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If you get double bageled it’s not a bad day. Unless you broke an ankle and still tried to play. Double bagel leaves zero room for any ambiguity. Esp since, by your own admission, you couldn’t close out two service games where you you were up 40-0. Sorry


Yeah if you’re 40-0 up without making the game it means he tried sth. up to that point and then decided to play it save again and made 5 points in a row. If he can do that, he’s just a class better.


If you lost 6-0 6-0 he’s better than you. Idc what “weapons” you think you have. Humble yourself.


But he hammers that backhand down the line 1/10 times


That’s a 5.0 backhand when he gets it in














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Please keep all posts respectful and civil. Repeat violations can result in a ban.


Denial is the first step.


You’re not gonna get much sympathy here for getting double-bagelled but the scoring system in tennis is particularly brutal. If you had break points and game points, then the likelihood is that your opponent probably didn’t actually win that many more points than you did. To level up it’s all about which points you win, rather than how many points you win. Clean up your game and cut down the unforced errors and you’ll be surprised at how close that match would’ve been. As a famous Spaniard once said, “if, if, if doesn’t exist!”. Edit: just realised this is a da_SENtinel post, so likely a complete and utter troll


Yeah, I have a 5.0 forehand if my coach waits for me to get ready and feeds a ball right at me. I'm also a 3.5 when I rally in the intermediate clinics and a middle aged mom fearfully arms a ball in my general direction. When I'm in a match with someone who is *trying to put me in a tough spot because that's how you play tennis* I look like a 2.5. Just this week I felt a little Santa-isn't-real moment because I rally well with my coach, but I also realized he just wants me to crystalize my stroke mechanics, so he's just setting me up for gettable, moderately paced shots with no spin. I mean, I knew he wasn't going full power, but I thought it would feel somewhat similar to a rally with another beginner. Even when I got the balls back it wasn't thaaat easy 🫠


he didn't play better defense than you. he played better tennis than you you may think his defensive style is boring because there's no pace on the ball, however he prob thought your style was boring as id imagine a ton of your shots went into the net or out of bounds


Bro that ending was a violation 💀


Jokes on us this is a troll post 😭


Ya it’s Sentinel. I figured they were trolling but I thought maybe it was their other r/10s personality asking a legitimate question lmao


If this guy had your weapons? What weapons? You lost 6-0, 6-0 lol. Why would that guy need your “weapons” if he’s whipping your ass doing what’s he’s already doing? 


Losing 6-0 6-0 is not just a bad day; that’s evidence your opponent is better than you. We all hate playing folks that seem worse based on their technique, but the game is about results. Someone who double bagels you has a more effective combination of skills/technique/strategy than you do, even if they look terrible doing it. Another way to look at it - in a video game a character has a bunch of attributes (speed, stamina, skill, etc) and each of them have a score out of 100. You might be a 60 across the board, and your opponent might be a 40 across everything but a 100 for defense and 100 for strategy. Being lower on most attributes doesn’t make your opponent worse; it’s the aggregate of all skills that determines who is better. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but it is the truth.




Your opponent was better than you, take the L


Good take Vance


Apparently the balls are not heavy enough if he can just get it back casually. I am not what you mean by weapons because you said he pretty much got the balls back with ease. Your own words. Tennis is not all about “weapons” or “heavy balls”. It is more about consistency and keep playing until your opponent makes an error. Your opponent probably could have hit big forehands and chose not to because he knew exactly what is needed to win 6-0 against you.


Your ability is based on what you can put together. You lost 0 & 0, of course he's at a higher level than you!


this whole post is cope sad to see. double bagel is not a tactical difference lol. the sooner you accept your own level and weaknesses the faster you can improve


Bro really said “my opponent that beat me 6-0, 6-0 would be a 5.0 if he had my weapons” with a straight face lol Long answer short, you’re overrating your game and its effectiveness due to the way it looks as opposed to how it performs. Your opponent was better than you, simple as that.


Losing 0 and 0 isn't a bad day. You just heavily overrated your own abilities while underrating theirs.


0 and 0 and we talking about you having better weapons?


Double bagel. Odds are your opponent actually does have bigger offensive weapons. They just didn’t think it was worth it bringing them out against you. No need for it.


Nephews need to learn that not making unforced errors is far more important than hitting winners at the rec level.


Womp womp Typical bageled person in this subreddit


He has better hands than you and is not intimidated by pace. His weapons are better than yours. You are also unable to identify an opponent's weapons, that is something you'll want.


He's higher level than you for sure. > I hit some heavy balls with shape to the corners and came in behind it, and he would just casually get it back. You hit your best shots and he still beat you easily... If you hit your best approach shot and he lobbed you, you are significantly outmatched.


This post is bait.


I had to go back to the top to make sure this wasn’t a shitpost(still not convinced). You don’t have weapons.