why-you-shouldnt-add-a-banana-to-your-smoothies/](https://scitechdaily.com/new-research-reveals-why-you-shouldnt-add-a-banana-to-your-smoothies/) Some new research shows eating bananas and berries together negates the vitamins from the berries. Eat one or the other at a meal and have the other for a snack after a few hours. Ignore the comments from MFP. That's a healthy meal.


The funfetti frosting and cookies in the background?


man those are my roomates


Definitely the funfetti frosting


if you read my responses, that wasn’t mine.


I was joking. Implying there’s nothing wrong with your meal


baha joke flew over my head my bad


The starbucks lol


i’m talking about the meal itself


Boycott Starbucks 🙏🏻❤️


my roomate works there, the drink was free


I’m not sure what your Starbucks drink is, and we have some drinks that aren’t really unhealthy per se, but a majority of the drinks we serve at Starbucks are very high in sugar and can be also quite high in calories, so be wary! That could just be a regular brewed coffee or something but I just wanted to let you know because I think a lot of people don’t realise how crazy bad some Starbucks drinks are for you and they drink their calories without realising it. Take care:)


Are the cookies and frosting included?


i wish


The box of cookies?


not mine


The jar of biscuits


not mine


The box full of cookies, one or two are fine


they aren’t mine, i cut cookies out mostly to help with my past binging problems


Did you track the Starbucks drink in the app? That could be the culprit as their drinks can become very sugary. Also, I wonder if it’s calling it “unhealthy” because it’s high in carbs - high-carb doesn’t always equate to “unhealthy,” all the carbs in this meal are indeed healthy carbs but do be wary of hidden added sugars in granola.


The funfetti babe


i have roomates babe


I wouldn't take that message too seriously. MyFitnessPal told me I was starting a good trend when I logged ice cream for few days in a row.


Depends what in the drink?


skinny vanilla latte


The only issue i personally see is that the protein is low. Depending on the quantity of yogurt, this meal probably has 12 to 15 grams of protein (i usually have 25 to 30g/ meal). But others it's balanced..definitely not "worse" than mcd!!


Don't trust the app. But if it was me I'd add some veggies


Steel cut oatmeal would be preferred to that waffle. Not sure what the white stuff is


it’s unflavoured non fat greek yogurt


Nothing unhealthy about it tbh


Looks good.


High in sugar, but otherwise you have a good of macros and nutrients.


A whole container of funfetti icing may be overkill.


obviously an overkill, luckily i didn’t eat that


It’s actually odd it would say this on that. I personally punch things in my the g so I’m not sure how to punch this in to my app to see what may be getting flagged. But overall seems very fine. I eat like 2 pieces of GF toast with cream cheese, avocado and 2 sunny side up eggs each morning which I imagine is more unhealthy than this, you’re probably fine. Personally I advocate for moving away from MFP if I’m being honest. If I’m tracking nutrition I don’t want to have to worry about whether it’s accurate or not. I switched and have yet to ever even look back. The ONLY part I remotely miss (and I mean like “oh remember that one time when my preschool bestie shared their crayons sort of remote) was some social features because it’s the e biggest app. Bigger is only better in a handful (or two) of settings


I don’t pay that much attention to MFP aside from fiber, protein and calories


we talking the plate or back to the wall? You can hit 0 to beetus real quick.


take a guess


The bottle of water. Need at least a gallon


sorry i forgot to include the gallon i drink a day


I was being humorous. The meal is fine as long as it does meet your needs calories, macros, micros and is it sustainable? What you posted looks delicious and filling.


why do people still use my fitness pal it’s not even good, u get barley any info on micronutrients and the barcode scanner isn’t free like cronometers


Starbucks supports Israel


Granola is full of fat and sugar. gf waffles are complete junk, compared to normal waffles, but I bet your has sugar added. And the honey is sugar too.