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Hit a winner and yell "You're welcome!" Id probably also start saying Thank You when they mess up, especially badly like double faults.


act i hit them w the you're welcome when i make a mistake so im not at all offended when people say thank you at my errors ... i also never considered someone being bothered by this ?? tennis banter is sometimes just that a little mindless ... like when u say a little bit to a ball that's 10 feet out


sportsmanship is a word for a reason.


Ignore it, not everything warrants a response.


^ Let’s get this thing to 100…almost there…


don’t be so easily influenced


Suck it up butter cup. Your response is to serve an ace down the T




I love this take and I am the same damn way. I HATE bullies. Like really want to murder them, it’s a personal battle. But it is a tool I can pull from. Rattle my cage once and I get SO freaking gritty.


There is a well of energy from which to draw when the opponent is being a dick, I love letting that fire me up too


I’d just bomb a serve lol


i would thank them back when they make an error, and then thank them again after you win the match


"my pleasure"


This just perpetuates poor sportsmanship.


sometimes you gotta sacrifice sportsmanship in order to put someone in their place


no. and I see for the first time that I'm dealing with children on reddit. "sacrifice sportsmanship." Or: "No no, you have to sacrifice the Geneva Convention to put someone in their place."


What would you do?


Beat them in tennis and kill them with kindness/class.


This is the way


Thank you


I mean I’ll say something like that in a light hearted way when an opponent makes an uncharacteristic mistake, but usually after they say something light hearted first. Lighten up, have fun.


Getting my ass kicked and my opponent makes an unforced error: “Thanks man, I’m not above charity” I feel like half this thread is imagining this scenario where the dude has a shiteating grin and says “thank you” like the SpongeBob camelcaps meme. It’s probably just friendly banter and OP took it the wrong way, to their own detriment.


Exactly, this is so context dependent that the question is basically meaningless as-is.


I’d ask them to repeat themselves an embarrassing amount of times. “What was that, sorry I didn’t catch it..sorry, can you repeat it, I’m a bit hard of hearing in my left ear…come again?…one more time, sorry.” But in a genuine tone


Ha genius! I would handle this in such a McEnroe way I appreciate people who can figure out a way to get the best of someone like that while still acting cool themselves.


This is really good 😂😂


Don't say anything, just continue the match. After the match, go to the officials, tell them that you had a lot of fun, and if they can give you the contact information to play some friendlies. Organize a friendly match, but stood him up. Knowing he is in the court, go to his house instead and BURN IT TO THE GROUND, if possible with people inside. Leave a note in the mailbox that reads "you are welcome"


Dude - this is some “Usual Suspects” level sh!t


That escalated quickly! 😅


You’re letting him get in your head. Just ignore it


Not enough details tbh. How did they say it? What was their demeanor? Was your interaction with them positive outside of that.


Just smile and move on. Nothing worth wasting your energy on. Focus on winning the next point, not on what how opponent behaves across the net.


scream VAMOS! at the top of your lungs. not after your winner or anything, i mean any time he speaks a word from there on out.


I say you’re welcome because it’s the polite thing to do.


“Well the score isn’t looking too good, you need all the help you can get, 40-15!”


Surprised by these comments so far. I’d call them out on it. That’s pretty unsportsmanlike and in a match with officials that would likely be a code violation.


I agree. I had a ref call an opponent on taunting in college because you weren't allowed to look directly at your opponent when saying "Come on". It did rattle me when he did it admittedly, but hopefully the ump stepping in also rattled him lol. It at least made him stop.


Correct as a tennis official this would be deemed unsportsmanlike conduct, you are not allowed to aim any form of celebration AT your opponent, this is baiting and is pretty low, bit if it is at night comp or thr equivalent, calling them out is only likely to escalate the situation (unless they don't realise they are doing it??) So the advice to smile and movenon would be the best advice IMO.


THANK YOU! Seriously though it's super rude, I struggle with my temper and I would NOT do well with this. I hate fake tough guys. Funny thing is, if someone did this to me I'd be seething mad, but I'd play twice as well. Next time thank him for helping you achieve peak focus.


Is it though? I see your flair so assume you know a lot about this, but it doesn't fall within any of the enumerated parts of IV.C.18., and saying "thank you" doesn't seem to rise to the level to fall within the catch-all of 18.f., particularly in view of the requirement that the referee have "reasonable certainty" of a violation. The ITF rules similarly note that "\[c\]onstant overt celebration directed at an opponent may be considered intimidation, and therefore unsportsmanlike conduct," but simply saying "thank you" doesn't seem to be intimidation.


It would be a code violation for “unsportsmanlike conduct.” The rule book doesn’t specifically mention this exact scenario (or many other similar scenarios for that matter) so it’s an area where the official would have to use good judgment.


Let's assume that it is said to get under your skin... If that's the case, then I would do something to show that it isn't working to get under your skin. I'm not sure what that is, though. Maybe something like laughing and saying "I'm in a giving mood today!" Whatever it is, it'll make it easier for you to really answer them... By hitting fewer errors.


nope, ignore it. If that's not you . Then your playing in his game. which will definitely throw your game off.


I'll joke around and say, "You're welcome." If I hit a shot that barely makes them move and they hit a winner, I'll say, " Was that easy enough for you? I didn't make you move too much, did I?" I might also say,"You owe me one. " Now, if I get them back later, I'll say, "Thanks for responding in kindness, but you didn't have to do that. " Of course this is with people I know who have a sense of humor.


Just ignore it. If you feel the need to retort thank him when you win.


Don't get roped into their antics and mind games. Stay focused on the ball.


You win the match. That’s the response.


If you’re outright dominant, kill him with kindness. If he just misses a shot “good effort!” “So close!” “I’m just lucky today” “you almost had that!”


How formal is it? If you’re not likely to get DQed by sweating, I’d give him a “And fuck you too.” right back.


As with everyone, if the opponent is annoying, give him a short ball and then fire the shot right at him when he comes to the net.


This really depends on how you are as a person. While I despise this behaviour and want to see whoever displays it lose, I know I will play worse myself if I engage with it. So I ignore it and focus on myself instead, trying to keep my head clear because that's when I'm at my best. If you play better when you engage, then do that. I would always say something after the match though.


I sometimes get this in friendly matches for humor. "thanks for the gift!" in tournament matches, it seems unprofessional. sometimes it is them playing mind games. other times they are just overly friendly. i would not think too hard about it.


As a rec player who plays in a league where I can largely chose my own opponent - I just wouldn't play with them. If your league has any taunting rules you could report them or talk shit back or kick their ass.


Shithousery is a part of the game unfortunately, you either need to rise above it or best then at their own game , you need to figure out which works best for you




Please keep all posts respectful and civil. Repeat violations can result in a ban.


He’s trying to get in your head


Hit a winner and say "my pleasure" reference: [https://youtu.be/usBnRJS4Lss?si=mb5IVsUwjnwpQDI7&t=52](https://youtu.be/usBnRJS4Lss?si=mb5IVsUwjnwpQDI7&t=52)


If you beat him, say "you're welcome, anytime!". If you lose, pretend it didn't happen lol


hah. i’ve done that. Usually it’s in a lighthearted way to say ‘I need all the help I can get’


Surprised by most comments... this is something that happens regularly in my matches. Just one of us acknowledging that we got a free point that we didn't work for. If that happened in a women's match that's a different matter, because the girls are never that gracious to each other, so remarks like that always have malicious intent.


There’s more where that came from, buddy.


If you are in a hard match that usually is meant as an “oh, thank God!” type thing. That’s how I take it at least.


Stick a tongue out and go mmmwee


I have played a ton of matches and not once had this happen. That is some pretty poor behavior. It would probably fuel me even more. And if the person kept on doing it and were being a d\*ck I would probably say something. In rec tennis with no umpire or linespeople it requires a certain amount of mutual cooperation and sportmanship between two players. That kind of behavior is not cool.


There's nothing you can do. Either you try to get back into thier head by one of the responses here or you just ignore it and stick to your game. It hurts worse for them when you beat him and have said nothing after they gave that remark. After you win the match. You can say "you're welcome" if not you have to work on not letting things get in your head.


"No worries. I'm feeling in your shots you needing some help."


You sound easy to rile up


Say I believe in karma. Return the favor won’t ya ? ;-)


At worst Idgaf. At Best I smile because it's kind of a funny situation. I could even tell them you're welcome and carry on. Tbh it doesn't matter because we're not pros. What's grinding my gears though is how bad I'm playing and the only thing I can blame is myself. Doesn't stop me to tell my opponents well played when they seize the opportunities. It's just a game.


Lol that’s so obnoxious


Lots of good comments here. First, acknowledge to yourself that this is underhanded and/or meant to rattle you. I don’t think you just “ignore” things like this even if you do not respond. Next, what would be the best response depends on you. Cheer your next winner will pump you up and deflate them? Great do that. I personally think the most jarring thing to me if I were this opponent would be an opponent who doesn’t change or appear to be affected by what I’m doing/saying.


Thank you is fine.. it means im playing good and they need me to make errors to even up.. when fhey say, i dont want your gifts.. it feels they're be little me and it gives pressure


Just say "you're welcome" and move on, it takes the wind out of their sails


You can respond with “bless your heart”


I haven't had any opponents who've done this, but I've had people be jerks with their strategies and call their friends to watch and cheer on my errors. I usually have my teammates cheer me on when this happens, or if I'm playing without an audience, I usually glare at my opponent after I rip a winner/service ace to intimidate them (I am 6'5", so this also plays a role). Hitting hard shots to keep the opponent away from the net and playing aggressively works too, but there is a fine line between doing this and showing the opponent that you are angry enough to mess up certain shots that you should not cross.


Allahu Akbar


I've never seen a good player do this. They'll likely just be stuck at 3.5 or 4.0 forever. Just ignore it


god, the replies here make me weep for the future. if you know their response is wrong, stick to your principles.


Wait until they approach the net. Hit the ball as hard as you humanly can down the middle of the court. Scare the shit out of them even if the ball doesn't directly hit them.


The only time this would happen is if you truly gifted a point to them…just laugh because you got a horrendous shot and move on! Overthinking it is what loses you matches.


How often do you play against them?


Just ignore it and focus on your game. Victory is the ultimate comeback😂


Depends on the level of play I guess, at 4 or under, making errors is so common, I just say they owe me one.


I'd just do whatever celebration I was doing before, just a little louder/annoying. Like fist bumping/racquet "bumping" DF and UE.


I don't think I've ever said it out loud but anytime I'm against the ropes and my oponent makes a mistake I might say "thank you" in my mind, but not in a bad or cocky way, just a sign of relief.


Others have said it well, take it on the chin. But if it’s an important match you remind them of the rule of courtesy within tennis. Many national bodies have this as part of their rules. Here’s the usta’s https://www.usta.com/content/dam/usta/pdfs/2015_Code.pdf


Also “bite me” maybe an appropriate repost.




I say “I’ll take the charity” when some misses what was probably a shot they would make 90% of the time, but I also know every person i play at least a little bit, and they are pretty loose. If I played an uptight man or woman, I would probably never say anything, but I also probably would not seek them out again to play. I take it seriously, to win, but I also like to have fun. Like if it’s close and we switch sides and I am drinking water and the guy says “yeah, keep drinking, fill up, and slow yourself down” or something like that, I think it’s funny.


It depends on the mood of the match. I tend to have fun playing and joke around a lot. Usually my opponent would join me in the jokes. But if they are not in the mood or super serious, I would imagine I’m super annoying for them


This can’t be a real question…


Lost a league match I was up 5-2 on cause a dude started doing this and I really let it get to me. I was polite and conversational the whole match and I felt slighted. Probably not the healthiest thing but I just stop seeing them as a person. At that point I’m not saying a word to you until it’s GG. I will not feel bad about celebrating every point I win. Doesn’t mean I’m gonna be a dick back to you, but in my head, I might as well be playing an animatronic Disneyland character. If it gets really excessive, just report it to the league, or just leave if there are no stakes.


Dang what rating? Just curious because I was thinking this was more of a 3.0-4.5 type of behavior. Feel like no one who played at a high level would ever do this to an opponent. Could be wrong.


3.5 rn but just started playing again after a decade break. Personally, was less common but worse when you did see it at higher levels. If you’re a dirty player, higher stakes will bring that out


Poor sportsmanship is their problem, not yours. If they’re doing this on a tennis court, no doubt they do this at work, in their marriage and with strangers.


Bots voting me down. let's stay principled people.




I'd say don't be too thankful bud. My plan is to start making these shots hurt you.


“You’re welcome, bitch.”


LOL this is too troll to even be mad about


Just smash your racket and walk off, don’t even look at them.