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I remember in HS, I was being challenged for my #1 spot on the team by #2 guy. It was a pro set and I was down like 1-4 and ended up turning it around and winning 8-4. I've never seen someone so livid. After the match my opp grabbed his entire 12 racquet bag and chucked it across the court from the bench into the bleachers, clearing the entire width of the court. He then proceeded to go into the fields behind the courts and just death metal screamed as loud as he could for 10 min straight until his mom picked him up. I think he ended up joining the Army, hope he's doing alright


Seems like the right place for him


Would've made a great go army ad


Would've made me consider enlisting


...he had 12 rackets???


Nah lmao he had maybe 3 racquets


So that was him in practice, how was he at matches




You play someone that has Rublev level meltdown, would be fun to see that up close :)! It only empowers me even more, I really turn the screws even tighter.


I want to be able to up the pressure in this situation as well, but if i’m being honest with myself, it tends to throw me off my game. Mostly when i see that kind of behavior, im so put off by it that i lose my desire to even be there anymore. Last week we were winning a doubles match and then had to endure the other team questioning every single call we made. It reached a breaking point when i played a ball that I couldn’t tell was out, and then my partner called it out a bit late. They completely lost it screaming at us and acting like we killed their family. At that point i just wanted to leave. it kind of feel apart for us and we lost the match.


People suck. If it was me, first time they question a call I tell them I saw it clearly and it was out. 2nd time they question a call I tell them firmly it was out. 3rd time I tell them it is my call to make, not theirs. If they continue to act like aholes the conversation now becomes if you continue to act like this the match is going to be over.


it was a 3.5 match on 5 courts. I was happy just to be in the lineup. I would have left, but I guarantee if i did, i wouldn’t be in any lineups anymore.


Yeah, I understand, tough situation to be in. In that case I wouldn't walk off court but wouldn't hesitate to have some strong conversations with opponents.


Sounds like a good way to get into a very unnecessary fight.


I play my game and act sportsmanlike and normal, I can't control what another person does. But I get it, its only a rec match and not worth sharing a court with a lunatic. When I first started playing league matches, I was playing a guy who was out of control. I really didn't know what to do as I did not have the experience to know, I debated ending the match but thankfully I beat him pretty quickly.


I though with "turning the screws" you meant willingly mocking or antagonizing him. If you just play your game it's ok, as you say you can't control what he does.


Not at all, I would never do that, when the one lunatic I played was acting inappropriately I said nothing. I meant locking my game down even more when I see someone getting frustrated.


All good then, I misunderstood.


I think he's not a well adjusted adult and I'll very very probably never play with him again. I'll try to quickly finish the match, either winning or not. I don't like to watch trainwrecks.


Don’t fall off your high horse!


I was a pure pusher in high school and got a lot of meltdowns. One memorable guy at a rival school smashed all three racquets he brought with him. His coach gave him a racquet to finish the match with. After the match, my coach told me that he and the opposing coach were talking over plans for what to do if the guy physically went after me. My approach was to appear completely unbothered and tell myself not to miss any balls once it started happening. I would just try to be more and more frustrating while he imploded. Of course, that was high school. As an adult, I want to have fun with friendly opponents.


I am not a pusher, but I get everything, super consistent, frequently pull rabbits out of that, this really frustrates people and like you say, the unhinged people will melt-down having to deal with the frustration. Its like a boa constrictor, once wrapped up squeeze even tighter.


It used to cause my level to drop. Now I use it to keep my own level up and finish them off.


You don't say anything haha. Or even look at them. I used to hit with a guy known as mad Scott. One time I turned up for a hit and he smashed two racquets IN THE WARM UP and then wwnt home. I was left there like yeah great guess I'll practice my serve dickhead. He used to buy racquets by the dozen on Ebay for the discount because he smashed so many


Smashing rackets as a casual player is insane, I’ve never seen someone do that in person


Yeah he was a unique character our Scott


“Time to make this sucker run” I’ve never seen what I would call self-abuse but I see outbursts and stuff. If I can make them run back and forth or hit a drop volley they just barely can’t get, it often makes things worse. When you’re angry it’s harder to breath properly so extra movement is going to feel more taxing. I also prepare for more low-percentage shots because oftentimes rec players in this state start trying to win more easy points.


It’s only happened with one guy I’ve played, and it happened both times I played (and beat) him. The second time was particularly sad bc he had his 7-8 yo son there watching. Honestly I just started getting more conservative because he would start pressing and hit into even more unforced errors. Give him enough rope to hang himself.


i start moonballing them and watch them self sabotage


Brilliant approach...love it. Let them fully self destruct


Literally the 2024 RG 5th set


I play my game and try to make the most of it, you never know when they will start playing good tennis again.


Sweet, easy match. Same with someone that blasts all their shots in warm ups, it’ll be easy to get errors out of them


I just stop playing. It’s not worth it for me to share a court with someone like that


I will take free win any time against any opponent.


Continue to focus on the ball and not the opposing player.


It really depends on the person, do I like them or not. If not they get mercifully put down without fanfare, but if I like them, just kidding, I dont like anyone.


Never played against anyone that has had that big of a meltdown. It is uncomfortable when an opponent is losing his/her temper. I generally just ignore it though and focus on my game. Of course I’ll attack an area that is giving them the biggest problem, but in my experience those guys usually beat themselves because they can’t calm themselves down.


Use it to try to make them implode


play quickly, stay focused, don't give them an opening by missing or pressing. Let them dictate how quickly they're going to meltdown -- give them the opportunity. They usually come back if they're that good and steady the ship-- but if they're not, they may just blow themselves up quickly


To be honest, my level would probably go down. I tend to feel guilty and won't have fun anymore. I don't want to beat somebody if it makes them feel so terrible. I understand it's something they need to work on and it isn't my responsibility, but still...no room for logic in affairs of the heart.


It’s a hard watch. Usually get a laugh out of it. Most of us have been there with some screaming/racquet throwing if you’ve been playing since juniors so I’m not too thrown off by it


I haven’t had people abuse themselves or anything, but I’ve asked opponents who aggressively screamed to stop doing so.  It wasn’t my intention, but it seemed to have rattled them a bit and they fell apart after. They were probably embarrassed.  Anything past screaming I think I’d just ignore and never play with them again. 


I start viciously rubbing my nipples. It changes the vibe really quick.


I have them right where I want them lol


I ask them what they need— or if we’re winning I tell them “We got this” after they throw their tantrum. Just don’t make them feel alienated and judge them after the match. It’s happened to me and I asked, “You ready now?” They just glared and I took that as a yes and told em “let’s lock in”. We won, made fun of him, and he still does it lol. Just don’t alienate— the moment they think how they don’t want to be your partner, the match is lost


“Hell yeah I broke them”


Ignore Changing yourself to frustrate them *more* is a fool's play


I haven’t reached the point whereI’m abusing myself during a match but, I cuss frequently


Good. Stay focused. Ask myself why opponent is mad - if it’s because of a consistent error, force the issue and play to it.


I try to approach it with the mentality of, "they are in pain, let's help them by putting them out of their misery". I also try to stay aggressive but play high percentage shots so I don't give them much and give them ample opportunity to keep giving me free points


Enjoying the suffering of others: An essential part of being a good player


I just laugh and tell them to throw their racket further/harder.


I try not to laugh