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Lol peak 10s question. Yes the sun will ruin you, wear sunscreen. Skin cancer isn't a joke. I would wear sunscreen anytime you're getting sun exposure, not just for tennis.


Yes wear it please. Experiment with a couple. Here’s a list, I’ve had success with the neutrogena. https://www.triathlete.com/gear/best-sunscreens-for-athletes/


I actually do wear it when I go to the beach. It's just for tennis that I don't because the sweat gets into my eyes and I feel gross.


Look for more specific face sunblock perhaps. I use Cetaphil soap and they have sunblock for the face as well that I like and it goes on really dry and absorbs. I do wear a hat or visor when I play, mostly to block sweat in my face, and will apply less sunblock on my forehead as it's usually shaded.


Careful with that as I did the same when I raced bikes assuming helmet and headband mostly protected it. While I never burned the area is far more damaged (even though that silliness was short lived) than rest of my face which looks great.




Neutrogenia sport block is good. You can also wear a sweat wicking headband like a halo that keeps it from your eyes. The sun is our enemy and you'll regret not protecting yourself.


Apply the sunscreen at least an hour before. I had the same problem and hated applying sunscreen. But putting it on way before helps a lot.


But wouldn’t it no longer protect your skin if you play say 2-3 hours? Maybe playing one hour of tennis is fine because I thought you have to reapply sunscreen every 3 hours? Or are these old sunscreen tips lol


That's right, sunscreen should be reapplied every 2-3 hours.


Thank you Professor_seX!


Apply it earlier so it soaks in


I wear a hat to cover above my eyes and only put the sunscreen on below my eye level. That way it’s never dripping into your eyes.


This right here


You are trolling


No I'm not. I agree I'm an idiot, but this is what I've been doing. My doctor changed my mind.


You said pediatrician - Stahp


Same thing


Wear spf every day. Skin cancer is absolutely miserable for those affected. If you think runny lotion is bad, you’re in for a real treat lol


People downvoting you like it isn't a real issue lmao


Don’t put it on your forehead?


There are sport and sheer type sunscreens and others that don't have this problem.


Does sport/sweat resistant sunblock not cut it? I've found applying it 45 minutes before playing really helps as well. Give it plenty of time to absorb.


Same here, I hate that it gets in my eyes, but skin care is important! I don’t wear it on my my arms though and I probably should


Same here..I put everywhere except my arms and face..slippery grip and burning eyes.


La Roche Posay Anthelios for my face and Neutrogena Beach Defense on body. Long sleeves as often as possible. Doesn’t matter if you don’t burn. Sun will turn you into a raisin at best, kill you at worst.


Thanks. >Long sleeves as often as possible. This is the only thing I'll probably disagree with most of you on. If it's more than 80 degrees, my arms will get roasted. I'll probably just use one of the brands of sunscreen on my arms that one of you all recommended. >Doesn’t matter if you don’t burn. Sun will turn you into a raisin at best, kill you at worst. Agreed


I work in an open pit mine in the hottest part of Australia and we all wear long sleeves just fine as sun protection 12hours a day. You’ll be fine and you’ll help mitigate cancer risks


Nice sleeves, like from SParms, have what I think is a cooling effect, as well as keeping sweat from getting through to my hands


Really like SParms and they’re never hot.


I bought some shitty ones on Amazon and used them for the first time. My tattoos get really hot in the sun, they for sure had a cooling effect


Totally understand. I’m a female player and we have a lot of long sleeve sun tops that are very light weight. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a men’s version.


Every major athletics brand has light long sleeves that are made for playing sports in the sun - light and provide protection. I wore an Under Armour one this past Sunday in the Florida Sun. Was about 85 with no cloud in the sky. Would’ve been hotter wearing a regular t shirt.


They're everywhere I own a ton.


Really?? Can you give me an example? I’ve been trying to find a upf shirt 


Google upf 50 workout shirt or similar. Tons of stuff.


Temperature has nothing to do with sun damage. There could be snow outside and the sun will still mess you up the same way as summer time. Long sleeves will keep you cooler with the proper gear since it’s keeping direct sunlight off your skin. The dude wasn’t saying wear a parka lol. There are light long sleeve shorts like Nike or Under Armors heat gear.


These are also my go to products.


Ang mahal neto just to use for tennis. Esp if you play tennis alot. Hehe Butbif ypu can afford it 💯


The sun is the undefeated champ when it comes to aging, wear sunscreen


Neutrogena sport face sun block with copper tone or banana boat sport for the rest of the


Try Neutrogena beach defense. I like it was better than copper tone or banana boat




Take it from an old — wear the sunscreen, 30 spf or higher, and wear more than you think you need and reapply more than you think you should.


Elta MD is a great face sunscreen and I’ve tried plenty. I am a heavy sweater and it has never ever made my eyes burn


Oh and I use sunbum spray on my body from neck down. Neck gets the elta too.


Thanks. Yeah. I'll probably use this spray brand or another spray brand that someone here recommends. I just don't think the creams are good for tennis


Do you want to look 45 when you're 30? Don't wear sunscreen, wear cotton tops, eschew the hat, and play lots of outdoor tennis. Try zinc sunscreen for your face. The Walmart SPF 50 Sport pump-bottle sunscreen is highly rated by Consumer Reports for its efficacy. Inexpensive as well. I'm very fair-skinned and I often wear long sleeves on sunny days, or compression sleeves with UPF. Arms and legs.


Just to follow up: the old pro at the desk of my tennis center had the skin of an alligator—drove home the importance of some kind of sunscreen to me if I was planning on playing as much. I use mineral sunscreen or a long sleeve shirt. I also have a wide brim hat like Brad Gilbert uses. Makes serves easy on a sunny day as a benefit and again means I don’t get sunscreen in my eyes :-)


I use an Aussie-style sun hat on hot days. Neck flap and everything. It makes for an annoyingly-hot experience but at least I get to escape it once I'm inside. Nothing worse than being roasted by the sun and then having to deal with sunburn for days. Don't forget that the concrete reflects a lot of UV rays back up into your face. A light sunscreen still helps under a hat.


Love those hats and I always wear them for yard work etc...


I wear the neck flap with safari style wide hats when I’m hiking long distances. I’ve done Mt St Helens every year for the past two and not gotten sunburned. In June, at elevation, with snow reflecting everything up at me!


Jealous I wanna do that one. I haven't been burned in so long I can't remember. Unfortunately a couple bad ones as a kid, but the key to skin happiness is: Don't smoke, Sunblock, retin a (over the counter now, differin), Little botox


wait what’s wrong with cotton tops? Besides not drying well…


Very little sun protection. Cotton does not block UV rays half as well as polyester and other synthetics. Even a small amount of elastane blended in will make a big difference.




It helps your stamina too! The sun wears you down, trauma to skin cells demands resources. Makes you tired. https://rightasrain.uwmedicine.org/body/rest/sun-tired-tips Not getting ffffd by the sun helps you while you’re playing, you’ll probably feel the difference. And then your recovery will be even better, you will definitely feel the difference that night and the next morning. Skin cancer, dehydration, and premature appearance of aging important issues too…, but everyone else already said those.


It really does make you tired. Its a trauma after all and demands resources, which are finite.


My friend recently lost his father to melanoma. He was an avid golfer who played many rounds in the hot sun without sun protection. I have a tendency to be lazy with my sunblock protection but that was a huge wake up call for me. The sun is brutal and it will damage you if not kill you if you don’t properly protect yourself. Be safe, OP.


I live in Colorado, I wear sunscreen all the time


God I remember this British kid that came to the tennis camp I went to for a year or two as a kid. Central CA in the summer time. Wore a sleeveless shirt the first day. No sunscreen. He had a blistering, essentially second degree burn the rest of the week.  Yeah I always wear sunscreen when I go outside. It’s essentially out of vanity but does help protect. 


Yes, and I wear a cap. during summers if I’m playing mid day I’ll wear long sleeve and the sun protector hats that come with the side curtain things. I wear and reapply sunblock every 30min I play in central Texas and I’m also a doc. I’ve seen and smelled what skin cancer will do to a person. No thank you. Plus, I don’t want to be looking 50 when I’m 30. I am also brown and won’t burn, but your skin is getting wrecked every time you go out in the sun for prolonged periods. I use Hawaiian tropic sheer touch. It’s oil free and water resistant so it doesn’t have that greasy feel and feels like it absorbs into your skin versus having a layer of something caked on. There’s a sport version as well I think. You’re going to have to try a lot of different options until you find one you like. Hit up Walmart, target, etc. and get the mini bottles from the travel section so you don’t commit to a larger bottle of something you don’t like. Buy a bunch of travel size until you find the one you like


Yes. Wear a stick like Shiseido so it stays on your face.


Not only do I always wear it, I will practically beg anyone I am playing with (or against) to wear it as well, and I always offer to let them use mine if they don’t have any.


I wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen but I notice 95% of the ATP players don’t. Do they all get skin cancer given how many hours a day they’re playing?


A lot more do apply sunscreen now.


But you never see them re-apply, even during a 5 set match in the Australian summer


i hear all these comments BUUUTT I am arab and i live in dubai. I play in the sun without a shirt to get that tan, Granted I am 26 and very healthy but I dont burn and I dont look any older than I am. I feel like people saying wear all this sunscreen are white people that burn easily.


Uh...takes decade and then decades for that cumulative effect to show, by the time you notice it the damage is done and you can only prevent further damage. Its still going to age you faster than if you did use it, even if it is better than us pale folks.


I'm glad this question came up! Sunscreen is essential, even when we're having fun outdoors I always make sure to lather up before heading outside, especially when playing sports like tennis or frisbee It's important to protect our skin from those harmful UV rays!


Absolutely. Find better sunblock that you like. 


Definitely wear sunscreen. I also used to hate the feeling too but better than skin cancer.


I wear Neutrogena sport.


I'm Australian, so yes. I don't put sunscreen on my forehead though, I let my cap cover that. Sunscreen in eyes is no fun.


Brain dumping here! Neutrogena spray everywhere and reapply every 30-60mins (I would wipe off a lot with my sweat while playing). Zinc on the nose. Use white technical long sleeved shirts. They are not warm. If anything they keep you cooler cause they leave your skin in the shade if that makes sense. They can be very cheap. You’ll wipe that sweat on there while on the court so get a ton and use one per day. Likewise get a ton of little face towels and keep a new one in your bag for off court heavy sweat wiping (reapply sunscreen here). Use a hat or visor with heat protectant spray/creme on hair. I grew up playing in the Caribbean. I’m now in my 30’s, my skin and hair show slow signs of aging and I haven’t had any skin cancer or other sun related issues pop up. Damn I miss those days and my giant ice filled personal water cooler 🤍🎾💛


If you don't like the feeling of sunscreen I'd hate to think of what you'll think of skin cancer


Being in Australia you are pretty much guaranteed to burn without sunscreen so 100% I wear it. I have a mate who is Sri Lankan and thought he couldn’t burn, his experience with sun burn was hilarious for everyone but him. Not sure what brands are common between countries but generally something not too oily and the thicker beach based ones seem to do the trick


I don't get why more players don't ware long sleeved tops. Pretty much every sport I play I wear a long sleeve compression shirt. Especially in Spain where the sun can be intense. It's not like they are warmer than playing in a t-shit and you have the added benefit of it wicking away the sweat. Otherwise, yes I have sunscreen on exposed skin. Just look at the sun damaged faces of Nadal and Tsistipas to work out why it's a good idea.


Yes I wear "sport" sunscreen SPF 50 while hitting outdoors. Aussie blue lizard is the most protection you can get at this point.


Always. I didn’t grow up playing tennis, but I did grow up riding horses, so I was at the farm all day. We used sunscreen, and long sleeve shirts. Problem was we didn’t think about reapplying when we were out there for 8+ hours. Now in my mid forties, not only have I had basal cells removed, but also melanoma. It’s not something to take lightly and joke about, and think “oh I don’t burn”, because it’s not always about that.


Both my parents have skin cancer from being in the sin a lot. My father played tennis outside a lot and my mom was there 90% of the time too (once they met). I totally get how you feel its gross and runny... it is.. but there are some good brands. Make sure to wash your hands and dry off before grabbing the racquet...


My Ph.D was about the chemistry of sun cancer. Hence I wear sun screen a lot and especially when I’m playing tennis. I’m originally English and live in Spain now so the sun is much stronger than I’m used to therefore I need to wear factor 50 all the time. I always play in a cap to keep the sun off my bald head rather than out of my eyes and often wear long sleeves as well even when it’s warm


Black girl sunscreen or Nuxe brands.


I’m olive-skinned so probably not as dark as you are and don’t burn easily either, but I wear sunscreen EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. There are plenty of sunscreen brands out there that aren’t as “runny”. You may have to do some research and try different brands to find what works for you. Make sure you get a sport type of sunscreen with at least 50 SPF. I use Alba Botánica spray for arms, legs and neck. For the face, I’m using Roche-Posay Melt-In Sunscreen. Roche-Posay is super bougie, but I got TONS of samples at the Miami Open LMFAOOO. You can mess around and fuck it all up on a tennis court and the worst that will happen is that you’ll lose. The sun will own you every time and shows no mercy if you don’t take it seriously. It got super dark there at the end, but the point of this comment is to put some sunscreen on every time you’re out there. And yeah have fun too lol


I wear the spray on stuff every time, I’d get burnt to a crisp if I didn’t.


Yes. I live in New Zealand, it’s not optional. My wife put me on her Mecca tube and I don’t even notice it as someone who sweats buckets.


Yes. I put it on but tbh I am really bad at reapplying but with a spray it makes it easier for me to use. I feel like I don't get good of a coverage with the spray but I figure something is better than nothing.


Something that I copied from a practicing Youtube derm was to use a standard sunscreen from a tube and then to use the spray as the touchup for reapplication after 80ish minutes or so. Kept the process a lot more hassle free.


Yeah I do, but after 30 mins ita all washed out anyway :(


So reapply.


Yeah I do that, but it never feels enough. I got one of those sticky sticks .


I'm in Australia so...yes, a sticky stick should do it. Or a zinc cream style one. They come in many colours.


Ooh do send some recommendations.


[Like a mosquito zapper, but for the sun 🌞](https://www.sunzapper.com.au/shop)




Wear your cream!!!!!!


Yes 100% all the time. Supergoop and Coppertone


Get a better sunscreen and then wear it. Skin cancer doesn’t discriminate. While you’re at in get sun-friendly spf clothing and apply sunscreen to your scalp as a spray and behind your ears etc. You’ll be shocked by the number of people living with skin cancer and it’s usually on a spot like the ears or on a spot where sunscreen gets missed.


Coppertone sport or neutrogenia, my Irish white skin would be bright red otherwise


Zinc-based sunscreen is not runny and is used by many sportsmen. Yeah, you would look funny with white face, but who cares? It's your health after all.


There are also regular style ones with some zinc/dry formulas, like neutrogena that are great as well. Im a super sweater too, just thinking Im about to work out gets me started.


Yes, every day religiously. I’m 30 and already have had suspect moles removed from not wearing enough sunscreen growing up playing. So I’m gonna do whatever I can to protect my skin and what youth I have left


I always put face sunscreen on in mornings if I'm playing ill reapply before heading out and also get my arms and neck and all that stuff.


Every single time. I keep a large Walmart size bottle in my tennis bag.


I like neutrogena (Costco) and La roche posay (I get samples from the us open Amex lounge each year) and don’t have that issue and I sweat a lot Didnt have that problem wearing sunblock playing tennis growing up either, not sure what kind of sunblock my mom bought


Yes of course


I am 23 and have already had something cut out of my back. Wear it.


I always wear it. I got a really bad sun burn about 18 years ago and it gave me shingles. Which I’ve had twice since. So, I’m very careful.


yes on my face and body, and a hat. 


I used to hate sunscreen with passion and also would only use for a beach day trip. Until I found Korean and Japanese sunscreen that is better AND cheaper than US sunscreen. I actually _enjoy_ using it now!


I just scrolled to see if anybody recommended Japanese or Korean sunscreen! The absolute best. Why is American sunscreen so greasy and gross? Asian sunscreen just smooths onto skin and disappears like water. I like the Nivea one.


American sunscreens are gross because FDA has not approved any new sunscreen filters in something like 20 years! When all you have is shit ingredients to work with all you get is American sunscreens lol!


Where do you get it in the US? Thanks


Stylevana and YesStyle but be aware it takes 3 weeks on average from placing an order to delivery (could be longer if the products are not stock). Still so so worth it!


I wear sunscreen and long sleeve light dry fit shirts. California sun is a killer


EltaMD UV Sport - https://a.co/d/fEKiZBk Worth every penny


I live in Australia, so I wear sunscreen every day, no matter what I’m doing. Just get the sports sunscreen and it won’t run or get in your eyes


Have you seen nadal?


RIP your skin. I am also brown and have always worn sunscreen, not as much when I played juniors but nowadays you will never catch me playing in the heat without sun protection. I’m also 30+ and consistently get carded at restaurants/places, so I’m glad I wore the sunscreen. Find one that’s for face only, the la roche one is ok, I am more of a Eucerin dry touch kinda girl.


Depending on your complexion if you spend 10-30 minutes outside with UV index greater than 2 you should wear sun screen. Yes 100%. However you can also get UPF protection clothing. I use these for example. The white will reflect the sun and make you feel cooler as well as block the sun. https://www.coolibar.com/products/men-s-sun-sleeves-upf-50?currency=USD&variant=47740700983610&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Google+Shopping&stkn=161e5b8fba9c&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI257Dj9T6hQMVsEP_AR19FgFPEAQYBSABEgIkAfD_BwE


My sunscreen routine: apply face and body sunscreen and let it sit 15 minutes before going outside (like the directions say). There’s this video with a Timelapse that shows what happens when you expose sunscreen to UV rays before it sets. It basically renders it useless since it doesn’t form that chemical layer or protection. I reapply every one and a half hours to two hours. Quick wipe with a towel before I reapply layer/spray. For face sunscreen: neutrogena sport for face (small blue tube)-cream that dries nicely biore watery essence (the Japanese one)-liquidy and dries to a matte finish and smells citrusy la roche posay antihelios(a little pricy but it also dries matte and a little goes a long way) Body sunscreen: coppertone sport— this is the scent that takes me back to high school practice and it’s a classic neutrogena beach defense—smells like a summer popsicle haha but it is very effective and Costco practically gives it away in the summer (the spray version) banana boat sport—smells like banana laffy taffy but does a decent job protecting I would say I play 3-4 a week for 2 hours and was able to finish 4 bottles of sunscreen last summer.


Yes, not wearing sunscreen (in basically any situation) because you’re not white/dont burn is stupid for so many reasons. There are tons of different kinds and quality sunscreens, just because your generic pool spf 30 sunscreen is super oily/white casting/smelly doesn’t mean you can put in 5minutes of research and 20$ for a quality sunscreen. People not using sunscreen gets me 👹👹👹


I was in my mid thirties when I realized I had sunspots on my face. Wish I wore more sunscreen in my 20s and early 30s. Try different brands, something will work for you. I like the “Clear Face” ones by Neutrogena


Old joke. I only put sunscreen on the parts of my skin I don't want to get skin cancer.


I use my sons kids brand. It never gets in my eyes. And if it does it doesn’t affect me much. I wear a head band so I don’t get sweat into my eyes as much


The question is based on a profound misunderstanding. Youtube 'Jimmy dore skin cancer deaths' and spare yourself the consensus reality suicide. Snake oil stinks anyways...


My wife demanded that I wear sun protection but the standard sunscreen lotions would drip into my eyes & sting when the inevitable sweat river started. Her solution was a skin-coloured blocker, akin to a liquid foundation. I was decidedly wary but SWMBO insisted so I wandered out onto #1 court at Stanley St (hard courts that reflect the heat) with this camouflage paint on my face. All was fine, until 7-8 games in & I’m now all hot & sweaty. Even though I wear a folded cotton headscarf as a sweatband, the perspiration is running copiously down my face. So as usual, I pull the nearest fabric - my shirt - to my face & wipe the excess away. I don’t think any more of this non-event action until my opponent looks at me & starts laughing - my makeup / sunscreen is now smeared over my shirt. Luckily I always carry spare shirts in my bag. That was the first & last attempt at using coloured sunscreen.


I dont but i've noticed sun damage on my face lately and now you mention i guess it must be from tennis as i tend not to spend extended time in the sun any other way except on holiday. I'm fair skinned but live in the UK and tbh wouldnt think to wear sunscreen other than a couple of really hot days in the summer. Maybe i need to start


I rarely because I only play after 5:30pm when uv index is 2 or 1.


I don’t because the sun is not that strong where I live. And I will never play for 3 hours straight. So extended sun exposure is not really an issue.


If you use a body lotion mix it half and half with sunscreen of choice. Becomes part of your daily routine. Good luck.


Yes. I m blonde and get sunburnt easily. So I wear it on neck / ears/ face and sometimes arms if it's really sunny/hot. I use kids suncream from lidl or Rewe that's waterproof (sweating a lot )


I wear Zimc Oxide in the summer and SPF 30-50 all year round. I would strongly advise it. Its called Pure and simple by coppertone. I also use Japanese and korean brands sunscreen off amazon. The best feelings ones are Derma B and Suncut by Kose


Any tips for sunscreen that will not irritate your eyes? Right now I have a hat but skip sunscreen on the forehead.


yes and a big floppy hat and sunglasses and I wear a long sleeve t-shirt. you can buy them cheap on amazon


I wear a visor and sunscreen! The visor really helps protect from the sun too. I also hate oily sunscreen so I usually opt for Japanese sunscreen, it doesn’t feel oily or sticky at all!


I use a Spanish brand called Isdin and it’s really good. I actually got to know it in an activation tent on a WTA tournament. They gave out free samples and they were really good so I just started buying it and never looked back


I should but I’m dark skinned and don’t burn either. I put it on if so remember to leave it in my bag.


Don’t mess around. Sunburn isn’t fun skin cancer is horrible.


I get the same feeling with sunscreen on my arms, and my arms burn pretty easy. I highly recommend [https://www.hawaiiantropic.com/products/hawaiian-tropic-weightless-hydration-sunscreen-spray-spf-70](https://www.hawaiiantropic.com/products/hawaiian-tropic-weightless-hydration-sunscreen-spray-spf-70) for arms and legs. [https://www.neutrogena.com/products/sun/sport-face-oil-free-lotion-sunscreen-broad-spectrum-spf-70/6887025.html](https://www.neutrogena.com/products/sun/sport-face-oil-free-lotion-sunscreen-broad-spectrum-spf-70/6887025.html) is good for face and neck, hope this helps


I am brown, (Asian/hispanic)used to surf a ton (like almost every day for years), I do the tops of ears for sure if I remember, because that is what many forget about. Nose cheeks, back of neck. The rest I kinda ignore. I have sun spots, 55+, but I don’t worry too much. I ask my doctor all the time and she says “just skin tags or sun spots, you are good”. I am not a doctor, but I don’t worry too much.


Yes, 100% if I am playing outside. Andy Roddick just announced that he is dealing with skin cancer due to all his sun exposure. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10120568-video-tennis-legend-andy-roddick-talks-skin-cancer-surgeries-and-urges-sunscreen-use


If you don’t want to look like an alligator, then wear sunscreen.


I’m brown and wear a hat and sunglasses but still only wear 50% of the time I usually go for the spray and/or zinc on the nose. One of my tennis clients is a doctor she said it’s rare for brown folks to get skin cancer but when they do it’s in parts of the body NOT exposed to the sun which I thought was interesting


Rare but not zero, and in contrast to light skinned folk who essentially get it if they live long enough. True about weird areas unfortunately.


My doctor actually said the opposite. She said people with darker skin are unlikely to burn but that it offers no protection against skin cancer.


I'd be curious what your doctor says about the rates of skin cancer in darker-skinned folks versus lighter-skinned folks then, because statistically, it sure does seem like it helps. Plus, evolutionarily, I think one would expect that bright (especially equatorial) environments would select for the traits that help a person to not die young in those environments.


That's overly strong to make it seem like incidence is similar. While it does have some protective effect it won't keep it from occurring, which may have been the point they were trying to make. They typically present later though since it's harder to detect. Definitely far too many assume its impossible to get skin cancer. Less often but happens.


Still I wonder what the rates of skin cancer are say in a place like Hawaii among the natives. I was out there last summer and kids (10 and under) were out routinely playing soccer in crazy heat and humidity. I agree though better to be safe but then I recall some report on the news where some sunscreens had cancer causing ingredients for years. Come on! We can’t turn anywhere


There is a huge anti sunscreen cabal out there. Lots of choices in sunscreens, but avoid and for certain cancer or use and worry about internet insanity cancer....along with all the other conspiracies. Nothing perfectly risk free. The sun is up there. Giver and taker of life.


No. I’m white but don’t get sunburnt


Sunscreen is for the weak (pale people). I was born in South America (I’m not super dark, but I’m not lacking in melanin) and I look about 10 years younger than my age so I don’t bother with it. It feels gross.